The Children of Lux (Action/Adventure novel)

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DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
I decided to upload this next, cause I'm pretty proud to see how it's going so far. Keep in mind this is my first action/adventure novel so it may not be perfect for the genre put hopefully you'll enjoy it nevertheless.

Unlike my last novel I shared this one will have spacing in between paragraphs and I'll add them into a single post with the spoiler attachment to stop it from clogging up the page.

As per usual with me Chapters are 2000-3000 words long (With some exceptions such as the prologue). All feedback is welcome as always.
*Just to note, you may have trouble (Possibly) with one of main characters name's in terms of pronunciation; Cerice, it should be pronounced 'Se-Ris' like the 'ris' in Paris*

This also hasn't been edited/proof-read by my friend since he has been away so you may notice some grammatical errors.

Okay. I haven't dealt with the situation well in regards to this story, but I'll try to explain the circumstances. Recently I got some bad medical news (nothing fatal, but its taken an important part of my life away) so I've lost motivation to continue writing. Because of this, I won't be writing in the near future. Please feel free to leave feedback, support and suggestions, it's just that I'm unlikely to do anything soon. Thank you for putting up with me (Leonard and d especially). I'll tell everyone what the issue is soon, but I need to sort my life out first. Thank you. Kind of a late addition, but I wanted to also apologise for maybe coming across as being a total bitch. I used the story and people commenting as a scapegoat for my anger over the news, and is something that I am deeply sorry for. No reason is good enough to blame something, or someone, else for my own issues. One day this story will be finished. Maybe. Who knows? I do. Perhaps.

The Children of Lux
Prologue: The Death of A God
A golden stone chamber sat underground with only one visible exit or entrance: A winding stone staircase in the side of the room. The room had four pillars holding up the ceiling with what looked like a golden coffin that had etchings of great and bloody battles depicted all over it. The room shook from terrible explosions above and dust poured down from the ceiling every time it shook. A man propped himself along the wall as he descended down the staircase, he was in agonising pain but he willed himself to continue. He wore white armour with golden details and symbols along the armour as well as having a white cape with four golden-stitched pillars in a row along the back of it. He had a well-built physique that wasn’t overly large but imposing in its own sense. The armour he wore was scratched and damaged with blood dripping from the wounds. As he headed for the coffin, he fell onto all fours and heaved deep breaths from obvious fatigue. A woman in a white and gold beautiful priestess dress ran after him, the dress concealed her body but also showed off her beautiful physique as well.

“My Lord!” she crouched by his side and gently stroked his back and head as he coughed up some blood, she sounded worried but he shrugged her off.

“What a pathetic end this is for me…I contain all the power the Four Pillars offer and yet I still lost to that Beast of Chaos…” He made his way to the coffin and placed his palms on it “And here I will rest until a suitable host is chosen…” he said mockingly “Good luck to him…”

“My Lord please! You cannot let my people perish in such a way! You promised to protect us from this beast of chaos. I even carry your child, does that count for nothing?” the priestess asked with her heart breaking over the lack of compassion the man ahead of her was showing back to her, her long golden hair shimmered even in a room that lacked a lot of light.

The man took her chin in his hand and kissed her gently “I failed to protect your people the moment that beast arrived, I beg you my love, join me in the afterlife where only Gods may enter” he asked and she took a step away.

“I cannot, if you will not see your duty through to the end then I will not stand by your side like I promised” The priestess turned and began walking away despite the pain she obviously felt over having to make this choice.

“Cecilia!” He called her name but she continued to walk away from him “I will return to this world in a new body! And so will you! Promise me you will wait for me and I will protect your people when that day comes!” He called out as he pushed the lid off of the coffin.

“If that day comes when we shall meet again my love, I shall define you by your actions then and not now” she promised, a smile ran across her face while tears rolled away from her eyes “Hopefully, your next iteration will not be a coward like you are now…God of Light” she said and ascended the stairs as the armoured man led in the coffin and pulled the lid over himself as the torches that had given the room whatever light it had, burnt away into darkness.

Chapter 1: Peaceful times ahead?
There was once said to be a land, a land ruled by a single empire. This land was guarded by the God of Light who fell in love with a priestess. This God was said to have found the power of the four Pillars of power that allowed him to pass on power to mortals and physically involve himself in the affairs of mortals. However, he grew overconfident in his powers neglected the affairs of the Empire leading it to splinter into four nations. With the split of these nations, the God’s power was split with them and his authority was greatly diminished as a result. When The God of Light demanded aid from the other Gods, he was ignored by the Gods who had grown jealous of his power and left him to suffer in his own chaos. By the chance of poor timing and by the other Gods deciding that they had grown tired of The God of Light’s power, the beast of Chaos attacked the world and killed millions in the newly divided Empire.

The Beast of chaos is a being who opposes the Gods, and is summoned by the culmination of chaos and dark magic to the world in order to end that chaos through complete destruction, but it hates no God more than the God of Light himself because of how he allowed chaos to roam free on the Earth, so he attacked at the best possible opportunity due to The God of Lights weakened state. The God of Light was defeated in battle and with him, any hope for the crumbling Empire. Much of what happened once the Beast of Chaos defeated The God of Light has been lost in the years since but what is known is the kingdoms largely survived or managed to recover for the most part.

The God of Light had left one last gift before he had perished, he had left the four pillars to give humans the magical powers he had once possessed. Spells and magic had been created and named in order to protect the nations from each-other and help balance the power of the world

But with every age of darkness, hope will always arise. The head priestess of the Religion that worshiped the God of Light survived the events and gave birth to a new lineage of her own: The lineage of Light. These men and women had unbelievable magical power and united the world around them, decades after the destruction the Beast had caused. But even with hope, the lands still desired their own independence and the lineage of light was killed off in wars known as the †˜Unification Wars’ and assassinations until they lost all power and authority; just like the God of Light himself.

It was four millennia after the defeat at the hands of the Beast of Chaos: A peace treaty had been brokered between the four independent nations that had once made up the Empire: The land of Altera who are the most northern of the nations and live in the snowy lands. The land of Despra who are the weakest of the nations and are the most influenced by the Empire of old. The land of Light who base everything about their society on the old Religious texts of the empire. And finally, the land of Xion; a military nation who desire the absolute unification of the nations under their own banner.

The four Pillars were large, white and gold pillars that tower 20 metres in size, however, they are all located underground and give off powers similar to how radiation is given off. The exact locations of the pillars are largely unknown, but when there is a higher number of Magika’s in a certain area, it gives the implication that perhaps a Pillar is nearby. If someone were to find the Pillars and obtain their power; they could become almost invincible.

Despra was known for its luscious forests and small villages, in one of these villages where most people had wooden huts and farmed off of the land, waited a 17 year-old boy who wore a white cape and cowl with a black flak-jacket that was thin and not overly sized so it didn’t affect the speed of those wearing it. He also had black trousers that matched the material his flak jacket was made out of; with black leather boots as well. He had short spikey black hair with golden eyes and a well-built but thin physique. He led on top of a wooden huts tiled roof and dozed off as the day passed by, until a man in a grey robe with balding but long white hair stood underneath him.
“Olsen! Wake up you useless leach!” The man called and the boy sat up with a yawn as he stretched his arms before putting on some black gloves with a square hole over the back of his hands.

“What is it Gramps?” Olsen asked with irritation over his sleep being disturbed “Are we being attacked again?” he asked as if it was a daily chore.

“No of course not! Did you forget that the Land Of Light already pushed Xion back and made them sign the peace treaty?” The old man asked, although it was more rhetoric.

“Of course not! But all you ever ask of me is to deal with bandits or attacks from other nations” Olsen complained.

“Well today is different you ungrateful child! I need you to take this to a Priestess of Light and have her read it” The man sighed “Honestly, why does the strongest Magika we have, have to be such a brat?” the man mumbled.

“I heard that! And what does this scroll have to do with anything?” Olsen asked.

“It’s just an agreement that says they no longer have to come to our aid for the next 10 years for any reason unless it’s by their own choice” The old man explained.

Olsen hopped down to the stone pathway his grandfather was stood on and snatched the scroll from him “Uh-huh…sounds boring” Olsen said and passed it back.

“WHAAAAAAAAAT?” His grandfather looked on the verge of a heart-attack.

“All I’d do is travel to the river in the middle of the forest and hand a piece of paper over right? Booooring!” Olsen said and placed his hands in his pockets and started walking off, not interested at all by what his Grandfather was asking of him, such was the melancholy of his days.

“Now listen here!” Olsen’s grandfather grabbed him by the ear “Your mother and father didn’t die in the war just so you could be an ungrateful little shit! Now take the scroll…AND DO AS I SAY!” He demanded and Olsen saluted.

“Yes Sir!” he said in fear at his Grandfathers raised voice and began hopping from roof to roof with incredible jumps that covered dozens of metres with a single one.

“What a little brat that kid is…” Olsen’s grandfather sighed “But he is our only hope of keeping our independence, so I guess he can be a brat sometimes if he wants…” He smirked a little and headed back into his hut.

In the middle of a clearing between two forests was a lake that curved from side to side following the gap between the forests. On one side of the lake on the grass bank was a carriage with white horses with golden saddles. Inside the carriage was a women with a golden tiara and a white priestess dress with golden details and stitching in it, it looked elegant on the most beautiful girl which displayed the elegant curves and shape of her body. She also had sleeves that were only attached to the shoulders of her dress by a thin piece of golden fabric, they were a thin and soft material that hung from her arms. She also wore some open-toed white dress shoes. She was around 17 years-old and looked most bored while she and her guards waited. They all wore silver armour from head to toe with the helmets having angelic wing decorations that were similar to the etchings on their swords and armour.

A single soldier walked up to the carriage and knocked on the door, he removed his helmet to show neatly cut neck-length blonde hair that looked humbling in comparison to the priestess’s golden hair, she raised her cowl and beckoned for him to open the door.

“My Lady, the expeditionary force have been unable to locate the Lords Pillar in this land” he bowed to her “Please accept my most sincere…” the girl held out her hand and stopped him from continuing.

“That will be enough Sir Davies, I am not angry at the lack of results, I am just looking forward to the peaceful times ahead of us” she answered but her melancholic expression didn't support her opinion.

“Of course Madam Priestess Cerice, is there anything I can do in the meantime?” Davies asked.

“No, but do we have any wine?” she asked, her eyes sparkling with desire for the liquid and Davies looked worried by her request.

“Again Madam? This would have been the fourth bottle today” he sounded warning but she waved away his protests.

“I do not care at all about how much I have drunk already, I am only concerned by the lack of what I have to drink” Cerice countered, unwilling to concede defeat and Davies stood and walked over to one group of soldiers camped around a fire while they roasted some kind of meat.

“Men, the Madam would like some of your wine” Davies brought up and they all made annoyed groans, this was a regular occurrence that Cerice was known for; over drinking and †˜borrowing’ her men’s wine.

“Aw come on Sir Davies, can’t we †˜ave somethin’ ourselves?” one soldier asked.

“Someone who speaks with such an unrefined tongue shouldn’t be trusted with something that would reduce them to an even less coherent glutton than you already are” Davies said and held out his hand as they offered him a green bottle with a round base and a thin neck “Thank you” Davies said to the soldiers and handed the bottle to Cerice.

“Ah! Many thanks Sir Davies! You are the true Hero of this army!” Cerice uncorked it enthusiastically and poured it into a tall glass before she downed the whole glass in one swig, wiped her lips and threw her head back before chuckling in a posh but drunken manner “Ah…what an age to live in!” she praised as she looked to the roof of her carriage, her personality had done a complete spin to a more amiable and happy demeanour after drinking the wine, its effects becoming noticeable.

“Perhaps you should think about sobering up before the arrival of the diplomat Madam?” Davies seemed irritated with Cerice and she noted this with a dry acceptance and bottled the wine before handing it to Davies.

“You and Mother are no fun. Lilliana lets me drink whatever and whenever I wish” Cerice took some shaky steps out of her carriage but managed to control herself. For the most part. Clearly she was not happy with the lack of freedom she was being given by everyone other than her sister, she believed that her position should yield more enjoyment but that opinion had always been ignored.

The soldier who had handed Davies the wine, who was a bald man with a bushy moustache, stood up to address Cerice “My lady, may I ask a question?” He asked.

“Of course my good man! I am an expert on most subjects!” Cerice boasted.

“All-right then, my question to be then, is if you are third in charge of the land of Light: It is against the creed to drink before sundown, so why do you break our own creed?” he asked and Cerice danced around in her drunken stupor and thought about the question.

She let out a little laugh after consulting herself “Then may I bring up the point that the creed states killing another man is strictly against our rules; yet you kill for a living. Is that not true?” Cerice asked, being more philosophical was also another trait she took on when she became intoxicated.

“I suppose you have a point there madam…” the soldier sat back down, admitting defeat to Cerice’s logic, as Davies grabbed Cerice by the shoulders.

“Please would you behave yourself and show a little class?” he asked assertively and Cerice rolled her eyes, disappointed to being ordered around by Davies and considering him too strict for his own good.

“As I said: No fun” Cerice sat down in her carriage again and slowly the feeling of intoxication left her system.

“Where is this diplomat? I was informed that he was the quickest Magika they had in Despra and yet I have been waiting for at least 3 hours!” Cerice looked most displeased as she quickly flicked through books in her carriage and dropped them to the ground “I have read all the material my sister gave me to read already!” she became more agitated as she spoke, the amount of time it was taking also did not seem to be improving her mood in the slightest.

“Madam, if you hate such a job, then why did you agree to come along?” The bald man asked.

“Two reasons: For one I had to get away from my mother and her talk about †˜Marriage’ and secondly anything my elder sister wants, she gets” Cerice raised a finger as she spoke and then a second to signify her second point.

“What do you mean by what your sister wants?” He asked.

“My sister also hates doing such trivial things so she pawns these types of jobs off on to me and makes me come to these backwater, peasant countries that aren’t worthy of my spit” Cerice found the idea that her sister could do whatever she wants, while Cerice herself was forced to obey rules and follow strict guidelines about the power of her position, was contradictory and frustrated her.

“I’ll have you know that this †˜backwater’ country is my home” Cerice and her men looked up to see Olsen stood across the river with the scroll in hand, taking offence to Cerice’s statement “This sucks, I was hoping to see the Head priestess herself but it seems I get her younger sister instead…” Olsen seemed slightly disappointed.

“You insolent fool! Do you realise who you are talking to?!” Davies asked as he and the other soldiers pulled out their swords and pointed the tips of the blade at Olsen.

