Onee-Chan and Me

This has got to be one of my more brilliant ideas or it could be a huge flop. But The basic idea is an Ecchiesque plot line involving Jiro Aka Onii-San a aspiring Manga-Ka, and Yuki aka Onee-Chan a over zealous frind of Jiro's that for the lack of a better way of saying it wants to take Jiro's virginity from him. The problem is Jiro see Yuki as a sister like figure.
lmfao. bring it. im curious.
[size=10]you should work on your other stories too though. o-o [/h]
[size=10]So... do you plan on producing it?[/h]
HentaiElder wrote...
[size=10]So... do you plan on producing it?[/h]

I'm working on the first chapter right now.
I wonder where this idea came from? :roll:
Midgar'sLoli wrote...
I wonder where this idea came from? :roll:

hmm.. so do i. :P
Midgar'sLoli wrote...
I wonder where this idea came from? :roll:

Reading too much Incest Hentai at
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
Midgar'sLoli wrote...
I wonder where this idea came from? :roll:

Reading too much Incest Hentai at

Lest we forget:
random spam. I was going to say something else but then it got pushed out when this came to mind. But yes I have been reading a lot of Incest Hentai lately.
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
random spam. I was going to say something else but then it got pushed out when this came to mind. But yes I have been reading a lot of Incest Hentai lately.

I was just messin' with ya amigo, I believe you.
[size=10]Lol, well I look forward to it.[/h]
First Chapter is short and really doesn't develop the plot all to much. It just kind of introduces Jiro and Yuki. And for the most part probably the most serious of all the chapters, I've got lined up idea wise atm.
Chapter 1: Onee-Chan and Me
“Jiro-kun!” Yuki said as she grabbed me around the neck from behind, I could feel her breast rubbing into my back. “Why don't we do something?”

“What do you mean 'we'?” I asked as I pried her arms from around my neck and balling the piece of paper that I was working with and throwing it into the trash. “I've work to do.”

“Aww but Jiro-kun,” Yuki pouted still pressing her breast into my back. “We never do anything together anymore.”

“Onee-chan,” I said trying to remain cool and collected. “I'm busy. I've got to get this done. I've got 3 days to finish these last 4 pages. To get it to the printers in time. Latter.”

I could feel her breast move away from my back as she leaned away, without saying anything. I may have some peace and quiet, but thats all I could hope for. And thats what I thought I had for just a few minutes, until something covered my face impairing my vision. When I pulled it from my face I almost fell over backwards. A pair of white and green striped cotton panties. Were covering my face.

“Jiiiiirooo-kuuun,” Yuki said as she rubbed her hand around my waist. “Do you like your present?”

“W-W-WHAT THE FUCK!” I stammered. “Yuki, What the hell?”

As I turned I saw Yuki laying there, just toying with me. Beckoning me. Making me mad. I have never harbored any sexual fantasies about Yuki. For the most part I saw her as a sister. Thus why I call her Onee-Chan. But this is starting to get on my nerves.

“I want Jiro-kun,” Yuki said seriously. “I want Jiro-kun to defile me.”

I just stood up without saying a word, and walked right past her, and walked over to the door. “You are the, the, the... I can't even think of anything to say right now.” I slipped into my shoes and slammed the door behind me a little harder than was necessary.

“I can't believe her,” I muttered as I slammed the button on the vending machine. “'I want Jiro-kun to defile me.' she says. Just does she really think I'm like that?” I paused for a few seconds thinking about it. “Well yeah I guess I am.”

I slapped myself in the face as I walked over to where a small park was and sat down on one of the swings, taking a sip of oolong tea. My head hanging down, anyone passing by would be able to tell how I was feeling.

“What am I going to do with you Onee-Chan?” I muttered to myself taking another swig of tea. “I know where not related, but your my Onee-Chan. I could never do that to you.”

I sat there finishing off my tea, watching people go by, letting myself calm down. Dreading what she has in store when I do come back. I threw the empty bottle into a recycling bin and then walked back to the house. Slowly taking a deep breath as I walked back in through the door.

“Is Jiro-kun mad at me?” Yuki asked as I closed the door behind me.

“No Yuki-nee,” I sighed as I walked over to my work desk and sat back down. “I'm just aggravated with you right now. I'm almost done with this issue, and I've got to finish these pages.”

I don't know why, she pisses me off, and I just can't stay mad at her. But I've just got to get this finished. So I'll just have to figure it out some other time. I rubbed my eyes as I consulted my story board and took up my pencil to do the rough sketching.

