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Bringing this game back up to just say I'm very disappointed in it. Not only does is it a Subscription game but it also has a cash shop. One of those items can be bought and sold for game time. So now those who buy this 15 dollar product will be OP compared to others. It's now a P2P P2W game. That was a quick and swift death to an MMO.
Afroman wrote...
Bringing this game back up to just say I'm very disappointed in it. Not only does is it a Subscription game but it also has a cash shop. One of those items can be bought and sold for game time. So now those who buy this 15 dollar product will be OP compared to others. It's now a P2P P2W game. That was a quick and swift death to an MMO.

WoW is a sub game that has a cash shop too. A lot of MMOs have cash shops. Almost all MMOs have cash shops. I don't know of any MMOs that DON'T have cash shops.
Having a cash shop or not shouldn't push whether you want to play it or not. It's a good game for it's genre. And so what it has a cash shop. Are you going to be PvP-ing ever person in sight? Are you going to play like it's life-or-death? It's a fun and emersive game. The story's pretty decent too.
Mechanics are pretty tight, graphics are amazing (the lighting is orgasmic), and it has some pretty beastly PvP mecahnics.
Dungeons in Tera aren't hella long either. They're in the goldylocks zone for length.
Anybody want to join the Private Tera Server? I just started torrenting the 23 gb client today @_@ http://on-tera.com/en/ I'm all for paying for the official Tera server but my friend in Germany can't play with me in the NA server due problems paying the monthly subscription.

edit* if anyone joins please pm your ign so we an start a party or guild :D
I mostly play on Feral Valley but I'm going start some toons on a PvE server eventually. Not sure which one yet though.
Anyone playing this MMO as of right now? Looking into it and it seems decent. I recently dropped my subscription to SWTOR, and I'm actually looking at this one. Looks good, but I need opinions.
Grindy, combat is fun. Nothing original. Castanics are hot, elins are cute. dropped the game at lvl 48, everyone has the same items. dat kind of game. korean. good graphics, boss battles are fun. but grindy.
Kind of Important A ray of Tsunlight.
Just like any other MMO, this game is far more entertaining with a group of buddies, either from RL or those you meet over the internet.

The group I run with now, is all British, aside from me and an Australian. It's really neat asking them about their version of English, pronunciations, completely different words, etc.

Anyway, yes, it is grindy, as are all Asian MMOs, just seems to be the trend. But I think the graphics and combat make up for it. Especially if you're on a PvP server. I'm not, but they are adding instanced PvP here at the end of next month.

I roll on Dragonfall, currently the most populated PvE server. 60 Priest named Hurst, and am usually on my 31 sorc alt Anoesis.
raichama Audio Technica Fanboy
Love the combat in this game. People who loved Vindictus and Dragon Nest will love this game. Its grindy, not so much in the first like 40 so levels, but I hear horror stories of the end game content.

And Elin is the master race...you know it...

Some of the complaints and comparisons to GW2 make me really frustrated. People dare say that GW2 combat is more fluid than Tera, if they do, they haven't played TERA before. Having experienced both, I can say that GW2 combat is clunky and clumsy, and most of all, it doesn't look as good. Not just the overall environment, but the characters as well as the animations. Swinging a two-handed sword looks stupid in GW2, being a Slayer in TERA is like awesomesauce.

I will admit however TERA is very linear, it doesn't allow for alot of deviation in class build, and the story is the same no matter what choice of race/class you pick. So if you want a "personal" story, just go play GW2.

So basically if this game were F2P with microtransactions, it would have been perfect.
raichama wrote...
People dare say that GW2 combat is more fluid than Tera, if they do, they haven't played TERA before. Having experienced both, I can say that GW2 combat is clunky and clumsy, and most of all, it doesn't look as good. Not just the overall environment, but the characters as well as the animations. Swinging a two-handed sword looks stupid in GW2, being a Slayer in TERA is like awesomesauce.

Some of the complaints and comparisons to GW2 make me really frustrated

Can't help but think you're being biased towards Tera.

I can understand why they say Guild Wars 2's combat is more fluid. Animation wise it IS smooth and the effects are visually impressive.

As far as how the character look, well GW2 is a western game, Tera is asian. As much as I like boobs, I still don't diss the general design of the characters in GW2.

What I don't like about GW2 is the removal of the trinity system. It makes dungeons kinda pointless. Never tried group instances yet so I might be wrong.
Just finally gotten to try this game out today.

For an MMO, which I do barely get into them, it is really enjoyable. The graphics are real good and the gameplay if real fun.

A bit grindy, but I'll live with it.
I've played Tera on a pretty hardcore level both PvP and PvE wise and it's rather lack luster to be honest. The PvP system is incredibly broken and buggy. PvE is fun untill you've hit the 100th run or so of a certain dungeon. It's not that challenging right now. Which is my personal opinion. It might be better with content releases and updates but i've dropped the game the instant i got my end game gear. Since there was nothing much to do anymore aside from "enjoying" broken PvP.
I'm in the pvp server. ign Matsuriko :D

Game will be F2P in the US in February.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Hentanize wrote...
Game will be F2P in the US in February.

Guess I'll try it out then
Looks like it will hit Europe at the same time as well.

The only known disadvantage for players who haven't purchased the game before will be character slots and bank space restrictions.
I played this game when it first came out with my legion from aion, it was fun for a while, but most of us quit because the pvp system sucked. The whole guild war thing was really cool, but they didn't really offer any incentive to pvp, there weren't any rewards for winning guild wars and such. Maybe ill try it out again once it goes f2p.
I'll pick this back up. Been playing Rift as of late, but I'd rather go back and play this game over Rift, especially when it becomes F2P.
F2P on the 5th of February. On steam.
Aai FAKKU Ass Master
fagets, me and Solva-tan play this, we are planning to make a guild, ANYONE WISH TO JOIN?
Got to lvl 10 and ragequit, lack of armor customization annoys me. I cannot deliberately choose which glove and boot and chest armor etc to annoy people to the maximum.

Or its just could be cuz i'm simply burnt out on mmorpgs :P
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