Maple Spring Inn

I don't know how to really explain it all but this actually came to me in a dream. Plot wise it's a bit of a cross between Ai Yori Aoshi, Love Hina, and Tenchi Muyo. The Prologue just kind of gives a back story, as to everything with out going into great detail.

About ten years ago the old owners of the Maple Spring Inn sold it to my family, after that, the place just became something of a second home that we never used. Mom and Dad thought about tearing it down and selling the land to a developer, but for some reason I still don't know how, I talked them out of it. I don't know why but for some reason I saw a greater purpose for the old place though it was dilapidated and falling apart.

I spent an entire year after I graduated high school fixing the place back up. People thought me mad when I walked into the hardware store every other day, sometimes my hands bandages so much you would think I was part mummy. But the hard work was worth it. The Maple Spring Inn was restored. Though for what I still didn't know.

I lived there, by myself taking care of it, keeping care of it, and going to school. Just me by myself in this large old manor, every so often a friend or two from school would come and stay for a night. But then it would just be me, myself, and I again once they left.

But then all that changed when I met Aries. Now what kind of past she's had I don't know all I remember was she was taking shelter on the porch of the Inn, in the middle of a rain storm when I got back home. It turned out she was homeless, and was just seeking shelter form a rain storm.

Something deep inside me felt some remorse of pity, I don't know why but I invited her inside to where it was warm. I don't know if it was because of my solitude taking it's toll, or my primal want to be a good person. But more people have come along since, and more people live in the Inn with me. I have but one rule, if you stay here you have to help out, cooking cleaning, paying rent whatever you can do to help do so.

Last time I checked, there is me, Aries, Leanne, Misty, Terra, and Tina. Me the only make in this place, surrounded by 5 other people all of them female. Every one of them with a story, and me, the guy who's heard it all before. Some would say “Sai,” thats my name. “You are a lucky bastard.” But I sometimes see it as a curse, because for some odd reason some of them like me as more than a friend. And I feel that way about one of them

All I'm trying to do is survive. I love that this old place now has a purpose once again, but if it's not something going wrong with the place it's something with the girls. This all may bring an early end to my existence.
Chapter 1:
If there is one thing I love about this place it's the fall. As the leaves all begin to change colors. Mostly notable the maple leaves that fall in abundance of red and yellow around the inn. Though it gets to be a pain trying to clean them all up. On the property there are a total of 35 maple trees, 25 old apple trees, that blooms out each year with sweet decidable Jonathan apples.

Thats one way we make money out of the Inn, during the spring is by taking the sap from the Maple trees and boiling it down into maple syrup, and selling apples and apple butter during the fall. It's just so fun to watch everyone this time of year. Misty and Terra in the kitchen making apple butter. Leanne and Tina working there asses off to bring some money into the place, and every Tuesday and Thursday me and Aries head down with a stock of whatever we have, to the farmers market.

The Maple Spring Inn has became a household name around here when it comes down to our products that we sell. Throughout the course of a year our annual income from making apple butter and maple syrup, is over 6 thousand dollars, for the two alone. Then add in other things like home made jam's and jellies, honey, and fresh baked cakes, cookies, and pies. Our annual budget is normally met within the 8 months that we produce and sell.

“Today's gonna be a good day,” I laughed as I let the tail gate on the truck down, watching everyone get set up in the early hours for the Tuesday Farmers market.

“Morning Sai,” an older man said as he pulled out a folding camping chair and sat down in it. “Got anything good today?”

“The same old stuff Bart,” I replied with a smile. “Apples, apple butter, apple cider, apple sauce, honey, whats left of the syrup from this year, and a nice selection of pies.”

“Well now what kind of pies?” Bart asked as Aries walked over beside me.

“Well now why don't you come and take a look Bart,” Aries said as she greeted him. You know Terra's pies never last long.”

“Pa don't need one,” a little old lady said as she walked over and smacked Bart on the head. “It's good to see you both.”

“Now Ma,” Bart said. “Don't you be slapping me round these good folk.”

