Aikatsu (Role-Play)

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Hanasaku i should just die
This post stars [color=#00bbff]Amaiya Madeko[/color].

[size=15]Amaiya Madeko’s Decision[/h]

The lessons for the day had ended. It was now after school. The students were chattering as Madeko looked towards her classmates. Some surrounded the person known as… Tadaima Hiyori, was it? These few girls then approached her.

“Hey, Amaiya-san. Your performance was so good on the audition, what school were you in before moving here?” One of the girls asked. Another spoke up, adding, “I wanna know too!”

[color=#00BFFF]”Well, I was in Minamihigakubo Junior High,”[/color] Madeko scratched her cheek. [color=#00BFFF]”I don’t think anyone has heard of it before…”[/color]

“I see, I haven’t heard of it, that’s for sure,” the girl replied. “Did you take extensive lessons before? Your performance was so skilled!”

[color=#00BFFF]“No, I just got lucky,”[/color] she shook her head.[color=#00BFFF] “I haven’t taken any singing lessons or anything, but since young I’ve been singing to myself quite a bit… so I guess it’s self taught. I’m really bad at dancing, though…”[/color]

“Really? You didn’t seem so bad to me…” another girl said from behind. “It’s alright to be humble about it like everyone else, I guess!”

The girls laughed. Madeko managed to force a dry but fitting laughter, for she couldn’t pinpoint the tone of theirs; she didn’t want to kill the mood. [color=#00BFFF]”Ahaha… I hope that won’t be the last time I’m performing.”[/color]

“Oh, if you want to take up auditions, go to the bulletin board for rookie idols – it has the †˜rookie idols’ board’ title atop it – on the lobby. They put up advertisements to seek out entrants,” the same girl said, she was quite informative. “Beginners are usually not given any auditions by the Headmistress, or the other employers; so they have to apply for them by themselves.”

[color=#00BFFF]”Ah… I’d then better try to aim for one audition myself,”[/color] Madeko said. She recalled the endless marquees of the Bulletin Board of the Main Building, and wondered exactly what types of auditions would suit her; she didn’t have a specific preference.

“Well, its only one of the boards anyway, check it out, okay?” The girl said, ushering at her other classmates. “See you around, Amaiya-san, and good luck.” The girls then left. Madeko, too, left. She exited her class on the way to the lobby she was just informed about.

Upon reaching her destination, she found that it was quite congested. There were students everyone, some talking, some walking, and some viewing the many banners and advertisements of other auditions and information pertaining to the idol world. Madeko looked around for the aforementioned bulletin board. She noticed it as soon as she saw the other new students – some of which joined her classroom with her – crowding at a certain spot before a wall – no, a holographic display.

Walking forward, she joined them to peek into the board full of advertisements herself.

Madeko looked from top corner at the board; first came the audition known for a shop †˜Light of the Stars’, this shop seemed to be featuring Golden Octopus – their special food on the menu. Obviously, it was a takoyaki shop, and it was looking for image girls for it. The rules specifically implied that the entrant would need to enter with a partner. The deadline to sign up was in two days, the audition itself would take place in six days from now.

She didn’t especially favourite takoyaki, but octopuses were one of Madeko’s prefered choice of food as she did like squid and cuttlefish-most food from the sea actually- as well. She figured that if she didn’t have any other audition to take, she would do this one… but it was still too early to decide, at least for her.

The second audition was known as the †˜New Students’ Fashion Show audition’, this is something she had heard of in her class earlier. The audition only welcomed the first year students of the academy – held by Starlight Academy itself. Indeed, it mentioned how the winner would be able to appear in the cover of the new student directory of the academy. The audition could be entered anytime before it starts, it’d take place in a week from now.

Madeko’s eyes flickered at the title; at a first glance it didn’t seem so skill-focused as the others would, well- not like the takoyaki one needed any certain particular skill anyway, she felt. Madeko herself had a sort-of sloppy kind of fashion sense, and she believed that wearing casual outfits were more than enough. She needed to improve that fashion sense, as enrolling into Starlight Academy did mean that her behaviour needed to be prim and proper. Teacher Asakura mentioned that this was catered to only the freshmen cohort of Starlight Academy, and Madeko thought that this meant easier competition towards her. [color=#00BFFF]Maybe if I tried hard enough as I did in the auditions…[/color] Without considering the fact that all the competitors were people that did pass some sort of audition of equal tier to Madeko’s, she did consider the Fashion show as a viable option.

The next audition featured dancing. It was known as the †˜Self-choreographed Audition’. This also mentioned in its rules that an idol must enter with a partner, like the first audition she saw. The details included other factors; such that the idols must prepare their own choreography, and that the winners may host a dance class for young children that would be broadcast in television. The deadline to entry was in two days from now, while the event would take place in eight days.

Madeko herself wasn't so sure about this one. She had close to zero experience of choreography prior to joining Starlight Academy, but this wasn't shown in her audition, she figured. To learn dance in eight days seemed a little too far-fetched for frail Madeko. And preparing her own steps and moves? Madeko shook her head. It seemed fun, but she figured she would be in a bad position against people who actually knew how to dance. As a result she disregarded the Self-choreographed Fashion show as an option.

Then, she came across an interesting audition. The audition only had the label †˜special’ on it in big, fancy font on upper-case letters. It gave a brief description of how the winner is allowed to become Hoshimiya Ichigo’s temporary manager – for a day! The deadline to entry seemed to be tomorrow, and it definitely doesn't need a partner for anyone to join. The audition would take place in eight days.

[color=#00bfff]”Hoshimiya Ichigo, huh…”[/color] Madeko pondered, since Ichigo was indeed the reason why Madeko was able to stand on one of the most grandiose places. She even sang the same exact song that she used for her debut performance! Madeko wasn’t particularly interested in being one of the highest-ranked idol’s manager, but she was somehow drawn to Ichigo herself. It was a warm, neutral, unassuming kind of feeling -she didn’t know if it was jealousy or envy or what- but she realised the objective of the audition was to find out what being a manager meant, and a peek into Ichigo’s daily go-abouts, and discover what idols can really do… which seemed kind of fun, though- Madeko thought.

Lastly, there was the †˜Sun Kiss’ audition. The new brand of a lotion product – Sun Kiss, seemed to be in search of an image girl for its promotion. It seeked someone who’d bring freshness and liveliness to its name. The audition’s deadline was mentioned to be tomorrow, and that it’d take place in nine days from now. And yes, it didn’t require a partner, either.

Madeko rolled her eyes at the words freshness and liveliness. Those were some of the words that didn’t suit her the most. Worst come to worst, she’d have a horrible time trying to do an impression of these feelings.

[color=#00bfff]”Uggghhh… so many choices to pick from...”[/color] Madeko didn’t want to do only one audition, she wanted to do two. Three seemed a little too busy for her, and given the fact that she might risk the Special audition and the Self-choreographed audition clashing, she had to decide between either one, or neither. But since she already disregarded the Self-choreographed audition already, Madeko was left to choose between the Takoyaki Audition, the Special Audition, or the New Students’ Fashion Show. [color=#00bfff]”Argggggg….!”[/color] After ruffling her hair wildly and flinging her head from side to side, she ultimately chose the Special Audition plus the New Students’ Fashion Show… some she hoped she wouldn’t regret.

[color=#00bfff]”Glad that was over…”[/color] Walking back to the dormitory, Madeko fished out her AiSuma from her skirt pocket and started looking through the steps to apply for the auditions she chose. She had hopes that she wouldn’t face extremely tough competition, but somehow she still had an unsure feeling inside her..
[size=15]Saotoshi Haruna’s Decision[/h]

This post stars [color=#5d40dc]Saotoshi Haruna[/color] and [color=#48aa48]Misuzaki Sayuri[/color].

The class had ended, and Haruna found herself alone today. Or so she thought, until the girl beside her spoke up.

[color=#48aa48]“Saotoshi-san, um, thanks again for earlier. Uh… if you ever need help with anything, please do let me return the favor,”[/color] said Mizusaki Sayuri – one of the other new girls of the class who just begun with her today.

Haruna’s heart skipped with joy at the sight of someone even talking to her. Putting the popular idols aside, someone in a position similar to her talking meant that it was a great opportunity to make friends! [color=#5d40dc]“You’re welcome,”[/color] she replied with glee. She waved to her as Sayuri went away, apparently going towards a teacher to talk to her. Haruna hardly had the courage to deal with that teacher; she was scary.

She then saw her classmates swarming around Tadaima Hiyori, and Amaiya Madeko. Well, they seemingly did better than her in their performance, or so she heard. No wonder they’d talk to them. The girls didn’t seemed to be coming to her. Was she that uninteresting? Haruna’s head drooped towards the cold and solid – wooden surface of the desk before she stopped herself. How could she be so depressed! This was only the start! Haruna renewed her spirit with positive thinking – surely, it was only the first day. She had plenty of opportunities in the future lying before her. Who knows what the future holds.

Albeit, the sight of her classmates not approaching her still made her feel insecure, more than ever. Instead, turned out that Haruna ended up eavesdropping on the conversations around her; hearing about this bulletin board meant for new idols specifically, that is apparently in the plethora of holographic displays of the lobby in the building. Remembering the Headmistress’ words; she came to the realization that this was a must-see. Auditions would allow her to steadily get into her career, for a start.

With such a thought, Haruna shoved aside her thoughts pertaining to friendship; deciding to take leave of the bustling classroom.

Walking in brisk pace, Haruna finally crossed past the many hallways to find herself in the lobby once again. It was so huge – she felt, once again. There were countless number of girls in there. Some talking, some walking out the building, some simply watching the many displays of information. There was a crowd before a certain tall board of holographic screen. This made her approach it curiously. Haruna could hardly read the information provided, so she had to join the crowd to look into the information more closely. It seemed to be full of advertisements. [color=#5d40dc]This is it alright![/color] She exclaimed internally.

Haruna looked from top right of the corner on the board – first came the audition known for a shop †˜Light of the Stars’, this shop seemed to be featuring Golden Octopus – their special food on the menu. Obviously, it was a takoyaki shop, and it was looking for image girls for it. The rules specifically implied that the entrant would need to enter with a partner. The deadline to sign up was in two days, the audition itself would take place in six days from now.

[color=#5d40dc]Hmm,[/color] Haruna pondered. Was there a girl who she could enter with? Her roommate? Would she even enter with her? Did she even had a roommate? Haruna had no clue. Hell, she only now remembered – or rather, realized – her blunder of leaving her bags before her room. Haruna sighed. All Haruna knew was that takoyakis weren’t very expensive, and they tasted really good. This received a tentative †˜yes’ from her internally. However, she’d need to get a partner… maybe she could ask her roommate if she did have one after all, or Miki tomorrow, if anything.

The second audition was known as the †˜New Students’ Fashion Show audition’, this is something she had heard of – from Asakura Miwa, her teacher, no less – in her class earlier. The audition only welcomed the first year students of the academy – held by Starlight Academy itself. Indeed, it mentioned how the winner would be able to appear in the cover of the new student directory of the academy. The audition could be entered anytime before it starts, it’d take place in a week from now.

Haruna decided that she’d definitely enter this audition. Fashion Show auditions apparently don’t happen too often – this is something she had heard of before. She’d need to get the experience while she can, for the sake of getting into her career and one day gain fame. She nodded to herself with such resolute feelings; opening her AiSuma immediately to tap on several buttons over the display screen before she successfully registered herself for the audition.

Haruna continued reading the advertisements, the next audition featured dancing. It was known as the †˜Self-Choreographed Audition’. This also mentioned in its rules that an idol must enter with a partner, like the first audition she saw. The details included other factors; such that the idols must prepare their own choreography, and that the winners may host a dance class for young children that would be broadcasted in television. The deadline to entry was in two days from now, while the event would take place in eight days.

An interesting audition, Haruna thought. Despite being terrible in dancing, Haruna really wanted to take part in this audition. Her initial thought was to ask Miki about this. She felt like depending on her – perhaps because she was an admirer of the star. Miki is indeed skillful, and may instead be held back. This made Haruna hesitant and conflicted, but she’d only know after she asked.

Finally, she came across an interesting audition. The audition only had the label †˜special’ on it in big, fancy font on upper-case letters. It gave a brief description of how the winner is allowed to become Hoshimiya Ichigo’s temporary manager – for a day! The deadline to entry seemed to be tomorrow, and it definitely doesn’t need a partner for anyone to join. The audition would take place in eight days.

[color=#5d40dc]“-That- Hoshimiya Ichigo?!”[/color] Haruna blurted out from seeing the details, making others look at her for a single moment. Haruna’s cheeks were tinted pink for a moment; blushing with embarrassment. This was, however, a golden opportunity. She could hardly imagine working as a temporary manager, but the least she could do was try! For this too, Haruna signed herself up.

Lastly, there was the †˜Sun Kiss’ audition. The new brand of a lotion product – Sun Kiss, seemed to be in search of an image girl for its promotion. It seeked someone who’d bring freshness and liveliness to its name. The audition’s deadline was mentioned to be tomorrow, and that it’d take place in nine days from now. And yes, it didn’t require a partner, either.

[color=#5d40dc]Hmm[/color] Haruna pondered yet again. This, too, made Haruna want to enter it. If she did, however, she’d be overloaded. Training for one audition seemed to be a task hard enough itself. Moreover, she was interested in the other auditions that required a pair, too. Unfortunately, she had to give this up. In the end,
(This is a post starring: [color=#3bb9ff]Tabi Aomori[/color] and [color=#FA5858]Koyama Koyuki[/color])

Aomori wandered around the campus looking high and low for Rise. In all honesty, she didn’t expect to find her, but it was the only thing she had to go on at the moment. As the cold night air set on her she shivered as a chill went through her body. [color=#3bb9ff]Nuts to this... [/color] she thought as she rubbed her arms. Deciding that this was a waste of time she began walking back to the dorms, and her warm bed.

Stepping into the dorm building, she was greeted by its warmth and smiled. Heading to flight of stairs; she pulled herself past the steps. Stepping out, her room was the first on the left. Pulling out her key she unlocked the door and stepped in.

Koyuki was lying on top of her bed, propped up with some pillows. She was wearing a pair of comfortable black tracksuit bottoms and a grey hoodie. In her hands was the latest volume of a popular Shoujo manga. Noticeably, many other volumes of Manga were stacked high in a pile next to her.

[color=#FA5858]“You’re back late,”[/color] Koyuki noted, with some little interest.

[color=#3bb9ff]“I was out looking for someone, sadly my search turned up empty,”[/color] answered Aomori as she plopped down onto her bed stretching out her arms.

[color=#FA5858]“You know someone here already?”[/color] Koyuki asked, she felt it would be better to be less hostile towards Aomori, for both their sakes. She flicked to the next page in her manga, however, only half engaged in the conversation.

[color=#3bb9ff]“, but I was hoping to meet them. I wanted a partner for an audition. Minase-senpai advised a seek her out,”[/color] answered Aomori. [color=#3bb9ff]“I’ll just sign up for the fashion show instead of wasting time. Have you found an audition?”[/color]

Koyuki nodded, [color=#FA5858]“An audition to be Ichigo’s manager,”[/color] Koyuki said, looking forward to it.

[color=#3bb9ff]“I hope you get it!”[/color] said Aomori going through her AiSuma looking for the fashion show audition. As she was about to accept it she began having second thoughts. Giving up already, honey? Bepp-sensei’s voice played in her head. Hitting the cancel button she sighed. [color=#3bb9ff]“I’m going to try again tomorrow… I still have a little bit of time left.”[/color]

[color=#FA5858]“That’s a good attitude to have… and thanks…”[/color] Koyuki said, blushing slightly at the encouragement, she hid her face behind her Manga.

[color=#3bb9ff]“You’re welcome Koyama-san,”[/color] she answered. [color=#3bb9ff]“I’d never forgive myself if I gave up on the first day.”[/color] Aomori scooted up on her bed so that she was sitting upright. [color=#3bb9ff]“What is that you are reading?”[/color]

Koyuki lifted the cover of the Manga, [color=#FA5858]“Last volume of Motto watashi ni fureru,”[/color] Koyuki said.

[color=#3bb9ff]“Looks lovey dovey,”[/color] said Aomori with a smile. [color=#3bb9ff]“I don’t read a lot of manga. Maybe you can recommend some?”[/color]

Koyuki slid off her bed, and opened her wardrobe. Instead of the clothes that should have been there it was piled high with boxes full of books. Sliding out one box, labelled “manga” she opened it to reveal a veritable motherload of shoujo manga, she took out a first volume from the bottom and handed it to Aomori. [color=#FA5858]“This one is good,”[/color] Koyuki said, eyeing Aomori expectantly with her usual expressionless face.

Aomori reached out and gently took the book from her. The glossy cover was well cared for. It was obvious that Koyuki cherished these books. Aomori would have to be careful to do the same. [color=#3bb9ff]“Kodokuna shoujo,”[/color] said Aomori reading the title. [color=#3bb9ff]“I’ll give it a try, and tell you how I like it.”[/color] answered Aomori.