I was just starting to ink the image when Yuki walked over beside me and sat a cup of tea down on the desk. Without saying a word I continued to work. It was until she was about out of the room that I finally said something.

“When I get this done,” I said as I put the pin down and grabbed the cup of tea, smelling it ever so gingerly. “We'll do something together. Just so long as you behave yourself Onee-Chan.”

“I'll try Jiro-kun,” Yuki said as she slid the door closed behind her.

A few seconds latter I heard the TV come on in the other room, and the news, playing through the door. That gave me a sign that I would have piece for the next hour or so. I've learned the hard way that it is best to not bother Yuki when the news is on. But it also helped me concentrate a bit more. I knew that I would have quiet so in the back of my head I'm not worrying about a Yuki Ambush.

“Good night Jiro-kun,” I heard Yuki say as she slid the door open slightly.

“Good night Onee-chan,” I said as I poured over my work. The art was done now all I had to do is add the text.

I always looked at how the conversations and dialogged played out in my head and then put it on my story board to see which worked best, then I would carefully add it in pencil to the page, checking for errors before inking it in. Once I inked it I held the page up, and a warm felling over takes me. One page down, 3 more to go.

I stood up stretching a bit and then pacing back and forth a little, it was well past midnight. I decided to call it a night and go to bed. I made sure to not make that much noise as I walked down the hall, and into my little room. I stripped down to my boxers and a T-Shirt, and crawled into my Futon. The clock reading just past 1am. I drifted off into a nice sleep.
Yuki wrote...
'I want Jiro-kun to defile me.'

[font=Tahoma]best line ever. xD
its alright for an intro.
[size=10]keep it up! :][/h] [/font]
My only complaint was that there was a fair amount of grammatical errors (Verb-tense consistency, words were singular when they should be plural, etc.,) and I tend to notice this frequently in your writing. But, hey, I'm a Grammar Nazi.
awesome =]
i was pretty happy about but there was something missing for me...
and that is a description of wat the characters look like...
is yuki short kinda loli like or does she actually look like an older old are they is jin like 17 or so(he feels like he's 20 but then gain he is living with his "older sister"(at least i think, u didn't say) so i cant tell)
so yea those are some of the info i would like to see in this...once i see that i think this will be a great read i just need that....
but then again its just me right =]
biglw17 wrote...
awesome =]
i was pretty happy about but there was something missing for me...
and that is a description of wat the characters look like...
is yuki short kinda loli like or does she actually look like an older old are they is jin like 17 or so(he feels like he's 20 but then gain he is living with his "older sister"(at least i think, u didn't say) so i cant tell)
so yea those are some of the info i would like to see in this...once i see that i think this will be a great read i just need that....
but then again its just me right =]

Good question. I like it when people ask stuff like this. I'm planing on explain all that in the next chapter or two.
Angelus Lapsus wrote...

Good question. I like it when people ask stuff like this. I'm planing on explain all that in the next chapter or two.

ok sweet...
In this chapter there are four things that I mention that may have some of you at a loss. So I'm going to try and explain them some what.

Yojiro Ishihara: is a long dead Japanese Action Movie Star and singer

Nanako Matsushima: is a Japanese Actress who stared in the Japanese version(and the better version) of the Ring

Nyotaimori: For anyone who does not know what this is, think of a naked woman laying before you as you eat Sushi and Sashimi off of her body, that's the best way of describing it.

Oyakodon: Is a large bowl of rice that is served with Chicken, Egg, Green onion and other ingredients over it.

Chapter 2: Good morning

I don't know why it is but I am probably the strangest sleeper. I could sleep through a parade yet, the lightest touch can wake me up. It's probably because every so often I get woken up by something soft warm and squishy rubbing against my back. It's gotten to the point that I know what and who it is thats pressing against my back.

“Dammit Yuki-nee,” I mumbled as I rolled away. “Get out of my futon.”

“But Jiro-kun is so warm,” I heard Yuki complain. “Can't I just snuggle up to you for a little while?”

I didn't even respond to that as I rolled out of the futon and walked out of the room. Knowing her she would probably lay there pouting for a few minutes as I am in my office, checking over my work from last night. I can't stand her logic sometimes. Sure I will admit that having a pair of breast pressing against your back is nice. I will not deny that. But it's just that me and Yuki are like family. I've known her for 19 of the 22 years of my life, and she knows that I see her as an older sister. She's 24 and she still acts like she's 16.