“It's nice to see you as well Agatha,” Aries said as she walked over and hugged the little old lady. “We missed you last Thursday.”

“The arthritis was acting up something bad,” Agatha said as she patted me on my back. “You two are taking good care I hope?”

“Sometimes I think they might be the death of me,” I laughed. “But it's something new every second.”

“Thats real funny how you think of us,” Aries said as she sat on the tail gate, folding her arms over her chest.

It's how she acts that really gets me. I make one little joke and she gets all angry about it. If it wasn't for everyone around I would tell her what I think about her when she's like this. But I don't find this the right place to say, 'you know you get really cute when your angry'.

About fifteen minutes later and customary greeting completed. We were up to our armpits in people asking questions left and right. Buying out everything we have. Within an hour we had already accumulated over 300 net income. I could feel the truck's bed rise up off the ground as the load on the springs lightened. More and more people came and went, the usual customers and then some people you know there face but not there name.

People packed up as the day went by, selling out of what they had, or just not getting business. It was about noon when the last of the supplies of maple syrup for the year was gone, two o'clock when we sold out of apples, at three, the apple butter was gone, and at four we called it quits with two crates of apple sauce and 4 gallons of apple cider left in the truck's bed.

“Looks like you had a good day,” a guy said as he was packing up his chair. “The way things are going Sai, you should get your self a delivery truck, bring more stock out here.”

“Ol' Bertha does the job fine, Mark,” I said patting the rear fender of the '49 Ford F3. “Besides it's iconic, the Maple Red Paint job on this truck lets people know where to get the best home made Maple Syrup.”

“That's the truth,” Mark laughed. “I don't know what you do or how you do it but even I'll admit , that Maple Spring Inn is one of the finest producers here.”

“Thank you,” I said bowing graciously. In the next year or so If it all pans out Maple Spring is going to grow into a small winery if the plans hold.”

“Keep it up,” Mark laughed once again. And we'll be knocking on your door looking for work.”

“If it comes down to it I'll be calling you first,” I laughed as I hopped into the truck. “Take care Mark.”

The engine roared to life, and steadied at a low rumble. The creaking of the gear shift, brought a smile on my face as I put it into first gear and let off the break pulling away. The fair ground where the Farmers Market is located is about a 20 minute drive from the Inn, and with the way this thing eats gas I fill up the tank every week on Tuesdays after the market.

There is one little gas station that I always like to stop at for the reason being a nice cup of coffee, and cheep gas. So as I pull in, the people inside know good and well, who's here. The tank takes a good 50 bucks to fill up, so it's always a good few minutes till it fills all the way up. Once thats finished I head on inside.

“Afternoon Saint,” the old man behind the counter says as I walk in. He's the only person who calls me by my full name. Even my parents call me Sai but then he's a stubborn old goat, so I let him do it.

“Afternoon Lazarus,” I said as I walked over to where the coffee was. “How fresh?”

“Just pulled off the drip,” Lazarus said as I grabbed foam cup.

“Good,” I said pouring a cup. The aroma of the coffee wafted upwards as I put a packet of creamer and a packet of sugar into it and stirred it.

The coffee and gas will be $53.97,” Lazarus said as I put the cup down on the counter, and fished out my wallet. “Where's Aries?”

She's sulking in the truck because a joke comment I made,” I said as I handed over 54 bucks. “Don't worry bout the 3 pennies. I'll see you next week Lazarus.”

“Take care,” Lazarus said as I walked through the door.

As I hoped back into the truck, I put the cup in the cup holder of a little console I fashioned t6hat sits in the seat between the driver and passenger. “Are you still sulking over that little joke?”

“I don't know,” Aries said as I started the truck up. “Are you going to apologize for it?”

“Aries you know I don;t mean anything by it,” I sighed as I pulled back onto the highway. “And besides you get really cute when your angry.”

I could tell that, the last bit I said did something because I could see her blushing when I said that. It doesn't matter how angry I make her, she always fumbles when I say something like that. “S-stop saying things like that.”

I was just about to pull some more strings, when the cellphone in my brest pocket started ringing. “Hello?' I answered.

