Puzzles and Dragons

I recently discover this ios and android app called Puzzles and Dragons its very fun and addictive to me its basically Pokemon and Bejeweled into one. Its free to play but you can magic stones in game with real money to get stronger monster from a vending machine, anyone with a compatible phone/thingy should try this app.
Ps. I named my character in-game Fakku

Link to Game site Puzzle and Dragons
There certainly seems to be some popularity to it

Rovencrone wrote...
There certainly seems to be some popularity to it

Not that surprising really its got around 16 million downloads in Japan only so I know someone there was like "Hey lets make some hentai of this"
I've been playing this as well. Only problem with social mobile games, is that you have to pay to win.
I've been playing for a few months still haven't spent any real money on the game.
In case you don't know these resource site will be invaluable if you wish to continue on playing. Have any questions?