“Yeah more or less; she’s the youngest daughter of the Likendia family and Pope Alexis. She’s meant to be a high ranking priestess or something?” Olsen shrugged, not impressed by the swords pointed at him or Cerice herself, still, he admired her beauty.

“How dare you speak so lightly of not only are Lady but also the Likendia family in general!” Davies yelled, unimpressed by the lack of respect Olsen was showing them considering they were in the audience of the Pope’s daughter.

Olsen decided to poke a little fun at the people in front of him “Then how about we fight for a prize?” Olsen offered with a trivial laugh to boot.

“What are you talking about?” Davies asked.

“I’ll take everything I said back if you win, but if I win…I’ll take the hand in marriage of your Lady” Olsen joked but Cerice shot up to her feet after taking his point seriously.

“YOU WHAT?! I don’t know how they raise children in these lawless peasant towns but where I come from; we don’t bargain with peoples futures!” Cerice said and placed her hands on her hips “But I praise you for your daring, so I will offer you this: I will not kill you and if you win I will let you kiss my right hand” Cerice offered.

“Wow…not 3 days after the war ends and I’m still getting myself into fights with soldiers…good job Olsen you’ve done it again!” he said sarcastically and looked at Cerice “You've got a deal” Olsen agreed and he tossed the scroll to Cerice “That’s meant for your mother by the way” Olsen added.

Davies pulled out his long sword from its sheath and held it in both of his hands “I am Sir Davies, personal guard of the Priestess Cerice Likendia!” Davies introduced himself and Olsen rolled his eyes.

“Thanks for the over-dramatic introduction. I’m Olsen Craftsen of Despra” Olsen waved a little, making it seem as if the introduction itself was not important to him at all and that it was trivial.

“Aren’t you going to use a weapon? Or have you resigned yourself to defeat?” Davies asked.

“Oh joy…more of you overly pretentious bastards…I hated that trait in your people so much that I nearly killed some of your men on the battlefield on purpose” Olsen sighed. Olsen raised his hand and a burst of air shot out of his palm and knocked Davies onto his back.

“A Magika…” Davies said in shock and Olsen formed a light-blue sword of aura in his hand. The sword was a broadsword-style in length, it had a round end at the end of the hilt with the guard slightly curved towards the blade that ended in a traditional point with either side of the blade as sharp as the other leading up to that point. It had the etchings of Greek-temple shaped pillars on it. The aura was air-like but with a definitive shape that shimmered in the light.

“You can quit if you want” Olsen informed Davies “I might not be able to control myself” Olsen’s eyes glowed a deep gold and Cerice looked on in wonder.

“Wow…this boy may just be a little bit interesting…” Cerice said with a crooked smile while she appreciated the power Olsen was putting on display.
Davies charged at Olsen and swung his sword but as it connected with Olsen’s blade of aura, Davies’ sword shattered into pieces and left him with the grip and nothing more.

“I believe that means I win” Olsen said and his eyes returned to normal before the aura dissipated into the air. He walked over to Cerice and crouched on one knee before taking her hand in his and lightly kissing it.

“Very well done my Magika. I have half a mind to take you up on that marriage you offered me” she smiled at him with just a little bit of cheeky intent.
Olsen began to say something back when a horn could be heard echoing throughout the forest.

“What’s that?” one knight asked as they drew their swords. Fear shot through Olsen, he could recognise that sound anywhere, the sound of a horn that bandits would make to strike fear into the hearts of the villagers in Despra.

“It’s bandits! RUN!” Olsen, without thinking, grabbed Cerice’s hand and ran off at incredible speeds into a forest.

“Unhand me at once!” Cerice demanded “I have no desire to follow a brute such as yourself!” she screamed.

“Do you want to be torn to pieces by those bandits?! They always travel in a group of 50, there’s no way, no matter how skilled your men are, that they can kill all of those bandits!” Olsen explained.

“But…Davies…” Cerice looked scared and confused “I have never been anywhere without Sir Davies…” Cerice said sadly.

“You better get used to it!” Olsen advised as he hid with Cerice behind an oak tree.

“Why are we not running?” Cerice asked.

“It takes a lot out of me to run with a large weight…” Olsen said and he felt a large pang of pain around the back of his head from where Cerice had struck him.

“What horrible manners! You never talk about a young maiden’s weight in such a brutish manner!” Cerice sulked as she looked away in an offended manner at being dragged away and insulted.

“Sorry, but unless you weigh less than ten kilograms I can’t keep it up for a long distance” Olsen informed and Cerice tilted her head.

“Kilograms? What kind of outlandish thing are you talking about?” Cerice asked as she tilted her head, in a way that made Olsen’s heart flutter to him it looked unreasonably cute.

“Oh yeah that’s right…you use different measuring and weighing systems to us” Cerice nodded in agreement.

“Ah so you speak of weight well that makes more sense” Cerice finally understood.

“Anyway, we need to be quick and quiet in order to get you out of here and to
safety” Olsen said as he took her hand and began leading her off.

“Wait…first of all; what is your name good sir?” Cerice asked “Olsen was it?”

“Yeah, that’s right” Olsen nodded his head acknowledging her correct venture at a guess.

“Did you…did you grab me because I was nearest; or was it because you genuinely feared for my safety?” Cerice asked, wondering if there was a specific intention behind Olsen’s actions.

Olsen stopped in his tracks and thought momentarily “I don’t know, but I knew I couldn’t let my lover die…” Olsen’s head began to hurt, like his brain was trying to break out of his head.

“What did you say?” Cerice’s head also felt the same kind of pain, a unique pain that Cerice had never felt before.

“I…I don’t know…” Olsen looked confused, he had forgotten what he had said but he knew he had said something “Anyway, let’s get you to safety” Cerice agreed and Olsen began to lead off Cerice deeper into the forest.

Chapter 2: The Priestess and The Magika
Olsen ran with Cerice for hours until they found a road that led out of the forest, before them were rolling green hills in the distance with a single stone hut with a log door that was held to place with rope. It was the only building they could see in the entire area around them and Olsen gripped tightly onto Cerice’s hand as he led her towards it.

The day had turned into night so Olsen decided the hut would be a good place to rest up for the night before they continued their journey. He untied the door and slid it out of the way before letting Cerice walk in first, he then slid the door back into position and tied it to a wooden stake on the wall in the inside of the hut so nobody could slide it open from the outside. The room had a fireplace burning in the side of the room with some stools and a table on the other side but other than that it was completely barren.

“Are you sure it is okay to sleep in here Mister Craftsen?” Cerice asked as she looked around nervously, every cry from a far off animal and every twig she or Olsen stepped on sent a shock of fright up her spine; out of fear for if it were the bandits.

“Oh yeah it’s fine! These kind of huts are specifically built so travellers can rest up since there’s a large distance between villages in Despra” Olsen explained with an upbeat tone, like the reason he had brought out here had no bearing on them anymore “Someone must have been here earlier since the fire seems newly lit, must have been some pretty considerate people to do that” Olsen said as he took off a satchel under his cloak that contained some vegetables.

“And how do you know that these †˜considerate’ individuals will not be back?” Cerice asked as she placed her hands on her hips, she was not overly convinced by Olsen’s point which aggravated her.

“Simple, if they were coming back then they wouldn’t have wasted the firewood” Olsen pointed to the firewood which was brimming with heat, Cerice wrinkled her nose in annoyance and turned to face Olsen directly.

“I hope you do not expect me; a Priestess of Light. To sleep in such a dreary and rundown hut!” Cerice pouted while also looking pleased with herself.

“Okay, enjoy sleeping outside” Olsen said simply as he began making a stew.

Cerice’s face went red “Wait, wait, wait!” Cerice said with a nervous smile and chuckle “Oh Mister Craftsen, you would not make a young Maiden, such as myself, sleep outside! Surely you jest?” Cerice patted Olsen on the head. She tried to take a more personable approach to Olsen as her regular form of demand and receive was clearly not working on Olsen.

“No I’m serious” Cerice recoiled in fear at his bluntness “If you’re going to travel with me, then you better be grateful for everything you get. Otherwise you can do what you want and travel by yourself” Olsen said as he finished pouring the ingredients in and stood up. Olsen completely ignored the position that Cerice had and the implications an act would bring upon him, to him she was just another person who demanded more than she deserved.

Cerice looked annoyed at her ill-treatment, or what she considered ill-treatment, by Olsen but she stood by his side and sighed. “Fine. I am nothing if not flexible” Cerice said and sat down on a stool that Olsen had brought her over and she began watching him as he cooked.

Olsen handed Cerice wooden bowl of vegetable soup and she looked quizzically at it, Olsen took a sip from his bowl and chuckled at her antics.
“Don’t tell me you’ve never had vegetable stew before?” Olsen asked and Cerice looked surprised.

“This is vegetable stew?! Of course I have had it before, do not take me as such an uneducated fool!” She took a brief pause “But usually my personal chefs take more time on the ascetics” Cerice added with disappointment at such a lowly meal to herself as she began to carefully and elegantly sip from her stew.
Olsen stood up and brought out some wolf pelts from a cabinet in the hut and laid them on the floor while he also got some more wolf pelts that were stitched together and put them ahead of the other two pelts he had led down.
“Um…Mister Craftsen?” Cerice began, nervousness rang all around her.

“Just call me Olsen, Mister Craftsen was my Father” Olsen said and Cerice nodded to herself.

“All-right then…Olsen…what are those?” Cerice asked and Olsen placed his hand on his head with an exasperated look.

“These are the bedding we’ll be using tonight, what else?” Olsen said sarcastically, treating her like a child even though he knew she knew better.

“Bedding?! I shall not be using such brutish…things…as bedding!” Cerice twirled away and pouted “I can accept staying in a worn-down hut but I will not sleep on a dead animal!” Cerice yelled and Olsen rolled his eyes.

“Look, it’s only for one night…I thought you said you were flexible!” Olsen yelled back and Cerice looked guilty and sorrowful over being so greedy and stuck up, it was not a part of her personality that she particularly liked as it alienated people from her (Not that her position as a High Priestess did not already do that).

“You are right…I apologise Mister…Olsen” Cerice looked hurt and Olsen placed his hand on her soft shoulders and their eyes met. Cerice’s blood red eyes twinkled in the firelight and Olsen’s own golden eyes reflected hers perfectly; like they were a perfect match. Cerice held her hands out and touched Olsen’s face, Olsen’s cheeks grew incredibly red as Cerice’s eyes began to close as her face grew closer to his own, some unknown force pulled them towards each-other and Olsen could not help but admire the beauty and wild nature of her eyes as Cerice was encapsulated by the glow of Olsen’s own golden eyes and the strength that lied within.

“Um…Cerice?” Olsen gulped as her lips were mere millimetres away from his own and she opened her eyes, only slightly, and looked undeniable in all of her innocent and yet stuck-up beauty.

“Olsen…may I? I wish to reward the proud Knight who valued me above all my men. I cannot explain why…but I feel as if I can tell you anything. Do you feel the same?” Cerice’s soft and passionate voice put Olsen under a spell, his breathing increased in pace and his heart increased in its beating.

“Yes…I do…” Olsen said and their lips locked onto one-another’s as Cerice pushed Olsen onto the floor. She led on top of him and kissed him repeatedly.
“Um…Cerice?” Olsen darted his eyes away, the nervousness that was once under Cerice had now been transferred to Olsen.

“Yes?” Cerice smiled kindly at him, looking more undeniable as her personality became more amiable.

“Your kissing is um…” Olsen looked increasingly nervous as the situation grew on.

“Immaculate? Enticing? Perfect?” Cerice complimented herself and Olsen lost some of the guilt he was feeling, however, Cerice confidently expected Olsen to praise her and beg her to continue.

“Horrible” Olsen stated bluntly without mercy in his voice but it did have a happy mocking tone to it that managed to soften the blow.

“Eh?” Cerice receded off of Olsen “How? I am blessed by the Lord of Light!” Cerice said, unimpressed with Olsen’s opinion.

“Blessed or not, how many men have you kissed?” Olsen asked and Cerice turned away pouting.

“That should be obvious! I am a Maiden, so obviously the answer is none!” She realised the implication of the sentence and froze “Oh Lord…you were…you were…” she began to shake frantically “YOU WERE MY FIRST KISS!” Cerice bowed down and placed her head on the ground “Oh Lord of the Light! Please absolve me of my sin for kissing a heathen such as this man!” Cerice practically bawled her eyes out over committing an act that was viewable by her people as being a sin.
Olsen didn’t know what to do, so out of instinct, he grabbed Cerice by her thin arms and kissed her deeply, her expression was of shock but it soon softened and she kissed back as she ran her fingers up Olsen’s arms.
“Olsen…I do not wish for marriage as I see it as a death sentence…but…for some reason” Cerice’s lips trembled “I love you” she said softly with darkened eyes and Olsen’s head pounded with pain, greater than last time so much so that a trickle of blood ran out of his nose “Olsen! Are you all-right?” Cerice asked and Olsen took some deep breaths. Fear shot out of Cerice as she grabbed hold of Olsen tightly and shook a little.

“It’s weird…we shouldn’t feel like this about each-other…I mean I’m a lowly soldier and you’re a Priestess in the richest land of the four plus we’ve only just met but…” Olsen ran his hand along the side of Cerice’s face “I love you too” he said with a smile and darkened eyes as she wiped the blood from his nose with her thumb, She smiled, happy at his response.

“I shall never admit my feelings about you to anyone but you” Cerice looked serious “It is embarrassing to fall in love with someone from such a low class so quickly and I can only imagine my mother’s reaction…”

"Embarrassing? It shouldn't matter what class I am..." Olsen quipped back at Cerice.

Cerice’s countenance changed to a kinder expression than before, whilst ignoring Olsen's protests “However, I do love you” Cerice kissed Olsen again as she fell on top of him, admitting her strange, confusing and slightly awkward feelings.

The two of them spent the night under the same pelt holding on to each-other, the sun slowly began to rise and Olsen woke quickly to it. He exited the bed and changed back into his clothing, the noise he created whilst cooking some breakfast woke up Cerice. She rubbed her eyes and looked at him carefully until she could tell what he was doing.
“It is barely past dawn and you are already up? It is not even Lightsday” Cerice said as she got out of bed and changed into her clothing.

“If the bandits are still chasing us, then it’s best that we make a move quickly and besides, don’t you want to get back to the Land of Light quickly?” he noticed a warm sensation as the now dressed Cerice grabbed his hand tightly.

“But if I return to the Land of Light…then…I shall miss you a great deal” Cerice looked Olsen dead in the eyes and he faltered slightly.

