What games are you playing?

Playing world of warcraft, dota 2 and Uhhh dota 2.... I have xillia with me right now and it's still in the plastic since it came out... But since I Fucking god hate my ps3 (stuck on 480/720p native since I have 1080p monitor with hdmi makes the game look like shit) so much I can't build the enthusiasm to actually play it
Beat The Last of Us an hour and a half ago.. Now gonna be going to Ni No Kuni :)
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Hearthstone, League of Legends, OSU, FTL and i'm just fucking off in GTA5 from time to time.
GTA 5 online, waiting for BF 4.
still playing Operation Extend on my PSP..sometimes play Pet Alliance and LINEZETA on my phone..

and probably going to download PvZ2 on my phone also..
Ps2: resident evil 4, splinter cell:chaos theory
Psp: persona 3, fate:extra, gran turismo for psp, motorstorm:pacific rift
Ps3: gran turismo 5, hitman:absolution, sonic unleashed, ace combat

Psp during commuting and whenever outside, ps2 and ps3 in turns

PsVita: SOOOONNNNN..., I'll buy it too!
Battlefield 4 and maybe alil GTA 5 online.
Saints Row 4, Pokemon Y.

On my list: Hearthstone, TYPING OF THE DEAD: OVERKILL, Guild Wars 2
asaforever The Lord of Butts!
Battlefield 4 (Pc), Star wars The old republic (n00b), Pokemon X (3ds), World of Tanks (pc)
Resonance of Fate... Probably one of, if not is, the worst game(s) I've played. Looking at it as a study subject... So much effort was put into the visuals, gameplay mechanics, voice acting for such a lazy and barely trying story and an enemy/battlefield design that shows no effort or thought put into it.

Bitching and ranting below..
While the creators (as a 3rd person, turn based, shooter, JRPG) made it possible to fight using cover, but in almost all cases, the player always spawns in an open place giving enemies the cover advantage in most cases.

Having the same (idk how this seemed like a good idea) one ally can move at a time while every enemy can react (move or attack) during, similar to Valkyrie Profile, this one failed to allow for strategy or other types of mechanics by most of the time (the few times enemies did not see you upon spawn I can count with 2 hands, I've clocked over a 1000 encounters already, over 3600 enemies) having every enemy spawn a couple of meters insight of you. In most cases, you start a battle scrambling to get your allies out of the fray or else die early.

Enemies don't become difficult from a strategic stand point as you progress, they just (greatly) increase in damage. 2 chapters from finishing the game (14), every boss (they love bosses) can instantly deplete a players health, every minor takes 2-3. And considering you start off open to attack... lvl 80-86, expected lvl of completion, short of 100.

The only stats you can increase are the gun's damage and characters hp. Gun damage is limited to gun mapping and the amount of gun mods the developers want to make accessible at a given time, hp is limited to lvls. There is no defensive stat for players. You really can't grind for power in this game.

To "balance out player increases in damage" the creators gave enemies increasing stats of damage and defense along with layers of shields (that only they use and) that protect their hp, giving them different lvl's of hp, that have their own stats (defense but higher than their hp's defense). It doesn't help that you have to deplete hp with pseudo damage before actually causing damage.

I could even bitch about status ailments working at a low statistical chance (increments of what seem like 10-15% per attack item lvl) against enemies but a 95% chance against players. Or how they work the same way on both allies and enemies but with enemies hp (among other things) working in a different way to allies, it makes a huge one sided difference.

If I had to compare how the game feels in a simple way, everyone's played a COD at one point or another right? Imagine your the protagonist, and you start a lvl in an open field facing a farm house (around 100-200 meters away) with 10-20 enemies soldiers pointing their guns at you and capable of killing you in 3-5 shots. Oh... and you start off with a pistol and they get bazooka's, snipers, shielded, and some tanks for good measure (how they fit in the house, I'll leave that to you). Pretty much every fight shows as much thought in it as this... I can't help but wonder if they programed it for some sadistic pleasure...

I told myself (before I started) "the next game I start I'll finish"... I wish it wasn't this one... FUCK!

(Feels good to vent.)
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

Don't care if ARR sucks, I'm enjoying it. Diabolos server. Avatea Artorius. Hit me up if anyone is the server.

セナリオ wrote...
Currently: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

Name tag please!
Battlefield 4, Final Fantasy XIV: ARR, ArmA 3 and World of Tanks.
Still some bf3 every now and then(ps3), ME3 mp, also looking to try and get a used copy of Star Ocean The Last Hope International here in a couple of days.
Xbox 360 Minecraft
Tried playing King Arthur II: the RPG Wargame.
Was a buggy piece of shit.

Now trying yo learn how to play Crusader Kings II.
Nothing at the moment. Was playing Skyrim for a time but that got stale fast.
Currently: Battlefield 4, Pokemon Y and Batman Arkham Asylum.

More or less a calm before the next gen storm.
Reading Grisaia no Kajitsu, alternating between Dota 2 and LoL.
Monster Hunter, Skyrim and Dead Space are catching dust... poor guys.
- LoL
- Saints Row 4 (Almost done)
- Sleeping Dogs (Well, going to start)
- Vindictus (A bit here and there)
Battlefield 4, Call of Duty Ghost, Disgaea D2, and Minecraft!