What VN are you playing? What do you think about it?

castor212 wrote...

I was saying that Sakurasou no Pet Kanojo was a great example of exaggeration, maybe you shouldn't be taking grammar lessons from me. Let me try again. The correct term would be exaggeration or blown out of proportions, which summarizes the interactions in Sakurasou no Pet Kanojo.

Saya no Uta is a story of different perspectives on the definition of evil and love. This is obvious from Fuminori's condition contrasted with how the real world is viewed by others, how Saya treats humans other than Fuminori and how Fuminori justifies his actions later on in the story. I found it easy to relate to most of the characters, whether it be the childish and humane Saya, or Fuminori who believes what he sees or Kouji who lost everything except his hated enemy. Of course Fuminori is still a sociopath, Saya will always be a monster (internally and externally), and Kouji is an idiot but they have legitimate motives for their actions that are easy to sympathize with. Otherwise the eroge has top-notch sound assets as expected from Nitro+, the art is drop dead gorgeous whether it be monstrosities or Saya's birthing (which must be the most hideous spectacle in the universe) and usually the writing was good but there were moments where they tried too hard to make explanation interesting when it made it dull, broke the pacing. The eroge is good for a laugh, whether it be the irony or the tragedy. The H itself is hilarious, it's like Gen is daring you to defy reality and submit to your instincts. It's hard to argue with it's short length, as I enjoy stories that do not waste my time. Saya no Uta is a great eroge and it's few downsides are not enough to drag it down.

Frankly I would have had Saya make herself human, cure my illness and then just live on normally.
I'm playing Rance quest actually. Such a great game, it looks like Etrian odyssey, that's why i like it so much, and the game is not easy too, it's good.

Can't wait for the next game who will be a t-rpg, it will probably be great once again.

After Rance quest, i will probably play at my favorite Vn again, aka Arterial of Origins :)

This card system is just so great, it's really my favorite eroge actually.
Auuuuughhhhhh BALDR SKY ZERO 2 IS STILL NOT HERE! DAMMIT! *gonna complain until it comes out like a bitch*
Cho Dengeki Stryker: 6/10. Not much different from the first, storytelling wise. But at least we gor Hilko and Clie~
Namiirei wrote...
I'm playing Rance quest actually. Such a great game, it looks like Etrian odyssey, that's why i like it so much, and the game is not easy too, it's good.

Rance Quest is a good grind-game when you are in the mood for one.
Anyone tried Eiyuu Senki Gold?

I probably won't try it until HUD/interface Eng Patch, just like the previous one.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Sanada-Kun wrote...
Anyone tried Eiyuu Senki Gold?

Currently playing it, and just playing for the gaming parts ATM. Already conquered China, moving on to EU.
Cuz the story's the same after all.
Kaimax wrote...
Sanada-Kun wrote...
Anyone tried Eiyuu Senki Gold?

Currently playing it, and just playing for the gaming parts ATM. Already conquered China, moving on to EU.

It's just a "remastered" version right?

More combat depth and more character stories.

But the main story is literally same as the old one, right?

Ah damn. Didn't see Zolnir's post.

Might pick it up, since it's just 3.5 GB
Room101 Waifu Collector
On Juukishi Cutie Bullet right now.

Character designs and backgrounds are gorgeous as fuck. The VA's are pretty good as well, especially the one for Mayu (best girl btw) and the princess character.

The plot is passable, but the storytelling itself is very medicore; can't decide whether it wants to take itself seriously or not, and flip-flops way too much between the two for my taste.
Sanada-Kun wrote...

It's just a "remastered" version right?

More combat depth and more character stories.

But the main story is literally same as the old one, right?

Ah damn. Didn't see Zolnir's post.

Might pick it up, since it's just 3.5 GB

The start of the game begins with the new loli japan character Masamune finding the protagonist instead of Himeko and then getting him to fight against takeru who is currently ruling a united and secluded japan. The overaching plot is probably very similar to the original but I doubt the dialogue is. It isnt really a remastered game but a sequel. Muu and
may still show up though, or else theyll be replaced by some new end game behind the scenes oppenents.

I assume its a world created by Nyarlathotep like the previous one and thus fits into the game"s canon, not as a remake of the original game, but a new story all together in an alternative world. I didnt finish the original game though. I got to the end mystic city grind with Nyarlathotep and was like fuck this is stupid..drop. So maybe I am missing out on some plot element in the conclusion of the original game that tie the two titles together better.

I probably wont play it for a while though. If there really is more gameplay depth I might find it somewhat interesting. The combat in the original was fine, it was more how the overworld gameplay felt kind of static and empty. It never felt like an organic map of world conquest. It wasnt like I was playing risk like I am with alicesoft map conquest rpgs or mainstream strategy rpgs. The days and turns were literally just tacked on to give your oppenents a chance to attack you when at war with them. There was no pressure to beat the game in a certain amount of time so one could just amass money by perpetually passing days.