Koyuki nodded returning to her bed to read.

As Aomori began to read she started tearing up. [color=#3bb9ff]“Poor girl…”[/color] she said wiping away a stray tear as she balled up and kept reading, and pulled the covers up to her shoulders.
Tadaima Hiyori & and Haramu Chris

As the afternoon went by, Hiyori spent the time making the room feel homey and getting acquainted with the features on the AiSuma, mostly by trial and error. The smartphone had her enthralled, the many programs and apps on it making Hiyori’s eyes sparkle. Giggling, she snapped a photo of Piyo Hiyoko on her bed, setting it as her wallpaper. Her good luck charm was never far from her, the plushie going wherever she went.

Come to think of it, she had yet to check in with her parents, dialing the shop number since they should be winding down by now. A ring or two later, her father picked up and she all but squealed [color=#EF9B00]“Papa!”[/color] before beginning a tirade about her first day in school, her mother joining in halfway through. She recounted everything, from meeting the idol Rise, having her upperclassman Iori look out for her to the scary Asakura sensei and audition board, her parents sharing her excitement.

It was a long time before the chat ended, her parents needing to close up the shop and head home. Heaving a sigh, she flopped on the bed belly first, legs waving slowly in the air as she continued toying with the AiSuma. Looking at the digital timer, she wondered if her roommate was coming home soon, since there were things in the room that weren’t there when Hiyori first moved in. The photos on the desk in particular piqued her curiosity, they were all full of people dressed in frilly maid outfits or suits.

Chris came into the room not even a moment later, hand still to the side of her head. [color=#DF0101]“Lotion, fashion show.... lotion, fashion show... jeez, how am I supposed to make up my mind?!”[/color] Angrily Chris rubbed both of her hands on the sides of her head, only to suddenly stop and glance up. [color=#DF0101]“H-huh? Oh!”[/color]

With a quiet gasp, Chris blushed upon realizing someone else was in the room. [color=#DF0101]“S-sorry... if I'm being too loud…”[/color] she began to say while looking away from Hiyori, playing with some hair. [color=#DF0101]“T-that’s so rude of me...”[/color] It was then Chris observed Hiyori. She had nothing to say of it, but deemed Hiyori to be a nice girl. She didn’t seem like the snobby or cold, nor was she very loud and wound up. Maybe this girl she could get along with…

Chris continued to play with some hair, keeping her attention on everything but Hiyori. She seemed to be a bit uncomfortable, but wasn’t really giving off any hostile vibes. Hiyori, on the other hand, had looked up from the photos at Chris as soon as she had come into the room.

[color=#EF9B00]“Oh, no, not at all! This is your room too,”[/color] Hiyori smiled warmly at her new roommate, wanting to make her feel more at ease. It wouldn’t do if Chris didn’t feel at home in her own room so she wanted to break up the tension in the air, but first, an introduction. [color=#EF9B00]“My name’s Tadaima Hiyori, Nice to meet you! You can just call me Hiyori, since Tadaima-san feels very awkward.”[/color]

[color=#DF0101]“But I could have walked in on you while you were changing, or trying to rest. It was still rude of me.”[/color] Chris explained before introducing herself as Haramu Christina. [color=#DF0101]"B-but Chris is fine, or anything else you would prefer to use…”[/color] Being from a small household, Hiyori was accustomed to what Chris had mentioned, but could see where she was coming from. [color=#EF9B00]“It’s alright, I don’t really mind,”[/color] she said somewhat nonchalantly.

She frowned then, a little unsure about Hiyori's name now. She was brought up to be proper with others, so it would feel weird to address her as anything other than †˜Tadaima-san’. But Hiyori also requested that she called her that instead, so it would be rude refusing the request, too. [color=#DF0101]“H...Hiyori, it is then.”[/color]

As Chris seemed to fish around for more to say, the plush doll sitting on Hiyori's bed caught her eye pretty quick. So she asked about it, mentioning that she had a bunch of stuffed animals back home, but only brought a few with her.

[color=#EF9B00]“I bring Piyo-chan where I go, she’s my good luck charm.”[/color] Hiyori plucked Piyo Hiyoko up, giving the large plushie a long squeeze before tossing it at Chris. [color=#EF9B00]“You seem tense, wanna have some Mandarin Oranges? I know I brought one or two...”[/color] She paced over to her luggage, rummaging through it for the aforementioned fruit.

[color=#DF0101]“Piyo-chan?”[/color] Chris blinked, curiously as she observed the plush. It was pretty cute, and she could feel the sentimental feelings behind it. Which made her seem to calm even further, since she had her own attachments to the couple she brought along. She was almost caught off guard as Hiyori tossed Piyo at her, but Chris caught it and gently sat it onto her lap. She observed it and gently let her pale fingertips brush against it. [color=#DF0101]“She's so soft~”[/color] she mused, [color=#DF0101]“I can tell she has been well cared for…”[/color]

As her hand brushed against the orange, Hiyori pulled it out with a triumphant [color=#EF9B00]“Ha!”[/color] only to find the fruit a bit misshapen, squashed from the travel here. [color=#EF9B00]“Uuuu, I hope you don’t mind… It’s a bit.. crushed.”[/color] She began to peel the orange for both of them, offering half to Chris with a smile. [color=#EF9B00]“Here, it’s still sweet.”[/color]

With that said, Chris got up and placed the plush doll back onto Hiyori's bed. [color=#DF0101]"Mandarin Orange?"[/color] she asked, once again with a blank expression. However, being a lover of fruit Chris was unable to refuse. She hold the squishy orange, bringing it to her nose and giving it a small sniff. She then dreamily sighed while commenting on it's fresh, tangy smell before beginning to eat, carefully and with grace, as expected of one who dined the way she did.

[color=#EF9B00]“Mmm!”[/color] Hiyori was eagerly eating her own, enjoying the juices gush around in her mouth with each bite. [color=#EF9B00]“These are all from back home, we grow these in our plantation,”[/color] said Hiyori, in between mouthfuls. Grabbing a pack of tissue, she used one to wipe her mouth before passing the pack to Chris. [color=#EF9B00]“I’m happy that you enjoy them, maybe I can get papa and mama to send more, or better yet, some other fruit.”[/color]

[color=#DF0101]“Eh?”[/color] Chris watched Hiyori dig into her own part of the mandarin orange, surprised by her manners, or lack of. But she smiled anyway and called it different, but in a nice way.

[color=#DF0101]“You grow fruits back home?”[/color] Chris asked, [color=#DF0101]"is it really hard to do?"[/color] Suddenly she stopped and glanced down to the part remaining in her hands, then up to Hiyori again. Hearing this really made her begin to think about the orange she handled gingerly. But she snapped out of it while accepting the pack of tissue handed to her. She took a few out and folded them before putting the pack down and resume eating.

Jumping on her bed, Hiyori lifted Piyo into the air and stared into its beady eyes. [color=#EF9B00]“Yup, my family grows and sells crops and stuff. It’s not very hard I guess, I’ve grown up helping them and that’s why I’ve got to work hard here!”[/color]

[color=#DF0101]“You grew up helping them? But did you still get to do other things you liked too?”[/color] The idea of working all the time wasn't very appealing to Chris. Not at all. However, she found it admirable though, to hear Hiyori discuss it like this. In a strange way, Chris sort of wanted to try work, to see what it was like…

[color=#EF9B00]“Mmm!”[/color] Hiyori let out in agreement. [color=#EF9B00]“I enjoyed whatever time I had to myself, but the feeling of satisfaction when you had a good harvest with everyone… It’s special.”[/color] She’d never forget the moments when the whole town would gather after a bountiful harvest, or when they had the festivals where everyone joined in.

Hiyori cuddled with Piyo, nuzzling against it with her cheek for a moment before looking back at her roomie. She brought herself into focus, trying to find a way to help Chris. [color=#EF9B00]“It’s alright if you’re worn out though, the first day was amazing for me too. There were so many things to do and those auditions…”[/color] She sighed, having forgotten all about them when she toying with the AiSuma. [color=#EF9B00]“Um, Chris? What’re you thinking of auditioning for? I’ve got… um… takoyaki? The †˜Sun Kiss’ lotion and maybe, the New Students’ Fashion Show.”[/color] Hiyori counted them off her fingers, thinking hard about each option.

[color=#DF0101]“That would be nice…”[/color] she said after a moment before adding, [color=#DF0101]“I don't really know if I'm worn out. Or if I'm just having too much trouble getting used to things here... it's so different than at home, and I'm not used to being with so many people…”[/color] Finishing with her fruit, Chris threw away the tissues before giving a small, quiet laugh.

[color=#DF0101]“Believe it or not, I was thinking the same ones. Besides the Takoyaki. I don't really see myself as an image girl for food like that…”[/color] Chris shrugged then. [color=#DF0101]"The lotion commercial may be fun, but I do have a concern…”[/color] As she said this, Chris moved a hand across her legs, to point out her pale skin. [color=#DF0101]“I figured for now, the easiest one for me would be the fashion show, but honestly I'm not really that big on fashion. But I will need to learn more of it, and I also know that at least anyone has a fair chance here.”[/color]

Hiyori nodded her head, [color=#EF9B00]“Mmm! I You could give the fashion show a shot since it’s for newcomers, I think it’d be nice to give a try since we can only enter this year.”[/color] She moved Piyo through the air as she lazed on the bed before looking over at Chris, only now noticing her complexion. [color=#EF9B00]“Your skin is so white! Did you use cream? No, you must have used cream!”[/color] She stared at Chris in slight disbelief, even with her own Polish blood, her skin was nowhere near as white as Chris’s.

[color=#EF9B00]“I’m not sure if you should be doing the lotion audition if you want to keep yourself that way but the fashion show should be good, with that skin tone you could pull off some outfits that others couldn’t. You’d just need to find one that fits but are you sure you don’t want to be my partner for the… takoyaki? It’s so… cute!”[/color] Hiyori pouted and looked at Chris with feigned sadness.

[color=#DF0101]“I was thinking mainly about the fashion show, at any rate. In a way it's like a special event. A once in a lifetime thing... It would be a shame to pass it up when it could be another memory for the idol book, if you know what I mean.”[/color] Overlooking herself again, Chris then blushed a little and claimed her skin coloring to be natural, but it was due to the fact she never left her home much growing up... something that made her sullen for a moment. Only to agree with Hiyori that a sun lotion audition wouldn't really fit her very much.

[color=#DF0101]“Besides you might be right. It could be kind of fun to see how things look on pale models…”[/color] Chris then laid on her stomach, on the bed while turning her head to look over at Hiyori again. [color=#DF0101]“Well…”[/color] she began, [color=#DF0101]“I just don't think sponsoring Takoyaki would fit me best... but if there was a way I could sign up for them both I would. That would make things a lot easier.”[/color]

[color=#EF9B00]“Come on, it’ll be fun! We need all the experience we can get, takoyaki or not.”[/color] Hiyori whined out, [color=#EF9B00]“I want to give everything I can a shot since it’ll help me one way or another… I hope.”[/color] Hiyori already had a grasp of what she wanted to audition for but hoped that she could find a partner in Chris, since they were already getting along.

[color=#DF0101]“Is that so…”[/color]Chris began with a pout, glancing up to the ceiling then. [color=#DF0101]“You’re right, experience is important. Even if it isn’t for something ideal, it could help out at some point...”[/color] Shutting her eyes, Chris put her hands onto her lap, then she opened them again. [color=#DF0101]“Alright, fine. I will join the Takoyaki audition with you. I can still do the Fashion Show anyway, so it won’t interfere since they take place on alternate dates. I think the choreography would be fun too since I’m good at dancing though...”[/color]

After cursing her indecisiveness, Chris then decided to only do the two auditions. [color=#EF9B00]“Alright!”[/color] Hiyori squealed in happiness at Chris’s decision, now having a partner to audition with. [color=#EF9B00]“I’ve got a lot on my plate too but everybody has to work hard for their dream.”[/color] Hanging over the side of the bed, Hiyori smiled happily at her partner. [color=#EF9B00]“Thanks Chris.”[/color]

As she was thanked, Chris leaned a bit and grabbed her AiSuma, pulling it out while saying [color=#DF0101]“Your welcome...”[/color] to Hiyori. She was quick in inserting her choices, to make sure she didn’t forget to do it later before looking up to her roommate. [color=#DF0101]“Are you going to put yours in now too?”[/color]

[color=#EF9B00]“Ah yeah… I should.”[/color] Hiyori plucked her own AiSuma, fiddling with it as she tried to register for her own set of auditions. She took much longer than Chris did due to her ineptitude, letting out a drawn out sigh as she finally managed to key it in. [color=#EF9B00]“Uuuu… The AiSuma is so neat… but why’s it so hard to use?”[/color] She moaned. Noticing how late it had gotten, Hiyori began to tidy up. [color=#EF9B00]“I’ll turn in early tonight, it’s been a long day and I want as much energy as possible for the auditions. You wanna head to bed too?”[/color]

Chris seemed to notice Hiyori’s struggle, but said nothing of it. Other than asking [color=#DF0101]“you think so? I thought it was pretty easy. I picked it up here and there earlier though, so maybe that is just it.”[/color] She put the AiSuma on a small table next to her bed, smiling a bit at it. Then glanced over to the hologram pictures she had put up. [color=#DF0101]“I really should write to them soon… but I’ll save that for later or something.”[/color] With a nod then, Chris decided to lay down also, explaining that she still had a headache from before. Plus this way she could get up early.

With that, the girls both prepared for bed, Chris taking a quick shower to freshen herself up after the day. They chatted for awhile longer after lights out, discussing hobbies and the like, before bidding each other goodnight, sleep coming quickly after their first eventful day at Starlight Academy.
(This is a post starring: [color=#9D0A0A]Kahouin Natsuki[/color] and [color=#48aa48]Mizusaki Sayuri[/color].)

[size=15]Kahouin Natsuki & Mizusaki Sayuri[/h]

Natsuki yawned as she made her way back to her room. It seemed that the “Idol Activities” were much more exhausting than she had expected. Especially the dance practice, which Natsuki personally disliked, “despised” would be too strong a word, however. Although, ultimately, it was something she’d simply have to deal with, especially since as it turned out, her desired auditions contained dancing. In retrospect, Natsuki should have really thought this through some more.

Opening the door, Natsuki noticed that her roommate, Mizusaki Sayuri, who appeared to have returned earlier, and was currently busy with her AiSuma phone.

As doors closed behind her, Natsuki briefly considered ignoring the girl, and instead unpacking her stuff, and then preferably falling asleep after such a packed day. However, something inside her told Natsuki that it would be simply bad form...and besides, she was genuinely interested in the other girl, if only because they would be spending a considerable amount of time sharing the same space. Making her decision, Natsuki approached Sayuri, coughing softly. [color=#9D0A0A]”Good Evening, Mizusaki-san. How was your day?” [/color] She begun talking, putting on one of those light half-smiles of hers.

Sayuri looked up from her bed upon Natsuki’s arrival. She had been busy tinkering with the many applications and apparently limitless things to find via the AiSuma. One of the most interesting thing was definitely checking out the various pages of other users of KiraKiratter; something that Aoi advised her to do if she wanted to be on track at information gathering. Sayuri had been surprised when she checked out Aoi's page a few minutes ago. It was slightly shameful that she was not aware that Aoi was actually a very popular idol. She also needed to set up her own account and page, soon, too. [color=#48aa48]“Hello, Kahouin-san,”[/color] she gave a greeting in response. [color=#48aa48]“My day was… somewhat hectic, but it was productive!”[/color] Sayuri claimed, remembering her trip to the library.

Natsuki nodded. [color=#9D0A0A]”I know that feeling very well.[/color] She said, remembering her own “adventures” as it were on this day. [color=#9D0A0A]”Studying to be an idol is...more intensive than I thought it would be. I don’t dislike it though.”[/color] She admitted after a while. [color=#9D0A0A]”Speaking of which, have you perchance heard about the recent auditions?”[/color]

[color=#48aa48]“I know what you mean!”[/color] Sayuri replied almost immediately at the emphasis of the difficulty related to becoming an idol. [color=#48aa48]“But to be honest, I really enjoy learning about all these different aspects of being an idol. They have so -many- books in the library just to hold information on past idols, records of auditions and all though, I could hardly go through much information today,”[/color] she said, slightly feeling overwhelmed even now. [color=#48aa48]“The auditions?”[/color] Sayuri questioned, thinking back to what she did before going to the library. [color=#48aa48]“Oh yes! I looked them up from the board at the lobby.”[/color]

[color=#9D0A0A]”There was quite big variety, wasn’t there?”[/color] Natsuki admitted to the other girl. [color=#9D0A0A]”Had anyone of those caught your fancy?”[/color]

[color=#48aa48]“The Fashion Show, and the ’Special’ audition, in particular, were interesting to me,”[/color] Sayuri answered. One of the reasons she went to the library was to check out information pertaining to these auditions, after all. Too bad Aoi informed her that such specific auditions’ information were not available. Rather, only the general gist could be found. From what Sayuri learned before coming to the room in the dormitory; something like the †˜special’ audition was never done before in the past. Instead, she found notes regarding the other †˜special’ auditions treated as idols’ exams in the academy. There was no information regarding the fashion show, too.