“Then what do you suggest?” Olsen asked and Cerice placed her hand on her chin as she thought.

“If we give the scroll you gave me to a messenger, they can take it in my place and then we can join up with the expeditionary force!” Cerice said with excitement and Olsen looked confused. “Okay I shall explain it to you kindly since you have received my affections!” Cerice smiled.

“Oh joy…” Olsen said sarcastically.

“The Expeditionary force are a group of soldiers who are in charge of scouting other nations and try to locate the locations of the Four Pillars!” Cerice explained and Olsen rolled his eyes again at the idea of the Four Pillars which he regarded as nothing more than a child’s tale.

“You mean those †˜Magical Pillars’ that give people magical powers? Please, I’m not educated like you but neither am I an idiot” Olsen scoffed at the idea.

“Oh but it is true my love! You are a prime example of those power! How can you deny their existence?” Cerice ran around Olsen to face him after he had turned away.

“Because I have powers that have been researched and explained; all they are is evolution” Olsen said and Cerice tapped him on the forehead “Ow!” he yelled.

“Blasphemy! Clean your mouth Olsen my love! You have been gifted with Holy powers from the Lord of The Light!” Cerice reprimanded him and Olsen shook his head and began to open the door.

“No Cerice, no God has blessed me or ever will bless me” Olsen opened the door before taking a step out and felt a sharp pain explode from his head, he believed it was Cerice originally but her screams of fear proved him wrong, he groggily turned around to see a man with a club in animal pelts for clothing as he wound up to smack Olsen again; who had been hiding outside the building by its side.

Olsen woke up with his vision blurry and dotted with red splotches everywhere that followed wherever he looked. He saw a group of men stood around him that looked in inquisitively at him, they all wore the same pelts as the man who had hit him around the head. In the background he could hear a woman screaming his name.
“Stay away from him! Olsen! Please leave him alone!” Cerice screamed as they held her on her knees and held her arms far apart so she couldn’t move.

“Quiet Priestess! We’re just going to have a little…exorcism of his innards!” one bandit laughed and Cerice continued to scream frantically. “Sorry boy, but she’s worth a pretty penny; wrong place, wrong time it would seem” he shoved a dagger straight into the stomach of Olsen who immediately coughed blood as a result of having the object rammed in his gut. Pain exploded around Olsen’s wound, he took sharp and pained breaths as his chest took quick compulsions upwards and sank back down.

“NO! PLEASE NO!” Cerice cried and Olsen felt the strength sapping from him.
Olsen suddenly felt a strange feeling coursing through his body, it was not the one of death but of vitality. A golden glow shot out of Olsen’s wound and Cerice’s eyes widened in amazement. Olsen’s eyes gave off a golden smoke-aura in a constant fashion.

“The glow of Light…you truly are blessed my love…”Cerice said in amazement as Olsen rose to his feet with his wound now fully healed and formed two short-swords of golden aura, similar to his broadswords but in shorter length. Olsen had a deep and merciless look in his eyes as he walked up to the bandits and sliced the heads off of the two closest bandits before stabbing another. A bandit swung his club at Olsen but he easily sidestepped him and aggressively thrust his sword into the gut of the bandit and then let him drop to the floor.

The final bandit held Cerice like a human shield as she kicked and screamed “I’d be careful Magika! My knife might accidently cut this little Priestess’s throat…” he warned and Cerice looked fearful for her life with unblinking eyes that began to well with tears that crept down her face, she took short ragged breaths of fear as well.

“Cerice…do you trust me?” Olsen’s voice sounded more serious than normal, it echoed with confidence and power.

“Of course Olsen…I trust you” Cerice smiled and Olsen smiled back at her, he let go of one his swords and it disappeared into the wind. Olsen raised his index finger to the head of the bandit and it fired out a golden blast of light that was no thicker than Olsen’s finger and passed millimetres by Cerice’s head before it travelled straight through the head of the bandit. The bandit fell dead to the floor as shots of blood splurged out of the hole created from the attack. Cerice ran over to Olsen and hugged him as he did her.

“Oh Olsen…I was so scared…” she wept into his chest as Olsen held her close with one arm and walked over to the bandit he had stabbed and kicked him onto his back.

“Who sent you? Why do you want Cerice?” He asked the dying man, Olsen’s impatience had grown to the point where mercy was no longer a concept he was familiar with.

“Why not? She’s worth a lot of money!” he coughed blood and Olsen looked aggravated “I wouldn’t take her back to your village…” he chuckled.

“Why?! What have you done?!” Olsen demanded an answer and the bandit chuckled again, Olsen looked upwards and saw a trail of black smoke leading into the sky; right where his village should have been “No…”Olsen said with fear reverberating through his body.

“The rest of…our group went off to raid your village while we captured the girl…” he said and Olsen grabbed a combat dagger he had on his belt and stabbed it into the heart of the bandit.

“YOU BASTARDS!” He screamed and Cerice held him from behind in order to try and quell his anger.

“It will be okay Olsen, it will be okay” She repeated the words softly to him, trying to quell his fears like you would a small child, as he heaved in anger.

“I need to find out if Gramps is okay…” Olsen stood and began walking off towards the smoke and Cerice jogged after him.

“Olsen! It is too dangerous! There will over 40 of the bandits in your village” she grabbed his hand “Come with me! Let us travel back to the Land of Light and when can live together!” She tried to convince him but Olsen just kept on walking.

“I need to help if I can!” Olsen sounded angry and determined and although she was terrified with both the situation and Olsen’s anger, Cerice followed after him.

Chapter 3: Return to the Village

Olsen moved at incredible speeds while he held Cerice in his arms, he jumped over trees that were at least 20 foot tall, Cerice screamed in enjoyment over the speeds they were moving as Olsen looked on in rage.
“AHAHAHAHA! Oh Olsen my love! You do know how to show a girl a good time!” she laughed and punched the air in excitement.

“Why are you acting so happy? All my friends as well as family could be dead for all we know…” Olsen said glumly, his expression was considerably darker than before.

Cerice looked down, disgusted with herself “I am very sorry Olsen, but I thought seeing me happy would make you happy. Is that not a fundamental part of being in love?” Cerice asked as she offered him a more sincere smile and he smiled a little at her expression.

“Yeah…sorry…guess I’m just a little caught up in all my worry” Olsen admitted as he went in to kiss Cerice again.

“OLSEN! THE TREE!” Cerice screamed and Olsen looked up to see a tree branch, he narrowly ducked underneath it and Cerice looked incredibly displeased “You are an easily distractible child my love” Cerice reprimanded Olsen again and turned away from him as he kept his attention firmly planted on the route ahead of them and the smoke that rose into the sky.

As they neared the village, the forest parted into two segments as a stone path led under a wooden arch into the village. Olsen landed on the pathway and started walking under the arch to see the village in disarray. Soldiers of the village were fighting the bandits but they weren’t skilled or experienced enough and that showed as they were being slaughtered by the bandits. Villagers were in the middle of evacuating and Olsen spotted his Grandfather who was fighting with a sword-in-hand as he directed villagers out of the village to safe areas where they could hide from the bandits. It was no doubt another raid by the bandits, they usually came to raid the village for food and supplies since it was scarce in the wild and they refused to live ordinary lives for individual reasons. However, their attack seem to be focusing less on the supplies of the village and more on the people, they looked as if they were investigating the appearance of every villager they came across and would then brutally murder them.

The village was usually a calm place, with it divided into two separate segments along a vertical divide in the middle. One one side was fields of crops and other vegetation with several houses and barns that were used by the farmers of the village, they always had some kind of fencing to ward off their land to stop people from just walking in. On the other side was the rows of housing in lines that led up to the divide with straight roads that went off at ninety degree angles to direct the roads into new directions. The housing was similar for most houses with one-story buildings that had roofing which inclined on either side upwards to a meeting point at which point it narrowed. The divide for residents was also divided into two separate levels which one would have to ascend up a small number of steps to reach, it was like this in order to obey the structure of the land as the land inclined slightly at times and then dipped back down at others.

“Oh thank God he’s alright…” Olsen bowed down and placed his hands on his knees as he breathed out from worry. Cerice smiled happily and hid behind Olsen as two bandits spotted them and moved towards them menacingly.

“Put those dogs down my love and save your village” Cerice looked more than confident in Olsen’s abilities as he nodded and brought out a broadsword of blue aura and prepared to fight.

Olsen took some steps ahead of where Cerice was so she wouldn’t be so close to the fight, Olsen ducked under the slash of a blade and rolled behind the bandits. He slashed as he rolled into a crouch and one of the bandits was cut by him, his wound spluttered blood and he dropped to a knee. Cerice lifted up the skirt of her dress that made its way down to her ankles and exposed a dagger with a zigzag style to it until it reached the tip where it turned into a straight edge. She thrust the dagger into the heart of the bandit and quickly pulled it out with all of her might. Cerice stumbled backwards and fell onto her behind. The other bandit was distracted and went after her but Olsen grabbed him by the shoulder and exposed his golden eyes that glowed a dim blue where his pupil would be, he pulled the bandit back and stabbed him through the back with his aura-sword. Blood ran down the weapon as the bandit choked on the pain his body felt and Olsen retracted the blade to let him fall to the ground below. Cerice knelt down on both knees and placed her hands crossed over her chest and began to recite some kind of religious doctrine “Lord of Light, please forgive me for not staining my hand and spilling the blood of another man. I ask for thee to absolve me from my sin” Cerice asked, her voice and body were filled with fear over her action, even though she had felt as if there was no choice, and stood up to see Olsen shooting her a look of derision “Is there something you would like to say my love? Do you think me illogical and childish to ask for forgiveness?” Cerice tilted her head in a cute way that made Olsen blush, her eyes seem to darken and Olsen’s head began to pang with pain again “You killed many humans in the past and betrayed your own…” Cerice said and grasped her own head in pain.

“Did…did you say something Cerice?” Olsen said as the pain evaporated from his head.

“Huh? I did…?” Cerice didn’t seem sure and noticed the fighting going on “Olsen! The village!” Cerice said and Olsen turned to look at the fighting himself.

“Aw crap you’re right!” Olsen said and Cerice pulled on his cloaks collar and gave him a disappointed look.

“Olsen my love, could you please not speak with such a fowl tongue around me? It is my one request” Cerice said with an agitated look.

“Other than not to badmouth your religion and make our relationship known and…” Olsen began to list Cerice’s stipulations in their relationship.

“Okay, okay! I understand I am high maintenance! But it is your fault for falling in love with a Maiden such as myself!” Cerice looked pompous as she always did when speaking of herself.

“Well if that isn’t the understatement of the century…” Olsen whispered to himself and felt a tap on his head.

“Perhaps instead of pocking fun at your esteemed lover, you should save your friends and family?!” Cerice pointed for Olsen to go and help them.

“Not one whole day into this relationship and I’m already being bossed around…” Olsen sighed and ran off towards the ensuing battle.

Olsen ran into a group of three enemies and immediately ducked under the strike of one’s club before slashing at his gut and placing his open palm on another’s “Aura blast” a surge of blue energy, that shimmered, fired straight from Olsen’s hand and through the gut of the bandit, leaving a hole the size of Olsen’s hand in his stomach. Olsen dodged away from the final bandits stab and then parried the next one before he ran his blade of aura into the centre of the bandit’s chest.
Olsen left his blade in the dying bandit and formed a new item in his right hand: A bow with arrows on his back that were also made of aura, they also seemed to be made of air which shimmered in the light; still with that definitive shape of a bow and arrows. He drew the bow and fired into the heads and hearts of bandits in quick succession, a single bandit charged him and Olsen drew back three arrows at once and fired them into the bandit in an ascending order up his torso.

“Olsen!” Olsen turned to see his Grandfather cut down two bandits with a single strike with a bastard-sword “What took you so long child?” his Grandfather happily chuckled as he locked blades with a bandit and gave as good as he got in a physical confrontation with the bandit.

“Sorry Gramps, I had to make sure my fellow diplomat got to safety!” Olsen ran other to his grandfather and punched the bandit, knocking him out cold.
“So you brought her here? WHAT KIND OF IDIOT ARE YOU?!” Olsen’s grandfather thumped Olsen on the head, insulting Olsen as he had always done when Olsen did something wrong.

“You know, people are making too much of a habit of that!” Olsen complained as Cerice ran over to them and hid behind Olsen.

“Olsen my lo…”Cerice noticed Olsen’s grandfather “My…loyal servant! Yes, loyal servant! We have trouble!” Cerice pointed out a group of bandit reinforcements of about 20 bandits, her voice still shaking from killing a man as well as being nervous over almost exposing her love.

“Oh that’s bad!” Olsen noticed and started firing arrows as quickly as he could draw them.

Suddenly, a war cry came from behind the newly formed line of bandits and they began to be cut down in droves by armoured horsemen who made quick work of the bandits and formed a line or honour as a familiar figure appeared.

“Sir Davies!” Cerice ran down the line of horsemen who wore identical armour to the soldiers who had accompanied Cerice to Despra, around 30 in number.

“My Lady!” Davies took Cerice in his arms as she wrapped him in a happy and joyful embrace.

“I thought for certain you had perished! But I see my thoughts were misguided indeed!” Cerice laughed happily.

“My lady, a refined Priestess such as yourself should be a little more reserved than this” Davies advised and what should have annoyed Cerice only made her smile “Me and the men managed to hold off the bandits for long enough for the Expeditionary force to return to us and aid us in battle”

“As I said: No fun, but I am glad you are all-right” she hugged him again and Olsen’s Grandfather smiled before walking down the steps to the lower part of the street to meet Davies and Cerice.

“Hello Sir Davies, it has been sometime since I have seen your face!” Olsen’s Grandfather said as he sheathed his sword and took out a cane to walk with, Olsen joined him by his side.

“Ah General Okrin Craftsen! I see you have lost none of your skill with a blade!” Davies said and shook Okrin’s hand.

“Gramps? You know this guy?” Olsen asked and Okrin nodded his head.

“Yes, yes I fought alongside Sir Davies when he was but a small and boyish lad” Okrin said fondly “Ah…you were quite a loud child back then, I’m glad to see you have mellowed with age” Okrin said fondly.

“And I am glad to see you are amongst the living, when I heard you had retired to a village plagued by such scum as these…” Davies kicked the dead body of a bandit “I thought for sure that you would have died with the rest of these villagers” Davies admitted.

“Oh come now! I’m not some old, useless, retired ex-soldier! I am Okrin the Slayer of the Prime Knights! No lowly bandits could kill me or this village” Okrin said with a prideful smile.