Some people liked this set up because it meant they would not miss anything but I didnt find it very engaging. The story and characters were, for the most part, not interesting enough to make this kind of gamey but very forgiving set up work for me so I hope things have changed a bit in the sequel. But at the same time, I am not really expecting them to have change much..
MGQ3 very refreshing despite using a plotline that's been hazed for ages or cut&paste in enemy moves or otherwise, it's probably because torotoro managed to nail writing, the "guts" (or shounen if you wanted to find a close term) approach to writing really well while blending in some competent feel spice here. They emphasized the fact that Luka is pretty much super badass at this point and only something three times more bad ass could even scratch him, which was cool except for when super badass had to fight underlings that I really felt were pathetic for his caliber. The romp around the nations fighting randomn monsters felt more like inserts for either nostalgia's sake or more sex. I found the art exceptional at times, other times I was just wondering why a glob of sexually aroused tentacles catapulted itself at me, (understanding that various artists were recruited) I understand that the angels being hideous is supposed to be plot relevant and a bit of irony but to me it seemed like they got lazy with the color palettes and form. I think for who was behind it and what resources they had on hand, it was good.

On another note. I get that Luka's being assaulted by experts at semen draining, that being at that age almost ensures premature ejaculation, that MGQ3 exclusively panders to the femdom/shota demographic (which I'm not part of) but Luka grow a pair! Alice spread her lips for him and he's acting like his nutsack shrunk into his stomach.

Dysfunctional Systems
If episode 2 flops I'll end someone. I don't care who it is but I'm sure they had it coming to them in a world where something this wonderful is ruined.
Huh, it counts as a sequel? Then maybe there's some value in downloading it then - from what I heard, the story's practically the same so I didn't bother.

Also the difficulty level is pretty easy. I mean, this is like the first Alicesoft game that I actually beat the secret boss - EVER - so that said a lot of somethings.
Zolnir wrote...
Huh, it counts as a sequel? Then maybe there's some value in downloading it then - from what I heard, the story's practically the same so I didn't bother.

Also the difficulty level is pretty easy. I mean, this is like the first Alicesoft game that I actually beat the secret boss - EVER - so that said a lot of somethings.

yeah it is a sequel but dont expect a huge difference in the plot. It is still a world conquest game with basically all the same characters. The plot will probably go largely the same even if the dialogue is new which it appears to be as far as I have played. There was no Muu in the first turn of the game which is something. Instead there was some other unknown girl saying something about hating stuff. The cg art is new though and the production values on that end are as strong as always. It even has a nicely animated opening and theres some new music. They kept the world map song it seems though and the map itself only has one added zone, sentai, where you start the game with muramasa and tadataka.

And btw, it"s by tenco, a new company that formed out of the ashes of littlewitch after they went under. No alicesoft involvement in it. The first game had kenshin as a guest character but that wasnt because alicesoft made it. It had like 5 guest characters from random different companies and artists. One of the characters is actually from the artist who does the disagae series. Kenshin isnt in the sequel though.

As for difficulty, Gold has you choose between 3 settings at the start of the game so maybe its set up a little better that way. But again, would have to play it further to find out and with rance 9 on the horizon Im in no rush to get into gold since its a pretty long playthrough.
Woops, I've forgotten that it wasn't from Alicesoft lol, I wonder why I think that... Maybe I've never beaten a secret boss on Alicesoft... sob.

EDIT: Holy shit that's dark,

The fake food they're eating are made out of HUMAN MEAT! HOLY SHIT!
Anyone ever read the cheesy vocaloid VNs called "Mirai no Kimi to Subete no Uta ni" and/or its sequel "Rin ga Utau, Mirai no Niero"? They are quite good and easy to follow if you want something simple to read when you're bored. Finished the first one, it features Hatsune Miku. If you want a quick and efficient way to summarize it, go watch the anime series "Chobits". The second one features a completely new vocaloid character, Kagamine Rin. It also includes a short continuation to the previous installation.

Other than those, currently reading a couple at the same time: Kataawa Shoujo (finishing up all the arcs in the VN), Yume Miru Kusuri (AKA: A Drug That Makes You Dream), and Clannad. But I haven't been too consistent with reading them >:L

In respects to Clannad, I really want to read ALL of it (including After Story, but i found out its a huge mess to activate After Story, so I'll just try and read through Tomoyo Sakagami's arc so i can then read Tomoyo After: Its a Wonderful Life...
Lol, that bug where you have 2 Shimukuramu at once where you're view is on one Edward BUT HE CAN'T ATTACK, and another one mirroring the exact move BUT CAN ATTACK. Thank god that level wasn't hard.
Recently played a couple.
Valkyrie Svia - Okay, really lacked a plot though. It's like they mistook having a theme for having a plot. Yes there were valkyries. Now what.
Ult. Boob Wars 2 - One of those fun parody types. Kinda like Osanajimi.
Ikinari Anata Ni Koishiteru - Good game. More light-heartedness.

I'm currently looking for something new and good, though. So I can't say I'm "Playing" anything right now.
For those who don't know, 天秤のLa DEA。 ~戦女神MEMORIA is out!
Zolnir wrote...

Oh this is a remake of the original, I'll probably pick it up so I can see what the fuss is about. My backlog is terrifying now.
Monster Girl
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