[Locked] A writing excersize

I wanted to share an excersize I like to do every once in a while, that really seems to keep me sharp in the area of writing. On random occasion, I sit down at a keyboard, or ream of paper, and begin writing. What I write is the key; The first sentance that I can really think of. I write af few lines, and while I do so I think of a few random names to use, then a random setting [setting has to have a building], then a random weather pattern, then a time of day. From there, I build a story. Once you have your random person(s), setting, weather and time, you are ready. Place the person either inside or outside the building that resides in the setting. Once you place him where you want, start building around this and begin weaving a story.

...Depending how well it turns out, you may make it a short story, a poem, or [rarely] a long story. The thing is, it doesn't matter what it turns into, because it isn't meant to turn out into really good material [though it sometimes does]. Instead, I find that it sharpens ones' mind and literary/writing skills. Practice makes perfect. If you have never tried this before, give it a shot the next time you find yourself bored, with nothing to do. The results may surprise you :)

Alas, that is my only excersize I have to share. It would be interesting to hear other writers' excersizes. Of course, if you don't want to share any, its all good. Hopefully some people like mine, if ever tried. [AT9]