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Wiki wrote...
Vanquish is an upcoming video game in development by Platinum Games for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is Shinji Mikami's first game under the Platinum Games brand. The game has been in development since 2007; in January 2010, a full motion video trailer was released. The game is being published by Sega. Atsushi Inaba is producing the game. Mikami has stated that the game is being developed with the PlayStation 3 as its lead platform, commenting that it was a "great success."

The story is set in the near future. Russia and the United States are vying for ownership of the world’s fast-depleting energy resources and the US has constructed a space station in order to harness energy from the sun. Russian forces capture this space station and divert its harvested solar energy into a blast wave that destroys San Francisco, aiming to force the US into a total and unconditional surrender. In response, the US tasks its armed forces with recapturing the space station before the Russians can annihilate their next target – New York. The player will take control of Sam, a government agent kitted out with a futuristic battlesuit.

My Opinion on the game thus far:
First off, I feel that the game has a great chance at being my personal GotY. Shinji Mikami isn't really my favorite when it comes to directing games, but I do like to play his games, nonetheless. This game is incorporating action into the TPS (third-person-shooter) genre, and it looks to be excelling at it. I love how there is always something happening on the screen; from missiles soaring around, to bullets wizzing past you, all while you shoot at the enemies.

The graphics, imo, are some of the best yet. The detail on Sam's suit and on the monstrous machines he must feat, are all amazing. the game mechanics easily beat out those of any other TPS. You can dodge, slide (for a very long time), and even slow time using the ARS mechanic in order to give you a bit of an edge on the hordes. Also, when you are nearing death, the ARS system will automatically trigger, giving you a "get yourself together" chance at recomposing yourself. There are many other mechanics in the game, but I'm trying to keep this semi-brief so, if any questions, ask. That's not to say I'm, like, the mastermind behind the game and know everything there is to know about it, but I do know a great deal about the game.

Also, if anyone here went to E3, and had the pleasure to actually demo the game, I would appreciate to hear your take on the game. I've heard one person's hands-on preview of it, and I was nothing if not pleased.

Trailers and Gameplay:

Interview with Gameplay: (Part 1) (Part 2)
This game looks very cool but i'm not sure if i will be buying it. I like the looks of it and the style but it's not on the top of my list of games i want to buy. So we will have to wait and see if it interests me enough to buy it.
Bumping for more gameplay.

Freakin' bugs.
I will definitely be buying it looks so fast, I like fast games because it kinda tests your ability to react although the slo mo kinda gives you a breather a love how the gameplay is so fast.
Since I've seen this game I've loved it! I've never heard of the director though, but I just might become a fan. Anyway, this is definitely a game on my "Must Buy Once I Get Enough Cash List". LOLZ
Demo is out guys. Has anyone tried it yet? Shit is so cash. inb4 GoW with boosting. Unfortunately I didn't do so well. I died a lot. >_<

It's really fun though. I don't know about XBL, but I know the demo is out on PSN. People need to go play it~
[color=purple]Yeah, the game has a demo out now, and it's out on both XBL and PSN (US PSN. It was actually there before JP's. =P)

And yes, the demo is pretty difficult at first, but I've played it, like, 10 times now, and I mess up everywhere, really. I've only gone once without dying so far. The first time, I died, like, six times. xD

I highly suggest you all to go and download it, if you're a fan of fast-paced action games, or shooters. One way I've heard it described, which I agree with, is it's "like Viewtiful Joe with a rifle.", and that pretty much sums it up, in my book.

There are a lot of aspects to the game that I find very interesting, and I can not wait to get my hands on the actual game on October 19.

EU Cover art, btw:[/color]
Forum Image:

[color=purple]There are also several other trailers out there, but I'm being lazy, so I'm not gonna post them. =P

I love the demo though. Just as great as I was hoping for it to be.

Edit: Thanks for the bump, Aspho. xD[/color]
Looks pretty badass so I'm currently downloading the demo off XBL (hoping it finishes before I need to get over to campus)
A Kamen Rider game with a clock up system or a accel mode from Faiz...
Hm... I think I will buy this if its release not the same as Front mission
Well, played the demo and it was pretty badass, I may have to just buy this once it's out....or wait until the first price drop.
this game is so stylish and overall cool
the game reminds me of contra with its over the top action
After playing the demo i got even more interested, this game seems really cool and I think that I'm going to buy it, but probably after the price drops a little.
Well since i've played the demo on PS3 i can surely say. This is a MUST have game.

Demo was sick, took me >9000 tries to kill the boss. Enemy AI is just epic i tried to cover on the right side of some block while the enemy was on the left side of the same block, he threw a grenade right under me and then jumped over to my side to finish me off.I was like WTF!!! but when the boss started blowing up my covers i was at a loss of words.

At least there will be something to buy other than New vegas which i don't want.

P.S. If it will have multiplayer i hope it will be just as cool.
pozertron wrote...

P.S. If it will have multiplayer i hope it will be just as cool.

[color=purple]I regret to inform you that the staff of PlatinumGames has made it quite clear that there will not be multiplayer for this game. That includes local as well as online. This game is made for a single player experience alone. I honestly feel that it's better that way; more focus on the game itself, rather than worrying about if the multiplayer capability would meet consumer expectations.

Glad to see people are getting interested in the game--looks like this demo is doing it's job quite well, hm? ^_^[/color]
first off... theres maybe 1 or 2 console shooters either fps or tps that i actually like [halo series + socom 3] but this holds high hopes of bringing me back to console shooters.
I love how it looks, the way it seems to play, the constant stuff going on and the speed of the gameplay. Im more of a pc shooter [luv me my mouse n keyboard] but this is a def rent, possible buy at launch [within week] for me. Cant wait :D
I played the demo, and i don't like the gameplay. It feels like i'm playing a FPS with 3rd person view, and since i fu**** hate FPS, well...

Also, what are you guys all getting as your Total Score, in general? I'm curious as to how much is a lot, on average. My highest one so far was 14000-something (can't remember), but I just got 13950, which is pretty close to my old one.

I'll just post all of my results to compare to that of others.[/color]

[color=purple]Total Score - 13950
Mission Time - 0:08:57
Cover Usage - 16.70%
Dist. Traveled - 792
Munitions Fired - 1373
Deaths - 0
Confirmed Friendlies K.I.A. - 17
Wounded Friendlies Assisted - 0
Confirmed Kills - 44[/color]

[color=purple]No point in typing up that last one; if you all want to compare results, feel free to simply copy and paste the stat line-up thing in the spoil, and change the results to yours.

I am so hooked on this demo--so addicting. Reminds me of when I was playing the Bayonetta demo over and over. I love PG. [/color]
Holy crap, I wasn't expecting much, so the demo pretty much blew me away. It actually runs pretty smoothly on my PS3, no screen-tearing, no lag. Combat is typical shooting, but the boosting thing is friggin' awesome. Definitely gonna get this.
Total Score - 11750
Mission Time - 0:13:02
Cover Usage - 17.68%
Dist. Traveled - 1201
Munitions Fired - 1628
Deaths - 0
Confirmed Friendlies K.I.A. - 19
Wounded Friendlies Assisted - 3
Confirmed Kills - 47

Here's mine, not to impressive T^T
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