A few minutes latter the smell of coffee filled the house, I was tempted to move but then I still had work to do. Not only am I the artist but I serve as my own editor, as well. I spent a good 15 minutes scrutinizing every little line. Before I heard Yuki call me down to breakfast.

“Something smells good,” I said as I stopped dead in my tracks. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!”

“I'm serving Jiro-kun breakfast,” Yuki said innocently.

“Tha-thats not what I meant and you know it,” I stammered out. “Where are your clothes, for that matter why aren't you wearing any clothes?”

“But I though Jiro-kun liked this sort of thing,” Yuki said as she wiggled about the apron she was wearing flapping slightly. “There's girls dressed like this in those magazines you keep under your futon.”

I had to stop and pause for a second, with that one. Yes I do like it, but for my Onee-chan to be doing something like that in front of me? Unacceptable. “Just go put some clothes on, Onee-chan.”

“But I'm wearing Clothes,” Yuki said as she lifted the hem of the apron up. Revealing a pair of white cotton panties. “See, I've got a pair of panties on.”

“Yuki-nee stop doing stuff like that!” I shouted as I felt the blood rush to my face.

“Or should I take them off?” Yuki said as she pulled the panties down from around her waist and threw them at my head.

A hot stream of blood started to gush forth from my nose. I didn't say anything I just ran from the room and locked myself into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and then wiped the blood from under my nose as more came out.

“Dammit,” I muttered as I shoved a piece of toilet paper into my nose. Wiping excess blood from my face. “Why me? Seriously Why me? Do the cosmic powers of the universe have something against me?”

“Jiro-kun,” I heard Yuki's voice from the other side of the door. “Are you alright?”

It depends on your definition of alright. Getting a nosebleed because of something like that. But then I looked at myself in the mirror. What I saw staring back, scared me. I haven't been outside in a few days so I've not really had to worry about cleaning up all to much. I was a mess. My hair was all tousled and my eyes blood shot. I opened the bathroom door.

To find Yuki standing there, clothed some what. “Don't do that again. EVER!”

“I'm sorry,” Yuki said pouting slightly. “Come on breakfast is getting cold.”

I didn't say a single word during breakfast once I was finished I took my dishes to the kitchen and washed them. I then walked back to the bathroom and turned the shower on. It's been at least two days since I last bathed and I was starting to smell a little fresh.

After a quick shower I looked at myself once again. My eye's a little less blood shot, I could tell my hair was getting visibly longer, and framing my face making me look a little like a longer haired and young Yujiro Ishihara. When I think about it, my mom dad always joke that my name Jiro comes from Yojiro Ishihara. His favorite actor when he was a kid.

But when I actually think about it, Onee-Chan does kind of look like Nanako Matsushima. Is that why people say we look so good together, because we look like two famous people? When neither of us are famous? Well I'm slightly famous, to a group of probably one two hundred people, all of my readers. Why am I think about this, stuff? When I've got work to do?

“Alright!” I shout to myself as I sit own in front of my desk. “I've got two days and three pages to complete. I CAN DO THIS!”

“Jiro-kun,” Yuki said as she slid the door open.

“Wha..Wha... What?" I asked as I fell backwards, quickly getting back up. “What is it?”

“Well I'm heading out to work,” Yuki said. “Is there anything you would like for dinner?”

“Dinner?” I asked pondering the thought. “If it's not too much to ask Oyakodon sounds really good right now.”

“Are you sure?” Yuki asked. “What about Nyotaimori?”

“Nyo-Nyotaimori?!” I stammered. “ONEE-CHAN! STOP WITH THIS PERVERTED STUFF!”

“Oyakodon it is then,” Yuki giggled. “Take care of yourself Jiro-kun”

“Take care of yourself as well Yuki-nee,” I said as she closed the door to my office behind her. I slapped myself In the face, and looked over at a little shrine that was for my dearly departed patents. “Father, Mother. What am I going to do with her? I may see you sooner than I hoped. She may turn out to be the death of me.”
Okay I admit this chapter is very very dull. But hence the title of the chapter. I promise more Ecchi in the next chapter.
Chapter 3: Reflections of daily monotony

Apart from the little money that I do make as a doujin artist, and the occasional odd job that I do is from the money that Yuki brings in. When my grand parents died they left the house that I live in to my parents and in turn it was left to me, by my parents. It's nothing special, just your run of the mill small house on the outskirts of town. But as I don't keep a regular job I stay at home working on my projects and keeping the place clean. Yuki bless her keeps the electricity going and the water flowing, and food on the table.

