Persona 5

Cero_13 wrote...
I said as of Today, as in the times right now. Not all time. has an almost weekly sales of the console war in Japan and for a while now the PSP and the PS3 have been on top.

PSP - 23,588
PlayStation 3 - 18,951
Wii - 18,818
Nintendo DSi LL - 10,737
Nintendo DSi - 8,219
Xbox 360 - 3,258
Nintendo DS Lite - 1,743
PlayStation 2 - 1,316
PSP go - 1,026

As for your other comment, I'm just sayin the odds of the new persona being on nintendo instead of the playstation are low and that the 3Ds isn't going to change those odds if anyone was thinking that.

WOW thats awesome the 360 actually beat PS2!

I don't know what the hell is going on with the minds of those in ATLUS but I trust them enough not to make shit out of P5. Sure persona items came out in hand held consoles before but they are only remakes so we can hope that this would always be the case.

edit: If not, in which case Atlus decides to land their boat in cocked up peninsula instead of port good gaming then I'll have no choice but to boycott it...
Cero_13 wrote...
I said as of Today, as in the times right now. Not all time. has an almost weekly sales of the console war in Japan and for a while now the PSP and the PS3 have been on top.

PSP - 23,588
PlayStation 3 - 18,951
Wii - 18,818
Nintendo DSi LL - 10,737
Nintendo DSi - 8,219
Xbox 360 - 3,258
Nintendo DS Lite - 1,743
PlayStation 2 - 1,316
PSP go - 1,026

As for your other comment, I'm just sayin the odds of the new persona being on nintendo instead of the playstation are low and that the 3Ds isn't going to change those odds if anyone was thinking that.

Lol 360 sure is getting pummeled by its classmates right now. Since it's the P4 team making P5 im sure it's going for a sony console.
I know this came up some tima ago but this still bugs me ( OP on Page 2)
Kuroneko1/2 wrote...

Well, it's just how evolution works. At the time it was released it must've looked pretty badass. But upon a little more careful inspection, it had quite a few flaws.
And tartarus takes the cake.
-On the lobby walls you can see that the tower keeps growing and growing; Meaning that the more time passed the bigger the tower would, but it doesn't seem to be the case. It would also mean that the lobby would too rise, but it seems to stay in the same place everytime you go there.
-Why would shadows go out of their home(/tartarus) into town to hurt people (causing the apathy cases)? And how come they don't go through the lobby on their way out? Also, why do they not cause any damage to the stuff around town? After all, they are monsters capable of performing powerful magic spells.
-How come regular floors are always random, but boss floors are not?
-The devices that transport you to/from the entrance, why and how do they work?
-The level design isn't really that big of a deal. Mysterious tower is mysterious.

Those are just some that I remember from the top of my head.

I try to do a better job then BP to plug those plot holes, if anyone finds flaws or contradictions, please tell them- multiple different minds can see more of one topic then just one.

well, lets start covering up:
first- the evoker

in P3 the Persona was described as a "second face"- a true self within the psyche.
The evoker sends a electric shock to the brain wich stimulates the subconciousness-the "home" of the persona and therefore force the persona to awaken. This is only possible/nesicarry for weak personae (such as those of the Protagonists), strong personae, those of the Strega members, can be summoned at will and are able to maintain a physical form (as seen when Medea tried to kill Chidori).

who makes them, how did they discover it, etc

the chairman was one of the first to know about the persona,he might be the one who brought them. Yukas father was a scientist in the field of the persona, so that the evoker might be a way to bring out weaker persona
the whole shadow/Persona thing was greatly researched and discovered by the Kirijo group and the kids have to use Invokers since their personae are "weak"
following thought: evokers could be manufactures by the kirijo group
About Aigis (summons persona at will, too)
Aigis is a robot (or part of a series) that was produced to be a "life line" when the shadows do a large scale outbreak, her "evoker" was installed within her
The dogs invoker was the collar he wore, so his was a special model. means they have the possibilities to make new ones
problem here is. until the vid with yukas dad came up noone knew about the involvment of the Kirijo Group, exept for the chairman

Boss floors are always the same:

assuming we have "strong" and "weak" personae we can also assume that there are "weak" and "strong" shadows.
Weak shadows are the regular ones, the glibberish mass crawling through the regular, random floors.
I believe that, since they have no real form until the fight starts, that they can only maintain their "battle form" during the time the party fights them.
"Strong" shadows (as well as the Arcana shadows) have a physical form resembeling the type of enemy on the map. Their Strenght might be so big, that they can stop the warping of the floors in a certain area (the boss floors) and even reach out of the Dark Hour (as seen against Hierophant and Lovers Shadows- Lovers lures them to the Love Hotel, Hierophant sets them asleep).

Shadows dont destroy town/ how did they get outside?/Why do they attack people?

we remember the day junpei arrived? Akihiko said "now we can start exploring that thing"- means up until then no one has set a foot into tartarus (they went in a few floors, yes but no large scale exploration).
Until then they were hunting Shadows on the street (see October full moon, Kens Mom died during one of those operations) means they were already outside.
Since shadows have no appearent gender or mating behavior they seem to reproduce via asexual reproduction so one free roaming shadow can spawn a whole bunch outside.
Also during the Final, People change into Shadows because of NYX's influence (cutscene).

Why do they feed?