[color=#9D0A0A]”Ah, the Fashion Show!”[/color] Natsuki’s ears perked up at the mention of the name. [color=#9D0A0A]”It was one that caught my interest as well - Actually I already applied![/color] She excitedly told Sayuri. [color=#9D0A0A]”The other one was...hmmm, the Sun Kiss audition. It sounds reasonably interesting, and quite simple, so I ended up applying for it as well.”[/color] Natsuki continued. [color=#9D0A0A]”What about you? Did you apply for yours yet?”[/color]

[color=#48aa48]“I’m thinking of applying for the Fashion Show, too,”[/color] Sayuri replied with a smile. [color=#48aa48]“I’ll probably apply for the ’Special’ one too. I finally got an idea of how this manager thing may work,”[/color] She claimed excitedly, seeing her fruits of researching finally seeming to pay off to an extent. [color=#48aa48]“I haven't… applied for any audition, yet. I forgot to ask Kiriya-senpai how to do it… and I didn’t quite get to fix an appointment with Haruka-senpai, too.”[/color]

Natsuki smiled pleasantly at the other girl. [color=#9D0A0A]"If you’d like, I can show you. It’s really simple, actually, and I’m sure the procedure applies to all auditions too.”[/color]

[color=#48aa48]“Oh, really? I’d appreciate that!”[/color] Sayuri said, sitting up straight on her bed. [color=#48aa48]“I’m somewhat new to this kind of phone…”[/color]

Natsuki made her way towards the other girl, sitting down on her with a grace born of centuries of aristocratic pedigree and years of etiquette lessons. [color=#9D0A0A]”It’s understandable. Today’s’s as if they were designed to do anything but making calls after all.”[/color] She chuckled as she pointed the phone in girl’s lap. [color=#9D0A0A]”I’ll walk you through the procedure, this was, you can learn by doing, I think. Okay? Now, first, you need to open the-”[/color] Natsuki begun her explanation, helping Sayuri navigating the AiSuma interface, and selecting the correct options. Thankfully, the interface was designed to be naturally simple and intuitive to use, so halfway through her explanation, Sayuri begun to work out things on her own.

[color=#48aa48]“Thank you so much!”[/color] Sayuri expressed her gratitude. [color=#48aa48]“I assume you entered the Fashion Show and the Sun Kiss audition?”[/color] Sayuri asked as she herself signed up for the auditions she picked.

[color=#9D0A0A]”Yes - I already completed my registration this afternoon, actually.”[/color] Natsuki answered.

[color=#48aa48]“Ah, I see,”[/color] Sayuri responded. [color=#48aa48]“I couldn’t register for them as I wanted to gain more knowledge before I could sign-up. I can’t quite feel calm about entering something without having prior knowledge pertaining to it.”[/color] She added.

Natsuki nodded, blushing a little. [color=#9D0A0A]Maybe if I had done that, I’d knew about the dancing...oh well, no use crying over spilt milk, I guess[/color] She thought, before coughing a little to hide her embarrassment [color=#9D0A0A]”A wise decision indeed.”[/color] She said instead. [color=#9D0A0A]”I do hope you do your best in the Special Audition!”[/color] Natsuki then nodded to the girl. [color=#9D0A0A]”And while I may not be in the exact position to say it...well, do your best in the Fashion Show~”[/color] She quickly added.

[color=#48aa48]“Thank you, I’ll try my best,”[/color] Sayuri said, giving an energetic nod. [color=#48aa48]“Well,”[/color] She begun. [color=#48aa48]“I spent the entire day in the library… what did you do today, Kahouin-san?”[/color] Sayuri asked, curiously. She wondered what the others went through, throughout the day. Wondering how much hardship others felt, compared to her in terms of searching up books among countless covers.

Natsuki pondered for a bit, before answering. [color=#9D0A0A]”Nothing that special, actually.I spent most of my time doing a dance practice with my Senpai. It was...challenging, but nonetheless, enlightening experience.”[/color]

[color=#48aa48]“Oh, I see. Was it that senpai who was assigned to you?”[/color] Sayuri questioned while she pictured Louise in her mind. That person was truly beautiful no matter how she looked at it. Her insightfulness was quite impressive too, with how she discerned the song and its process just from her upperclassman – Haruka’s – steps from outside the dance room.

Natsuki nodded. [color=#9D0A0A]”Yes. Louise-senpai is a very...hmmm, an interesting person.”[/color] Natsuki smiled mischievously. [color=#9D0A0A]”She may come across as a rather harsh person, but I feel as if she genuinely wants to help her own way.”[/color] Natsuki paused. [color=#9D0A0A]”What about your own senpai, Mizusaki-san?”[/color] She then asked her roommate, her curiosity engaged.

[color=#48aa48]“She’s so pretty!”[/color] Sayuri said, it was her first impression. [color=#48aa48]“The way she knew about the song and where it was ended from just looking at Amami-senpai’s dance steps was also impressive,”[/color] she commented. [color=#48aa48]“As for my senpai… I feel like I shouldn’t have disturbed her as I needed to gather information myself. But I did exchange contact details with her; I should meet up with her soon.”[/color] Perhaps she could learn something from her upperclassman. No, she’d definitely learn, this is why they were assigned in the first place, most likely.

[color=#9D0A0A]”I’m sure it will be alright.”[/color] Natsuki reassured her. [color=#9D0A0A]”Besides, senpais seem to be meant to help new students...I’m sure the faculty picks only the students that are nice or helpful enough. Probably a combination of both.”[/color] She continued, smiling at Sayuri.

[color=#48aa48]“I hope so,”[/color] Sayuri responded. [color=#48aa48]“Amami-senpai does seem like a very nice person,”[/color] She agreed, further evidenced by her nod. [color=#48aa48]“But I do hope I don’t intrude in her activities in the future. I’d need all the help I can get, regardless, though… That said, you should take a bath, maybe we can go get some food after that,”[/color] Sayuri said, then suggested. It was evening, and the sooner they head to bed after having dinner – the better.

Natsuki nodded. [color=#9D0A0A]”A sensible proposal. Well then, if you would excuse me…”[/color] She said. Sayuri was right - especially since it was getting late, and Natsuki doubted that the cafeteria was open at all times.

[color=#48aa48]“Alright, have fun there. I’ll be waiting,”[/color] Sayuri said as she looked back to her AiSuma. [color=#48aa48]“I’ll poke into the internet a bit more till then…”[/color] surprisingly, reading comments and updates in other idols’ blogs seemed like a really fun thing to pass time with.

[color=#9D0A0A]”Thank you.”[/color] Natsuki nodded, getting up and heading towards her suitcases, quickly picking up her - rather lacy - sleeping gown and some basic toiletries. She supposed it would do for tonight, especially as it was rather warm today.

As Sayuri mentioned, the bath was quite fun, and very relaxing. Just what Natsuki needed. Afterwards, the two girls wordlessly left for cafeteria, enjoying the silent-yet-friendly atmosphere between the two of them.
Hanasaku i should just die
This post stars [color=#40D0D0]Amaiya Madeko[/color] and [color=#5d40dc]Saotoshi Haruna[/color].

[size=15]Amaiya Madeko & Saotoshi Haruna[/h]

After an exhausting first day, Haruna found herself stumbling into her dorm room nearly tripping over herself as she parlayed to her bed. She was too tired to notice that her luggage was carried inside and placed next to her bed in a jumbled order that she tripped over one of her bags falling flat onto her face.

[color=#5d40dc]“Oww...oww…”[/color] Haruna rubbed her forehead as she sat upright on the floor.

As Madeko approached the room, she couldn’t notice the fact that the door was open as she was engrossed in looking at her AiSuma, and ended up treating like the door wasn’t even opened in the first place. Finally noticing that the doorknob wasn’t in its’ original place, Madeko looked up and saw a bright figure with auburn hair sitting on the floor. She was taken aback.

[color=#00bfff]”Oh! Ah, u-umm….you...the...uh…”[/color] Madeko muttered, struggling to recall her name as she knew she’d seen her face in class today.

Haruna quickly turned around facing the girl as she was startled by her voice, she already forgot about the stinging pain on her forehead. Unlike the other girl Haruna can remember her name: it was Madeko. [color=#5d40dc]“Oh, hello.”[/color] Haruna said casually. [color=#5d40dc]“You're Amaiya Madeko right?”[/color] She could only remember her name from hearing it a couple of times from a few classmates.

[color=#00bfff]”I am!”[/color] Madeko beamed. [color=#00bfff]”I am surprised you remembered my name from such a plain and awkward introduction,”[/color] then returning to scratch her head, [color=#00bfff]”And you are… Sa… Hi…? Eh, no- err….. agghhh…”[/color] by this time her face was flushed red and could give nothing but an apology. [color=#00bfff]”I’m really really sorry, but for the life of me I cannot remember your name… gosh, I’m so forgetful…”[/color] Madeko did try and lightly knock her head a few times with her knuckle in hopes that it would help, but to no avail. She then placed her hands together towards Haruna.

[color=#5d40dc]“Eh, its fine, don't worry about it. But for the future, my name is Saotoshi Haruna.”[/color] She said lightly tapping Madeko on the forehead.

[color=#00bfff]”Ohhh… Haa..Ruu..Naa,”[/color] Madeko chanted to herself, trying to drill her name into her head. [color=#00bff]” Do I call you Saotoshi, or Haruna?”[/color]

[color=#5d40dc]“Ahh...well for you, I prefer Haru-chan.”[/color] She said. Haruna never thought to give herself a nickname but given her lack of friends she never got the chance to use one.

[color=#00bfff]”Ah okay then, H-Haru-chan!”[/color] Despite the stammer, Madeko beamed nonetheless. [color=#00bfff]”Then, you can call me Madeko as well, or however you’d like~”[/color] Having made her first friend in Starlight Academy, Madeko was ecstatic as she’d figured she wouldn’t find any friends in here.

[color=#5d40dc]“Hrm… okay, Ma-Chan!”[/color] Haruna said happily. So far she’s made good progress in meeting someone without scaring them away or embarrassing herself in the process.

[color=#00bfff]”So, how are you finding it in this place?”[/color]

[color=#5d40dc]“It’ll take getting used to, but I manage.”[/color] Replied Haruna exhilarated from making her first friend in Starlight.

[color=#00bfff]”Oh, that reminds me, which auditions did you join?”[/color]

[color=#5d40dc]"Erm, the new students' fashion show, and I'm auditioning to become Hoshimiya Ichigo’s manager soon. I can't wait to show everyone what I've got!"[/color] Said Haruna with a clenched fist, her sense of purpose strengthened after her entry audition and hearing Headmistress Orihime's words from earlier. Haruna would think she would be next on the chopping block should she fail.

Madeko gasped. [color=#00bfff]”That’s the exact same auditions I signed up for! Although I’m auditioning to become Ichigo’s temporary manager… I’m not sure it’ll go so well though.”[/color]

Haruna grabbed Madeko's hands and brought them close. [color=#5d40dc]"Now now, don't think like that! You're as capable of winning than the rest of us."[/color]

[color=#00bfff]”Hard to say… I don’t have the prerequisites like the others do, and I think it’s very easy for me to mess up during the audition.”[/color]

[color=#00bfff]”That said, good luck on your audition too~![/color]

[color=#5d40dc]"Thank you! For future reference for the rest of the year: think positive Ma-chan, and practice makes perfect!" [/color]

[color=#00bfff]”Thanks, Haru-chan, I’ll work hard from now on!”[/color] Madeko was determined that she would someday ascend the ranks, and hoped Haruna would too.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This post stars: [color=#DF0101]Haramu Christina[/color], [color=#FA5858]Koyama Koyuki[/color], [color=#3bb9ff]Tabi Aomori[/color], [color=#9d0a0a]Kahouin Natsuki[/color], [color=#0000a0]Rice[/color].)

[size=15]Chapter 3: The Second Day at Starlight Academy…[/h]

It was the second day at Starlight Academy for the new students. The fresh girls would have to wake up early at 7:00am from now onward. Being late was the worst thing an idol could do, apparently.

Today, these girls would experience the lesson if full – for the first time.

As time crossed by, there was a lesson based upon coordinations, stages, and past idols, respectively. From there, the students were to then partake in more practical lessons pertaining to idols.

Everyhoney!! It’s time for some extreme handshaking practice! You’ll be shaking your hand with these robots here. The faster the better! First up is Haramu honey!”

Indeed, there were large, almost human-sized robots waiting for Christina to shake her hands with. Well, not all robots waited for her, only one did. Regardless, as it came forward, it seemed larger than her in height…

[color=#DF0101]“Hand...shake practice...?”[/color] Chris repeated with a blank expression. She blinked, eyes widening for a moment before snapping out of it. She compared the practice to a party, which she attended many of, and while she seemed fine, hearing that she was to go first alarmed the poor girl again, given that she was still a little uncomfortable being around Bepp. Hesitantly Chris got up and began to approach. She observed the line of big robots in front of her, then noticed a bigger one before smiling again. Oddly enough she seemed to be pretty calm about it again, and given that she didn’t need to look at her teacher made her even more at ease. [color=#DF0101]“Yep, like a party.”[/color]

With that, Chris politely bowed to the robot before they began. She was gentle with her touch and calmly shook all of their hands, even chatting up a few of them by wishing them a well day, or by thanking them for being her fan. She finished with ease and seemed to be fine, although her hand was a little reddened from the tight grip of the robots own, metal hands. For the first time in being here, Chris seemed to be in a calmed state.

Excellent job!” Johnny exclaimed. Then called upon a few other girls… until, “Alright, next up is Koyama honey!

Koyuki tilted her head, her eyes drooping. She had stayed up much too late last night reading into the early hours of the morning. She was regretting it now as she stepped up to the robot in front of her, fighting to stay awake. She gripped the robotic hand tightly but by this point she knew she wasn’t going to get an impressive score. Lethargically shaking the robot’s hand silently she began. Before she could even rack up ten shakes, she yawned and gave up, there was no point in futilely wasting energy. Instead she determined herself to trying to wake up.

“W-Well,” said Johnny, trying not to comment about poor Koyuki’s performance. “Next up! Tabi honey! Good luck! Johnny said raising his thumb up.

Aomori gave a encouraging look to Koyuki as she passed her on the way up. Koyuki looked drained as she glared daggers at Aomori. She could only assume that when she went to bed last night Koyuki stayed up later. Walking up to the robot she placed a foot forward dramatically and took the robots hand. Shaking it energetically she was able to get 40 or so handshakes. Smiling at the result she turned and nodded to Johnny.

Great job!” Johnny exclaimed with a big smile. “Alright, next up is Rice honey!

Rice stepped up to the challenge. Facing the robots, Rice looked at them eye to eye. Raising the corner of her lips; she smiled. Giving a curt bow, [color=#0000a0]“please take care of me,”[/color] she said before starting. The robot raised its hand, and so did she. [color=#0000a0]“Here goes nothing,”[/color] she said before shaking the hand. For some reason, it seemed fun to just shake it up and down. The counter showed 86 before she noticed that she had been shaking it for quite some time… [color=#0000a0]“Oh dear,”[/color] she said. [color=#0000a0]“I guess I overdid it,”[/color] she then walked back to the other students.

She yawned. [color=#0000a0]“Sensei… I can go back to sleep now, right?”[/color]


Turned out Rice used up most of her energy in there, for the day.

“Anyway, next up, Kahouin honey!

Natsuki wordlessly nodded, and approached the robots, putting on a light smile, before extending her hand to the automaton partner, and begun shaking it. Her handshake was somewhat average - nothing to be ashamed of, but nothing special either.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This post stars: [color=#DF0101]Haramu Christina[/color], [color=#FA5858]Koyama Koyuki[/color], [color=#3bb9ff]Tabi Aomori[/color], [color=#9d0a0a]Kahouin Natsuki[/color], [color=#0000a0]Rice[/color].)

“Alright, listen up, honeys; face the cameras, strike a pose, and SMILE! To idols, posing and smiling is the most basic of the skills. Good luck!” Said Johnny. This time, there were many cameras throughout the room connected with a steel rod. The camera stands were set all for the sake of practicing.

“First up, Tabi Aomori!”

Puffing out her chest she smirked as the cameras were being set up. [color=#3bb9ff]Time to show them just what I’m made of,[/color] she shouted internally. Striking a pose as the first one came by she placed her hand behind her head before flaring her hair. The flash excited her as she simply turned to the next with a hand on her hip. Her index finger extended.