“Sai,” the voice on the other end said. “where are you?”

“What's the problem Terra?” I asked as I slowed down slightly.

“Theres some officials here to see you,” Terra said her voice wavering slightly.

“I'll be there in about five minutes,” I said the urgency in my voice not letting up. “Keep them occupied.”

I hung up the phone and hit the accelerator, I normally drive around in 4th gear but this is something that may be very important, so I hit the accelerator and popped the clutch moving up into 5th. The engine roared as I bared down on the gas peddle. Driving faster than I normally would, till I reached the entrance to the Inn.

The main building is about 40 feet from the road, so it's easy to see anyone coming or in cases like this if someone is here right as you pull in. I parked the truck over to the side, in the small car port that shelters it somewhat from rain and the likes.
Chapter 2:
“Mr. Saint Brown?” a man wearing a black tweed suit asked as I walked in.

“Sai,” I said offering my hand. “Sorry about my appearance, I've been at the Farmers Market all day.”

“It's quit alright,” the man said. “I'm Jonathan Hamilton, I work with the state, and they set me here to take a look at your proposed facilities. As you can understand a Micro Brewery, and a Small Farm Winery. Requesting Licenses for both is a big deal.”

“The purposed facilities are the annex buildings off to the back that we use for product storage at the moment,” I answered. “I can show you the buildings if you would like.”

“Please,” Mr. Hamilton said as he followed me out back. Towards the two buildings that seemed to be like small warehouses.

“Our proposed estimates on annual production.” I began as I opened the almost empty warehouse. “Is about a maximum of 1500 liters of wine, 250 Liters of mead, and roughly 500 Gallons of beer, per quarter.”

“Mead?' Mr. Hamilton asked. “May I ask about this matter more in depth?”

“The Maple Spring Inn is listed as a farm,” I began to go into detail of our past 4 years. “Yearly we average 50 Gallons of Maple Syrup, 250 gallons Apple products including but not limited apple Butter, Apple Cider, and Apple Sauce. Along with roughly 200 pounds of honey from 20 beehives. As for the grapes, I've an acquaintance who runs the Elk Pass Vineyards who has agreed upon a price of $50 per hundred pounds of grapes. Another building will be built as the store front for all the products, open year round.”

“Thats all good and well Mr. Brown,” Mr. Hamilton said pushing the horn rimmed glasses he was wearing up on his nose as he scribbled down some notes. “But many people I work with like to know the products they deal with before they settle to say yes. Do you..”

“Have any test samples of the proposed products?” I cut in. “Yes, I've spent the last 2 years working on it. I'm not about to venture into something where I haven't a clue how to do it.”

“Are you sure that they are safe?” Mr. Hamilton asked looking at the jars lining the shelves.

“The mead is an old recipe from my grandparents,” I explained puling down a old wine bottle full of an amber colored liquid. “I make this in small batch for personal use, every so often. And as for the Wine, I've spent two years developing and testing, Casa di Acero Foglie.”

“What?” Mr. Hamilton asked cocking his head to the side.

“I'm sorry,” I apologized. “Casa di Acero Foglie means House of Maple Leaves. It's what I've decided to call it.”

“Thats is all well and good,” Mr. Hamilton said. “You also said something about a micro brewery as well, do you have any idea as to that?”

I walked over to a large refrigerator, upon opening it, more glass bottles lined the shelves with amber liquid inside them. Each bottle had a old fashion stopper top onto of it. “This I believe is what you are ask about. I find it cheaper to make my own than buy it. Though with out a Micro brewery license and a whole sale license I can't do anything more than make small batches like so and drink it, myself.”