“Always the boastful one” Davies chuckled.

“You and your men should join us in our celebration hall! I’m sure King Einkard will be happy to see you!” Okrin said and the Land of Light soldiers followed him while Olsen waited behind with Cerice by his side.

“Olsen…may I pertain the knowledge of that elderly man’s identity?” Cerice asked with a smile as she tilted her head, that look always tugged on Olsen’s heartstrings.

“That’s my Grandfather; Ex-General of the armies of Despra. He killed the †˜Prime Knights of Xion’ 40 years ago in the last unification war led by the armies of Xion” Olsen spoke with a little bit of pride.

“Oh I see…so that is where you gained such skilled swordsmanship?” Cerice asked again as she took his hand in her own whilst wishing to pertain more knowledge of Olsen.

“Yeah, he put me through some pretty rigorous training though…” Olsen looked around to check if the coast was clear “Did you notice my back last night?” Olsen asked and Cerice blushed out embarrassment and turned away sulking.

“A gentleman does not ask and a lady shall not tell” Cerice said in a frustrated and embarrassed response and Olsen sighed as his point had been misinterpreted by Cerice.

“No! I was talking about the scars on my back!” Olsen turned and lifted up his cloak and flak jacket to reveal one †˜X’ shaped scar under the right shoulder and a curved scar running down his back; starting on his left shoulder and ending by the right side of his abdomen.

“Oh my…My poor Olsen…” Cerice looked around and kissed the scar, the shock of her lips against his back startled Olsen and he jumped away.

“Sorry! You startled me” Olsen apologised and Cerice laughed.

“Oh dear my love! You are quite an entertaining fellow!” Cerice laughed as she began walking up the steps to the layer of the street that was 3 metres above the other “Coming?” She asked.

“To where?” Olsen asked and Cerice laughed again.

“The celebration Hall, where else my dim-witted lover?” She teased and Olsen looked offended but followed anyway.

Olsen and Cerice sat on one side of the head table that had the other two table running off of its edges, making a †˜U’ Shape. Olsen and Cerice sat on the right side with Sir Davies and Okrin on the other and an empty throne between them. The hall was reasonably large, big enough to hold 200-250 people in size. It had wooden walls and ceiling with supports running overhead. There was also flags of clans and other nations hung up against the walls for decoration.

“Who sits in that throne Olsen?” Cerice whispered to Olsen as she waited for food to be served.

“King Einkard, although he usually resides in the Royal city” Olsen explained and Cerice nodded affirmatively.

“So I have heard, apparently it puts the rest of Despra to shame…not like that is very difficult mind you” Cerice said as she looked around the soldiers who wore a similar outfit to Olsen as they laughed loudly and clinked their drinks together.

“Careful how you speak of your hosts” Olsen warned and Cerice nodded.

“I will be careful, just do the same when you are around my Mother” Cerice said happily as she elegantly sat on the wooden chair that she had been provided that looked similar to a throne in its own regard.

“What do you mean Cerice?” Olsen seemed confused.

“Darling, I enjoy your faked lack of intelligence as much as the next Maiden; I find it truly entertaining. But you need not continue it!” Cerice quickly snapped at him.

“I’m not faking, what the Hell are you talking about?!” Olsen raised his voice slightly and was tapped in the head again “Ow!” He responded.

“What else? You will journey back with me to the Land of Light, then, I will make you my personal bodyguard for your Heroic actions and we will be lovers in secret!” Cerice explained like it had all been set in stone.

Olsen looked stunned by the words that had left Cerice’s mouth “I’m sorry, but where was the part where you consulted me about this life changing decision?” Olsen asked.

“How dare you react in such a manner, do you understand how much honour and pride I am risking by accepting you as my lover?!” Cerice voice shook with anger but Olsen didn’t seemed humbled like she had intended.

“I don’t think you answered my question at all, I can’t do that with you anyway” Olsen turned away in frustration.

“Well why not? What is stopping you?” Cerice smashed both of her hands on the table, Olsen’s attitude was wearing on her nerves.

“Look what happened to the village when I left for one day!” Cerice remembered the people being slaughtered and running for their lives “I can’t abandon this village to live with you! It would be a death sentence for them…” Olsen sounded guilty as if, if those events came to pass then it would be entirely his fault.

“Olsen…” again, Cerice realised her selfishness and fault her own brand of guiltiness “I apologise…I only wished to spend time with the man who captured my heart…” Cerice said glumly. Olsen crossed his arms and sighed, he began to speak again but he was drowned out and cut off by the big wooden doors to the hall being thrown open.

A man stood in a similar outfit to the rest of the soldiers, who wore the same outfit as Olsen, except he had a green fur cape with golden pins holding it to his clothing. He also had a silver crown with rubies and sapphires decorated in it, his face was covered in battle scars and his muscular figure gave off an imposing stance. He had metal shoulder guards, gauntlets and boots as well with a Nordic broadsword by his waist in a leather sheath. He had long brown hair with several strands braided and a thick brown beard with two strands on his chin braided as well. He walked with spread arms into the hall and the soldiers cheered at the sight of him a ruckus of happiness.

“King Einkard! He has returned!” some men yelled as they drunk their drinks in huge swigs.

Cerice looked on in wonderment as the King greeted his men in a casual and kind manner, sharing hugs and handshakes “This land truly is strange to me…” Cerice spoke quietly.

“Why is that?” Olsen asked.

“In my land it would be unheard of to see myself or my family act in such an undignified manner, our people would be insulted by it. The job of a ruler is to be in a higher position of power to their subjects, that much is obvious, but to lower oneself down to his subject’s level? Madness” Cerice said as she began to stand “I have tolerated all I can of the drunken stupor of your people Olsen, please take me to your home so I may rest” Cerice asked but King Einkard had already noticed her.

“AHA! Priestess Cerice! It is wonderful to finally meet you” Einkard offered a hand for her to shake but Cerice looked slightly bewildered by it.

“Ah…you wish to do the thing commoners do…” Cerice chuckled nervously “I suppose I have no problem with it nor do I wish to cause any as a humble guest” Cerice took his hand slowly and Einkard shook her hand vigorously.

“I did always like you Light-types! You can always trust them in a battle but they’re so easy to put outside of their comfort zone! AHAHAHA!” Einkard bellowed happily.

“Err…Quite” Cerice agreed and Olsen shot a look as if he was getting a kick out of this little interaction, Einkard caught Olsen’s eye and raised his eyebrow.

“OH! So that would be the case then? Hmm? Olsen always has been popular with women of the same age and older….and younger too I suppose?” Einkard considered it “It’s no surprise you have fallen for the strongest Magika this land has to offer!” Einkard bellowed loudly again, and Cerice’s face turned completely red.

“Ahaha! Do not be silly King Einkard, the relationship I and Olse…I mean Mister Craftsen, have is not of mutual affection; believe me” Cerice said nervously.

“Oh?” Einkard looked far from convinced “Perhaps it’s for the best then, I wish for Olsen to marry my daughter after all, who has been his childhood friend for many years” Einkard shot an all-knowing look and Cerice looked nervous.

“Oh…really? That is good…” Cerice was obviously lying “Yes! That is brilliant for Mister Craftsen! He deserves no less considering the goof deeds I have watched him perform! Surely the Lord of Light must bless him!” Cerice tried to sound more sincere but the words only seemed to make Olsen look lonely and hurt.

The entire room erupted laughter at the mention of the Lord of Light “AHAHAHAH! Don’t speak of such childish concepts as The Lord of Light in these halls!” Einkard laughed.

“Excuse me?” Cerice stood in an offended manner and stared with a steely glare at Einkard.

“Oh don’t take offense! But we are the only true remnants to how the old Empire used to work! We still have many records on the old Empire and how we stopped advancing our military power because of our belief in The Lord of Light and that helped the Beast of Chaos destroy our lands because our lack of defensive capabilities” Einkard explained “We have no need for a God who would let his men sit by idly while destruction headed straight for them” Einkard said and took his seat next to Olsen.

Cerice remained quiet for the entire celebration, looking infuriated with Einkard’s argument about her religion.

Eventually, Einkard spoke up again “Olsen my Lad, I ask of you a favour!” Einkard spoke loudly and the entire hall died down in volume to pay attention. Olsen stood from his seat and bowed.

“I’ll do my best…unless it’s boring of course” Olsen said and felt something hit him over the head.

“DON’T SPEAK LIKE SUCH A SPOILED BRAT!” Okrin said as he hit Olsen over the head with his cane.

“It’s all-right my old friend, seeing Olsen with such a bright and young personality only offers me hope for this nation. Now, I wish to stay in this village of Tollen for a few months with around 200 of my men and I wish for you to take a leave of absence for two reasons. For one, you deserve a good rest for protecting it over the last 5 years boy! And secondly; if you are here than I won’t have as much fun fighting the bandits with you killing them all!” Einkard laughed.

Cerice perked up and shot to her feat “Then Olsen may travel with me to the Land of Light, the weather is always beautiful and I owe Olsen for protecting me!” Cerice offered and Einkard nodded.

“This is a good idea, you may enjoy the weather of the Land of Light and you can have some journeying under calm circumstances! What do you think of this Olsen?” Einkard asked.

Olsen thought for a moment, he looked to his Grandfather, he nodded assertively and then to Cerice who was in the middle of praying for Olsen to say yes. “Okay then, sounds like a plan!” Olsen said happily with a small smile.

“Okay then! Tomorrow at noon we shall see Olsen off! But until then…” Einkard stood with his beer flask in hand “LET US CELEBRATE OLSEN’S MANY GOOD DEEDS!” Einkard yelled and the entire hall yelled in response.

Chapter 4: The Craftsen Estate

Olsen began walking down the road as night descended upon the village; he whistled in a carefree manner as he heard the pitter-patter of footsteps following him.

“Olsen! I hope you did not plan on leaving me behind?” Cerice ran towards him as she waved and giggled.

“Cerice? Why are you following me? I thought you would have stayed with Sir Davies and your men?” Olsen asked and Cerice took Olsen’s hand in her own.

“Quite true, and if our relationship was any different you would be right, however, I feel the urge to…” She gave an embarrassed sigh and looked about. “…To spend the night with you,” Cerice admitted with a flustered expression.

Olsen smiled and took her hand in his own. “I’m glad you feel that way,” Olsen said and led her off to the end of the street from the celebration hall where a brick house stood; it was two floors tall in contrast to the other huts which were only a single floor. It had glass windows and a wooden door with a chimney that bellowed smoke. In all truth Olsen was ecstatic over the idea that Cerice would leave the safety and comfort of her own soldiers to be with him, if only temporarily, but a pang of sadness in his chest reminded him of how temporary their time together could ever be. Olsen finally considered the vast space that really was between them. After all he was just a common soldier and she was a high-ranking official for an entire country based on the most popular religion in their continent, it was not like the people of her country would allow such a relationship if it ever came to their attention. Nevertheless, Olsen pushed the thoughts away as he continued on with Cerice.

“So this would be your residence then? In comparison to the rest of the village this is very impressive Olsen,” Cerice said, looking very impressed, and Olsen took out a knife from a pocket on the side of his thigh. “Olsen? Is everything all-right? You seem nervous and grabbing a weapon does not ease my concerns.” Cerice raised her hands to her chest and looked worried as Olsen shook with fear.

“Cerice…is it too late to ask for mercy from your God?” Olsen asked. Clearly some kind of fear had leapt over him as a bead of sweat dripped down the side of his face and dangled on his chin.

“Of course not! The Lord of Light is always forgiving! But why do you ask?” Cerice asked as she tilted her head and lost her momentary smile.

“You’ll understand once you see what’s in here…” Olsen slowly opened the door outwards, but something pushed it open quicker and it hit Olsen straight in the face, knocking him to the ground and sending Cerice into a frenzy of panic.

“Olsen you’re home! I’m so glad!” A reasonably endowed girl of the same age as Olsen, in the same gear as him, except with a skirt, and with dark brown hair that was braided down the right side of her head, tackled Olsen to the ground and rubbed her cheek against his. She was beautiful and very well-curved like Cerice was but with dark green eyes that looked piercing but also immaculate. She was the same height as Olsen, which made her a few inches taller than Cerice.

“Aria…GET OFF OF ME!” Olsen yelled at the girl who sat on top of him on the sides of her legs. She was by no means heavy, but it was clearly an uncomfortable situation for Olsen who had quickly changed from fear to irritation and then to anger.

She sighed disappointedly, “You never let me have any fun at all Olsen, and I even prepared you a meal for when you got home,” she sulked and Olsen sat up as Cerice’s eyebrow twitched in anger. Her attitude was one of almost a happy ignorance, as while she picked up on Olsen’s frustration it appeared as if she had no idea that she was the cause of it.

“Olsen…please would you elaborate on who this…woman is…and make it quick,” Cerice’s patience was clearly running out and she didn’t look in the mood to wait.

“Oh yeah! Cerice; this is my childhood friend Aria Lesten, first in line for the throne of Despra,” Olsen explained quickly and Aria turned to see Cerice.

“Where are my manners?!” Aria jumped up and dusted herself off and extended her hand to Cerice, “Hello, I am the fiancée of Olsen Craftsen and Princess of Despra: Aria Lesten. You must be the Priestess of the Land of Light: Cerice Likendia!” Aria said and Cerice slowly moved her hand in to shake Aria’s with a distrustful look.

That was indeed who she was, the only offspring of Einkard and the first in line for the throne of Despra: Aria Lesten of the Lesten dynasty. Her life had been a combination of sheltered ignorance behind the giant walls of the royal city, and a painful realisation of what the world she lived in was really like. She had grown up without a mother (who died during childbirth) and so she always had a more masculine aura to herself. Dressing up as a soldier and being overly physical were just some of the traits she had acquired. This all being said she still knew exactly when to act like the princess she was and show proper etiquette,

“Olsen’s fiancée then? Interesting…” Cerice’s eyebrow continued to twitch in anger, clearly both bemused over the bare explanation and angry at Olsen for his lack of advance notice.

“Well not really…Olsen keeps saying he’d rather just stay as friends, but he can’t say no forever!” Aria said happily and Olsen stood up to sigh sadly.

“What do you mean by †˜he can’t say no forever’?” Cerice asked inquisitively, careful not to let her bubbling rage explode from within her.

“He can keep saying no as long as I’m just a Princess but once I become Queen my word will be law and Olsen will have to marry me,” Aria said with an evil glint. Another aspect of her personality was that despite being quite ignorant at times was, Aria was incredibly cunning, especially so when it involved her proposals to Olsen.