[color=#3bb9ff]“Number 1!”[/color] she silently mouthed as the photo snapped.

Isn’t that overdoing it? Johnny thought, a drop of sweat going off from his chin, but didn’t say anything. “Next up! Koyama Koyuki!”

Koyuki yawned as her name was called, walking up to the cameras. Slapping her cheeks with both hands she tried to wake herself up. As the cameras approached Koyuki livened up, striking a cool pose and even managing to pull off an awkward smile, unusual for her.

“Next up, Haramu Chris!” Said Johnny, calling upon Chris.

With a nod, Chris rose from her spot and approached the cameras. She was a little hesitant, not very used to them at this point. She had no idea what sort of pose to pull off and was caught off guard by the first flash of the camera, causing her to almost miss the second flash. She managed to catch it, making a cute heart shape using her hands next to her head with a weak, nervous smile. Once she was done, the girl blushed and returned to her spot, rather embarrassed.

“You girls need to smile to the other side, not at the camera!” Johnny advised. “Next up, Rice!

[color=#0000a0]“Yes!”[/color] Rice exclaimed before running forward – to the spot amidst the cameras.

[color=#0000a0]“I’m ready!”[/color] She said, bowing to the camera before her. With the cameras came burning red flashes of light, followed by a shutter noise making it evident that a picture was taken each time. Another moved towards her from behind with a clank, making Rice whip out her hand to the side of her left-eye, only to extend her middle, and index finger – keeping her said eye in-between; striking a pose with a smile, while keeping her other eye closed. To the next camera to her left, she gave a strikingly bold and showy pose by holding her hip with her right hand, to the one after that; she leaned forward while holding both her arms back – linking the fingers and palms behind the end of her back. For the last pose, she softly had her index finger tapping against the skin below her lower lip. Her somewhat snide smile was never gone the entire time.

Okay, charming, brilliant!” Johnny said, pulling his thumbs up. “Next up, Kahouin honey!

Natsuki flickered her hair as she confidently approached the cameras; however, that was merely covering her own internal turmoil. Natsuki was obviously photographed before, both as part of family functions, or occasionally in the Kyoto’s idol school. But it was never something she actively practiced, or was judged upon. As she took a deep breath, standing in front of the cameras, Natsuki’s mind was filled with doubts over whether she’d do well, or even what exactly to do - she had seen what the other students were doing, of course, but that in itself didn’t tell her what would and wouldn’t work for her.

And to no great surprise, that ended up affecting her expressions negatively. Natsuki found herself unable to form a coherent expression as cameras flashed around her - once her face was blank, and then it was filled with a not particularly pretty half-smile.

However, while Natsuki seemingly forgot how to smile, she didn’t forget what was actually one of her greatest attributes - her body. She was able to make nice, alluring poses. Her last one was her particular favorite - Natsuki twisted her neck a little backwards, tilting it as if to look behind her at an angle, while lightly touching the other side of her neck with her hand, as if caressing it; while simultaneously arching her back and taking a stance that showed off the most of her white, smooth, milky legs.

Were it not for her lackluster expression, it would have been entirely too alluring.

But then again, that was what practice was for, wasn’t it?

Nice and charming – good job!” Johnny praised, raising his thumbs up yet again.


“Alright, time for dance lesson! It’s a shooow timeeee!” Johnny exclaimed loudly. The music was started with a beat. Johnny pulled his hand up, and so did the girls all lined in rows behind him – all wearing their tracksuits now.

As the music began Koyuki tried to follow the steps. Instead she found her whole body growing heavier and her eyes began to close, falling to the ground Koyuki began to snore lightly. She had fallen asleep.

Rice pulled her hand up as her teacher did along with the music. However as the song progressed, she begun to fall behind. Sweating profusely by the end, it seemed that she was completely out of loop after half-way past the song. The song was indeed Idol Activities! She had hardly practiced its dance routines before. How careless of her!

At first Chris was doing fine. She was able to memorize all of the steps, and was able to keep up for a little while, but suddenly she stopped. She had been feeling slightly dizzy for some reason and put a hand to the side of her head. [color=#DF0101]†˜W-what’s going on? I was doing fine before... I didn't even use all of my energy...’[/color] as Chris tried to think of why she was suddenly struggling, she realized that most of the song had ended and by the time she caught back up, it ended not even five seconds later...

Aomori lit up when she heard that it was time to practice dance. Singing was something she would need to work on, but with dance she always felt at home. Remembering the moves from last night she began to dance out the moves. Following along with Johnny felt natural, and simple, she enjoyed every one of the movements.

Natsuki frowned. Despite having practiced all of last evening, her dancing hadn’t significantly improved. Of course, it was hardly possible for anyone’s dancing to drastically improve in just a day, but that didn’t make Natsuki any less disappointed in herself. Missteps, lack of balance, wrong steps at the wrong time. Suffice to say, it was rather vexing. Much more practice would be required, it seemed like.


Next was the vocal practice with the music teacher. He had green long, wavy hair, and wore black spectacles. He pressed the long white buttons of the keyboard – making the felt-covered hammer softly strike the metal strings – causing an unruffled; calm and serene tune of music to resound throughout the walls of the lesson room.

“Aaa, aaa, aaa, aaa, aaa!!”

The girls raised the pitch of their voices simultaneously – the piano matched the exact moments in which they trained their vocal cords.

As they continued to repeat the process; Chris’ voice came out perfectly. Aomori did quite well. Koyuki was mumbling something while sleeping in the floor behind Aomori. Natsuki pulled off a beautiful tone of voice. Lastly, Rice did just as good as the others.

Next was… “Running laps!” Johnny yelled out. The girls ran in the field. There was an entire stadium – of a smaller-scale – inside Starlight Academy. This is where girls usually go to run laps in.

Rice ran with all her might. Her apparently tender-looking slim legs were put to the test. Rehabilitation was a real chore back in the hospital. Well, not quite rehabilitation as one would go through – Rice was simply tossed into it by the evil nurses. She remembered the forehead-frowning pain from her legs; a burning sensation she usually liked to avoid. For her dreams, however, she could go on forever! As such, she didn’t give up till the end. Bathed in sweat, Rice huffed heavily to take a break when Johnny said that they were done after about ten damned laps. There was a rumor that Ichigo can run infinite laps – the thought of even running 100 laps made Rice shudder. Just what kind of inhuman beings can do that?

Above all else, Chris despised physical activity like this. In her own opinion, her legs happened to be a weakness and due to that, she had a tendency to trip, or they would just give out now and then. However, to her surprise, Chris managed to do very well. She ran with all of her might, keeping sure not to burn all of her energy at once. She started slow and used what she had left to keep pushing herself, and by the time they were finishing, Chris came to a stop, stumbling slightly. She took a deep breath before rubbing the back of her arm underneath her sweaty bangs, then she turned to see if anyone else was still running.

Meanwhile, Natsuki was visibly struggling to keep going. Between running and the dance practice today...well, suffice to say that it was not the sort of physical exertion that she was used to. [color=#9D0A0A]Mon Dieu. I’m going to die. My heart will give out and I’m going to die,[/color] Natsuki morbidly thought as she fought to make each step, sweat pouring down her forehead, and lungs burning with every breath. For a moment, it seemed though that Natsuki might get by the sheer willpower - until towards her 8th lap, she simply fell and rolled over, refusing to get up.

[color=#3bb9ff]“Wake up!”[/color] yelled Aomori trying to rouse Koyuki from her slumber. Sadly nothing worked as the the girl just kept on sleeping and mumbling. Aomori tried to make out what she was saying, but what she was saying wasn’t making sense. It almost sounded obscene which made Aomori blush a little. “I guess there is little choice.” complained Aomori. Picking her up by the arm she first put her on her shoulder. With a little work she was able to get her into piggy back position.

[color=#3bb9ff]“Alright here we go…”[/color] she said as she began trying to run with Koyuki riding on her back. Running with Koyuki was harder than it seemed and after a while she found it impossible to keep going, but after setting her down she was also too tired to continue herself. Raising her hand in resignation she sat next to Koyuki and relaxed.
This is a Joint post starring: Cinia Pacifica and [color=#3bb9ff]TheLoneGentleman[/color].

Walking back to the classroom with the others after changing back to her uniform, Aomori sighed hard as she sat on her seat. How tiresome a day it was. Koyuki awoke when they got to the dressing room; what a relief! However, she was still groggy, and would occasionally almost fall straight down to the floor.

It was now recess. How was she supposed to take this? Relax, or eat? In a way it’d be a good timing for those getting hungry from all the tough exercises. What most students never realized is that this is Orihime Headmistress’ plot to test the idols of the academy. If they spoil themselves right after the exercises; they worked hard for naught.

At such a moment, Aomori looked towards the band of girls before here, apparently chatting about something. One of them held AiSuma in her hand – a holographic displayed welled up from its display screen – showing Rice in an LCD on a certain television show. It was a talk show featuring her.

“Isn’t she the girl who brought out an aura in her first performance in the Nationwide Audition Caravan?” The girl holding the phone said coming to a realization.

“Yeah! I heard she is the second-coming of Hoshimiya Ichigo – who also made her aura show on her first performance!”

“But wait, I heard that she didn’t perform a special appeal, unlike Ichigo-chan.”

“It’s still impressive!”

Then, the girls in the interview itself spoke up. The same announcer from the audition caravan was there, alongside a female announcer; she was working in the audition caravan at Okinawa.

[color=#3bb9ff]“Hmmm, maybe asking her would be worth a try,”[/color] said Aomori to herself as she looked into the screen, interested.

“So, Hoshimiya Ichigo-chan, can you tell us why you picked Rai-su-chan from the Audition Caravan?” The male announcer begun.

[color=#ff0088]“Mnm,”[/color] Ichigo pondered, as if quite not sure herself. [color=#ff0088]“Because she had the potential to be an idol?”[/color]

[color=#9d0a0a]“It’s definitely the potential, her aura was impressive. But that’s not all,”[/color] Rise added, following up after Ichigo, she sat beside her. [color=#9d0a0a]“She has the capability of making people look out for her.”[/color]

[color=#ff0088]“There’s also…”[/color]

“Ah, unfortunately we’re out of time for the show this week!” The female announcer suddenly mentioned, seemingly depressed. “Please look forward to our show next week! Next time, we’ll feature Koyama Koyuki-chan, and Tabi Aomori-chan from the Osaka auditions!”

They are covering all of the auditions week by week, huh? thought Aomori as she looked at the screen. She would watch it if she could to see where she could improve. She was sure that there were a few mistakes that she would notice in the recording, and if she noticed them it was clear others would as well.

[color=#ff0088]“Everyone, don’t forget to catch us next week!”[/color]

[color=#9d0a0a]“See you all soon!”[/color] The hologram was then gone; the show ended. Still weary Aomori slowly stood up and tried to think about where she could find Rice. Looking around the room looked for anyone that she could ask.

[color=#3bb9ff]“Hey have you seen Raisu-chan recently?”[/color] asked Aomori to two girls nearby.

[color=#0000a0]“It’s Ri-ce!”[/color] a certain sweet voice from behind Aomori uttered with a slight hint of irritation. [color=#0000a0]“What do you want?”[/color]

Aomori was startled by the sudden voice behind her and turned around to find just the person she was looking for. This might be the break she was waiting for. Gathering her thought she cleared her throat.

[color=#3bb9ff]“Hello Raisu-chan, I am looking to enter the choreography audition, but I need a partner. I was wondering if perhaps you would be interested.”[/color] she answered.

[color=#0000a0]“I said it’s Ri-ce!!”[/color] Rice exclaimed. [color=#0000a0]“Eh?”[/color] The voice came out from her throat seconds after processing the words of Aomori in her head. People barely spoke to her – for reasons unknown – ever since she came to class. Was she that undesirable a person to speak to? But now, someone did, and this made her somewhat joyous despite the… incorrect pronunciation of her name. Regardless, a chance for friendship was always welcome to Rice. There was a tint of pink that arose in her cheeks as she smiled lightly. [color=#0000a0]“You want to enter… an audition with me?”[/color]

[color=#3bb9ff]“That is correct R-Rice-chan,”[/color] she said trying to pronounce it the way Rice was trying to get her to. [color=#3bb9ff]“You have a lot of talent, I think we may be able to learn from each other.”[/color]

[color=#0000a0]“Oh? Does this mean that you have just as much talent as me?”[/color] Rice said, making a smirk across her face. From gaining the praise, she felt more confidence in herself.

[color=#3bb9ff]“Heh, well of course,”[/color] answered Aomori with a playful expression. [color=#3bb9ff]“So, partners?”[/color] Aomori extended her hand to finalize their partnership.

[color=#0000a0]“And yet you didn’t pull off an aura like me,”[/color] Rice said, puffing out her chest and what little contents she had in it. [color=#0000a0]“Very well, I’d love to see what you’re made out of,”[/color] she took Aomori’s hand to give it a shake.

[color=#3bb9ff]“All in due time,”[/color] answered Aomori. As she shook hands with Rice she puffed out her chest as well. Ohohoho, this is going to be fun! She thought.

[color=#0000a0]“Well, what’s your name?”[/color] Rice asked. This person seemed to know her name. While she herself know Aomori’s name, Rice wanted to do the classic introduction phase to start off the friendship, or partnership, so to say.

[color=#3bb9ff]“Tabi Aomori, it’s nice to meet you,”[/color] Aomori said with confidence, obviously forgetting the common manners.

[color=#0000a0]“Nice to meet you too, as you already seem to know, my name is Rice.”[/color]

The other girls to whom Aomori asked a question before the exchange between Aomori and Rice begun spoke among themselves.

“Woah, is this a start of a new pair?!”

“...How exciting, I sure hope so!”

“Somehow, they’re like opposites. I can’t wait to see them perform. I’ll keep my eyes on that audition!”
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This post stars: [color=#5d40dc]Saotoshi Haruna[/color], [color=#48aa48]Mizusaki Sayuri[/color], [color=#EF9B00]Tadaima Hiyori[/color], [color=#40d0d0]Amaiya Madeko[/color].)

It was 8:00 am. The girls of Asakura Miwa’s class entered a certain room. Many white robots were in vicinity. “In here, you’re all to shake your hand with your designated robot. Do as many as possible.” Hiyori gaped open as she took in all the robots in this room, a bit of a culture shock to her. She quickly covered her mouth with her hands, hoping no one saw her unsightly moment.

“You’re up first, Saotoshi Haruna,” Asakura said coldly, directing her to a robot that appeared to have approached her a bit.

Haruna gave a tentative nod as she looked towards the robot. It was her first time even seeing a live robot before her. It was somewhat intimidating, but she had to do this. Walking up to the robot, she stood before it. The machine pulled its hand up as a mechanical noise perked up Haruna, in a strange way. After which she held its hand in a frenzy manner. This feeling allowed her to halt her thoughts and emotions and simply shake the hand up and down repeatedly and rapidly. The counter beside her counted †˜54’ when Haruna stopped. She gave a big sigh before walking back to the teacher.

“Next, Mizusaki Sayuri,” Asakura called out, ignoring Haruna, as if it wasn’t quite enough.

Sayuri walked up to the robot feeling rather apprehensive. [color=#48aa48]To think that they developed robots just to train an idol's handshaking skills… [/color] The state of the art technology was definitely amazing but it was difficult to believe that hand shaking was something one had to train for. However since she had been called out, Sayuri decided to give it a go anyway. Funnily enough, watching the counter go up after each shake generated a small competitiveness in the girl. She quickly lost track of herself in the handshaking madness, realising too late that she had shook the robot's hand more than enough already. Although Sayuri felt a little embarrassed about going overboard, the score of 79 on the counter made her somewhat proud of herself. [color=#48aa48]Even if it was a bit weird, Idol classes really are fun![/color]

“Good job, Mizusaki,” Asakura praised. “Now, Amaiya Madeko, it’s your turn.”

Madeko approached the robot in front of her, stared at it for a moment, as she wondered how hi-tech Starlight Academy could get. The robot was bigger than Madeko’s build, even when she was slightly above average herself, and extended was its’ hand wimpishly fastened by a steel partition. Madeko has never practiced shaking hands before, and recounted her experiences shaking hands-- less than a hand could count. As a result, Madeko didn’t know the kind of grip to hold on the the robot’s hand, and nevertheless started shaking… only to find out after a short while her forearm experienced strains. Wincing in pain, Madeko was forced to retract her hand from the robot’s with a pathetic score of 7. Maybe she was too hyped and shook the robot too hard the first few times.

“Alright, it’s now Tadaima’s turn,” Asakura called the next person.

Hiyori walked up to her own robot full of amazement, her first time seeing a robot, before happily clasping its proffered hand. If this was practice for her own encounters with fans then she couldn’t spare any effort. She smiled at the robot and began to shake its hand, pacing herself with the motion like she would’ve done with equipment on the farm. It wouldn’t bode well if she tired herself out early, especially with Asakura Sensei watching. Eventually Hiyori stopped with the shaking, the counter reading †˜62’ as she walked back to take her place.


