So I finally started to play my games again.


Now, since its summer, I have some time to devote hefty amounts of time to some of my old and new games that I have.
But I have no idea where to start.
So, which of my games should I concentrate on first?

Final Fantasy XIII
Star Ocean 4 The Last Hope <INTERNATIONAL>

Rune Factory Frontier

Tales of Abyss
Final Fantasy X
Persona 3 FES
Persona 4
We Love Katamari (lolwat)

Basically, what i'm asking is what you recommend me to finish up first. About all of these games except FFX is halfway done, but i'm planning to restart in order to get the hang of it again.

We Love Katamari is the victor for this round.
I just finished saving the red pandas.
fuck yeah.
I would start playing Star Ocean
That is a shooooort fucking list.

Play abyss.
Katamari to start. Then Star Ocean...

Do you need to play the previous Star Ocean first or are they all unrelated?
We Love Katamari
Play it!!! Forum Image:
Hit up some star ocean.

I still need to play Chocobos dungeon and phantom brave for the wii, I played both of them once and havent since. its been about a year since they have seen daylight outside the case.
I just got FFXIII, while I was on a FFX spree. Hard to pick which one to dedicate time to. I actually got my ps2 back recently too so I'm very happy to be able to play my old games like Dark Cloud series and FFX and Star Ocean till the end of time. Makes wanting to play FFXIII hard

BACK ON TOPIC. Star Ocean -> FFX, in my opinion.
The ones you have on your ps2 list are pretty good games and I recommend them all. I'd say go for Katamari first, then P3, then P4.

Since you own a wii, I absolutely recommend you get World of Goo (wiiware). It's a must.

That aside, I'll be finally playing Tales of the Abyss soon too.
Nashrakh Little White Butterflies Staff
Unsigned wrote...

Do you need to play the previous Star Ocean first or are they all unrelated?

Basically, they are all independent, but I think Star Ocean 4 is some sort of prequel to the very first Star Ocean, if I recall correctly.

I say Katamari. Do it.
We Love Katamari

Do eet
Play the new generation RPG games first and then go back to last generation games. At least that's what I would do...It might be annoying starting with the new and going back to the old, but I think you'll have fun that way. You'll be able to see if RPGs have either improved or gotten worse as the years have gone by.
Either Persona 3 FES or Persona 4
School life simulator mixed with an RPG, do you need anything else in life?