“I see. We will get back to you with our decision, so please do not get your hopes up this is a large request. I have to make my report, and there should be no problem from what I have seen. Please allow this matter a few weeks.” With that last bit said and a friendly hand shake Mr. Hamilton walked out the front door, with out another word and went off on his way. I don't know what's going to happen now, it's up to the state to decide. I've made my decisions, it's out of my hands now.
hmm i liked it...i was hoping for more interaction with the girls but that can't be helped...
but i saw that you where missing a lot of these...." the beginning of when some1 was talking...
hmm it is original in a way with the whole apple/maple aspect so ill give u that so it wasn't as bad for when u copy things(i don't mean that in a bad way, i just don't like reading things that's already been done)
For the most part the girls are just supporting characters, there is interaction between the characters throughout the story. for the most part the first few chapters(through 6) are rather limited. When I get tot he Christmas Arc the characters are getting major face time.
I seriously do not know why I haven't posted Chapter 3 yet.

Chapter 3:
“Alright everyone is here so lets get this underway,” I heaved as I sat down at the table. “We've sold our stock of Syrup and Most of the Honey. All thats left is about 5 cases of apple butter, 20 gallons of cider, and 3 cases of various preserves. The trees are pretty much cleaned out, and the baked goods are still selling strong. With Thanksgiving coming up, we need to focus on pumpkin pies, and sweet potato pies, as our main items. Does anyone have any other suggestions?”

“Well that's all good and well,” Misty said as I stopped talking. “But me and Terra can't keep this up. We can barely keep them made, we make what 25 pies for the Tuesday market and 15 for the Thursday.”

“Thats stretching it I know,” I sighed. “But next week is the big one. It's the last two markets for the year. After that will dwindle to special orders. We will not be taking any orders till the start of December. Everyone I encourage to go see your families for thanksgiving.” I looked over towards where Aries was sitting, and without saying a word, I could that I had said something.

“Sai,” Terra said as she stood up. “What are your plans for thanksgiving?”

“I'm going home,” I said. “I'm going for the week. That is why I am encouraging everyone to go somewhere...” Before I could say anything else Aries stood up and walked out of the room. No one saying anything. “Well then, I'll leave this at that.”

“Sai,” Leanne said grabbing my arm, as I walked past.

“I know I said something stupid,” I sighed. “But I can't help what has been said.”

“I know what she means to you,” Leanne said. “Just don't do anything brash.”

I couldn't think of anything to say, the one person who since I've met them has tried damn near their hardest to actually seduce me, is giving me advice. All I could do was giver her a weary smile as I walked off out of the room. Chances are that Aries went into the grove of maple trees. That was the one place I could always find her when she was sulking over something.

“Go away,” I heard Aries sob as I came closer. “I don't want to talk to anyone right now.”

“Well then will you listen?” I asked as I walked a few feet from where she was sitting and leaned against a tree. “Look I'm sorry. I was going to say something, but you stormed out. No, no, no, I'm sorry that came out wrong. What I want to say is this...” I paused for a second, the words we caught in my throat. “I... Aries, I want you to come with me. Come with me for thanksgiving.”

“Why?” Aries sniveled. “It's a time for family. I don't have any why would you want me to impose?”

“Aries,” I said as I walked over and dropped down onto my knees. “Are you that blind? Don't you see, I can never bring myself to say it, I'm just a coward.”

“Say what?” Aries said as she looked up. I could see her eyes red from crying.

“Aries,” I heaved out. “I, it's hard to explain. When I look at you, I see a beautiful woman. Caring, and sweet. Someone who I could not bare to think ill of. I... I... Aries I love you.” I finally said the five words that have raged inside of me for so long. “I want you to come with me, not as someone with nowhere to go, but as someone I cherish.”

I felt Aries pull me forward into her arms, and hold onto me as she sobbed. “I'm such an idiot. All this time, every time you looked at me and smiled, every time you made jokes and comments that made me flustered. Every time you comforted me. You did it because you love me?”

All I could do was sit there and hold her, she was like a little child when she got like this. “Aries, I don't know how many times I've tried to tell you. Every time I tried to say something, something else came up, or I lost the will to say it.” No more words were said, as I stood up to help her up. We walked slowly back to the house, and inside. Aries was still crying slightly.

“Sai,” I heard misty say. “What did you do to make Aries cry?”

“It's nothing,” Aries sniffled. “I'm happy thats why I'm crying. I realized that I'm not alone after all.”

“That reminds me,” Misty said handing me a piece of paper. Aunt Macy called.”