“Alright, listen up girls. Posing is the basic of the basic for idols. In here, you face the camera and pose,” Asakura instructed. “The cameras won’t wait for you, make sure your timing is right!”

Indeed, there was a hoard of black cameras connected by a metal rod that bended and circled what seemed like a spot for an idol to stand in – probably controlled by some people behind computer screens somewhere else in the premises.

“Haruna, you’re up,” Asakura said, directing Haruna to the cameras.

Haruna walked up to the cameras, feeling slightly shy. This was her first time before a camera. So many, at that! However, she managed steeled her heart and soul – prepared. Whipping up a few poses as the lenses shuttered images of her – that included her gracefully pulling up her arm, or eying the camera with a smile while having her middle and index fingers shape like a scissor over her left-eye,

After a few girls were called… “You’re up now, Tadaima,” Asakura said, calling out Hiyori.

Hiyori jolted when her name was called, pointing a finger at herself in confusion even as the cameras began to snap. [color=#EF9B00]”Eh, oh! Ahhhhh!”[/color] She tried to catch up with the timing or find a rhythm but somehow couldn’t catch a break. She still managed to maintain a smile throughout this debacle, her poses and timing a world apart from the smile gracing her features. As the snapping came to an end, she walked back to the other girls, head bowed in embarrassment.

“Alright, Amaiya – you’re up next,” Asakura motioned her hand towards the cameras for Madeko to go towards.

Another characteristic Madeko didn’t exactly possess. She stared blankly at the camera and didn’t notice they already started snapping. Realising that, Madeko quickly struck a few poses with sharp, quick movements; she had a decent quick reactions. Surprisingly she did fairly well, her body composure locked every time she moved. However, she couldn’t change her facial expression in sync with her body movements, resulting in awkward and unconvincing smiles and expressions from Madeko, as she struggled to fit her facial and body expression together. When the cameras stopped clicking, Madeko knew she didn’t do her job just as well as the others did and stepped out of the circle embarrassed for the second time.

Having keenly observed the ones who went before her, Sayuri had managed to figure out the timing of the camera shutters. The difficult part was coming up with different poses. The only pose she could think of was the generic photo pose with the victory sign, sadly one pose probably wasn't enough. Stepping into the ring of cameras, she tried to improvise, making some poses from still shots of idol dances she saw last night while doing research on the net. Although her timing was spot on and her movements were neat, some poses turned out quite weird and Sayuri's smile was rather stiff. [color=#48aa48]I guess this is something I also have to work on.[/color]
(This post stars: [color=#5d40dc]Saotoshi Haruna[/color], [color=#48aa48]Mizusaki Sayuri[/color], [color=#EF9B00]Tadaima Hiyori[/color], [color=#40d0d0]Amaiya Madeko[/color].)

This wasn’t seen so often, but Miwa Asakura was in a tracksuit for once – in the dance lesson room. It had purple stars and color scheme. Was she a sexy type idol in the past?

Then begun the dance lesson.

The music started to play under Asakura’s finger pressing a button on her remote control. Asakura pulled her arm up as she widened the space between her legs to the beat of the music. It was the choreography of the dance for Idol Activities! The girls lined behind her danced along with her.

As is her body tired out, Madeko’s body didn’t act how she wanted it to, at all. Having the least dance experience out of the four didn’t help. Right from the start she was too early, thereafter she ended up in too many awkward and straining positions for her own good, and not to mention tripping and stumbling once every two turns. It was like her body was completely different from the time she did her first auditions; it just didn’t want to listen at all. Struggling through the song through off-timed twists and turns, Madeko finally slumped against the wall, panting heavily and sweating profusely.

Sayuri tried her best to copy what the teacher was doing, however not knowing the song or the dance meant that she was not able to do the moves on time at all. Every twirl resulted in dance moves being missed as she didn't have enough time to see Asakura's gestures. Although the simpler hand movements were carried out quite well, Sayuri suddenly realised that her footwork was all over the place. As the song ended, even though dancing was lots of fun, another mental note regarding improvement was made.

Once again, Hiyori was reminded of her two left feet as the music played out. It might have seemed simple for Asakura sensei, but Hiyori was struggling and missing cues as soon as they came. She was flustered and it showed on her face, her hair swinging around wildly as she tried to move from one step to the next. Many missteps later, the song came to an end and she collapsed on the ground, more drained from this dance lesson than a hot day on the farm.


Next was the vocal lesson.

“Aaa, aaa, aaa, aaa, aaa,” everyone uttered at the melodious tune of the piano upon the fingers of the bespectacled Vocal Instructor pressing gently over the long white keys of the piano. He played the piano to the rhythm of voices.

All four – Haruna, Sayuri, Madeko and Hiyori did quite well with controlling and maintaining a certain level of tone and rhythm of their voice. Albeit, Sayuri begun to cough just after it was over; her throat got too dry.

After that, the girls were out in the running field under a stadium of the Starlight Academy – that lied beside the premises. The girls were asked to run ten damned laps by Miwa Asakura coldly.

The four begun their sprint along with the other girls of their class. All sweating under their tracksuits – this was not an easy feat to attempt, for beginners anyway.

Haruna ran with all her might, however, something went amiss when she noted the burning aches travelling from the bottom of her legs to her stomach – to the rest of her body. It was pathetic – she thought. Her body was at its limit halfway after the running. The sweat running past her face felt disgusting to say the least. She was completely worn out, and done for. Reluctantly, she scurried out of the lap-lines and dropped flat down to the patches of lush green grass and panted heavily.

Running was liberating for Hiyori, enjoying the wind through her hair and sun on her face. As such, it would have looked weird for anyone watching her as she would have been smiling as she ran, reminded of the times in her hometown. The exertion was comforting and she gave her all, more of recreation for her than actual exercise. As she finished the run, she let out a satisfied pant and began her cool down exercises, happy that she had a chance to run.

Madeko, as well, enjoyed a well-paced run, albeit slower than the others. She hadn’t run since graduating from her previous school, and she didn’t especially like running, either; she ran when she needed to. It was weird that she didn’t have any problems with running, given the fact that she did stumble a few too many times dancing. It could be that dancing was perhaps the warm-up exercise, instead. Taking it slowly, Madeko huffed with every step of the way and inhaled with a considerable amount of time during intervals. At the final lap she gave it her all, barely catching up to the others, sprinting across the line and proceeded to walk which regaining her composure and breath for an extra lap.

A bit tired out from dancing, Sayuri had to pull through the laps with sheer determination. Thankfully being determined was her strong suit and she managed to complete the laps along with her classmates. As soon as she passed the finish line, she quickly found a patch of empty grass and sat down to regain her strength. She was quite surprised that most the other girls didn't seem that tired, since she recalled that back in her old middle school, usually only the boys would be able to cope with ten laps.
(This post stars: [color=#48aa48]Mizusaki Sayuri[/color] and [color=#0000a0]Kiriya Aoi[/color]. So, about the special events. They’re events unlocked by players via special choices made by them, there are, of course, other ways to obtain access to these events. They tend to come with various benefits for the PCs.)

Special Event - Information Digging in the Library

Bedazzled by the light streaming in from the meter tall windows slotted at regular intervals high up near the ceiling, Sayuri was dumbstruck by the sheer size of the library. Shelves stacked full with books lined the endless walls of both the ground floor and the mezzanine. The hallway in the center seemed wide enough to host a ballroom dance party like in the castles of princes and princesses. [color=#48aa48]These can't all be reference books… Can they?! This place is way larger than the library back home![/color] She admired the building for just a while longer before reminding herself what she came here to do.

Sayuri started off by looking for a librarian or a library catalog. Looking through each book one by one was simply inefficient as not only was there too many books, but being a new student, she was also unfamiliar to how the books in this library were sorted. Although she had reasoned that there would most likely be a librarian where people checked out their books, Sayuri still hadn't found any sort of check out counter. [color=#48aa48]Maybe I should just ask someone...[/color]

However, in such a vast space; Sayuri couldn’t find anyone. Anyone who wasn’t particularly busy, anyway. Most of the students she could find within her vicinity were reading their thick books so intently with spectacles that she could hardly bring herself to snap them out of the phase of studiousness. How could she? Look how intently they focused on the -books-!

And so, Sayuri took up the task to find the books herself. She’d have to start from somewhere. Randomly picking a row of shelf; she browsed the titles of the books. Anything that seemed close to what she needed were picked. Picked… and picked…

Before she knew it, Sayuri was seemingly walking towards a table and a chair with a large stack of books. Thick books, at that. What could possibly happen? The heavy weight – of course – pushed back at her; making her fall to the floor with the books in clear disarray. She rubbed herself before looking around to find the fallen textbooks around herself. Sayuri felt hopeless. At such a moment, a hand was extended towards her…

What she noted at first was blue. Nothing but blue. The uniform – being blue – complimented her looks greatly. Her azure eyes and aqua blue hair was tied to a tail to one side with a blue band. It was Kiriya Aoi – the idol professor. What a lucky day, to find such a figure in the library on her first day at Starlight Academy.

[color=#0000a0]“Are you okay?”[/color] Aoi said with a shutter sound, as she pulled Sayuri up from the cold floor. [color=#0000a0]“This is rare!”[/color] She said showing her AiSuma to Sayuri – it held Sayuri’s picture, with her on the floor. [color=#0000a0]“Great expression!”[/color] She remarked. [color=#0000a0]“You’re Mizusaki Sayuri-chan, right? What are you doing here?”[/color]

Sayuri blushed a little at the sight of her embarrassing photo, unsure as to why it was even taken. [color=#48aa48]"Yes, that's right,"[/color] Picking up the dropped books, she also wondered why it seemed that so far everybody she met today seemed to know her name, maybe this girl was also someone's senpai. [color=#48aa48]"I was looking for information about coords and the auditions I want to take part in, since I don't know much about almost everything."[/color]

[color=#0000a0]“Information about coords and the auditions… you can try that shelf over there for the coords,”[/color] Aoi said, pointing towards a shelf far to the right-corner. [color=#0000a0]“Some of those information may be outdated, so I’d prefer the internet for such information,”[/color] Aoi added. [color=#0000a0]“As for the auditions, you’d only find records of old auditions – if you’re looking for information about those; you’d have to try a different section, I think. They’re not very informative, but you get to know some of the yearly or rare auditions.”[/color]

[color=#48aa48]"Ah, I see. Thank you so much!"[/color] Sayuri was extremely grateful for the directions as the library was so large that finding the books she needed herself would've been extremely difficult. She was about to head over to the pointed out sections when suddenly she turned back to the girl who helped her out. [color=#48aa48]“Um, if you have free time to spare, would you be able to tell me how this library is sorted? There are so many books here that finding the ones you need is really difficult."[/color]

[color=#0000a0]“From the very right shelf,”[/color] begun Aoi, [color=#0000a0]“there’s coords, auditions, books recording activities of notable idols, brands, stages, and there’s more… to the left I think we a shelf dedicated to the idol units. There are also books meant for your ordinary curriculum here. There are also yearly records of the idol activities in general there,”[/color] Aoi explained. They held all kinds of information here.

Mentally noting down all the sections she thought would be most useful, Sayuri was amazed that there were so many books on idol activities alone. [color=#48aa48]I'll have to come back here another day to look around...[/color] [color=#48aa48]“Thank you again for all the help you've provided, uhm… Come to think of it, I haven't asked you for your name yet…?"[/color]

[color=#0000a0]“You’re welcome,”[/color] Aoi replied. Albeit, she was surprised that she wasn’t recognized, perhaps the real reason to come here was to know about the more popular idols? She was indeed new to idols themselves. [color=#0000a0]“My name is Kiriya Aoi, it’s nice to meet you.”[/color]

[color=#48aa48]"Kiriya-san…"[/color] Although the name seemed a bit familiar, Sayuri wasn't sure where she seemed to know it from. [color=#48aa48]"It's nice to meet you too! "[/color]

With this, Aoi confirmed that her knowledge of the idol world was indeed short. [color=#0000a0]“You know, if you have questions, you could always ask me,”[/color] she offered.

Sayuri considered Aoi's offer in her head for a moment. On one hand she didn't want to be too imposing as she was used to solving problems on her own, however on the other hand, rather than digging through books to find information, surely asking someone would be much faster. [color=#48aa48]A couple of questions won't hurt, I guess?[/color] She thought. [color=#48aa48]"Could you tell me about what idols do during fashion shows and what manager work consists of? Oh, and maybe also where to start my research about idol activities in general… There are a lot of things I need to find out but I have no idea where to begin."[/color]

[color=#0000a0]“Hmm, let’s see,”[/color] Aoi pondered before answering. [color=#0000a0]“You must be looking up fashion shows for the New Students’ Fashion Show audition, right? Idols walk in the runway – while dancing at the same time. It’s more about how your coord is presented in the dance and walk than what is worn. Of course, that doesn’t make coord choosing any less important,”[/color] Aoi begun. [color=#0000a0]“This time though, it’s better to wear normal coords instead of brand coords.”[/color]

Sayuri hurriedly pulled out her single piece of paper, not wanting to miss any information. As she jotted down the notes, she made sure to underline the fact that presenting the coord was what mattered most. [color=#48aa48]So there are different ways to present clothing…[/color]

[color=#0000a0]“Then, manager work. You must also be aiming for the audition where you can be Ichigo’s manager, yes? I wouldn’t recommend taking more than one audition, but...”[/color] Aoi trailed off. [color=#0000a0]“They have to do scheduling. Look up what Ichigo has to do in the next day and learn their schedule. This can be found out from the announcements made on the blog, as well as other information from the media, and commercials; Ichigo appears in many of them,”[/color] Aoi said, she was quite informative. [color=#0000a0]“Of course, you don’t have to make a schedule list for her, it’ll be probably already be done. Honestly, you don’t really need to do much other than observing her, and making sure Ichigo is safe, and doing things right. It’s hardly possible to do that for -the- top idol; so the actual intention of this audition is so that the winner learns a thing or two from watching Ichigo – the top idol.”[/color]

[color=#48aa48]If it's just observing mostly, maybe I could learn a lot about idol work since I'm still very unfamiliar with everything… I'd also be able to spend time with Hoshimiya-san...[/color] Sayuri furrowed her eyebrows as she tried really hard to decide between the two auditions.

[color=#0000a0]“As for researching about Aikatsu, you’ll have to keep up with the media; various television shows that includes idols, talk shows, variety shows, magazines. This is something you’ll have to start from somewhere. It is better to start before you’re well-known; as newer idol are – admittedly – hardly noticed by the onlookers,”[/color] Aoi explained and suggested. [color=#0000a0]“You could go through the books here; but it’d take time and dedication – it is still a way to go about it. It is the best way to gain information that is hard to gain nowadays. Albeit, most are recorded online just as they are here. It depends on what you’re used to; internet or real books. If I were to, however, compare the two outlets – internet is more geared up to the up-to-date details.”[/color]

[color=#48aa48]"Kiriya-senpai, in regards to internet, are there perhaps certain websites you would recommend?"[/color] Although Sayuri would have preferred reading through books, it seemed as if the internet would have more relevant information.

[color=#0000a0]“Aikatsu Navi’s website has good information popping up from time to time,”[/color] Aoi answered. [color=#0000a0]“I’d recommend making an account on KiraKiratter – it’s where all idols makes their account; which grants them their own page – allowing them to post updates about themselves. You may find your favorite or idols of interest and †˜follow’ them to keep track of their information,”[/color] she explained. [color=#0000a0]“The other best way I know is to buy magazines. Albeit it’s somewhat tedious, but it’s worth it a lot of the time.”[/color]

[color=#48aa48]“KiraKiratter… Magazines...”[/color] Sayuri mumbled, writing as fast as she could. Finishing up the last word, she looked over the notes she had just taken, impressed by the wealth of knowledge that Aoi seemed to have. [color=#48aa48]“I really can’t thank you enough for teaching me about all this,”[/color] She said as she looked back up at her temporary mentor. [color=#48aa48]“Although I’m still undecided about which audition I want to take since both of them seem so interesting, at least now I know what I’ll be getting into!”[/color]

[color=#0000a0]“You’re welcome, study hard – work hard!”[/color] Aoi replied. [color=#0000a0]“I have other work to do now, so I’ll be off from here,”[/color] she said, before walking off.

Sayuri waved until Aoi disappeared out of sight. [color=#48aa48]Now then, it’s time to look for information about coords.[/color] The information she specifically wanted was what would be the best way to present coords. [color=#48aa48]Something like that would probably be in Idol Activity textbooks, so… I think Kiriya-senpai had said that they’d be towards the right...[/color] She walked along side the wall of shelves, briefly glancing at the titles of a couple of books from each section to find the one she wanted.