Cerice’s eyes widened and a single tear rolled down her eye “Olsen…is that…is it true?” Cerice asked as her own heart skipped a beat. Fear arced down her entire body at the idea that Olsen could have been lost to her so soon after acquiring him. More of these confusing emotions she had come to know.

“Yeah…pretty much,” Olsen answered with an ashamed look. This knowledge had been weighing him down for some time and the idea of telling Cerice had not entirely come to mind, but it was still always worrying him deep down, considering how angry she could get so easily he did not want to see what her reaction would be to him leading her on, but Aria ignored both Olsen and his obviously pained expression and instead looked at the dagger in Olsen’s hand.

“Olsen! Were you planning on attacking me with that?!” Aria didn’t look pleased.
“If push came to shove…maybe.” Olsen darted away nervously and sheathed the blade quickly.

“Like you could! Ahaha! The last time he tried that he lost the will to attack and ran off like a coward!” Aria laughed and patted Olsen on the back and even Cerice managed a stifled laugh.

“I cannot imagine Olsen as a coward!” Cerice and Olsen’s eyes grew darker “At least…you are no longer a coward; correct?” Cerice asked and a drop of blood dripped from Olsen’s nose.

“What did you say Cerice?” Olsen’s head pounded with pain again and Cerice had a headache of her own.

“Did I say something?” Cerice wasn’t sure and she quickly recovered to wipe the blood from Olsen’s nose.

“What are you two talking about? Lady Cerice didn’t say anything,” Aria said looking confused by the antics of Olsen and Cerice.

“But I swear…” Olsen looked equally confused and the pain slowly ebbed away. He was certain they had just spoken and exchanged some kind of conversation but it was like a memory you could not exactly grasp; he knew it was there but had no idea what it was.

“I thought I said something too…” Cerice had worry etched on her face, but she quickly changed her expression to a happy one to keep Aria’s suspicions at bay, “We must both be tired after a long day, we must have just imagined something,” Cerice laughed a little and Aria led them both into the house and up the wooden stairs to Olsen’s room.

Olsen’s room had brick walls with a double bed with a canopy over it and a shield and sword over the head of the bed that was hung on the wall. There were drawers and cupboards along the walls with a door in the corner of the room that led into a bathroom.

“I shall stay with Olsen for a few hours; I still must discuss some things with him,” Cerice said and Aria nodded, understanding for once that perhaps the information she and Olsen had provided her was a little confusing and possibly hurtful.

“I understand, if you get hungry then I can warm up the dinner I prepared downstairs,” Aria said and closed the door behind her.

Olsen looked relived as he stretched his arms, Cerice slowly walked over to him as she kept her eyes planted firmly on the floor in front of her. She held the black sleeves on his arms and gripped them hard as she buried her head on his chest.

“Cerice? Are you okay?” Olsen asked and she bit her lip in anger.

“Quiet you fool! It is my turn to speak!” Cerice choked back some tears and Olsen rubbed the back of her bowed head, lamenting over his lack of courage to explain the situation with Aria to Cerice in advance and agreed to let her speak.

“Sorry, go ahead and ask whatever you wish” Olsen said solemnly as Cerice lessened her grip on him and looked up with twinkling eyes.

“Please…don’t marry her…my small heart could not take it. You can come live with me if you must, I’ll use all of my mother's armies to keep them from taking you…” More tears rolled down Cerice’s face as pure fear strangled her heart. It looked as if she was willing to make a deal with the Devil over keeping Olsen with her forever.

“I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if thousands of men died over who loved me more,” Olsen said simply and Cerice hit his chest with the side of her fist.

“I love you more! Any moron or peasant or maiden or whore could see it!” she yelled into his chest.

“I know, and I only love you. Aria is more like a younger sister to me,” Olsen explained attempting to quell the anger and fear in Cerice’s heart.

“When were you planning on telling me?” Cerice asked as she took a step away from Olsen.

“I was going to eventually…” Olsen admitted, “I was a little scared about how you would react,” Olsen confessed.

Cerice laughed a little, “Imbecile, you truly lack all common reason don’t you? I would not grow to hate you over something as trivial as this,” Cerice said, “Well, perhaps †˜trivial’ is not the correct term…” Cerice corrected herself and her and Olsen both shared a laugh.

A little time had passed and Cerice had managed to calm herself. She had decided that since Olsen had failed to inform her about his own life and predicaments then she would ask him any question she wished about him as compensation for his misdeed.

The two of them sat on the bed together and as Cerice thought of something to talk about, her mind quickly kicked into gear, “Of course!” She praised herself for thinking of something.

“What is it?” Olsen asked as he leaned in, interested in her question.

“I have met your grandfather but I did not see your parents. I am most interested in discussing our relationship with them,” Cerice smiled and Olsen’s expression darkened, “What is it? Olsen, did I ask something that made you uncomfortable?” Cerice leaned in closer to him as she placed her hands on the bedding between them.

“No…it’s just…” Olsen took a deep breath and closed his eyes, “My parents died about 8 years ago when the war with Xion started,” Olsen said with a pained voice and Cerice’s eyes widened in realisation, “Ever since then Aria has taken it upon herself to cook all my meals and look after me,” Olsen added guiltily.

“Olsen my love…” Cerice placed her hand on the side of Olsen’s face and then gently kissed him on the lips. “I am sorry, consoling people about such issues is not my forté,” Cerice smiled and Olsen did as well, “Usually I say 'Of course they will be allowed into Heaven' or that 'they were truly blessed to have died fighting for our Lord'.” Cerice gave a saddened chuckle. “Such words hurt me, I hate to tell lies just to comfort someone,” Cerice said and she kissed Olsen again.

“All I need is your voice to comfort me,” Olsen said and he sat away again, “Anyway, they died in the original skirmish that started the war,” Olsen began.

“You mean †˜The Massacre at Otex Valley’?” Cerice asked and Olsen nodded. “I heard about that…I lost a very close friend of mine at that battle, she only went to offer a religious sermon for the diplomats…she was one of the first to be cut down…” Cerice offered a small prayer and then refocused her attention on Olsen.

“My parents went there on behalf of King Einkard to the diplomatic meeting to try and prevent war, instead they were slaughtered by Xion when they sent a whole battalion to kill all the diplomats.” Olsen recounted, briefly, the history of the start of the previous †˜Unification War’.

The previous war was started over claims by Xion that The Land of Light had been involved in illegal spying on Xion itself as well as pressing small villages and outposts on the edge of The Land of Light in preparation for a war. Despra was also accused of such claims that have yet to been proven either way. The war started when the diplomatic meeting set up in neutral territory had turned out to be a trap set by Xion to make a pre-emptive strike on Despra and The Land of Light.

“My poor Olsen…I can only imagine the pain you must have felt,” Cerice gently pushed Olsen down as she led on top of him.

“Um…Cerice…you’re doing it again…” Olsen gulped back his fear as Cerice pressed her body and her chest against Olsen.

“Olsen…I have no issue if we lived in sin. If it is fine with you,” Cerice said and their lips locked onto each-others and they continued kissing for some time.

“Wait!” Olsen demanded, “I don’t care about religion…at all…but I don’t want you to have to sacrifice your belief for me,” Olsen said and Cerice sat up smiling, happy that he had refused his own desire for her.

“Good, because that was a test; to see if I can trust your temptations as a man. You passed,” she said simply and Olsen looked enraged.

“YOU DID THAT JUST TO TEST ME?” Olsen yelled and Cerice placed her hand over his mouth.

“Calm yourself! Olsen, I have said it before: I am high maintenance,” Cerice teased him as she poked his nose with a wry smile.

“Oh this relationship is going to end up killing me somewhere along the road, isn’t it?” Olsen asked and Cerice giggled.

“Of course not my love! I shall not let you escape my grip so easily,” Cerice laughed as she threw her arms around Olsen, who looked annoyed with the current situation.

The expeditionary force waited with their 30 horsemen in front of Cerice’s horse drawn carriage with Cerice inside. Olsen stood by its side and looked around.

“So…where the hell is my ride?” Olsen asked with his arms raised in a questioning stance.

“Not to worry lad, you can have my trusty steed,” Einkard pulled by the reigns a pure white steed with a black nose and a black saddle. “His name is Caballo, he was brought in from a foreign land far away. He’s very well behaved and faster than any steed in the Royal army,” Einkard handed the reigns over to Olsen who looked up at the beautiful creature in awe.

“He’s magnificent…” Olsen noted in amazement. He stroked his hand down the creature’s face, his fur was soft and yet prickly.

Cerice’s carriage door swung open and she leaned out to give Olsen an infuriated look, “Can you please stop gawking at the horse for five minutes so we can leave?” Cerice complained and slammed her carriage door shut before mumbling something about Olsen in a negative tone.

Einkard walked over to Olsen who looked embarrassed over getting yelled at and whispered into his ear “You must be watchful of her Olsen, those bandits tried to capture her for a reason, perhaps their motivation was gold but there are darker powers at work here,” Olsen nodded in agreement, as he had come to have the same thoughts as his king. “But also…I’m sure she will come to acknowledge the feelings she has for you publicly,” Einkard smiled cheekily and Olsen exploded into a frenzy of red and emotions across his face.

“Y-You…wha…but…how?” Olsen stammered and Einkard merely chuckled.

“Oh and I know this may be a bit late to tell you Lady Cerice, but…” Einkard raised his voice so Cerice could hear, “…My daughter wished to join you on your journey so she will have to be in the carriage with you for the duration of your journey,” Einkard gave another cheeky smile.

“Oh God, this won’t end well…” Olsen face palmed and waited for the ensuing chaos.

The door flew open and Cerice’s face twitched in rage. "Oh really? Well I am sure I could use the company of another Maiden such as myself…I would be more than pleased to…have…her…company.” Cerice bit on her lip so hard to restrain herself that a small droplet of blood came from it.

“You’re restraining yourself pretty well,” Olsen said with raised eyebrows and Cerice gave him a sharp and beady stare that froze him on the spot.

I did not ask for your opinion Mister Craftsen,” Cerice said with a dark and edgy tone to her voice.

Aria walked up from the crowd of villagers and stood in front of the obviously displeased Cerice and gave her a smile. “I’m happy to be able to travel with you Lady Cerice!” Cerice returned her own crooked smile.

"Yes…I am rather joyful too…to have such a kind person to be travelling with me…” Cerice looked ready to explode as she pushed Aria inside and looked to Davies and Olsen, “We are leaving. NOW!” she demanded and slammed the door shut.

“She seems rather volatile…” Einkard said with widened eyes.

“I’m sure she’s just annoyed since she can’t spend every minute with Olsen,” Okrin said as they waved off the group of soldiers, Olsen and the carriage as it exited the village.

Little did the four of them realise that the journey they had just begun would lead to the discovery of unknown magic, other Magika’s, and the start of a war. And perhaps the most terrifying event that they would come to witness: The Beast of Chaos’ return.

Chapter 5: The Brothers Craftsen

The group travelled through a thick and dense forest outside the village, several hours after leaving the village.

Cerice sat in her carriage with one leg crossed over the other, she looked displeased as she repetitively furrowed her brow as Aria flicked through a book that Cerice was allowing her to read, while she admired the red cushion seats she was sitting upon opposite to Cerice, while occasionally looking at the golden paintwork on the insides of the carriage.

“I shall only tell you this out of warning: But you cannot have Olsen. I have already decided he shall be mine,” Cerice turned away as Aria glanced up with a smile of disbelief.

“So I guess you think after telling you some lies that Olsen will be yours forever?” Aria shook her head and chuckled to herself, it was the type of chuckle you would give a naïve child.

“Lies? What are you implying?” Cerice asked and Aria closed her book with a sigh.

“Let me take a guess: He told you about his parents.” Aria leaned in with her elbows resting on her knees and Cerice’s eyes widened slightly as Aria’s tone grew condescending and almost revolted.

“What is the meaning behind such a tone? I demand an answer!” Cerice crossed her arms and stared intently at Aria as she declared her interest in whatever Aria was talking about.

“Okay, I’ll tell you the true tale of the death of Olsen’s parents…and the part his brother played in it.” Aria had a saddened look in her eyes as she spoke, with a glint of reminiscence. “Olsen has an older brother; Ofre. He was an even stronger Magika than Olsen. When Olsen was 9 and his brother was 16, his brother betrayed Despra and began to kill off our greatest warriors: One. By. One,” Aria spoke harshly when mentioning Ofre’s name, a flame of hate ignited inside of her as she spoke, “Eventually he returned to the village with darkened Magic which is the Magic used expressly for killing, the type that was rumoured to have been forged by The Beast of Chaos. Anyway, Olsen’s parents stood up to Ofre and tried to stop him…” Aria let a tear loose, “I and Olsen watched from down the street as Ofre took his blade and rammed it through his father’s throat and then…he cut his own Mother’s head off as she watched on in horror,” Aria finished and wiped her eyes, clearly the trauma of remembering such an event was gut-wrenching.

“But…why would Olsen lie to me?” Cerice asked and Aria smiled deviously. Cerice’s heart began to beat considerably faster than before, as thoughts accumulating over the reason for Olsen’s lies began to twist her emotions into all kinds of knots and combinations.

“Perhaps because it’s a very difficult thing for him to accept that the elder brother he had that was so kind to him, turned out to be a vicious murderer. Or maybe because he doesn’t trust you enough.” The last theory stabbed Cerice deeply in the heart and her entire being sank into depression.

“It would make sense for him to say they died at Otex, so many died there that it would be believable his parents could be amongst them…” Cerice said sadly as she began asking herself why Olsen didn’t trust her enough.

The escort had momentarily stopped off so food could be prepared and the horses could be rested. They waited on a dirt road in the middle of a clearing dead in the middle of the forest. Olsen had started to walk off in order to find firewood when Cerice began jogging after him, “Olsen! May I join you?” Cerice put on an act, smiling and giggling as she caught up to him, but the knowledge of him lying, as well as herself lying, caused her a deep and agonising feeling of betrayal.

“Yeah of course, what brought this on?” Olsen asked curiously and Cerice was confused by the question.

“I am sorry but that is an odd response! Why would you ask such a question when I am only trying to keep you company?!” Cerice seemed aggravated by Olsen and he shook his head from side to side in annoyance at how easily it was for her to jump to such a negative conclusion given how he had only asked a simple question.

“No that’s…” Olsen heaved a sigh, “You don’t usually want to be the one performing tasks that require physical effort, so why do you want to help me with this now?” Olsen reworded his question in such a way that made Cerice embarrassed over her lack of understanding, but also slightly frustrated at how blunt Olsen could be.

