Vita TV and Vita 2000


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What are everyone's thoughts on this? I'm not quite sure what I think. The Vita TV seems interesting I guess. I already own a regular Vita so I'm not interested in buying one though. Does anybody here think it'll sell well?
I can already play my vita on the 60 in screen.
That Vita TV sounds good to me.
50 bucks less for a screen-less Vita that can stream PS4 in another room? Maybe it'd be worth it back in the day where it was such a pain in the ass to move a 300 pound tv while trying to hook in yellow/red/white outputs to inputs that aren't color coded.

As a standalone PSVITA substitute? Maybe it's worth it if you don't care about a few games not functioning with the device. As a "too-lazy" to get up and hook up the PS4 in another room? No, not worth it.

EDIT: Problem with Vita Sales,the US library of games is very thin. I wanted one because the screen was so damn good...but only 4 games I would want to play and 2 of them are ports. I don't think new SKUs would boost sales as much here in the states unless they decide to bring over more games.
Vita TV is a shit idea.

Why? Besides the fact that a ton of games use the Touch screen for the Vita, there's a list of games that work and don't work. A lot of the ones that work are just ports of Ps3 games.
I don't fucking understand the PS Vita TV anymore except that it might play Dragon's Crown and that's all I give a shit about. - Moonspeak compatibility list.
It is stupid

I could care less about the TV shit, but this just reminds me that I still need and want to get a Vita, but most of the games I want to play, will probably never get localized.
I just realized that despite how bad the VitaTV seems, it's still probably better than an Ouya.
I'll probably buy this and my Vita at the same time. It kind of came out of left field but at the end of the day it looks like a great product.

I'm especially glad I'll get to play some of those PS1 games I missed. The streaming Split screen to another TV is gonna be great. At 100 bucks I don't see any reason not to get one.
Monster Girl
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