Spotting the textbooks, first Sayuri skim read the title to see if it had something on coords, then she pulled it out from the shelf and checked the contents list. Picking a couple that seemed relevant, she sat down at a table and browsed through while taking note of interesting information.

[color=#48aa48]To think that Fashion Shows were this complex…[/color] An hour or two had passed when Sayuri finally put the books back onto the shelf. Since she had accomplished her goals, it was time to go unpack her belongings back at the dorms. As she strolled through the school grounds, Sayuri wondered if she would be able to cope with practicing for two auditions. Aoi’s advice was to simply pick one, however it was simply too difficult to choose between the Fashion Show and being Ichigo’s manager. The thought of auditions reminded Sayuri of the Nationwide Caravan. Back then she also only had a week to practice, but it was only for one audition in which she made a mistake in her dancing. [color=#48aa48]Practicing for two would be an even greater challenge… But what is life without challenges?[/color] Firing herself up, Sayuri made her decision to give both auditions her best.
This post stars [color=#ff0088]Hoshimiya Ichigo[/color] and [color=#FA5858]Koyama Koyuki[/color]

Special Event – A Day with Hoshimiya Ichigo

It was a silent morning – what Koyuki could hear were only the sounds of birds chirping away, and the rustling leaves of the trees and greenery. How peaceful, she thought. It was just about 6 am in the morning when the cloudy sky parted to reveal the morning sun; its warm light spraying into the academy’s campus momentarily as she walked out. It felt as though everything came to life as the sunlight showered over them. Taking a stroll out of the dorms just to take in the scenery at a time devoid of others’ presence – Koyuki felt that she made the right decision to come out so early at the start of the day. She wondered if she could get a teacher for her private lessons today, too.

As she proceeded further with such thoughts; she found a presence that was familiar to her; an unforgettable feeling. A space of refuge and rest lied before her. Pillars supporting the circular white ceiling, within lied a round table and a seat – made out of stone – that circled it. In a pillar, a lass – whose blond-hair was gently caressed by the breeze – shrouded in primrose flowers seemed to be resting over it with her eyes closed; appreciating the serene nature itself – it was Hoshimiya Ichigo. Ah, what wonder was this? Ichigo of all people hanging around a place such as this, so early in the morning, at that!

[color=#FA5858]“Hoshimiya-san?”[/color]Koyuki called out tentatively.

It seemed as though her flowery aura faded as Ichigo came to. [color=#ff0088]“Mn?”[/color] Her eyelids opened – revealing her vermillion red eyes. Noticing the new student who she met few days ago; Ichigo approached her casually. [color=#ff0088]“Good morning, Koyama-chan! What are you doing here so early in the morning?”[/color]

[color=#FA5858]“Hmm? Ah! I thought I would go for a walk,”[/color] Koyuki tilted her head, somewhat surprised that she was talking to Ichigo, [color=#FA5858] “It’s a nice morning.”[/color]

[color=#ff0088]“Right?”[/color] Ichigo nodded to Koyuki’s comment regarding the morning. Despite noticing Koyuki’s nervousness, Ichigo tried to be even more casual… but somehow, she had a feeling that it wouldn’t quite help the current state. [color=#ff0088]“I come out every morning to see the sun rise, it feels great every time I see it!”[/color] She claimed as she eyed the trees and the sky, her fingers cut past the wind as she pulled her arms to their limits across the air that she seemed to cherish so much – with a bright smile.

[color=#FA5858]“Oh…?[/color]” Koyuki wasn’t sure where to take the conversation next, being in front of her Idol made her feel intimidated.

[color=#ff0088]“Although I can’t always do that, due to work,”[/color] Ichigo continued, lightly scratching her right-cheek meekly, apparently embarrassed with a waned smile. [color=#ff0088]“I see that you’re still shy. Not accustomed to the life in the academy, yes?”[/color]

[color=#FA5858]“Huh? I’m not-”[/color] Koyuki began before trailing off, [color=#FA5858]“I probably could stand to grow more accustomed,”[/color] she said, truthfully.

Ichigo giggled at her behavior before asking her another question. [color=#ff0088]“I see! Have you made any friends, yet?”[/color]

Koyuki tilted her head again, thinking hard about the question, [color=#FA5858]“Not really…”[/color] she concluded, not sure if her energetic and confident roommate counted.

[color=#ff0088]“Such a waste, you should make some, and have a fun school life!”[/color] Ichigo beamed a ray of positivity along with her smile as she said so.

[color=#FA5858]“I’ve never… been good at it,”[/color] Koyuki admitted.

[color=#ff0088]“I see, that’s too bad,”[/color] Ichigo replied. [color=#ff0088]“Are you enjoying yourself – being an idol now?”[/color] She looked back to her from the sky with a big smile.

Koyuki nodded her head, she had been enjoying being an Idol so far, practicing for auditions was more fun than she could have imagined.

[color=#ff0088]“Is that so?”[/color] Ichigo’s smile was replaced with a look of anxiety. [color=#ff0088]“I don’t see that in your face, however. If you -truly- enjoy yourself; it should naturally come up to your expressions,”[/color] Ichigo claimed, as if speaking from experience. [color=#ff0088]“It just seems like… you’re too stiff. Fans may not be attracted, at this rate,”[/color] Ichigo predicted. Indeed, such a possibility was rather high. As usually, while it is an treated as an archetype in some places; the world wasn’t so kind in reality – just pure skills and abilities weren’t enough. A matter of personality was definitely more of fundamental importance that an idol needs.

Koyuki tilted her head, [color=#FA5858]“I’ve always been like this though…”[/color] Koyuki said. She had never been good at expressing herself or her emotions.

[color=#ff0088]“Mn, mn,”[/color] Ichigo shaked her head. [color=#ff0088]“Naturally means that it shows itself without the need for you to intentionally express it, Koyama-chan,”[/color] Ichigo explained with her index finger raised. [color=#ff0088]“That’s how I smile throughout my days at work!”[/color]

[color=#FA5858]“So my expression isn’t natural?”[/color] Koyuki asked, [color=#FA5858]“I can learn to express myself better?”[/color]

[color=#ff0088]“It is natural but… it doesn’t make me think that I’m speaking to an idol,”[/color] Ichigo answered honestly. [color=#ff0088]“You’re a student of Starlight Academy – so you must learn to break down every one of your weaknesses!”[/color] She pumped her fist to the air. Who knows what imagery the top idol had when she spoke of †˜breaking down’ things.

Koyuki had never considered her lack of expression a weakness but now that it was put in front of her by Ichigo of all people she started to believe it might be.

[color=#FA5858]“Hoshimiya-san… could you help me?”[/color] Koyuki asked her heart pounding with nerves.

[color=#ff0088]“Then...”[/color] Ichigo made a firm and determined face. [color=#ff0088]“It’s time to train!”[/color]


[color=#ff0088]“First up, running!”[/color] Said Ichigo as they hit the running fields. Ichigo mentioned †˜at least 30 laps’ but Koyuki instantly thought such a feat was impossible. Ichigo on the other hand, tilted her head innocently as if wondering why.

Koyuki ran with all her might. Despite feeling that she was in good shape today – she was spent at about five laps… while Ichigo finished her tenth around the time she went off for leisure. Amazingly enough, Ichigo wasn’t even sweating yet. What incredible stamina! Koyuki looked with a face of disbelief as she witnessed Ichigo cross by her over and over again. Just would she need to be like that? Koyuki honestly wondered.

[color=#ff0088]“Vocal training time!”[/color] Several times, the two went over various songs. It seemed that Ichigo didn’t do the usual type of vocal training to keep her vocal cords in shape. She seemed to prefer practicing the more popular songs of the day better; it was a way to kill two birds with one stone. A rather common method, but with Ichigo – the matter was not as one may surmise. Ichigo sang countless songs – full versions, at that. Koyuki was tired after around three songs, on the other hand... Ichigo was hardly tired. Despite it being early in the morning – when a person’s voice doesn’t work so well – her voice rang out throughout the walls perfectly. Of course, the two were in the vocal lesson room. It was empty still, despite the time being 7:00 am, now. Students apparently preferred to train their voices here, after school, usually when it’s not an official voice lesson session.

[color=#ff0088]“Next we’ll do dancing,”[/color] now, Ichigo and Koyuki arrived at the Starlight Queen’s Palace – named the Ichigo Mansion by herself. [color=#ff0088]“I’ve informed Headmistress Orihime – you’re allowed to skip class here, till you’re finished with training!”[/color] She announced with a face full of glee. [color=blue]“Assuming you’re entering the New Students’ Fashion Show audition; we’ll dance to this song here,”[/color] Ichigo handed Koyuki a piece of paper containing the lyrics of a particular song. It was named †˜Prism Spiral’. A popular song – especially among the cool type idols. Kiriya Aoi performed in countless fashion shows with this song, along with her favorite brand – Futuring Girls.

Turning up the music, the two shook their bodies to the beat of the songs – allowing the melody to guide them. While Koyuki danced thrice, finally ending up panting; full of sweat – Ichigo stood with barely any hint of tiredness. Just what was she made of? Koyuki earnestly thought. Well, a top idol usually had work -all day long- so that was one way to be used to performing naturally. It was regardless; unbelievable. Ichigo’s existence itself seemed like a natural wonder of the world.

Ichigo sat down to the wooden floor. [color=#ff0088]“Rest up, it seems like your limit is a single performance, for now – if you sing while performing, anyway,”[/color] Ichigo revealed her analysis. [color=#ff0088]“There is still one more training left to do, however...”[/color]

Koyuki collapsed on the floor, out of breath, [color=#FA5858]“One… more?”[/color] she panted.

[color=#ff0088]“That’s right!”[/color] Ichigo pumped her fist to the air yet again with a smile. [color=#ff0088]“The training for bringing out Appeals!”[/color] This couldn’t get any better… or worse? Koyuki couldn’t quite tell anymore.

The two entered a different room that seemed to have various tools meant for exercising. Ichigo casually strolled towards a large – circular – trampoline – striking fear to Koyuki almost instantly. She’d have to train -on that-?

Ichigo hopped onto it, and allowed her slim and slender form to bounce with its help. As Ichigo reached high up in the air; she stroke out a pose with a bright smile, and kept repeating the process with various poses each time. How preposterous! How’d she expect her to do this! The top idol seemed to be enjoying herself, indeed, however. Such a spectacle encouraged Koyuki to try her hardest when Ichigo stepped down from the trampoline.

[color=#ff0088]“You’re up, Koyama-chan!”[/color] Ichigo said with a light giggle – as if like an innocent devil when she gestured towards the item lying behind her.

Koyuki gulped then climbed onto the trampoline and began to bounce, as soon as she reached as high as Ichigo had she began to try and imitate the poses she had seen Ichigo perform perfectly but to no avail. Trying to pose while so high up was practically impossible for Koyuki and the end result looked rather stupid. This continued for some minutes before Koyuki eventually began to feel tired, climbing down from the trampoline feeling thoroughly deflated.

[color=#ff0088]“Mn, so-so for now, it seems,”[/color] Ichigo said thoughtfully, as she handed Koyuki a towel.

[color=#FA5858]“That was awful…”[/color] Koyuki scolded herself, wiping her brow with the offered towel.

[color=#ff0088]“Are you frustrated, Koyama-chan?”[/color] Ichigo suddenly inquired, not with a smile, at that. She made a completely serious expression as she asked.

[color=#FA5858]“Eh?”[/color] Ichigo’s sudden seriousness caught Koyuki off guard but she quickly regained composure, [color=#FA5858]“I… I just want to prove that I deserve to be here, to myself more than anyone… I want to do a perfect performance in my next audition…”[/color] Koyuki said.

[color=#ff0088]“You see, idols are almost always frustrated with their current state. That’s why they’re able to work hard to move on. Of course, there are those who are sometimes satisfied at a certain point; they’re usually the ones who falls behind,”[/color] Ichigo said. [color=#ff0088]“If you want to prove yourself, you’ll have to keep pushing yourself; keeping trying. Persistence is one of the many keys,”[/color] Ichigo smiled. [color=#ff0088]“Just proving to yourself… makes you seem somewhat self-centered, wouldn’t you say? Try performing those who’re watching you; cheering for you. I’m sure that you’ll gain many fans eventually. The true key at the moment – for you – is the fundamental of an idol; smile!”[/color]

Koyuki looked at Ichigo, [color=#FA5858]“It’s not… that easy for me…”[/color] she said quietly.

[color=#ff0088]“Silly, it was never easy for anyone,”[/color] Ichigo giggled yet again. [color=#ff0088]“No one is born to be a perfect idol to begin with. It takes a lot of willpower and guts!”[/color] She made a guts pose as she said so.

Koyuki nodded, trying to smile but no smile would come, [color=#FA5858]“I’ll try harder…”[/color] she resolved to herself.

[color=#ff0088]“Mn!”[/color] Ichigo smiled wider. [color=#ff0088]“That’s the spirit!”[/color] She patted Koyuki softly. [color=#ff0088]“Give it your all!”[/color]

Koyuki brushed Ichigo’s hand aside without thinking, [color=#FA5858]“Ah!”[/color] she said realising what she had done.

[color=#ff0088]“It’s okay, I’m sure you’ll get used to it in time,”[/color] Ichigo said, retracting her hand. [color=#ff0088]“Hm, so she becomes that forceful, huh?”[/color] She thought out loud. [color=#ff0088]“Hmm,”[/color] she pondered about something even harder. [color=#ff0088]“Then, taking isn’t harder, I think?”[/color] Ichigo smiled.

Rummaging through her pocket; Ichigo took out a set of cards. Four in total were visible. [color=#ff0088]“As a reward for working hard – here, I’ll let you have this! Take care of it!”[/color] It was clearly a Futuring Girl coord no matter how she looked at it.

[color=#ff0088]“When I first saw you – you held a faint resemblance to Aoi in a way, so I figured that you like Futuring Girls, am I wrong?”[/color]

Koyuki nodded, smiling from the bottom of her heart, [color=#FA5858]“This… is for me?”[/color] she asked not even daring to believe.

[color=#ff0088]“That’s right. It is the Lucky Pilot Coord – a rare one, too. Use it carefully,”[/color] Ichigo replied. She then grabbed Koyuki’s hand with one hand, and pulled it up, then placed the cards on her palm with the other at which she initially held the cards.

[color=#FA5858]“Thank you, so much,”[/color] for once Koyuki felt like all her emotions were showing on her face and in her body and voice.

[color=#ff0088]“Mn!”[/color] Ichigo gave an energetic nod. [color=#ff0088]“Keep smiling like that, Koyama-chan!”[/color] She said, trying to encourage her even further.
Special Event – A meeting with the Dracula’s Daughter
This is a joint post starring: [color=#3bb9ff]TheLoneGentlemanlyman[/color] and Seasoned Rice

Aomori sat in the cafeteria, having lunch. Eating was the best way to waste time as there was indeed no class today. Rather, there was nothing to do today. Literally. She couldn’t find any teacher available for private lessons to help herself for her audition with Rice. She sighed. This was her third meal – just to kill time.

The food tasted great, and she knew that if she didn’t find something to keep her busy she would gain weight. Cutting her sandwich into two more manageable pieces she admired the thick slices of applewood bacon. Farm fresh lettuce and tomato with pepper and honey mustard. She was surprised that the chefs would make something as simple as BLTs. They were a favorite of hers. Smiling in glee she took a bite of the sandwich.

[color=#0000a0]“You shouldn’t be eating so much,”[/color] Rice said from behind. Ironically, she held a bowl of rice over a tray and a glass of milk. The bowl had… abnormally high amount of rice topped over it. She took a seat beside Aomori, taking a hold of her chopsticks, apparently excited to begin, [color=#0000a0]“thank you for the food,”[/color] she said before eating.

Aomori chuckled. [color=#3bb9ff]“You are one to talk with all that rice,”[/color] she said jokingly. Looking at her plate she noticed the abnormally high serving of rice. [color=#3bb9ff]You sure live up to your name don’t you?[/color] Thought Aomori. Finishing off one half of her sandwich Aomori dabbed a napkin on her mouth to wipe it clean.

[color=#0000a0]“It’s okay if it’s rice!”[/color] Rice claimed with a †˜hmph’, apparently cranky for some reason. [color=#0000a0]“But three set of meals is a little too much, wouldn’t you think?”[/color] She asked, apparently concerned for Aomori’s weight.

[color=#3bb9ff]“Bah! I’ll work it off,”[/color] answered Aomori. [color=#3bb9ff]“I usually end up exercising a bit too much, and eating too little anyways,”[/color] Aomori looked at her sandwich like it were her enemy, and then seized it up to begin finishing her meal.

[color=#0000a0]“Right, right,”[/color] Rice said in a lazy tone, apparently not convinced. As if not quite taking Aomori seriously. Suddenly, there was a loud thud as she placed her bowl over the table. [color=#0000a0]“Alright, I’m done,”[/color] she said. Indeed, the bowl was now empty – so clean – it felt as though there wasn’t any rice in it to begin with. Just how much did Rice love rice, anyway? [color=#0000a0]“I’m best to be off, I’m gonna go to the park outside to do some jogging today.”[/color]

[color=#3bb9ff]“How about I join you? I don’t have anything else to do right now,”[/color] offered Aomori placing her plate to the side.

