Life After Death! (Another CYOA by yours truly!)

Xenon FAKKU Writer
I dunno....Blue? C?
D! I wonder what powers we'll get.
D. white seems like the best choice for some reason.
I'm back. Sorry guys, been catching up on some much needed sleep. My friend wanted to hang out right after work and I ended up staying up all night watching Breaking Bad with him since he hasn't seen it yet.

You approach the white light and touch it. A bright flash engulfs the room before it vanishes.

"I see, so that's your choice..." the voice says. "Let's see how helpful your new found gift will be. Don't get too attach to it, it'll disappear with every cage."

The doors to the cage open in front of you. Hesitantly, you walk out. You are surprised when the scenery completely changes upon setting one foot outside of the cage. You are now standing in front of a massive stone pillar that pierces a blanket of storm clouds not high up from where you are standing. You observe and notice thousands of people climbing it. You realize that there is some weight to your right hand and you notice that you a clutching what appears to be a twelve foot grappling hook.

"Reach the top and you'll be that much closer to getting out of here," the voice says. Then, a small cylindrical crystal appears and floats in front of you. "I almost forgot, take this. It's a phylactery. If you ever die, your soul will be transferred into it and it will create a new body for you. Don't worry, it won't make a random body, you'll still look like you. Hahaha!"

"What if I die without one?" you ask.

"Then your soul will cease to exist," the voice answers. "You will be wiped out from existence. To the living, this would be known as the part where they move on with your death. Isn't that fascinating? They subconsciously know when you no longer exist!"

"I always wondered how that worked..." you say.

"Don't go thinking you'll get many of those crystals," the voice says. "I take them away from you at every cage so that you'll only have one when you start the next level."

"So there's a possibility I can get more?" you ask with a little more enthusiasm.

"Of course! Just make sure the person your stealing it from doesn't die before you take it! Hahaha!" the voice says.

"Of course..." you say as your enthusiasm gets crushed. You walk up to the pillar and get a firm grip. Just as you ready yourself to climb, a man tackles you, knocking you to the ground. You take a moment to process what just happened before realizing that he just took your climbing spot. You:

A. Let it go and start to climb right behind him
B. Let it go and wait a moment before climbing
C. Let it go and find another spot to start climbing
D. Kill him while his back is turned to you
E. Other

HP: 10
Level: The Stone Monument
Equipment: Phylactery, Grappling Hook
Xenon FAKKU Writer
>Previous post Jul 29, 2014 at 11:23 pm
>Current post Jul 30, 2014 at 5:12 pm
>Apologizes for being late after an 18 hour window
>Most posts in section take 2 to 5 days to get any response
>Cannot fathom this level of good manners.

So the phylactery is a fairy bottle...or an Estus Flask. Why do I suddenly feel like we've entered into the world of Dark Souls. Why do I suddenly feel screwed?

E. Grapple up it, why start climbing with our hands like the rest of these plebs?
Xenon wrote...
>Previous post Jul 29, 2014 at 11:23 pm
>Current post Jul 30, 2014 at 5:12 pm
>Apologizes for being late after an 18 hour window
>Most posts in section take 2 to 5 days to get any response
>Cannot fathom this level of good manners.

So the phylactery is a fairy bottle...or an Estus Flask. Why do I suddenly feel like we've entered into the world of Dark Souls. Why do I suddenly feel screwed?

E. Grapple up it, why start climbing with our hands like the rest of these plebs?

Haha, I apologize if I'm too kind. Either way, thank you for the kind words. And now that you mentioned it, I just recently beat Dark Souls. I'm now on New Game +5. One more to go!
Xenon FAKKU Writer
crazr wrote...
Haha, I apologize if I'm too kind. Either way, thank you for the kind words. And now that you mentioned it, I just recently beat Dark Souls. I'm now on New Game +5. One more to go!

Don't apologize for being too kind. I don't think that's possible. It speaks for your character and high sense of morality. That being said, it's kind of ironic that you're having us participate in a CYOA which demands we kill to survive. Funny, that.
C! I think it might be better to grapple once we've climbed a bit. (Or does climbing imply using the grappling hook?)
xninebreaker wrote...
C! I think it might be better to grapple once we've climbed a bit. (Or does climbing imply using the grappling hook?)

You can use the hook whenever you like! It's a support item you got from the white light so you have free range.
E. Pull the guy down with the grapple so that he dies from the fall, then he won't get in the way. then start climbing up with the grapple again.
I'm finally back! I've been hard at work searching for a more stable job so I'm sorry for not updating ridiculously fast like I always do. Anyway, I got a moment to unwind for a bit so let's continue! Also, I will most likely be updating my other submissions sometime over the weekend.