“I wonder what mom wants,” I said as I took the piece of paper and read the lines 'Call me as soon as you can.'

I went into my little office, as I like to call it, which is just one of the smaller rooms in the Inn that I took over as a small place where I could have some quiet, as I payed the bill's or just needed time to think. The chair creaked slightly as I dialed the number to my parents house.

“Sai,” I heard my moms voice on the other end of the line.

“Yeah mom,” I said relaxing a bit hearing her sounding normal. “What did you want?”

“Well thanksgiving is coming up,” My mom said. “And your brother is coming home from college. You didn't come last year, so I was wondering if you are going to come.”

“Mom I told you the reason I didn't come last year was because I had some trouble with stuff here.” I tried to comfort her. “I'm coming home this year.”

“Your brother's bringing his girlfriend home,” I heard my mom say.

Knowing Jake, it's some sorority chick he met at a party. “Mom is that all you wanted to say? Rubbing it in that Jake went to college and has a girlfriend?” I asked. “You forget that I've graduated with a business degree, and I'm making it on my own. Marketing what the Maple Spring Inn produces yearly.”

“And we are proud of you for that,” I heard my mom say sharply into the line. “I'm just saying...”

“That it would be nice if I could meet someone and bring them home with me,” I finished. “You forget that I don't live here alone anymore.”

“Yes I know,” I could hear the sarcastic bitterness in her voice as she said that. “Your tenants, and your cousin. Two of which excluding your cousin don't pay you any rent. Why you let them stay is beyond me.”

“Mother,” I said trying to express my distaste for what she had just said. “I let them stay because I enjoy there company, and they do help me out greatly. I was going to keep it a surprise but, I'm bringing one of them along with me.”

“And which one would that be?” My mom asked sarcastically. “One of the ones who have a job or one of the freeloaders?”

“If you must know,” I said. “It's Aries.”

“The little vagrant you found on your doorstep?” My mom asked.

“MOTHER!” I shouted appalled that she would call someone that I know and trust, something like that. “Aries holds a place in my heart. She is not a vagrant, and I would appreciate it if you would not say something like that, especially around her. I'll be down on Friday of next week and we will be staying until Saturday after thanksgiving. Just please, be nice to Aries.”

“I'm sorry,” I could hear my mom seething into the phone. “I'll try to hold my tongue. I love you, and do take care.”

“I love you to mom, and I will,” I said as I hung up the phone, clenching and unclenching my fist. “I'll never know why dad ever chose mom in the first place.”

I looked over at a picture on the book shelve of me, my brother Jake, and my dad. It was taken right when I graduated from college. Just before I met Aries. 21 years old just graduated from college with a brother going in. I look just like my dad. When he was my age, and people actually say that I'm just like him. Self motivated, and compassionate.

“Sai,” I heard Aries say as I walked down the hall past the door to the room that she stayed in.

“What?” I asked as I leaned against the door frame.

“Did you really mean all that,” Aries said. “What you said out in the grove?”

“Aries, I said as I walked over and sat down beside her on the bed. “Ever sense you came into my life, the silver lining of every cloud has seemed to be a little bit brighter. I stand by what I said. I do not expect you to feel the same way, but give it time.” I kissed her lightly on the forehead, and stood up and walked back towards the door. “And you really do look cute when you start sulking.”

“Stop saying things like that,” Aries huffed blushing a bit. “You're all serious and then you start teasing. It's not funny.”

I just couldn't help but smile as I looked onwards. This is the person I would give my life to protect. “Alright I'll try and behave myself. I promise.”
“I know what she means to you,” Leanne said. “Just don't do anything brash.”
i think u should fix that part
but besides that i see we are going back in to you're romantic area(remembers the first story you wrote on here which was awesome)
it had some very cliched parts in here which was kinda meh but at least the story is progressing
pretty good so far...
@ZomgAsdf: I'm working on it.

@biglw17: What can I say I'm a cliche Romance Writer. Just be glad I'm not writing the kind of Romance trash that middle aged housewives read all day with hunky male model types named Blaze.