Super Smash bros. Brawl

Well, I've never played on teams, so I don't know who works well with Marth (I hope he makes it in Brawl, though the odds are against him). But I'd just assume that I'd only end up killing my partner, what with Marth's sweetspot and all.

The stage I hope makes it in Brawl the most is Big Blue. Just throwing that out there.
I agree with that big blue was insane in the membrane. Oh and I love the your sig.
Still wondering if you can do the mr gameandwatch missile in brawl
ShadowKing wrote...
Still wondering if you can do the mr gameandwatch missile in brawl

There are a few new videos of Brawl in action over at Game Trailers. These are worth checking out since they are NOT played by people who make you want to yell, "You must recover!" or "Press 1!!!!" One of them shows a decent Mario fighter who nearly avoids Samus' Zero Laser (This is the one currently on the English Dojo).

@ York: Thanks for the compliment.
If you look at the japanese dojo, there is also a new video thats different from the english dojo.

There's also a 5 minute video, actually there is a "new" one from jan 23 features gameplay of Sonic vs. Mario, Link vs Snake, FS of Bowser and Ike.
Anyone want to comment on some of those videos taken of the Brawl demo in Japan? Several of them can be found here if you haven't seen them yet. They feature pro Smash players using wiimotes.

Characters that I'm seriously considering are Sonic, Ike, and Pit at the moment. The 'runners-up' are Pokemon Trainer and Pikmin & Olimar.
It's a must buy on my list, wish they didn't delay the game.
Gonna play as Ike and Sonic the most, third choice is Link (used him frequently).
I'm interested to see how Pokemon Trainer will stack up against other characters. Nouta says he won't be good enough for Sheik/Sonic. Heh thats what he also said about The Ice Climbers.

*Note* Nouta will tell you The Ice Climbers are the only characters he has ever feared. Used by me of course.
Smash Bros. Brawl Intro Movie Leaked


strikerx10a wrote...
Smash Bros. Brawl Intro Movie Leaked



I SO can't wait for the game now.
Well, since the characters in my sig were confirmed, I really don't care what the rest of the roster looks like. XXXXXX could be a boss and XXXXX, XXXX, and XXX can all be playable for all I care.

@ York: PT vids can be found here, here, and here if you haven't seen these already.
Marth is really shaping up to be my main again. His neutral B is different (don't know how I feel about that) but the rest of his special and ground moves seem to be intact. It looks like his running speed is a tad slower, but his ground attacks come out remarkably fast! You can tell when you see him do his side B. Dolphin Slash seems to be a little worse off with the 'floatier' system in place. It's too bad I barely got to see any of Marth's aerials though. All in all, looking good, looking good ...
I wonder if SSBB will get a better review/rating than super Mario Galaxy, either way they both own. And woot Marth is in it I started getting into the Fire Emblem series when it was first released in the States. :O
That was a great video post thanks for bring it to us. I give it a two thumbs up.
Watched a video of a certain character...
Lucario is actually shaping up to be one of my primary characters. He is a semi-clone of Mewtwo (I guess he technically isn't since M2 isn't in the game), but improved in almost every respect. Decent range, agile, and good knockback. He looks like he'd be a good all-around character like Mario. *sigh* another month ...
About time someone realized all you have to do is kill the damn owner. Makes me want to buy a wii.
ZeroOBK wrote...
Watched a video of a certain character...
Lucario is actually shaping up to be one of my primary characters. He is a semi-clone of Mewtwo (I guess he technically isn't since M2 isn't in the game), but improved in almost every respect. Decent range, agile, and good knockback. He looks like he'd be a good all-around character like Mario. *sigh* another month ...

Again I would like to ask for a link. Yeah I bets its getting annoying.
York wrote...
ZeroOBK wrote...
Watched a video of a certain character...
Lucario is actually shaping up to be one of my primary characters. He is a semi-clone of Mewtwo (I guess he technically isn't since M2 isn't in the game), but improved in almost every respect. Decent range, agile, and good knockback. He looks like he'd be a good all-around character like Mario. *sigh* another month ...

Again I would like to ask for a link. Yeah I bets its getting annoying.

Tsk I do too he sounds like a pretty good fighting character.

Oh and on another note, the SSBB site is gonna start revealing secrets of the game, characters, and etc since the it was released in Japan today woo!
They released it first there so they wouldn't get pwned at Wi-Fi battles to us Americans. Freak'n Japan those little bastards think their hot shit don't they.
Monster Girl
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