“Ah! Olsen, you really should try and explain yourself more. We in the Land of Light take it upon ourselves to speak in an articulate and refined manner that is befitting of our stature so we can properly explain ourselves, and I would advise you to do the same when speaking to me.” Olsen mocked her by mouthing the words along with her, despite their short time together this had become a regular occurrence for Cerice to lecture Olsen. “The nerve…” Cerice mumbled to herself at Olsen’s antics.

“Lady Cerice! Please wait!” Cerice and Olsen turned to see Davies running along the mud road across from them.

“Sir Davies? Whatever could be the matter?” Cerice asked.

“Oh boy…here comes the lapdog…” Olsen rolled his eyes and Cerice shot him an unappreciative glance. She may execute her position of power quite often, but she hated it when others treated her men poorly.

“Have you got your knife? I just want you to be able to protect yourself My Lady,” Sir Davies explained and Cerice brought her still bloody knife out from her hip, and slight surprise caught both Cerice and Davies over its bloody state, “My Lady…did you have to use it?” Sir Davies asked and Cerice found it difficult to articulate a response after only just realising the blood that had dried on it from its use on the bandit.

“Please Sir Davies! Do not inform my Mother about this! She would disown me for killing another man!” Cerice begged and Davies looked torn between his duty to protect her from harm and his duty to report every incidents to her Mother, but his love for his Master made it difficult for him to get her in such trouble.

“But why? Why did you kill someone My Lady?” Davies asked with a monotone voice.

“I needed to help Olsen,” Cerice offered as an excuse as she shuffled from foot to foot while her fingers fiddled and wrapped around each-other.

“Was he in danger?” Davies followed up and Cerice stammered for an answer until she settled down and sighed after realising that neither honesty nor lying would benefit her.

“No…he could have handled the bandits without me,” Cerice admitted, “I only wanted to be of help to him, standing there and watching all of those villagers dying…it was too much for my small heart.” Cerice massaged her chest where her heart would be and felt guilty over her decision to break such a sacred creed of her religion so hastily.

“Try not to do it again My Lady, let sinners like Olsen bare such a burden,” Davies said after noticing her guilt and started walking off towards the rest of the force.

“Gee thanks! I always wanted to put my years of being a sinner to good use and now’s my chance!” Olsen he sarcastically called back to Davies, before turning to Cerice. “Ready to go?”

Olsen and Cerice walked through the thick grass that made its way up as high as their ankles, Cerice was in the middle of telling Olsen stories about her family in order to try and open him up over the lies he had been telling her, whilst he went about collecting limbs of wood in order to make a fire to cook their food. Cerice walked with both hands held behind her back as she offered no help to Olsen apart from offering him company and conversation.

“…And then my sister gave me the reigns of the horse and said †˜Make sure to hold on tightly and not let go!’ but of course I did, because of my small stature at the age of eight, and the horse raced off!” Cerice chuckled and Olsen found it equally as amusing.

“And then what? You were outside the Church of Light in the capital of the Land of Light right? That must have been a pretty crowded area,” Olsen mused over the thought of a fully-grown horse speeding down the expensive gold streets of The Land of Light.

“Well what else could have happened? To prevent anyone from being injured, my sister sprinted off and leapt onto the horse before riding it over to me and jumping off with reigns in hand. She grabbed my small hand and shoved the reigns in it again and said †˜If you let go of these again I shall cut your hand off Cerice!’” Cerice laughed after finishing her impression of her sister, which sounded even more pompous than Cerice herself, “I stood on that spot while I gripped the horse’s reigns and did not move for fear of my hand for an entire hour!” Cerice confessed with a chuckle, her memories of her childhood always made her laugh over her lack of control and naïveté, but she always realised how little had truly changed.

“No wonder you don’t like to ride a horse, and here I thought you were just a really lazy girl,” Olsen lamented his decision to not ask more about Cerice directly, but she smiled more at him for simply paying her attention.

“Well we all make mistakes I suppose, so as restitution why do you not tell me a little bit about yourself Olsen? Specifically about your Magika powers!” Cerice seemed intrigued as she raised an eyebrow and Olsen saw no reason as to why he shouldn’t tell her about his powers.

“Okay, as you know there are four types of Magika in this world that use the type of magic surrounding it: Attack magic that specialises in creating spells and physical attacks to defeat an enemy,” Olsen thought about his †˜Aura blast’, where he fired a spell out of his hand, “And then there’s defensive magic: Like creating a shield of your aura,” Olsen continued, “Then there’s constructive or illusion magic which can be used to build items or even buildings out of your magic if you’re strong enough,” Olsen explained, “And finally there is healing magic which can cure illness and injury.” Olsen raised his finger as he turned to face Cerice who looked on in awe. “I am a Tri-Magika; which means I can use three different types of magic: Attack, defence and constructive” Olsen informed Cerice about his abilities and she tilted her head quizzically at his point.

“But wait…I thought it was impossible for any Magika to have more than two magic traits? Since having too much Magika can end up...overloading and exploding inside from too high of levels?” Cerice asked.

“So did everyone else…turns out there’s always an exception to every rule,” Olsen replied in an upbeat manner, proud over proving others wrong with his magic.

“That would explain why you could create weapons out of your aura! Because of you combining your constructive magic with your offensive magic,” Cerice deduced and Olsen tapped his nose to imply she had gotten it right.

Olsen took a few moments as he searched the grass for any more limbs of wood that had fallen from the oak trees but found nothing that looked as if it could start a fire. “What about your parents Cerice? I know of your mother, I mean; who hasn’t? But what about your father?” Olsen looked genuinely interested as he looked at her; straight-faced with a piercing gaze.

Cerice looked down in disdain, “I did not know the man, I hope he was cut down in a war somewhere,” Cerice closed her eyes and looked away in a distasteful way as she spoke about him. “Men have less rights in The Land of Light than women, my Mother met him and conceived a child with him, and then he left,” Cerice snorted in anger. “And what of your father? What was he like?” Cerice slowly moved the conversation back to the topic of Olsen’s parents, waiting for an opportunity to bring up Olsen’s lies and expose them.

“Oh…yeah my father was a pretty strong Magika himself, guess that didn’t help him too much in the end,” Olsen seemed to be caught off-guard by Cerice’s mention of his parents, but he still managed to keep up his lies, which were now obvious to Cerice, so obvious it agitated her.

“That is not what I asked, I meant as a person; you did know him for nine years so surely you should know quite a lot about him as a person?” Cerice squinted her eyes in an inquisitive way, trying to break Olsen’s resolve to lie to her, which she could tell was waning in strength.

“Why are you so interested in my parents?” Olsen gritted his teeth and spoke aggressively yet quietly to Cerice.

“Why are you so interested in avoiding my question?” Cerice said with a harsher tone as she narrowed her eyes on Olsen and moved her hands to her sides and clenched her fists.

A dawn of realisation passed over Olsen and he gritted his teeth further while snapping a limb of wood in his hand out of pure frustration. “Aria…she told you, didn’t she?!” Olsen turned to reveal his golden eyes that were burning with hatred, but not at Aria or Cerice but something else.

Cerice nodded a single time in response. “Please tell me my love, I do not want to sit by as I watch your inner demons torment you,” Cerice said as she placed her hand on Olsen’s shoulders with the intent of offering aid to him, as he heaved some angry breaths.

“What happened that night,” Cerice saw a side of Olsen that frightened her; an angry and vengeful Olsen, just from the few words he spoke she could instantly tell that was what he was feeling, “…Will haunt me forever, until I avenge my parents and all of the people Ofre killed.” Olsen tightened his fists, that shook with anger, until Cerice slipped her hands inside his and his entire countenance softened.

“Please my love, tell me of what happened that night; you do not need to go into detail” Cerice offered and Olsen shook his head.

“No, I owe you a real explanation…” Olsen said and he began to recount the night of his brother’s betrayal.

A younger Olsen ran down the street; he wore a grey t-shirt with tan trousers and a jacket over his shirt. He continued to run down the stone street until a man in the same outfit as the soldiers of the village wore came into sight: He looked very similar to Olsen except he had dark black hair that was shoulder length and his eyes were a dark red. He smiled at Olsen and crouched down to a knee to hug him as Olsen tackled the man in a hug of his own.

“Big Brother!” Olsen cried out happily, “I missed you!” he continued.

“Hey Olsen, have you been behaving well?” The man said in a deep but comforting voice, he was above average height for someone as young as he was, with a lean build that was neither overly large nor overly slim.

“Uh-huh!” Olsen nodded vigorously in response to his brother’s question. “Will you be home for dinner?” Olsen asked excitedly.

Ofre’s face darkened considerably. “Ugh…no not really, I have a meeting with the higher-ups tonight so I may be late coming back,” Ofre said and patted Olsen on the head, “See you…Olsen,” Ofre said and darted off with considerable speed.

“Little did I know that in the weeks leading up to that day that my brother had been murdering members of the Despra elite Command unit, the unit in command of all soldiers for King Einkard, and had returned to assassinate the last members of that unit: Our parents,” Olsen explained to Cerice as he recounted more events of that night.

Olsen ran down the streets of the village late at night as he looked all over for his brother, yelling and calling his name but not able to find anyone, eventually he ran into Aria who was waiting by herself in the middle of the street.

“Olsen! What are you doing out this late?” Aria asked. She wore a green dress that had no sleeves and ended in a skirt by her shins.

“I’m looking for Ofre! He returned today!” Olsen said happily.

“Really?! Awesome!” Aria grabbed Olsen’s hand and he blushed at her touch, “Let’s go see if he’s at your house!” Aria said while Olsen tried to protest and tell her about how he had to go have a meeting.

The two of them ran up the stone steps and saw a horrifying and confusing sight; before them stood both of Olsen’s parents in the clothing that soldiers would wear from the village, which wasn’t surprising, but the sight of Ofre stood in front of his parents with a dark and fearful stance was what caught them off guard.
Olsen’s father had spiky black hair in the same style as Olsen’s and his mother had long brown hair that made its way down to her thighs. They both drew their broadswords and stood ready to fight Ofre.

“I never thought my own child would betray his own nation, and for what? Power?” Olsen’s father said aggressively.

“I’m afraid not even you would understand the reasons father. If this land wants to survive then we must unite under one flag, Xion,” Ofre said as he called upon a scimitar in one hand and then a short scythe in the other that was no bigger than the scimitar.

“So that’s why?! Have you been corrupted by their mad pursuit for power? And that dark magic they have…” Olsen’s father’s entire body tensed up in a moment.

Ofre gripped his weapons tighter than before and raised the scythe. “It would be pointless to tell you now anyway, goodbye…” Ofre shot forward at a speed so fast Olsen couldn’t register any movements made by Ofre and before he knew it, Ofre had plunged his scimitar deep into the heart of his father.

“Ugh…agh…” Olsen’s father choked on the blood that welled up in his mouth, uncontrollable pain accumulated across his entire body as the cold embrace of death numbed his body slowly, in contrast to the quick burst of pain the scimitar had gave him.

“Father…” Ofre whispered something into his father’s ear, something that seemed to offer his father some comfort, but the words were too quiet for Olsen or Aria to hear them. He then removed his weapon and sliced his father’s throat, before he ducked under the slash of his mother’s sword and, without effort or consideration about his action, cut her head off with a simple swipe of his scythe.

Olsen looked on with tears that ran down his eyes as his mother’s head dropped next to her body that squirted blood in a most gruesome manner.

“Why? Why would you do this?” Olsen asked as Ofre took some slow and menacing steps towards his little brother as his weapons dissipated into the air.

“Why? It isn’t like someone as young as you could understand anyway Olsen,” Ofre picked Olsen up by his collar. “Build up your hatred for me, little brother…and prove that you really are a true Craftsen…prove to me that you are blessed…” Ofre had a sadistic smile until his last few words as it turned more regretful and then he dropped Olsen to the ground before he disappeared into shadows.

Olsen leaned his back against a tree as he stood up with Cerice looking shocked by the knowledge that Olsen had passed on. “That’s why I couldn’t leave the village, we were under-protected after the Despra Elite Command unit died and all the Magika’s we had with it. I had to stay and help my people…but I swore…I swore to kill that man I once called brother when I got the chance to leave,” Olsen proclaimed with certainty as his eyes reflected his thirst for vengeance.

“Oh my love…” Cerice held Olsen in a hug as he did the same to her. “I will help you avenge your family, I promise you this, but do not let that thirst for vengeance overcome you…it may take everything you love as well…” Cerice warned her lover and he nodded simply, thankful for Cerice’s sound advice.

“I still can’t remember everything that happened that night…or my parents faces anymore because of the trauma I suffered…” Olsen began, “That’s why I refused to tell you about them more than anything.” Olsen shook his head clear of such thoughts. “We should head back to the group huh?” Olsen proposed.

“My thoughts exactly my love, let us discard such agonising thoughts and look forward to the bright future that we will share together!” Cerice tilted her head again and kissed Olsen gently on the lips as they began to part for the group.

Chapter 6: Olsen's frailty and The Royal City

As the group exited the woods, they were met by a wide dirt road with long, rolling green hills that were expansive and carried on for miles. Olsen stroked Caballo’s face as they journeyed on with him beside the right-hand side of Cerice’s carriage (As Cerice was in the middle of opening a bottle of wine to combat her intolerance of being in the same carriage as Aria). “So what do you make of all of this Caballo?” Olsen asked and Caballo whinnied in what could have only been interpreted as a positive tone “Yeah, I agree, it could be a lot worse” Olsen laughed at the idea he an Caballo could actually be sharing the same train of thought as he looked over to his right to see an outcropping of what seemed like pillars, they seemed to shimmer whilst giving off the most piercing light that didn’t hurt Olsen’s eyes rather than just obscure the image ahead of him. They were a tan colour that could have been mistaken as either concrete or stone, but in actuality what they were was unknown to Olsen so he could only venture to guess what they really were made out of.

As Olsen stared at the pillars, which were rectangular in shape with a pointed top similar to the shape of a pyramid. The pillars came out of the ground at all sorts of angles (There were roughly six in total), his head began to pound with more pain than ever before. Blood began to pour out of his nose at an alarming rate and his vision soon became dotted and blurred. His hands shook violently and his body exploded in a wave of heat that caused sweat to pour from his body as his strength began to sap from him, he could see images of a man in white and gold clad armour with a white cape. The image of the man had a warning expression as an image of a pure black beast with horns that curled after sprouting from the side of its monstrous head that looked like a combination of a lion and a bear.

