Spiral Knights

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Decent game. I just got it for the hat though.
Man, i feel like such a bitch since i actually purchased some of the Energy Packs for this game. But all the shit i wanted was given to me as a present already so i had some pocket money to burn :|

Anyhow, does anyone still play this?
I downloaded this about a month ago, played it for a total of 6 hours, haven't touched it since - steam was acting up with compatibility issues and I don't have time to play.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Necrobump. I've been playing SK since September and never spent a penny on the game. I've already got me a few 5 star items 'cause I play this game every day like clockwork. Hell, even now I'm listening to an OST song.


All I do nowadays is rape the Jelly King on a daily basis, twice a day if I'm lucky enough to Join a party in Tier 2's subtown, which saves me some Mist Energy.

I noticed that they nerfed the Retrodes in the last patch. I fucking hated those things 'cause their attacks kept hitting me. Now I have time to react to them.

Feel like a nerd sir.
Gravity got me back into this you fucker lovely person.

It's a fun play, really. Can't see myself playing if it wasn't for the opportunity to play with him and other friends tho, soloing just ain't fun enough in this game.
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