[color=blue]“Ahem, it seems like you got a guest, though, Tabi-san,”[/color] Orihime Headmistress said from behind. She seemed to be leaning over a pillar – she had been listening to the conversation all along. Rice noticed, but didn’t mention it.

[color=#3bb9ff]“Aiiee!”[/color] shrieked Aomori slightly startled at the sudden appearance of the Headmistress.

[color=#0000a0]“So yeah, I’ll be seeing you then!”[/color] Rice got up, seemingly in a hurry, and left the cafeteria.

Standing up, Aomori bowed. [color=#3bb9ff]“Evening Headmistress,”[/color] she said. Looking around she didn’t see anyone approaching. She wasn’t sure who this visitor was supposed to be. Looking back at the Headmistress she hoped for some clarification.

[color=blue]“And that visitor is me, of course. Good morning, Tabi,”[/color] the Headmistress gave a greeting in return. [color=blue]“I saw you, so I thought to pay a visit. How is your Aikatsu going?”[/color]

[color=#3bb9ff]“Well...I didn’t get to practice for my audition along with Raisu-chan. But I say it is going better than it could be,”[/color] she answered with a smile. [color=#3bb9ff]“How is your day going? I’m surprised that you have time to visit with me. I assumed you would be busy with all the new students.”[/color]

[color=blue]“Hm, that could prove to be troublesome,”[/color] the Headmistress said. [color=blue]“Making a choreography takes time. To master it – to top it all off – isn’t as easy as it sounds,”[/color] she said, placing her hand under her chin. [color=blue]“Plus, there is the issue of your character. Oh, and I don’t have much to do with new students today. They’re all dealt with,”[/color] she added.

[color=#3bb9ff]“My character?”[/color] Aomori responded. She had heard something about it before, but she never really put much thought into it. [color=#3bb9ff]“Is it really that important?”[/color]

[color=blue]“Not usually,”[/color] the Headmistress said. [color=blue]“Haven’t you seen the latest episode of the interviews hosted by Aikatsu Navi? They’re reviewing the students that passed the Nationwide Audition Caravan. It claimed that your type is rather plain and common in the industry now. Aside from your looks, anyway. So, I was thinking that perhaps you need another weapon as an idol.”[/color]

Aomori crossed her arms and closed her eyes in thought. [color=#3bb9ff]Even Yurika-sain has one, its not a bad idea,[/color] thought Aomori. [color=#3bb9ff]“I didn’t watch all of it. Only the tidbits that I caught here and there,”[/color] answered Aomori. [color=#3bb9ff]“I’m open to it… but I have no idea what kind of character would suit me…”[/color]

[color=blue]“You don’t even care about what others think of you?”[/color] Orihime Headmistress raised an eyebrow to the statement. [color=blue]“That is definitely not the correct mindset for an idol,”[/color] the Headmistress sighed in disappointment – dealing with the travesty of an idol. [color=blue]“Come with me.”[/color]


Walking the hallways with the Headmistress, Aomori wondered where she was being taken to.

[color=#3bb9ff]“Headmistress, where are we headed?”[/color]

[color=blue]“Well, here,”[/color] Orihime Headmistress pointed to a door to the side. The two then peeked via the glass inside the room. A girl was dancing in there. The Headmistress abruptly opened it and proceeded inside. The music was still playing.

[color=gray]“Mou yame ni shitai no ni, owari ga kowakute. Mata kuri kaesu no~!”[/color] Yurika sang. The song’s music and volume took a dive lower, and it soon ended.

[color=gray]“Good morning, Orihime Headmistress,”[/color] Yurika spoke between her panting. [color=gray]“Is there something that you need?”[/color]

[color=blue]“Yes, that’s right,”[/color] Orihime Headmistress gave a nod. [color=blue]“I need you to help this girl with character-making,”[/color] she said. [color=blue]“Can you do it?”[/color]

[color=gray]“For her to taught by -me-? Does she have what it takes?”[/color]

The Headmistress smiled. [color=blue]“That is for you to find out, Toudou.”[/color]

[color=gray]“Mnm… well, what do you think of a character?”[/color] Yurika asked, looking at Aomori.

Aomori gave a blank stare as if her brain had stopped working. [color=#3bb9ff]No way! Right in front of me! What do I do!? What do I do!?[/color] her thoughts were all jumbled in her head. Taking a deep breath she calmed herself before she seemed like more of an idiot. [color=#3bb9ff]“I only know of a few,”[/color] responded Aomori. [color=#3bb9ff]“They seem like a lot of work to maintain, but it also seems like fun.”[/color]

[color=gray]“If it seems like fun, why haven’t you attempted it before?”[/color] Yurika asked, narrowing her eyes with a frown.

[color=#3bb9ff]“I don’t know much about it. I feel like I would come up with something lame,”[/color] she answered honestly. [color=#3bb9ff]“Me and my mother only ever focused on dance.”[/color]

[color=blue]“Now you understand?”[/color]

[color=gray]“Yeah, dancing is -all- that she has,”[/color] Yurika sighed, as if pitying Aomori. [color=gray]“Are you looking down on this career? Do you think just dancing is enough? Not in a hundred- no, six-hundred years!”[/color]

[color=#3bb9ff]“No, that’s not it at all,”[/color] answered Aomori. [color=#3bb9ff]“I came to the academy knowing that I had a lot to learn.”[/color]

[color=gray]“So you say,”[/color] Yurika replied, apparently skeptical. [color=gray]“Yet you act so confident.”[/color]

[color=#3bb9ff]“I’m confident in what I know, nothing more.”[/color] she answered. [color=#3bb9ff]“Even confident people have to evolve.”[/color]

[color=gray]“Your dance isn’t all that gre-”[/color]

[color=blue]“Now, now, Toudou – she is only a beginner. Confidence is a positive trait to have,”[/color] the Headmistress intervened. This made Yurika calm down, and stop.

Yurika sighed. [color=gray]“Fine, I’ll help her with the character-making. That’s what you want, right?”[/color]

[color=blue]“That I do,”[/color] Orihime Headmistress nodded.

[color=gray]“I, Yurika-sama, am going to be helping. Be grateful, commoner!”[/color] Yurika pointed towards Aomori – baring her fang – as she announced.

[color=#3bb9ff]“Ready when you are!”[/color] Aomori answered determined to learn all she could from the idol that inspired her in the first place. [color=#3bb9ff]“Thank you!”[/color]
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This post stars: [color=#DF0101]Haramu Chris[/color], [color=#EF9B00]Tadaima Hiyori[/color], [color=#77fc94]Charlotte[/color], and [color=#de9cea]Minase Iori[/color].)

Chapter 4: The Auditions Begin!

[size=13]Light of the Stars Audition[/h]

It was 29th of April, Tuesday.†˜Golden Octopus: Light of the Stars Character Campaign’ was written in a big orange font on the large screen over a pink and off-white checkered stage. The venue was a certain convention center of which this audition took place while an event was going on. Such reservations were known to be rare. It, however, meant that the participants would have more-than-usual spectators.

In the waiting room, there were a few sets of long sofas. One in which Iori and Charlotte sat, making themselves comfortable. There were others, one particular set of sofa had Christina and Hiyori sitting over it. They were the only other Starlight Academy students partaking in the audition – which the uniform gave away.

[color=#DF0101]“I still don't understand how you managed to get me to agree to this, Hiyori…”[/color] Chris said to her roommate and partner, glancing over to her as she gently rubbed her legs. The two girls had been making conversation as they sat there and observed the competition.

[color=#DF0101]“Takoyaki is good, sure, but I still don’t think it fits me...”[/color] With a sigh, Chris smiled to Hiyori afterwards. To show that she was taking it with a good attitude and still planned to give it her all.

[color=#EF9B00]“Don’t say that, Chris. We should try everything we can if we have the chance. Besides, you do look like a takoyaki!”[/color] Hiyori playfully puffed up her cheeks, imitating an octopus as she joked with her buddy.

[color=#DF0101]“Eh?! I do?!”[/color] Chris panicked momentarily while placing her hands on her cheeks. She fretted over the idea of resembling such a food, but happened to realize Hiyori was only joking. [color=#DF0101]“V-very funny...”[/color] Hiyori merely giggled in response, covering her mouth with a hand.

[color=#de9cea]“Seems like most of the other participants other than us – except for that pair – are from other agencies,”[/color] Iori said, looking at the people surrounding them. She recognized Tadaima Hiyori – who was her underclassman, but didn’t speak a word as Charlotte would be tempted to intrude them. How predictable. [color=#de9cea]“I expected at least a Dream Academy pair. Oh well. Guess they were too afraid because of me,”[/color] she tried to divert Charlotte’s attention from the other Starlight Academy pair. Regardless, this was actually true, despite Iori saying it as a joke. Some idols assumed that they would lose after hearing about Iori’s post in her own KiraKiratter blog.

[color=#77fc94]“Now, now, Iori-chan don’t get too full of yourself,”[/color] Charlotte said with a chuckle. [color=#77fc94]“Lets just see how things go.”[/color]

[color=#de9cea]“I’m not full of myself, though,”[/color] Iori said, running her hand past her hair in a graceful manner apparently befitting of herself with a smile exuding confidence. [color=#de9cea]“I wonder how that other pair from our school would do. They may be the only ones to stand in our way,”[/color] only after she spoke did she noticed that she did the opposite and brought attention about them back to Charlotte. This made Iori sweat a little bit with anxiousness. What irony!

[color=#77fc94]“You think so? Should we go up to them and see what’s going on or just let them be?”[/color]

Iori’s worst fears were confirmed. She sighed. [color=#de9cea]“I think they’ll need the time they have left to spend themselves. We shouldn’t disturb them,”[/color] Iori replied, trying to reason with Charlotte. [color=#de9cea]“It’s not like we know them,”[/color] she pretended.

[color=#77fc94]“True. I just thought it would be nice to know other idols from our school.”[/color]

[color=#de9cea]“Don’t we know enough from our class?”[/color] Iori persuaded regardless.

[color=#77fc94]“It still wouldn’t hurt to know more,”[/color] Charlotte said smiling

[color=#de9cea]“Well, if you insist that much, I can’t really stop you,”[/color] Iori said, making a defeated, or rather, a complex expression. She sighed yet again. This person just doesn’t give up. Charlotte can be far too stubborn sometimes. Perhaps it is a part of her good aspects. It’s a completely different issue when Charlotte’s little act falls, however.

[color=#77fc94]“Okay, lets go then,”[/color] Charlotte said happily.

[color=#de9cea]“It can’t be helped,”[/color] Iori said with a shrug as she followed after her. Feigning what little interest she actually had in the other pair that stood out other than themselves.

Charlotte and Iori stood before Christina and Hiyori’s sofa – looking down at the two. They seemed somewhat nervous.

[color=#77fc94]“Good morning you two. I’m Charlotte, a student from Starlight Academy like you two.”[/color]

On the other hand, Iori looked away, and didn’t speak.


[color=#EF9B00]“Ah, good morning to you too, Charlotte,”[/color] Hiyori said a bit shyly. She felt a bit out of place being the only pair in a Starlight Academy uniform, hence the nerves, but seeing Charlotte with her upperclassman Iori, Hiyori assumed that they would be competing. [color=#EF9B00]“Good morning to you too, Iori senpai.”[/color] She inclined her head to both of them, trying to hide her nervousness.

[color=#de9cea]Ugh![/color] It seemed as though Iori snapped, but she turned to Hiyori with a half-baked, forced smile – her rabbit that she carried not quite complimenting it. [color=#de9cea]“H-Hello there, Tadaima-chan, I see that you’re participating in this audition, too.”[/color] A bead of sweat dropped from past Iori’s face as she spoke. How’d she deal with Charlotte now? What horror is this?

[color=#DF0101]“I'm... glad that other students from Starlight are here…”[/color] Chris then said, pretty quiet in comparison to the other three. Her attention made it seem as though she wasn't really into conversing. But others could just as well note that Chris seemed to struggle in speaking to complete strangers, and wasn’t actually being rude or mean at all.

[color=#77fc94]“Is this first audition for you two? Both of you seem a bit nervous.”[/color]

Hiyori nodded quickly, looking between Iori and Charlotte. She seemed to focus more on Iori’s rabbit, captivated by its cuteness even as she answered Charlotte. [color=#EF9B00]“Yup! I’m trying lots of auditions and this is my first with my roomie.”[/color] She slipped an arm around Chris’s shoulders, giving her a reassuring squeeze before turning her attention back to the adorable rabbit, making faces and hand gestures at it.

[color=#77fc94]“Do you like Iori-chan’s rabbit? Though you know making gestures on it doesn’t mean you will get a response from it,”[/color] Charlotte said with a chuckle. Hiyori nodded in response, making huffing noises in addition.

[color=#DF0101]“H-Hiyori...”[/color] Chris scolded while her face turned red. She pouted and put her hands between her legs, onto their seat. As if trying to look down without falling to avoid letting them see. [color=#DF0101]“I… I have to admit though, I wouldn’t say I was nervous. I’m just worried that I might mess up again, like I did during the Caravan performance… that’s being nervous isn’t it?”[/color] She asked with annoyance.

The door was abruptly opened as the girls conversed among themselves. The man wore black overalls – with †˜STAFF’ written in white and large font at his chest. “Tadaima Hiyori-san and Haramu Chris-san, please prepare to take the stage,” he said, before closing the door shut and leaving. He seemed to be in a hurry.

[color=#DF0101]“Huh?”[/color] Chris glanced up at the door, then to Hiyori. She smiled again and rose from her spot while saying, [color=#DF0101]“looks like we're up.”[/color]

[color=#EF9B00]“Yup!”[/color] Hiyori squealed energetically, grabbing Chris’s hand and pulling her along to the stage. [color=#EF9B00]“This is our chance to shine!”[/color] She pumped a fist in the air happily, eager to try out her first audition.

[color=#de9cea]“What’s with her, acting more gloomy then nervous?”[/color] Iori muttered as Hiyori and Chris left. She waved sweetly to Hiyori, but definitely not to Chris. A person not basking under her presence? Showing her annoyance upright before an upperclassman? Why’d any dare idol do that? Momentarily, she ended up realizing that she couldn’t care less, but it sure was a bad first impression regardless.
(This post stars: [color=#DF0101]Haramu Chris[/color]and [color=#EF9B00]Tadaima Hiyori[/color].)

Leaving the room; the two soon found themselves before a pair of doors before them after entering a spacious room. They ran past the doors; going over the red carpet – reaching the fitting machine inside – the room was starry with lights on the inside. Chris placed her Student ID Card at the top, then the Green Stage Coord’s: Top, Skirt, and Shoes into the slots located over the crest. On the other side, Hiyori placed her Student ID Card at the top, then the Yellow Stage Coord’s: Top, Skirt, and Shoes into the slots located over the crest. The Aikatsu System Booth’s top glowed, as so did the crest for both Chris and Hiyori, then started opening up after the last card was placed by them. After the gold-locks clanked down; the curtains pulled themselves away; Chris and Hiyori entered; one somewhat more hesitant than the other. Shining bright lights surrounded the room with one path leading the way straight up to the cards that they initially placed. Everywhere was pink wherever they looked – filled with glitters and suits of hearts. Both girls ran down the straight pathway and through the three giant cards, appearing on the opposite side of the room, clad in their chosen stage coords. When she finished, Chris brought one of her hands close to her face before she made a heart shape with her hands. She meekly smiled after a moment and partially bent one of her legs.

Hiyori gave her coord a spin, waving energetically and putting a finger up in front of her face in mock surprise for a moment, before smiling and winking.

With a flash of light – the two entered the stage. Finding the intricate designs over the pink below them; they noted that it was the Sky Sweet Stage – panels where musical notes flowed could be seen, a screen behind them showing their names, a endless sky abound with clouds, the meter showing the audience’s excitement level atop the them, and lastly, the audience that apparently stood in mid-air themselves – were seen by the two. Enthralled by the stage, Hiyori looked around in bright eyed wonder, tugging slightly on Chris’s sleeve as she pointed at the various musical notes. The music then begun.

“Saa! Yokou, hikaru mirai he hora, yume wo tsurete.” The pair began to sing, their voices in chorus. They moved in unison, swiftly raising their hands in the air and then downwards, both girls moving to the beat.

“Pocket ni hitotsu, yuuki nigirishime hashiri dashita ano michi.”

Hands on her hips, Hiyori and Chris swayed their bodies, skipping forward and back. Turning sideways, they raised their hands and kicked out twice.

“Shiroi shirts, kaze nabiki toberu yo doko made mo.”