“Be weary Olsen, for this beast will devour you if you’re not, just like he did to your ancestors” he said seriously and the image of the man faded as Olsen realised he was falling from Caballo and his consciousness faded with the impact of his head with the ground.

Olsen slowly came to, his hearing was distant and impaired from his blow to the head as well as his vision remained spotty and dark. He managed to just about focus his blurred visions to notice that a teary eyed Cerice crouched over him as he laid in the grass by the road. Cerice held her hand onto his shoulders tightly and he attempted to sit up but pain coursed through his head and body just by attempting to move his arms.

“Oh Olsen…I would give the four kingdoms for you to survive…” Cerice choked back her tears and whispered softly to his ear and did not notice his eyes open.

“Hey…I’m not dead yet…” Olsen managed to utter the words with very little energy in them so they expressed a small deal of emotion. He could barely move his lips to speak and his arms felt as if boulders were tied to them, making it impossible for him to move.

“Olsen!” Cerice smiled as she looked at his bloody face from where the blood had gushed out at inhuman rates, his nostrils and upper lip were crimson-dyed from his blood running down them “What brought about this? Are you prone to such violent episodes?” Cerice looked over to Aria who stood with bent knees by Olsen’s side with an equally worried expression as Cerice “Is he perhaps allergic to anything in the area?” Cerice asked Aria, trying to discern what had happened to Olsen.

“No he isn’t! I’ve never seen him have a nose bleed before!” Aria spoke quickly and with a fluster of emotions about her “Are you okay Olsen?” she asked and Olsen could only manage to nod with his remaining energy. Aria shook at the sight of Olsen, she had never seen him so weak before, except for when he witness the death of his parents it felt almost unnatural for her to see Olsen in the state he was in.

“We must find him an expert medical Magika at once!” Cerice demanded and her men looked unsure “What is it? Speak your minds!” Cerice wasn’t in control of her emotions at all and seemed almost violent in her questioning.
“My Lady, Magika’s only exist in a 50:1 ratio in the lands of Despra, they are a rare commodity and to find an expert Magika is almost impossible” Davies explained.

“Well until we get help for Olsen he shall ride in my carriage with me!” Cerice decided and turned her attention to Aria, Olsen thought how Cerice seemed good under pressure; she was tackling one problem at a time and trying to think logically about each one at that “Aria, you shall ride Caballo until Olsen is fit enough, we need someone to just watch after it” Cerice continued.

“Understood!” Aria agreed and hopped onto Caballo as Davies scooped up the tired and week Olsen and placed him across the seat where Cerice had sat down; she rested his head on her lap and the group began to move again.

Cerice checked the heat of Olsen’s head, he was burning up with a fever and she looked concerned about his well-being. “I wonder what could have brought this about my love, It is not the first time that blood had escaped you since we have travelled together but neither have they ever been so powerful while being expelled from your body” Cerice remembered the other times blood had escaped Olsen’s nose although the process of remembering caused her own head to pound a little “What has caused this? We both have the same symptoms…” Cerice looked out her window to the cloudy blue sky “Oh Lord of Light…what has caused such a terrible turn of events for my brave knight?” Cerice happily stroked Olsen’s head as she worried about him, offering a small prayer on his part as she hoped for his quick recovery.

“The…pillars…they…did this…” Olsen breathed heavily as his chest inhaled and exhaled deeply each time he spoke.

“I fear you may be hallucinating my love, but there are no pillars of any kind near us” Cerice’s words proved true enough, as the area where Olsen had seen the pillars proved to be as empty as one would expect of a simple field of grass.
Whatever Olsen had saw only minutes before had turned out to be nothing but an illusion, but an illusion brought upon by what?

As they approached noon a huge city with stone walls appeared in the middle of an empty area of plains with dry grass and rivers running all to a single spot in the area where the city was. There were rocky outcroppings all over the path that occasionally towered over the road the group travelled on like small hills with the occasional tree on top. Olsen still napped with deep breaths on Cerice’s lap and he had now broken out into a cold sweat which only served to worry Cerice more.

Cerice opened the window by pushing it on its hinges to see Davies and Aria “Where do we find ourselves now? My fear and trepidation know no bounds!” Cerice said with teary eyes.

“We are outside the Royal city where my father usually resides, we planned on stopping here to take up supplies before we made the month long journey to the Land of Light’s capital” Aria explained “But they have the best chance of helping us with Olsen at the moment” Aria gulped at the pale image of Olsen.

“Let us make haste then! I do not wish to waste a single second more!” Cerice said as she closed her window and eased her expression from anger to anxiety and uneasiness as she looked at Olsen “My love…do not fear, I shall protect you with what little strength I have” Cerice didn’t seem confident with herself but she meant it nevertheless. Cerice began to start bargaining with Olsen about him waking him “If you wake up, I shall allow everyone to know of us, I would prefer that than to losing you” Cerice gently caressed Olsen’s cheeks and hair with loving affection “You would like something to drink, would you not my love?” Cerice looked about, but a wine-rack above her on the right of the carriage was the only source of liquid she had “I must apologise my love, I do not know much about medicine but I believe you are not meant to offer wine to someone in poor health” Cerice chuckled “I am truly stupid am I not?” Cerice asked and Olsen’s only response was his deep, warm breaths that brushed Cerice’s face “I would give anything just to hear you voice again my love, but you will be fine; I am sure of that” Cerice finished and kissed Olsen on the head as they neared the city gates that were several stories tall and completely metal with a dark black colour to them. They had the style of two silver eagles facing each-other on each door with their talons entwining in battle.

As they neared the city gates the road narrowed slightly with Davies and Aria as the sole riders ahead of Cerice’s carriage, there were two fences on either side of the road that had vegetation being grown in them. Just ahead of them were two wooden sign-in posts with guards in them waiting for the group to come up to them. They wore the exact same clothing as Olsen and the other soldiers from his village exact they carried long pikes that they placed in between the space between them to stop anyone from passing through.

“Why have we stopped?!” Cerice asked impatiently as she frantically kept checking Olsen’s head and listening to the ragged rhythms of Olsen’s breathing.

“We have to state our business for entering the Royal city My Lady” Davies said and Cerice’s impatience and anger grew at the idea that she would have to idly sit by as Olsen’s fever intensified.

“Tell them that we need to get inside to find Olsen a doctor! I shall not wait much longer!” Cerice gritted her teeth and yelled in a way that sent shivers up her men’s spines.

“Please have a moment’s patience My Lady, we do not wish to cause any trouble” Davies pleaded and disappeared to tell the guards their predicament.
Cerice bent down to kiss Olsen’s head as his breathing became more ragged than before, she worried if he would truly survive long enough just to find him a doctor, let alone get him the treatment he needed. Cerice was so worried with Olsen’s condition that she felt like vomiting, her emotions welled up to spilling point and Olsen’s pale demeanour did not help her any.

Eventually Davies knocked on the window of the carriage again and Cerice opened it to listen to him “They said you alone may enter with me and Aria because of your standing, while the men must fill out some extensive paperwork” Davies explained and Cerice gave him a hurried nod as she tended to Olsen with kindness as the guards parted way and Aria led the carriage rider, Davies and Cerice into the city.

“I always wanted to see the Royal city…” Olsen finally managed to speak as he croaked out his sentence, he had so little energy that it appeared as if talking nearly killed him, but the fact he spoke at all was an amazing and positive feat for him to accomplish given his state.
“Olsen! My love, I am so glad to hear your words!” Cerice smiled and chuckled as she threw her arms around him, more than pleased by his words that gave her both hope and encouragement that Olsen would yet survive the traumatic events that have come to pass.

The city stretched out for miles inside the circular walls, there were mainly wooden and brick houses that made up a significant portion of the city that were always in between one to two stories big with some large houses belonging to the richer majority. Right behind the gates was a sea of stalls that made up the market area of the city that stretched around all the housing while they remained in the outer circle by the wall, in the centre of the city was another market area surrounding a large clock tower with a hollow base that citizens could enter into and look up it. The city was a bustle of activity with crowded streets and sensibly marked out area for horses and carriages to use as a road and the sides of the roads for pedestrians to use. Towards the right hand side of the city was an enormous silver castle with stain-proof multi-coloured windows with three at the front in a line with the middle window slightly elevated above the other two. It was also surrounded by a defensive wall with a watchtower in every corner and at the front was an archway with a steel gate of its own to stop unwanted intruders. The castle was the residence of King Einkard and Aria and whilst it lacked their presence it still looked to be a hub of activity, however, Aria didn’t pay it a moment’s notice; focused on helping Olsen.

“This is truly an amazing sight Olsen!” Cerice looked down sorrowfully “I am sorry you cannot see it, but perhaps when you are better we may go on a walk? Yes?” Cerice happily giggled at the suggestion she may get a day of sightseeing with Olsen and even Olsen managed to chuckle back.

“I have remembered a place that may help us!” Aria said back to Cerice as she changed their route to go through the alleyways between the housing to make their way closer to the centre and Cerice’s carriage followed suit. Eventually they rode onwards to an area of blacksmiths, apothecaries and other such establishments that were built around an open area where plenty of traders talked and spoke of wares to sell with representatives from the establishments.
“There is a Magika who was a good friend of Olsen’s parents so he should be able to help us…” Aria said whilst obviously omitting something from her nervous demeanour.

“Aria? Tell me about this man: Is it safe to put Olsen under his care?” Cerice asked with an untrusting look.

“Well…” She began nervously “He’s been known to try original methods of healing Magika and has a reputation of being a slight bit eccentric…” Cerice looked more than worried as her jaw dropped “But he’ll be fine! I’m completely confident in his abilities!” Aria tried to reason but Cerice didn’t look convinced in the slightest, nevertheless she knew there was no other viable option and that time wasn’t on their side.

“If I may; why can’t we take Olsen to a regular physician?” Davies asked.

“Magika are odd, we believe that the power of a Magika is a gift from The Lord of Light and because of this it means that only other Godly gifts can heal those with magical powers” Cerice explained as she kissed Olsen’s head after explaining “Their greatest weakness is that they need to rely on each-other for survival” Cerice explained but her thoughts turned back to the moment when Olsen was stabbed, she had heard tales of †˜The Glow of Light’ which was meant to be a rare ability amongst even Magika where they display moments of invincibility and regenerative capabilities. But it was also so rare that not much research had been done on it nor had anyone mastered it, so trying to make Olsen use it was out of the question. It also raised her suspicions over whether or not Olse could be healed by a †˜regular Magika’ or whether he would need another with †˜The Glow of Light’ to heal him.

“Oh I see…how poetic and yet tragic” Davies said as he dismounted his horse and threw one of Olsen’s arms over his shoulders so he could carry him “Do not worry Olsen, you still owe me a sword, so do not think you can die on me just yet” Davies jested and Olsen managed a smile.

“You…still wanna…go for round two?” Olsen asked, a gentle chuckle coming from himself as he attempted to sound cocky.

“Before you thick-headed brutes try that; how about we retrieve Olsen some medical treatment?” Cerice said as they agreed and followed Aria.

Aria took them to one of the wooden two-story buildings with a thatch roof with two windows on the top floor that showed no light escaping from the floor in an eerie manner. The ground floor was also surprisingly dark with the second floor over hanging it slightly. There was a sign by the door that read †˜Octane’s medical Magika Practice’ on a wooden plaque.

“This place does not fill me with much hope…” Davies said as Aria slowly opened the door into the front room which was incredibly barren with dusty table and counter on the back wall. It resembled more of a tavern than a physician’s office. There was also a door that led to a backroom along the back wall but it had looked untouched in years. There was a single winding staircase in the corner of the room that Aria immediately headed for, she stood by the first step and leaned around to try and peer upstairs.

“Octane! It’s Princess Aria! I was wondering if I could requisition your assistance?!” Aria yelled up the stairs and some frantic footsteps slowly loudened in volume as they approached the four travellers. A small man of five foot and no more stood at the top of the stairs with a long brown beard that reached his toes, he wore a typical magician’s cloak with the emblems of moons and stars in gold all over its purple base. He had shoulder length brown hair with most of it braided and he had a distinct nose that was round and large.

“Princes Aria? I was enjoying a good snooze until you arrived…” He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and yawned deeply as he spoke.

“Sleep? It is already one-thirty in the afternoon!” Davies said in shock.

“Another way of looking at that is that it’s only one-thirty in the afternoon…” Octave said with annoyance over being woken.

“I now understood your point about his eccentricity” Cerice whispered to Aria who nodded apologetically “Listen up!” Cerice stood forward “My brave Knight Olsen Craftsen is in dire need of your Magika healing!” Cerice pointed at Octave and his eyes widened at the mention of Olsen’s last name.

“Wait a minute! Did you say †˜Craftsen’?” Octane asked with shock, clearly hearing something about Olsen’s last name sent both fear and respect into Octane’s voice.
“Yes, Olsen Craftsen” Cerice repeated herself with agitation as she was not willing to spend time with simple chatter.

Octane bounded down the stairs and stared intently at Olsen, he took in the boy’s features as he inspected every part of Olsen “Well I’ll be damned, he really is the son of Oliver!” Octave said happily then remembered the fate of Olsen’s family “Ah…I am sorry for what happened, but let’s make sure the same doesn’t happen to you!” Octane said and placed his open palms on Olsen’s head, a red glow emanated from his hands and Olsen’s colour soon returned, his sweating stopped and his strength returned to him quickly “I would be careful, although I have healed you of your fever and injury but it will take time for your powers to fully return as a side effect, also, your Magika powers will return to you in the order of least importance first” Octane explained calmly and Olsen took some quick and surprised breaths from his surprise at his quick recovery. “And don’t worry about payment, knowing at least one Craftsen that still fights for Despra is payment enough for me” Octane smiled happily and Olsen nodded to him before he looked to his hand and started clenching and unclenching his stiff fingers.

“So my defensive magic first, then my attacking and then my constructive? I guess that’s fine” Olsen said relieved to be able to think clearly and move his static muscles, which felt rusty and jagged to move.

“Olsen!” Cerice flung her arms around his neck and nuzzled her head into the crevice of his neck “I am very much pleased to see your full recovery!” Cerice realised what she was doing and backed off quickly before she turned away with her hands behind her back “N-Not that I was overly worried about you, if anything, I am angrier that my own Knight has wasted my time…” Cerice smiled herself over Olsen’s recovery despite the fact that she was scolding him.

Olsen managed his own smile and went out to touch Cerice’s shoulder before he was tackled to the ground by Aria, who laughed with happiness.

