From the lost files of artcellrox

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I'll be honest. Even though there are a ton of things I can point out wrong, I know that it's a lot better than my first fanfiction that I wrote at that age. For my own sanity, it is no longer posted on the internet, but dear God was my first fic bad. I decided to do a crossover story that crossed over Gundam, Final Fantasy, Legend of Dragoon, and even Parasite Eve. Yes, you read that right. I basically took all the RPGs I played at the time, then crossed them over with Gundam Wing and you can guess the result. My subsequent fics didn't get any better, if only because I was going through that Gary Stu phase where I essentially inserted myself into [insert fictional work] and own everything just because I was writing the fic. You can imagine how that turned out as well.

In any case, if you SERIOUSLY want me to review it, I would review it knowing that it was written by a 6th grader.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Blaze wrote...
I'll be honest. Even though there are a ton of things I can point out wrong, I know that it's a lot better than my first fanfiction that I wrote at that age. For my own sanity, it is no longer posted on the internet, but dear God was my first fic bad. I decided to do a crossover story that crossed over Gundam, Final Fantasy, Legend of Dragoon, and even Parasite Eve. Yes, you read that right. I basically took all the RPGs I played at the time, then crossed them over with Gundam Wing and you can guess the result. My subsequent fics didn't get any better, if only because I was going through that Gary Stu phase where I essentially inserted myself into [insert fictional work] and own everything just because I was writing the fic. You can imagine how that turned out as well.

In any case, if you SERIOUSLY want me to review it, I would review it knowing that it was written by a 6th grader.

Eh, it's fine. This was mainly put up for laughs anyway. I'd rather I get criticism on my writing style as it is now, because I'm sure you may have gathered from my entry, I'm not the same writer as I was back then.
Xenon FAKKU Writer
Blaze wrote...
I'll be honest. Even though there are a ton of things I can point out wrong, I know that it's a lot better than my first fanfiction that I wrote at that age. For my own sanity, it is no longer posted on the internet, but dear God was my first fic bad. I decided to do a crossover story that crossed over Gundam, Final Fantasy, Legend of Dragoon, and even Parasite Eve. Yes, you read that right. I basically took all the RPGs I played at the time, then crossed them over with Gundam Wing and you can guess the result. My subsequent fics didn't get any better, if only because I was going through that Gary Stu phase where I essentially inserted myself into [insert fictional work] and own everything just because I was writing the fic. You can imagine how that turned out as well.

I tend to think that phase is essential in order for a writer to really become gifted. Think about it: as children, we're dependent on learning through our experiences. What those crossover fanfics did for you because you inserted yourself into them was teach you how to apply yourself into a story. You are not alone, I believe every writer has done this and gone through that stage. I did too. The next stage of development after this is not putting yourself into the story so you can relate, but putting a character in a story and relating to them, then writing it as if you have become them so the feeling is genuine. That's how I feel, anyway. Regardless, it's near impossible to do that without the "Gary Stu" phase, I feel.

Honestly, a crossover between Gundam, Final Fantasy, Legend of Dragoon, and even Parasite Eve does sound pretty awesome.
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