From Box-Loli with love.

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Well, I got this idea from the thread in Incoherent Babbling, "I've got a problem," in which an epic tale was told (I'd link to it, but i'm posting from the Wii right now). Basically, Langelus Apsus's uncle, here by reffered to as "Rob," could not take care of his child, Rena. He puts Rena in the care of the Langelus, thinking that he would be the best person to take care of her. One day, Kidgar Monotsu walks past Langelus' house, and notices him doing something he shouldn't with Rena (I'm still trying to figure what this should be, but I can guarantee it WON't be sexual. That's not how I roll) Kidgar rescues Rena from Langelus' clutches, and then begins to raise Rena as if she was a younger sister.

I'm still not sure how I'm going to do much of this stuff (especially thinking of a good reason why Rob is giving up Rena), but I can assure you it will be done tastefully. I'll be telling it from all of the character's above point of veiw, seperatly. Just so you know, there will be no sex in this story, but it will have Ecchi overtones.
Also, no offence to Angelus.
Also also, the title doesn't have much to do with story.
Sounds intriguing. If you write it and post it, I will most asuredly read it.
[size=10]Pretty interesting how that one thread led to all of this. But yes, post it if you wish. I'll probably give it a read it if I manage to catch it.[/h]
HentaiElder wrote...
[size=10]Pretty interesting how that one thread led to all of this. [/h]

yeah, i'll read it.
[size=10]amusement is in the air. :3 [/h]
First off, no harm no foul.

Second, do continue. But if you are basing a character off me, I reserve the right to point out any incontestability in characters behavior, and or persona.
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
First off, no harm no foul.

Second, do continue. But if you are basing a character off me, I reserve the right to point out any incontestability in characters behavior, and or persona.

The only correlation between you and Langelus is the name. His actions and personality will not be based of yours
Prolouge: Rob
The economy hit us hard.
And by †˜us’ I mean my daughter, Rena, and I. Her mother isn’t with us anymore; as the good lord seems to of found it in his †˜great plan’ for us on earth to strip away a 9-year-old’s mother. Her ma, my wife was the only source of income for this family since the company I worked for got shut down, and with her gone, I’m afraid I can’t support the family anymore, if you can even call us a family. And so, I had to give up my little girl.

I remember how my little girl looked the day I told her she was going to live with her 24-year-old cousin, Langelus. Tears pouring out of her crimson eyes, locks of violet hair covering her face, cheeks flourished at the force of her own weeping. Never in my life had I seen a sadder site. You could never understand how hard it is to tell a little girl that you’re leaving her in the care of someone else. I’m just glad I have someone in the family like Langelus; a trustworthy young man who has a good head on is shoulders.

Rena seems to be taking it well enough, the initial shock dissipating into quiet acceptance. Though whether this was a facade or not I don't know. She’s a very understanding little girl, although innocent. The fact that Langelus is her favorite cousin and that she always stayed by his side during family get-togethers helped, though. I don’t know why she’s so fond of Langelus. She never did like to discuss it with us, but I’m sure glad she is.

The only problem is that Langelus is… a bit of a drinker. Or at least he was last I saw of him. He says that he’s not so bad anymore, as he’s been going to A.A. meetings and participating in recovering alcoholic groups on the internet. I sure hope he will stay sober now that my only daughter is going to live with him. I trust him though. He sounded much better the last time me and him conversed over the phone.

When I brought Rena to Langelus’ apartment, she surprisingly seemed more giddy than sad. She had a mischievous smile on her face, as if she was planning something, but I blew it off. I rang the doorbell, then hoped into the car and left off. I didn’t want anyone to see me in my current state.

Now, all I can do is hope I left her in the right hands.

It's extremely, extremely short, but this is the first piece I've ever put on the internets. I know it's not very good but oh well.
Also, I just realized how fucking hard its going to be to write from Rena's point of veiw. Also, what the hell does Fakku have against paragraphs.
that seemed like a great start(i think you should change that to a prologue instead of making it chapter 1, because thats how it felt more like then a chapter...
but anyway pretty good like u said it was short lol but thats ok...
hmm there's not much i can say, just that i hope to read more from ya
biglw17 wrote...
that seemed like a great start(i think you should change that to a prologue instead of making it chapter 1, because thats how it felt more like then a chapter...

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I guess I'll put it back up as a prolouge.
It's pretty decent I will say that, you do have some characteristics of me, That I do not portray here online. But I'm interested to see more.
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
It's pretty decent I will say that, you do have some characteristics of me, That I do not portray here online. But I'm interested to see more.

Well, I don't really think your an alcoholic, LAngelus. If you want me to portray you better, you could give me some characteristics about yourself.
The age was just made up, by the way. I said he was only going to be loosely based around you.
It was pretty good prologue material amigo. I suppose the only thing I would suggest is to make it a bit longer. The thing about a prologue is that since it is the intro to the pending story, it cries for a seamless transition from point A, to the real start of the story [point B]. Really though, it is still good regardless. I'll be here for the next piece.
alexanderthenine wrote...
It was pretty good prologue material amigo. I suppose the only thing I would suggest is to make it a bit longer. The thing about a prologue is that since it is the intro to the pending story, it cries for a seamless transition from point A, to the real start of the story [point B]. Really though, it is still good regardless. I'll be here for the next piece.

The transition should go well, as Chapter one pics up EXACTLY where the prolouge left off. I'm thinking that I will tell the second part in Langelus' chapter, the third part in Kidgar's chapter, and then recap + fourth part in Rena's chapter. So basically, you hear different segments of the story from different point of veiws, and then the whole story from one point of veiw.
MidgarKonotsu wrote...
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
It's pretty decent I will say that, you do have some characteristics of me, That I do not portray here online. But I'm interested to see more.

Well, I don't really think your an alcoholic, LAngelus. If you want me to portray you better, you could give me some characteristics about yourself.
The age was just made up, by the way. I said he was only going to be loosely based around you.

I wasn't talking about Alcoholism. I am actually a level headed and Dependable person.
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
MidgarKonotsu wrote...
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
It's pretty decent I will say that, you do have some characteristics of me, That I do not portray here online. But I'm interested to see more.

Well, I don't really think your an alcoholic, LAngelus. If you want me to portray you better, you could give me some characteristics about yourself.
The age was just made up, by the way. I said he was only going to be loosely based around you.

I wasn't talking about Alcoholism. I am actually a level headed and Dependable person.

Oh. I thought you were trying to say I portrayed you wrong.
I am an Alcoholic though so far you've hit me spot on.
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
I am an Alcoholic though so far you've hit me spot on.

Nice, Angelus.
Are you prone to fits of drunken rage?
MidgarKonotsu wrote...
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
I am an Alcoholic though so far you've hit me spot on.

Nice, Angelus.
Are you prone to fits of drunken rage?

Not that I know of

Normal: I'm crazy

Buzzed: I'm Crazier

Drunk: I'm quiet

Plastered: I'm passed out
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
MidgarKonotsu wrote...
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
I am an Alcoholic though so far you've hit me spot on.

Nice, Angelus.
Are you prone to fits of drunken rage?

Not that I know of

Normal: I'm crazy

Buzzed: I'm Crazier

Drunk: I'm quiet

Plastered: I'm passed out

Well, your prone to fits of drunken rage now.
lol Make it the Abusive Boyfriend Kinda Drunken Rage
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