The girls span to their left smoothly, clapping their hands twice with energy and spinning back. Their dresses flared as the spun, eye catching as the material fluttered. Clapping their hands again, the duo moved their left arms anticlockwise and back, resting them on hips as their right arms were raised into the air.

“Tama ni wa naki mushi no kumo! Taiyou ga warai tobasu! Nakama datte toki ni wa, rival shinkenshoubu yo!”

Hiyori looked to Chris happily as they began the next segment, raising their hands in air even as they spun in place. The girls posed with hands on hips, drawing in the attention of the crowd, bucking their knees slightly as right hands panned from left to right. Spinning round again, Chris and Hiyori made heart shapes with their hands, teasing the crowd.

“Idol – idol! Katsudou – katsudou! Go, go! Let's go! ...Go Go Let's go!”

Throwing up their hands, the girls tried their hardest to appeal to the audience, repeating the motion and stretching their arms to the limit. Hands in the air, they pranced around before jumping in unison, clapping their hands together.

“Goal ni mukatte! Hashiri tsuzukeru kimi ga mieru, fight kureru~!”

The song was nearly over and Hiyori was pleased she had done this with a partner, going through the end motions of the dance even as she thought this. Swinging her right arm quickly from left to up, she pointed up cheerfully and swayed to the beat alongside Chris. The audience bar stopped about somewhere in the middle as they soon left the stage.

GM Note:
- Total winning points: 9
(This post stars: [color=#77fc94]Charlotte[/color] and [color=#de9cea]Minase Iori[/color]. This post features the song: Idol Activities!)

“Charlotte-san, Minase-san – the two of you are up; please make way for the stage,” a woman said as she opened the door to the waiting room. She was a part of the staff as evidenced by the labeling of her black t-shirt. She then immediately left after conveying her message.

[color=#de9cea]“I suppose it’s finally our turn, Charlotte,”[/color] Iori said, getting up – seemingly determined – she placed her rabbit down on the red sofa. [color=#de9cea]“I’ll let Usa-chan sit here and await our return,”[/color] she said as she gave her stuffed doll one more look before mustering her resolve to face this ordeal before turning to Charlotte. [color=#de9cea]“Let’s go.”[/color]

[color=#77fc94]“Very well. Let’s do our best Iori-chan,”[/color] Charlotte said, smiling as she stood up, then started walking towards the door along with Iori.

Leaving the room; the two soon found themselves before a pair of doors before them after entering a spacious room. They excitedly ran past the doors; going over the red carpet – reaching the fitting machine inside – the room was starry with lights on the inside. Iori placed her Student ID Card at the top, then the Pink Stage Coord’s: Vest, Skirt, and Shoes into the slots – from left to right – located over the crest. On the other hand, Charlotte placed her Student ID Card at the top, then the Lime Stage Coord’s: Top, Skirt, and Shoes into the slots located over the crest, too. The Aikatsu System Booth’s top glowed, as so did the crest for both Iori and Charlotte, then started opening up after the last card was placed by them. After the gold-locks clanked down; the curtains pulled themselves away; Iori and Charlotte entered without hesitation. Shining bright lights surrounded the room with one path leading the way straight up to the cards that they initially placed. Everywhere was pink wherever they looked – filled with glitters and suits of hearts. Brushing past the three cards after a straight sprint – Iori’s body was soon clad in the Pink Stage Coord, while Charlotte’s – in the Lime Stage Coord. As she was dressed; Iori gave a suggestive wink as she leaned closer, before giving a smooch to the air – flower petals and pink hearts decorated her scene. Charlotte placed both her hands on her chest as she gave a wink – spreading her arms out momentarily, then placing them behind her back – after a slight tilt with her head – she finished with a big smile.

With a flash of light – the two entered the stage. They could hear the chorus of cheering from the crowd. Finding the intricate designs over the pink below them; they noted that it was the Sky Sweet Stage – panels where musical notes flowed could be seen, a screen behind them showing their names, a endless sky abound with clouds, the meter showing the audience’s excitement level atop the them, and lastly, the audience that apparently stood in mid-air themselves – were seen by the two. Oh the wonders of the Aikatsu System! They’d then sing as the music would soon play out.

“Saa! Ikou, hikaru mirai he,” the two pulled their arms up to the back of their heads, then moved them down, “hora, yume wo tsurete~!” Their arms were moved up and down as the words were sung, as if emphasising on their figures. They then capered.

The two placed both hands on their hips, “pocket ni hitotsu,” followed quickly by raising their arms high up to the air while making small skips twice. “Yuuki nigirishime hashiri dashita ano michi!” Charlotte and Iori then made two full spins one going to their left, and the other one going to their right; clapping their hands as they finished taking their respective
turns. “Shiroi shirts, kaze nabiki,” placing their left hand on their hip they raised their right hand while pointing up, “toberu yo doko made mo.”

Iori cringed internally. [color=#de9cea]My voice just had to go all raspy now,[/color] she cursed herself, for her lack of preparation, she could barely stop herself from coughing up, but she had to try not to mess up like that. Her confidence and pride wouldn’t allow her to falter. However, placing that issue aside, their teamwork was nothing to sneeze at. Charlotte’s properly resounding voice – her throat in well-condition – covered for Iori’s lackluster singing. On the other hand, Charlotte’s lack of appeal – something caused by a lack of display of her charm and bodily movements; as she focused too much on simply the dance steps themselves – was covered by Iori’s passionate and indelicate dance. [color=#77fc94]I’m over thinking this too much,[/color] Charlotte thought to herself. They watched out for each other. They were an exemplary duo in the audition.

They soon jumped in the air raising both their arms up. “Idol~! Katsudou ♪.” As they landed, they raised both their arms up yet again, while having their thumb and index fingers out – they moved their arms up and down. “Go! Go! Let's go!!” Finishing by only raising their right hand up, and putting their left hand on their hip. Then raising their right hand followed by their left, they placed them behind their head. “Goal ni mukatte,” waving their hands in the air, Charlotte and Iori followed up by quickly pointing at the audience and back to waving their hands in the air, “hashiri tsuzukeru kimi ga mieru! Fight kureru! They gave a half turn putting their left hand were placed on their hip, and raised their right hand up as their hand reach closed above their head – they turned around – facing the audience – making heart symbols with their hands.

They finished; panting slightly as evidenced by their apparently racing beats of their hearts. The audience called out – cheering for the two loudly. Their audience excitement bar was almost filled.

GM Note:
- Total winning points: 11
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This post stars: [color=#77fc94]Charlotte[/color], [color=#EF9B00]Tadaima Hiyori[/color], [color=#DF0101]Haramu Christina[/color], and [color=#de9cea]Minase Iori[/color].)

There were six pairs standing in the stage – side by side. They were the participants of the audition. The leftmost duo was Charlotte and Iori, followed by Hiyori and Chris that stood beside them. The Aikatsu System was turned off. A female announcer stood up to the stage, facing the couple of girls.

“Everyone, thank you all for the great performances!” She thanked with a big smile. “It is now time for us to announce the winner of this audition,” she declared. It was still the morning, and there was plenty of light peeking into the hall from the windows – as such, they didn’t prepare any spotlights for this occasion. It’d be pointless.

“And… the winner is… !!” The announcer said, her voice trailed off; trying to build the excitement. “Charlotte and Minase Iori pair!” She grandly shoved her hand in Charlotte and Iori’s direction. “You two were the best performers of today! Congratulations! You two get to be Light of the Star’s mascot girls!”

[color=#77fc94]“Iori-chan, we did it!”[/color] Charlotte said happily as she hugged Iori immediately after hearing the announcement; joyful.

[color=#de9cea]“Of course we did. Since -I- performed alongside you, after all!”[/color] Iori said, trying to have her nose high. Unable to hide her big grin from the feeling of victory. She was just as happy as Charlotte.

At the side, Hiyori smiled somewhat wistfully. [color=#EF9B00]”Well, we tried Chris. It was fun doing it with you and I want to do it again sometime.”[/color] She grabbed Chris’s hand and gave it a soft squeeze. [color=#EF9B00]“So long as we do our best!”[/color]

[color=#DF0101]“H-huh? Oh... yeah. It was fun. I hope we can try something together again really soon,”[/color] she said with a rather forced smile. Chris would have liked to say that she was perfectly fine with losing, but she really wasn't. She knew that there would be times that she lost, but she worked so hard to prepare for the audition and really thought she performed well compared to the Nationwide Audition Caravan from a week ago. So while disappointed, she did her best to keep a straight face while mentally trying to figure out how to cram even more training in her schedule.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(The song featured in this post is: Trap of Love)

[size=13]New Students’ – Fashion Show Audition[/h]

The students all sat on chairs provided on the spacious room that lied before the set of doors leading to the changing room. These students were those that entered the New Students’ Fashion Show Audition. Everyone held stiff expressions – some nervous, some psyched, some tense. The audition was about to begin. Johnny and Asakura stood before the girls – barring them from entering the doors without permission. There was a holographic display behind that which showed who scored the highest excitement rates from the audience. Someone named Kitaouji Sakura was at the top – this list was from the previous year.

Every honeys! Welcome to the New Students’ Fashion Show audition! Yeah!” Johnny welcomed the girls with a big and grand smile, his attitude to the event was an absolute opposite to Miwa Asakura’s. At this moment, the list behind him was abruptly blanked; renewed. “As you all know, the winner will get to appear in the cover of the new Starlight Academy’s directory. However,” Johnny’s voice trailed off.

“We’d also like to announce that the winner will get to have an exclusive interview, and will appear in the Vivid Color magazine,” Asakura continued from where Johnny stopped. This definitely lightened up the atmosphere, then soon brought it back to its previous state; the girls were far more determined than before now. “So give it your all.”

After a few girls were called to the stage – Asakura called out a certain someone to perform. “Entry number #14, Kahouin Natsuki – you’re up next. Good luck,” she called Natsuki out, coldly, as always.

Natsuki resolutely nodded, walking straight towards the changing rooms.

Although the procedure was something Natsuki was familiar with already, she couldn’t help but feel excited – her heart trembling with anticipation for what was to come. Much like the Kyoto audition.

She passes through the corridor, reaching the Aikatsu System booths. Reaching to her purse, Natsuki produced the three cards she had yet to encode on her phone – the Dark Red Coord pieces. Sliding them onto their positions, Natsuki waited for the “carriage” to slide open, and walked into the light.

She found herself on a road made from purple, hard light, with the symbol of “spade” card floating around. In front of her, the cards silently hung in the air.

With quick, but elegant pace, Natsuki walked through card after card.

The first was top, then skirt and lastly the shoes. Within seconds, the holographic data loaded, and Natsuki’s form took tangible shape, with the Dark Red Coord now neatly wrapped around her shapely figure. The feeling was… exciting, actually. She felt invigorated, as if the entire world was at her fingertips. She twirled around once, before striking a pose – one hand on her hip, another at an angle to her body with a finger extended and pressed over her lips, in a universal “Shhhh” sign, complete with a racy wink.

The stage to which she merged was long – almost like a real model catwalk. A large screen was directly behind her, complete with lights and metallic framework; with several more screens visible in the background, arranged as if they were actual buildings. Spotlights were arranged around the road, cutting the night-like graphic with their beams of light. In other words, the Neon Road Stage.

Natsuki needed to wait only for a heartbeat, before the music begun to flow.

She moved her hips from side-to-side, the skirt dancing across her soft, long, milky legs. Though Natsuki was still uncomfortable with her dancing prowess, it seemed that the scathing training under Louise had payed off – Natsuki’s movements were reasonably fluid and eye-catching, her hand gestures being only a little slow.

Kodomo datte iu ni ha, fukuzatsu sugiru kono mune ha. Setsunakute hajikete shimai sou. †˜Dokoka he tsuredashite?’

As the song continued, Natsuki continued to stroll down the stage, the steps of her dance seemingly being a very modified causal model walk. Though she was a little off-key here and there, the gestures in the dance – the hand pointing, the little gallop, and the hip shaking – all helped to accentuate her rather mature figure and gorgeous looks.

Sou daitan na watashi ni narukara. Anata no konomi no senobi no heel de.

Continuing with her dance, Natsuki advanced through the stage, her hair dazzling in the on-stage lightning. As the song reached its peak however, came the hard part, a complicated routine of jump and aerial twirl, complete with several hand gestures.

Heibon na hibi wo kakedaseba. Subete ga kirameki tomosu.

True to the words of her upperclassman, Natsuki tried to not think of too hard of the next steps, trying to make them simply flow to her. She paused for half-a-heartbeat with the music, before finally making the leap – breaking into the pirouette as dictated by the choreography. Amazingly – to Natsuki herself – it went off without a hitch, and her face lit up with a brilliant, confident smile.
Almost immediately, the air around her burst with energy, and scores of rose petals in all manner of red shades flew from Natsuki. The air was filled with an entrapping, sweet scent of roses, while most of the petals formed a flock around her, accenting and shadowing her movements. Other flew upwards, swiftly fanning out to form several intersecting rings, as if they were an intricate chandelier. Her aura took form for the first time ever.

She continued to move forward, singing with newfound energy. She then brought up one of her fingers to her mouth, and promptly fired off what could be only described as a cross between a kiss and a wink. She slowly, sensually swayed from side to side, undoubtedly making many boys, and probably a few girls, feel rather hot and uncomfortable.

With a swift, sudden movement, Natsuki twirled around, before throwing her arms out, as if in dramatic wave, her aura following as the background changed to a hue of pink for only a few moments – Natsuki performed the normal appeal known as the Tops Wave.

Ne daitan wo watashi ni oshiete? Kore ja tarinai no mada hikiyosetai.

Natsuki continued to dance happily to the tune. As the lyrics passed, she executed the last few steps, before seemingly reaching the end of the stage – and executing a sharp turn towards her starting position… just so she could then twist her head backwards with a playful smile.

Mo joudan ja sumasa renai omoi. Te to te ga furetara, It's a Trap of Love!

The crowd burst into a loud cheering as the music ended. The audience was truly entranced by the beauty who danced on the runway. The audience’s excitement bar was almost maxed out.

GM Notes:
- Total winning points: 5
(This is a post starring: [color=#5d40dc]Saotoshi Haruna[/color]. The song featured in this post is: Trap of Love)

After Natsuki, some other girls performed. When the last performance ended; Miwa Asakura looked up towards the girls lying in wait. “Next up, entry number #24 – Saotoshi Haruna. You’re up.”

Haruna gave a nod. She responded with a [color=#5d40dc]“yes,”[/color] before entering the dimly lit dressing room, yellow lights shined revealing a machine lying on a lone table, same as her first audition. She swiped her Blue Vibration Coord this time, entering them into the machine. Suddenly a light all too familiar to Haruna illuminated the entire room.

A familiar curtain appeared in front of Haruna, beckoning her entry. With a smile, she walked through to a colorful runway, three cards formed in an adjacent line. One with the Blue Vibration tops, show pants, and gladiator shoes. She skipped passed each of the cards, having each part of the Coord fit onto her body from each card she skipped through.

She then twirled around into her signature pose; her chest arched forward with dual peace signs over her eyes.

Once again, Sailor Moon came to mind making her giggle out of turn.

Haruna was led to the Neon Road Stage, it’s large circular flooring emanated a very elegant purple along with electronic visuals of an immense butterfly in the center followed by a lengthy runway. Haruna then noticed a massive crowd, even bigger than the time before, one would deduce that the size of a crowd increases each performance. This made Haruna even more nervous than before, gulping at the thought.

The song Trap of Love started playing and Haruna started to dance prior to the song’s start.

She started off with arm waves and steps keeping up with the beat, as soon as the song’s lyrics broke down, Haruna stumbled forward a bit. Her composure remained during the performance as she did not want the judges to notice her screw up.

Kodomo datte iu ni ha, fukuzatsu sugiru kono mune ha. Setsunakute hajikete shimai sou. Dokoka he tsuredashite?

She had a little trouble walking to the song’s rhythm and lost her footing often but she kept dancing.

Watashi kara anata he to shikaketa no ha koi no wana yo. Shisen sorasa naide. Sou daitan na watashi ni narukara. Anata no konomi no senobi no heel de. Heibon na hibi wo kakedaseba, subete ga kirameki tomosu.

Though she’s already had many blunders in the performance so far Haruna felt the need to keep going, she did not waver or get tired at all. With a twirl she nearly fell flat on her face, but regained her balance.

Haruna continued to walk with less confidence now that she’s screwed up that many times.

Ne daitan wo watashi ni oshiete? Kore ja tarinai no mada hikiyosetai Mo joudan ja sumasa renai omoi. Te to te ga furetara! It's Trap of Love~!

The song was nearing it’s end, and Haruna could tell she wasn’t getting much love from the judges, with the song’s end she twirled around, ending with a pose, though her form was lazy.

The audience excitement bar had unfortunately stopped where around the middle as Haruna finished her performance.

GM Notes:
- Total Winning Points: 2.5
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