Tales of Zestiria (TGS TRAILER update in OP)

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Lots of angry japanese gamers because apparently Alisha, that cute blonde girl that was advertised quite a bit
is only there for 20% of the game and will be replaced in your party by another playable girl character as she will inherit all of Alisha's equipment and items
and on top of that

I was already annoyed that my favourite character got dissed hard in Xillia 2, looks like there might be something I won't look forward to too much.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Hentanize wrote...

Lots of angry japanese gamers because apparently Alisha, that cute blonde girl that was advertised [b]quite a bit[b]

A LOT actually. C'mon she's in the OVA anime for goddamn sakes. She was shown in the first trailer, kept being together with Sorey in magazine shots. No wonder people got angry.

To makes people more "angrier", I remember reading a Hideo Baba interview about assuring the fans that Rose is just a secondary female character like Chloe in Legendia.

I also read an article somewhere that the writing went horribly one-sided against Alisha, especially after Rose joined the group.

I already had my suspicions after watching the OP sequence, Alisha was barely in there and knowing that Rose has the same powers as Sorey..

Good thing, I didn't pre-order right away and saved money to buy Monster Hunter.

Also Bad BAD Camera system
something bugged?

Yeah Hideo Baba went all fanboy on Rose and basically didn't want Alisha to be the center of attention anymore.

Well at least I know I won't have to raise my hopes for a potential romance with Alisha. Feedback has been fairly positive regarding gameplay though so I'll keep my tabs on Zestiria.
Coming to steam?

Forum Image: http://www.koi-nya.net/img/subidos_posts/2015/02/Tales-of-Zestiria-aparece-en-un-anuncio-japones-de-PlayStation-4-02-730x287.png

I'm still looking forward to tales of zestiria, even after all that negative feedback, do to Alisha not being the main heroine.
English trailer

There WILL be dual audio.
Haven't kept up with this game but heard it did bad.
I'll probably get it anyway.
Right away? Not sure.
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