Shadows seem to be "Anti-Personae" (reference to P4), so while the Persona supports the Mind, the shadow feeds from it, sucking away all desires and drives from it- and therefore causing Aphaty. The way they "devour" is unknown to me, but since the Shadows in tartarus dont feed, they seem to have some kind of "Hive Stomach" sharing the resources the outside shadows get.

Why don't the Shadows destroy the town

2 reasons:
1st- The events during the Dark Hour do not affect the real world. But I have no proof for this theory
2nd- they dont have to. As seen in the Anime-cutscene where the shadows attack a Gekkoukan student he is stuck dumbfounded when he enters the Dark Hour.
The Shadows only seem to attack new persona-able persons, who cannot evoke or they choose their Prey and free it from its coffin.
Eather way, the shadows dont have to expect any resistance so no Magic is needed.

Lobby Problem

The Lobby is the entrance to tartarus, its pinned neatly to the ground. There is no need for it to rise.
The walls shifting at the side may be a symbol of the changability of the Tower

The Devices

Only the Devices on boss Floors are two-way, so maybe this special Power is close to the Boss-follr phenomenon.

for the rest: simple teleporter, go in on one side, come out at the other

hope this wasnt too much of a hassle to read, i hope this answers at least some questions/plotholes.
I'm a fan of the Persona series ever since I played P4, I looked for P3 but never found it on the stores, maybe it never got imported to Bangladesh, well that's just my luck.

I bought SMT: Devil Summoner 2, hoping to experience another SMT game, but my PS2 stopped working for good, don't know what happened to it, no games work, why ,WHY? *sobs* and so, P4 is the only SMT game I played.

By the way, my friend thinks that P5 should throw away all the anime cut-scenes and and just put something like high graphics cut-scenes instead. He'd kidding right? Cause that's like throwing gold away from the vault.

I'm sorry for the super late post(if you think that posting in a dead thread is not allowed).
3DS persona is probably gonna be maybe a P3D lol. I doubt its gonna be a real sequel.
Kaimax Best Master-San
anti bug spray
Persona is the new Final Fantasy sense that series failed us :(

Persona part 3&4 is my and many others favorite JRPG games played in the last
10 years!

Persona is the only current successful JRPG series kicking right now thanks to P3/4 for reviving the series
meh...when i hear there is a another sequel after the current sequel is good i ignore it i stick to the one that they have like persona 4, its way better but i like persona 3 too, so ya
Aai FAKKU Ass Master
Aai is awaiting Persona 5...

Also wanting Persona for 3ds... :)
-1 XD im excited but ill need to buy a ps3
[font=Tahoma]Cool. Can't wait for it.

Persona 2 on PSP is also on the way. It's a good time to be a Persona fan[/font]

I wish they had a bit more information on it,though.
Definitely excited about this, can't wait for another Persona game.
After seeing Catherine and the look of that game, I can only imagine what they plan to do for the next in the Persona series, although, not looking forward to running into more one-hit-kill enemies D:
They definitely know how to improve the formula, seeing the changes from Persona 3 to Persona 4, so hopefully there will be new details on the game sooner than later.
Chio wrote...
not looking forward to running into more one-hit-kill enemies D:

Shin Megami Tensei isnt Shin Megami Tensei without running into OHKO BS :
Dark Sakura Hadouken wrote...
[font=Tahoma]Cool. Can't wait for it.

Persona 2 on PSP is also on the way. It's a good time to be a Persona fan[/font]

persona 2? i thought they were remaking persona 1
They remade Persona 1 but they're also remaking/remade Persona 2

And I'm always in the mood for some more Persona-ing myself. Nothing like a tale of humans finding the strength to face or run away from reality wrapped in an interesting story and tactical JRPG battles.
MasterTheous wrote...
Dark Sakura Hadouken wrote...
[font=Tahoma]Cool. Can't wait for it.

Persona 2 on PSP is also on the way. It's a good time to be a Persona fan[/font]

persona 2? i thought they were remaking persona 1
Persona 1 was already remade for psp.Next is persona 2,which comes out 09/20/11 :)
Yep, Persona 2 is next.

Persona 4 is gonna use the same engine as Catherine. (which i'm buying soon)

CAN'T WAIT! I hope it's not all high schooly though.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Dark Sakura Hadouken wrote...
[font=Tahoma]Cool. Can't wait for it.

Persona 2 on PSP is also on the way. It's a good time to be a Persona fan[/font]

Catherine just broke the company's sales-launch records. It's a good time to be an Atlus fan.

OT: Does anybody else see that the article is over a year old? :P

Still, now that Catherine is successful and out of the way, Atlus can now concentrate on the SMT series. They did say Catherine was like a test to see how they can handle HD, which we see they can. Let's see what they have in store now. :)

Off-topic, there's some news coming of a teaser site from Atlus. Most people are speculating either P4 HD, or P4P/P4V.
Yes, before I start, I know that there's another thread about this, but the info in it is outdated... the source the person gave was from over half a year ago. Sorry for inconvenience. >->;;

In the latest article (discussing P4 Golden and P4 The Ultimate in Mayonaka), there was mention of some progress on the next numbered title (5, for those who don't know). Preliminary work is almost done, then the actual development can begin. The staff (which are mostly the same as the rest of the Persona games) wish to explore a more challenging theme is this game. They're also using a new engine (not the one used in Catherine, which was a third-party engine), but they believe it will take a long time until the game is complete.
