Millennium War Aigis (from DDM now available in Eng Nutaku)

And that one certain ninja that shoots so fast like heck... Gotta love them barraging my poor Spica and Bashira... and other ranged units.
4 Azami from 10++ runs so far, my luck is simply horrible.

G Map is surprisingly easy, probably passable with full silver units.

Managed to SU my Saki till 4/5, 5 azami used. Now spamming 70/7 map until event ends, while hoping I can cost reduce her at least till -3 or -4 Recalling I need more silver Valk for CC and it drops plat armor, I can ignore Monday daily for sure, already got 1 Plat Armor - 3 Valk - 2 Bandits so far.
3* all maps, still not lucky with Azami drops (or other drops that's not Eunice). Let just see how it'll ends...
Pirate star event, it's quite hard due swimming fishes firing with speed of machinegun. Not sure if I can beat the G map, but getting 24* should be fairly easy to me. Managed to 3* all 7 maps, haven't touched map 8-9. Map 6+7 is quite a challenge but still passable with standard units.

>Rolled 1 prem gacha just for fun & have spare SC, got Sasha
>Rolled 4 prem gacha for Minerva or Dancer, all trash
Haven't done extra map. Cleared last map with 1* only, but not using guide as usual.

And no, still not rolling anything since eh...
Saw the G Map, seems like you need at least Chydis + Maribel to beat it, maybe some lucky Minerva one shot kill can help but overall you need better tank+heal if Minerva failed to one shot them.

I'll stay on Map 8 while farming for Palis.
3* all of the maps without guide. Now to try farming for plat armor and fairies... (no need for Pallis since we have quite lots)
Almost 3* the last map, just need to power up my healer and Bernice. Or maybe hoping Minerva doing more of her insta kill during big fishes swarms in. That's when my heavy + healer weakest time
Yeah, I used her and Saki's auto-kill as key to 3* that map.
Collecting event noooooooooooooo....

And wait.. what's that? AWAKENING COMING SOON ohhh shiiiiit
Awakening should've come sooner, like on 12th feb (1st year anniversary) but lol we got nuthin that day.

I have a feeling we'll get awakening only, no desert campaign map or revival plans.
Sanada-Kun wrote...

I have a feeling we'll get awakening only, no desert campaign map or revival plans.

Obviously. Expecting too much from the dev is stupid at this point. Better just roll with it or play the DMM version if you can't stand it.
Samurai event is on, 70/7 and 100/2 map is kinda hard especially lots of armor and those artillery armor hurts a lot.

Managed to 1* 70/7 blind run and got 1 Momoji.
Sanada-Kun wrote...
Samurai event is on, 70/7 and 100/2 map is kinda hard especially lots of armor and those artillery armor hurts a lot.

Managed to 1* 70/7 blind run and got 1 Momoji.

Same, but no Momoji for me there. Got 1 from the 5Sta map, tho...

Also, dear brother rolled normal summon for iron soldier and mage before, but got Clissa instead. Now he officially has rolled every possible rarities from there.
AzelleFans wrote...
Sanada-Kun wrote...
Samurai event is on, 70/7 and 100/2 map is kinda hard especially lots of armor and those artillery armor hurts a lot.

Managed to 1* 70/7 blind run and got 1 Momoji.

Same, but no Momoji for me there. Got 1 from the 5Sta map, tho...

Also, dear brother rolled normal summon for iron soldier and mage before, but got Clissa instead. Now he officially has rolled every possible rarities from there.

Got 3 Momoji and managed to 2 CR from 70/7 map. I need Leanne to awaken Bernice. 100/2 map is way easier than 70/7 somehow, if you know when to retreat the range units from getting slammed by invisible ogres. My Sasha is so OP on this map due evasion aura skill.

e_e Gib me your gacha luck.
Stupid basic summons. I'll get a black from you one day...

I'm sitting on two time fairies. I think I should use both on Chydis. I won't need them for anything else will I...?
Star event with good spot to farm rogues (low stamina) and black spirit (10% but still have mage/soldier/plat spirit to drop).

But more importantly, how the fuck AISHA made it to nutaku.
Sanada-Kun wrote...

But more importantly, how the fuck AISHA made it to nutaku.

Same case with Shiho? Not that I care much about unit that I don't have... Also yay, rogue farm place.
AzelleFans wrote...
Sanada-Kun wrote...

But more importantly, how the fuck AISHA made it to nutaku.

Same case with Shiho? Not that I care much about unit that I don't have... Also yay, rogue farm place.

Well Aisha is as broken as Minerva, she has great atk steroid and awakening skill triples her atk+range+can hit 5 targets, so maybe it's a tactic to lure whales spending for gacha.
I was busy the past week and neglected the event... Got my 24th star just in time, whew. Last map was interesting. Didn't have a sufficiently powerful princess so I threw Karma in and swapped her with my lower level Anya after Karma's skill expired. Are these event units even any good?

.... Holy crap the new black summoner looks ridiculous.