I've decided to combine both Es into one.

You look at the man climbing with disgust. You start to swing your grappling hook and toss it directly at him. It connects and pierces his left shoulder, causing the man to wince in pain. It's not long before he loses his grip and starts to fall. He lands right in front of you, hitting the ground with a loud thud. You dislodge the grappling hook and take his phylactery, giving you two now. Then, you swing the hook once more and toss it as high as you can. It digs into the rocks and you pull to make sure that it's latched on tight. When you are certain, you start to climb up. As you do so at a steady speed, you pass many people unfortunate enough to not have the same equipment as you. Occasionally, you are startled by screams as people quickly zip past you, falling to their deaths from an unfortunate misstep. On the other much rarer occasion, you are irritated when you see people zip past you because they have gained wings to fly. In fact, it's given you a very devious idea. Some people fly awfully close to you, and it wouldn't be hard to jump at them and try to steal their gift. You also consider the consequences. Firstly, you think it just seems morally wrong to underhand a person. Secondly, if you missed, you might wind up dead. The decision is tricky, but you choose to:

A. Continue to climb the way you are climbing
B. Attempt to jump at one of the winged people and steal their gift
C. Attempt to bargain with one of the winged people to trade gifts
D. Attempt to persuade one of the winged people to carry you
E. Other

Current HP: 10
Level: The Stone Monument
Equipment: Phylactery(2), Grappling Hook
Xenon FAKKU Writer
D, offer a phylactery, since we have one extra.
E. Use the grapple to steal a pair of wings, if not possible then just continue climbing the way I am now.
Xenon wrote...
D, offer a phylactery, since we have one extra.

D. I agree, this seems to be most efficient option.
As you hang on to a ledge and ready to throw the hook once more, you catch a woman flying your direction. You hold off on your throw and start to wave at her. You make motions to get her to notice you and she eventually stops when she reaches you. You are thankful she does as you try to explain yourself. You are then reminded of the realization that you can't speak. You decide to:

A. Give up and just let her go her way
B. Attempt to try and get her to understand what you want
C. Jump at her while she is seemingly defenseless
D. Toss your grappling hook at her while she is seemingly defenseless
E. Other

Current HP: 10
Level: The Stone Monument
Equipment: Phylactery(2), Grappling Hook
Xenon FAKKU Writer
E. Point to her, point to ourselves, point to the top, take out the phylactery and hold it out for her, then extend our hand for her to take.
Xenon wrote...
E. Point to her, point to ourselves, point to the top, take out the phylactery and hold it out for her, then extend our hand for her to take.

E. Seems like a good way to do it ^^
E it is! Also, there will be an update to my Maid story by the end of tonight. If you've been reading it, be sure to check it out!

You point at her and then at yourself before you point to the top. She understands what you are saying and shakes her head. Just as she readies herself to fly, you motion her to hold a moment. You pull out a Phylactery and wave it at her. You point at it then at her before you repeat your previous actions. She looks at the top and then back to you. She rolls her eyes before nodding her head in agreement. She takes your Phylactery and puts it in her pocket. She then takes your extended hand and you two start to fly.

"Very smart!" you hear the voice say. "You're quite the persuasive one, aren't you?"

"If you say that this is against the rules, I'm going to be very upset," you say.

"It's not, so you have nothing to worry about," the voice says.

"Good," you say. As you get closer to the cloud blanket, you notice that there are less people. In fact, you only see a little over two dozen compared to the thousands at the bottom. You also notice that there seems to be a growing number of caves appearing on the stone. Your eyes widen when demonic bat-like creatures begin to fly out of the caves. They begin to seek out winged people and you are horrified at the sight. Once one latches on, it emits a screech that attracts others. You see one winged person after another fall to them. Your carrier is flying as fast as she can, hell bent to reach the blanket of clouds. You see a look of realization in her face as she looks at you. She has an expression of regret in her face before you notice her grip on your hand loosen. You:

A. Let go
B. Grip tighter
C. Try to steal her gift
D. Convince her not to let go
E. Other

Current HP: 10
Level: The Stone Monument
Equipment: Phylactery(1), Grappling Hook
Xenon FAKKU Writer
D, tighten our grip and give her a look of determination, take out the grappling hook and extend it towards the creatures to show her we will defend both of us if need be.
Xenon wrote...
D, tighten our grip and give her a look of determination, take out the grappling hook and extend it towards the creatures to show her we will defend both of us if need be.

Sounds good enough! D it is.
Monster Girl
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