I'm pretty much useless with out her around. Thats probably why I think of her as my Onee-chan. She make sure that I'm healthy and stay alive, because I'm not the kind of person that would take care of myself on my own. All I know how to fix is instant ramen, and thats about it.

I really should learn to cook, more than Instant noodles but when I'm in a kitchen trying to fix something, there is just something in my brain that shuts down my process of logic and function, turning me into a disaster waiting to happen. So basically every so often I'm likely to go out and find something to eat than I'm to try and fix something. The last time I did that the fire department was here.

So pretty much every day I'm out and about to get something to eat. Day in and day out, I walk along the same road, talk to the same people and do the same thing. It's kind of monotonous when you think about it.

“Good afternoon Jiro-san,” a little old lady said from a balcony above me as I walked along.

Looking up to see who spoke to me I replied. “Good afternoon Aya-san, I hope you are taking care of yourself.”

“I am,” Aya said with a smile. “I may be old but I'm not giving up on life yet. Death is going to have to take me kicking and screaming.”

“Jiro-san, Jiro-San,” I heard another voice over to my left.

The voice was that of a neighbors kid, that I've watched a few times for them as they went out of town for the weekend. “Ah good afternoon, Hiro-kun.”

“When is your next issue coming out?” Hiro asked the light of the sun glinting in his big eyes. This kid standing before me is probably the only reason I do not do Hentai Doujin's. He idolizes me, and is one of the few people I can actually call a fan of mine.

“It's not due out for another month,” I sighed. “But you should like it. I'll tell you what, I'll let you have an advance copy. Soon as I get some from the printers I'll let you have one.”

Just watching his face light up, when I told him that really can make anyones day. It's not who you are or what others think about you. It's what you do and how it affects your environment and the people around you. Make someone happy and you will reap the rewards of it. Thats how I see life, and thats why I'm such a friendly person for the most part. Though I do have a bad side, that is brought put more than I would like it to be.

“I'm counting on it,” Hiro said with a smile. “You better hold to your promise Jiro-san.”

It's little things like that that make me feel like I actually accomplish something. It's what keeps me motivated, and it's kind of shameful to think that your toughest critic is only nine years old. But what can you do? A fan is a fan, and I enjoy seeing people enjoying my work.

The cheery blossoms are starting to fall so it's kinda fun to just walk around outside. It's probably why I don't get any work done during the day. I'm just walking around outside for the most part. A gentle breeze wafts about, blowing the cherry blossoms around. Making it almost like winter.

A strong gust of wind here and there sweeps the fallen blossoms up into the air. Though that is not all, I would say I see billowing in the gust of wind. Ahead of me is a pair of young girls, that appear to be roughly college age. A strong enough gust of wind, and the cosmic powers of the universe, grant me the privy of a nice sight. Silky smooth legs that trail upwards to the hem of a micro mini skirt that flutters up just enough to show a pair of cotton panties. The one on the left in the standard white, while dare I say it, the one on the right is wearing pink.

One must savor this rare sight if just for a few seconds. Yes I am a pervert, I like it when the Cosmic powers of the universe throw me a bone every now and then. “Nice,” I mutter under my breath as all this plays out before my eyes. But as much as I would like to see more, our path's differentiate, as I turn into the corner store, to buy my lunch.

“Ah good afternoon,” The part timer behind the counter said with a smile.

“Good afternoon,” I said with a nod, as I walked over to where the Bento boxes are. Picking up my usual lunch of fried tofu and rice balls.

“Will this be all?” The Part Timer asked as he rang up the stuff.

“Yes and thank you,” I said as I fished out a 1000 yen note out of my pocket to pay for my meal, which cost 782 yen.

“Thank you come again,” the part timer said as he handed me my lunch. All that would be left is to take it home and heat it up.

This is really the only time of the day that I do tend to slack off. I like to watch TV as I eat my lunch, so whatever is on is what I watch, normally soap's or some game show. But it gets pretty damn intense when you get into a soap. At first I always have no idea what is going on, but once I watch it some I get really into it. But then it's back to work after I finish my lunch, back to the old studio, and working on these last few pages. Crunch time, got to finish it in time for the comic festival.