“I’m so glad you’re better Olsen, I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to marry you…” Aria said with a depressed expression over the thought after she herself had begun nuzzling him in a more aggressive way then Cerice.

“Yeah well, you better still be afraid of that!” Olsen said back as he pushed Aria off, clearly frustrated with her overly physical sign of relief.

“Hmph! Harsh” Aria slurred back at Olsen, who ignored her.

The four of them started to walk down the street where the stalls were located with Cerice sticking particularly close to Olsen, who was unable to recall the reason why he had fallen off of his horse anymore. A man in a dark black cloak that covered his entire body with tattered ends stood in the middle of the street, blocking their path. He had black metal greaves on and boots with black metal gauntlets as well. He had his cowl pulled over his head so it cast a shadow over his face and obscured his features.

Cerice looked confused over the man’s lack of movement and yet it looked to be his purpose to stand in their way “Excuse me sir but I must ask for you to move” Cerice asked but the man simply stood still.

“I’m afraid that I can’t allow you to move any further, I have business with the
Magika in your party” he said with deep tone as he pointed to Olsen with a sharp finger shrouded in gloves under his gauntlets.

“Me?” Olsen asked “Why? And how did you know I was a Magika?” Olsen questioned and the man slowly took off his cowl to expose his face: It was Ofre.

“Because little brother; the time has come for me to either make you one of us, or to take you with me by force” Ofre said as a gust of wind blew between them, marking the start of the confrontation between the two of the three surviving members of the Craftsen clan.

Chapter 7: Olsen Vs. Ofre

Before Olsen stood the man who had destroyed his innocent childhood, a merciless traitor who had torn everything that Olsen had loved away from him. Olsen’s emotions boiled over and he tried to form his trademark broadsword, but only sparks of aura exited from his fingertips before falling harmlessly to the ground below. Ofre chuckled in response to Olsen’s failed attempts at using his magic and formed his short-scythe in his hand and held it along his body.

“It seems your power betrays you, little brother” Ofre deduced and Olsen took a step back as Ofre moved forwards.

“What do you want with me?!” Olsen asked as he pulled out his dagger from his belt and held it along his body in preparation for his brother’s strike “Is it because Xion wants to lower the military strength of Despra before they start another war?!” Olsen questioned.

“Xion? No, this has nothing to do with Xion I’m afraid…at least, they aren’t involved directly” Ofre said as he moved forwards in a menacing walk. Olsen then noticed his power was returning to his hands, it was only a matter of buying himself some time so he could fight Ofre on even ground.

“Then who? Aren’t you working for Xion? Who wants me then?” Olsen kept up his questions as Ofre kept closing the distance between them.

“I am the Captain of †˜The Prime Knights’ of Xion yes, but I work with a group with a much more important goal than just the unification of the four nations” Ofre offered little in detail about his plans or who he worked with.

“Stop with the half-answer Ofre! What’s the goal of the people you are working with? Why do they need me?!” Olsen gripped his hand as blue light began to dimly escape from it.

“I’m afraid I have been entrusted with that information and I have to keep it a secret. But I can tell you this little brother, if you come with me then you’ll be saving the world” Ofre claimed and his voice had a strangely honest vibe with a serious glint behind his eyes.

“Not likely, I’m going to kill you for what you did to our family…our nation! I have no reason to trust you!” Olsen said as he formed a great shield in his right hand and blocked the strike from Ofre’s scythe. Olsen’s shield immediately cracked in multiple directions from one strike from Ofre’s scythe, which sent out a shockwave that grabbed the entire markets attention. People screamed and ran at the sight of a battle between two Magika. The burst of power even made Aria, Cerice and Davies recoil and covered their heads to protect themselves. Olsen looked on at his cracked shield that fell apart and disappeared, completely shocked at his brother’s power as his eyes shook.

“I don’t know why, but it seems you’re a lot weaker than you should be Olsen, I noticed that as I felt your presence entering the city. I thought it would be the perfect time to strike” Ofre smirked as he formed his scimitar in his other hand.

“Bastard…” Olsen formed another, smaller shield in his other hand and smashed Ofre in the gut with it in a quick motion. Ofre gawked in pain as spit flew from his mouth, and staggered back before regaining his balance.

“Olsen may not look it, but he’s pretty intelligent” Aria had a lopsided smile as Ofre and Olsen skirmished with Olsen managing to attack with the sharpest point of his shield.

“What are you talking about?” Davies asked, confused by Aria’s point.

“Olsen realised from the strike that shattered his aura shield: creating a shield of such size was overtaxing on the little power he had. So he decided to form a smaller shield with a greater concentration of power, making it stronger and more durable as a result, which combated his own lack of power. Never underestimate Olsen in a fight” Cerice looked on with a new found respect for Olsen’s fighting capabilities, she had assumed he simply relied on his powers and nothing more but now she had realised he was more intelligent and could compensate for his enemy’s power or his lack of power.

Olsen span away from Ofre as they fought in the middle of the street with an equal divide of people either running or staying to spectate. Olsen took heavy breaths, using his power so soon after recovering wasn’t easy on his body that still remained stiff. He checked his hands and felt more power surging into them despite his body becoming weaker as the battle continued.

“Yeah…just a little longer now…” Olsen knew that since Ofre spoke as if he had to take Olsen alive that Ofre wasn’t going to land a fatal blow, which was his one advantage in this battle. Olsen also knew that it was a battle of patience, if he could wait long enough to get his offensive magic back then he could go toe-toe with Ofre.

“Do you thing that just because I can’t kill you that gives you the edge?” Ofre asked and flashed past Olsen in a crouch and slashed across Olsen’s back with his scythe, causing Olsen to drop to a knee “I can still cut you Olsen, I’ll take all four of your limbs off if I need to. You could just create new ones with your construction magic” Ofre had a cocky smile.

Olsen felt pain course through his back, the sensation of blood running down his back increased the pace of his breathing, but he focused his mind back on Ofre “You used…uh…Light-Flash huh?” Olsen managed his own smile as he tried to stand up but fell onto his knee again.

“That’s right, the power to replace oneself with a certain area as long as there is light shining in both areas, similar to teleportation” Ofre said before he turned fully to face Olsen “You lost this fight the moment it started, and do you know why?” Ofre didn’t leave Olsen any time to answer “Because when your emotions are involved you lose focus and concentration” Ofre asserted “And since you were fighting me, you lost both of them the moment we started” Ofre turned his attention to Cerice, who covered her mouth in fear over Olsen’s superficial injury “I wonder what would happen if I killed her?” Olsen’s eyes widened and Cerice gasped in fear. Ofre began to move but he felt something blistering hot grab his hand, it seared and burnt his skin. He looked to see Olsen staring in pure white rage with his golden eyes giving off a golden aura.

“Don’t you touch her you bastard…” Olsen sounded incensed with rage “Or I’ll be the one ripping your limbs off!” Olsen proclaimed as he began to slowly crush Ofre’s limb with an incredible grip. Ofre’s lips began trembling as he felt his bones chattering with strain from the incredible strength that Olsen was exhibiting. Smoke trails began to emanate from under Olsen’s hand, Ofre span and high-kicked Olsen away, Ofre’s forearm was charred and blackened from Olsen’s grip.

“What the Hell…?” Ofre looked to Olsen, who stood with a golden broad-sword in each hand with his hands uncharred unlike his brother’s.

“I’m finished with this little back and forth” Olsen pointed one sword as the air whipped up around him and contained a golden glow to it “DIE OFRE!” Olsen demanded and shot a beam of golden energy from the tip of his sword “Aura division!” Olsen yelled as the shot was given off. Ofre dodged away as the stall of vegetables behind him exploded into fire and sputtered embers into the air.

Ofre stood and examined his wound “So this is the power our God gave you huh?” Ofre said with a straightforward expression “I suppose as long as it’s confirmed what you are it doesn’t matter if I take you back with me…” Ofre compromised with himself and let his weapons dissipate before he placed and open-palmed hand in the air “Until next time; little brother. Shadow retreat” Ofre melted into shadows that shot away at blinding speeds.

Olsen fell down onto both knees as aura slowly dissipated into nothingness “DAMN YOU OFRE!” Olsen screamed into the sky.

Cerice ran over and placed her hand on Olsen’s wound and gently rubbed him in order to comfort him, she noticed that after wiping the wound with her hand that it had completely healed. Cerice was confused at how such a serious wound disappeared right in front of her. She was sure it had been there just a moment ago.

“Well…at least the pains gone now” Olsen said as he sat up and looked to Cerice

“How deep is it? It didn’t feel like he cut me too deep” Olsen immediately looked as if all of his anger had left him.

Cerice wasn’t sure what to say, for some reason Olsen’s injury had healed without any magic or medicine “Um…it is fine…” She decided to be honest if not entirely truthful.

“Not too deep?” Olsen reiterated.

“No, not deep at all my love…” Cerice faked a smile that hid her concern and anxiety.

“I suppose I better undo the damage to my clothing” Olsen used his construction magic to heal to tears in his clothes and stretched his still stiff body “I guess using whatever that power was restored my powers…” Olsen summarised his theory.

“Will you be okay my love? That could not have been easy for you…and now there is the worry over who your brother works for as well as their plans for you” Cerice had a serious look at Ofre matched it.

“I guess you’ve got a point…but I’ll be fine, I always have and now I have you, so everything will work out” Olsen smiled and Cerice managed to smile with an embarrassed blush.

“You do know how to say some embarrassing things my dear, but you do make me feel special…” Cerice helped Olsen up onto his feet.
Davies walked over and told them how the four of them should join up with the rest of the party and report back the situation, after they had collected some supplies. Everyone agreed and they set off to the stalls in the centre of town.

Chapter 8: The Black Hills

The group began to set out from the Royal city after they had gathered the necessary items they had required for the rest of the journey into the Land of Light, Olsen began riding Caballo again while Aria had moved back into the carriage with Cerice. They made their way towards the †˜Black Hills of Despra’ which are mountainous terrain in Despra where the soil and vegetation is pure black. The clouds and sky are almost always dark, even in the middle of summer there are still grey clouds overhead that threaten to pour down torrential rain and floor the area. The trees in the area always line the sides of the black-dirt roads with no leaves, looking dead and foreboding. Despite such dreary and inhospitable environments; people still chose to live their consensually.

Cerice peeked out her window to look up the road towards the largest mountain in view that was only just past the village they were heading to and saw that even the snow was blackened on top of its rocky surface which gleamed an equally dark colour “Clearly such a location is lacking The Lord of Lights blessing to be so dark and evil” Cerice gripped the necklace she wore that symbolised her belief: The golden chain ran around a circular pendant that looked like a sun with sunbeams squiggling out of it, it had a pearl of its centre with a gold encircling it and shooting off to form the sunbeams. The pendant itself was no bigger than the palm of her hand.

“You’re just being paranoid, I’ve heard the Black Hills are a nice place to stay as long as they aren’t flooding…” Olsen tried to make the situation appear better with his obvious lies.

“Tell me Olsen, did the blow to the head you received impair your thinking abilities? Because this does not look like a †˜nice place’ as you would put it” Cerice said sternly and Olsen rolled his eyes in response.

“I don’t think it was the fall, if anything you hitting me on the head would cause more damage than anything…” Olsen mocked Cerice and smiled as pain shot around the back of his head “Ow!” Olsen yelled.

“I would think it intelligent of you not to mock me!” Cerice leaned back inside and she took notice of the worried expression along Aria’s face, an expression she had worn ever since the battle between Ofre and Olsen “What is it that troubles you Aria? Do you perchance get travel sickness? Because I know a little remedy of my own that could cure you of that particular demon” Cerice winked an eye as she grabbed a bottle of wind and shock it gently from side to side.

Aria slowly shook her head “I’m thinking about Ofre…if he is still working for Xion, then attacking Olsen, who is a knight of Despra, is an act of war. Unless the Land of Xion’s leaders hand Ofre over for trial and punishment than war’s the most likely outcome…” Aria placed her hands on her cheeks as she rested her elbows on her knees with an anxious look.

Cerice nodded calmly as she poured herself and Aria a glass of wine “That particular issue has been crossing my mind as well. War may well be exactly what your people want but do you think you have the military strength to defeat Xion if they do not meet you demands? If anything I believe this was a plan set up by them” Cerice theorised with her expression of deep thought.

“What do you mean?” Aria asked, not sure what Cerice was thinking of.

“If war starts again, it is most likely that the Land of Light will refuse to fight so soon after the previous war ended. Xion will easily defeat Despra and take your land, then they will be one step closer to the unification of our lands” Cerice explained with a scared expression “But…there is something about Olsen that has had me worried…” Cerice looked away with concern.

“What is it? If anyone, I probably know what it is” Aria acknowledged.

“After his fight with Ofre…Olsen went back to his regular smiling mood, I have no problem with seeing him happy but…surely he should be fuming with rage?” Cerice looked out the window to Olsen to see his regular smile as he rode alongside the carriage, his expression made Cerice raise an eyebrow.

“Ah that…one of Olsen’s more subtle traits…” Aria giggled as she kept an eye on Olsen herself “Olsen hates Ofre more than anyone or anything, but he made a promise that day: To keep smiling and being happy for those who couldn’t be happy anymore because of Ofre’s actions. He’ll use their happiness, their joy, their hopes and his hatred and kill Ofre with it” Aria explained as she looked on in pure love and admiration for Olsen.

“So many burdens…I hope they do not crush him…” Cerice smiled and her eyes slowly darkened “he already has the fate of the world resting on his shoulders…” A small droplet of blood dripped from Cerice’s nose, she caught it in the palm of her hand and her head exploded into pain “What is this? Why?” Cerice asked as she held her hand over her forehead before wiping her nose clean with a handkerchief on the side of her carriage.

“Are you all-right Cerice? Some blood just started dripping from your nose…” Aria’s eyes widened as a thought passed through her head that she unintentionally verbalised “Just like Olsen…” Aria cupped her mouth after she spoke “What’s going on Cerice? Olsen had the same problem!” Aria barked and demanded and answer.

“I have…no idea” Cerice rubbed her temples as the pain in her head subsided as she sighed and decided it wasn’t best to leave Aria out of the loop “I am not sure, but sometimes me or Olsen will say something and then we bleed from our noses. I remember saying something but not what I said…” Cerice explained the predicament.

“How strange…Olsen never had a problem like that when we were kids, in fact earlier that was the first time I had even seen him faint” Aria informed Cerice.
Cerice was afraid of more of these events, she drank her wine to try and take her mind off of it but the issue kept resurfacing; if Olsen had fainted and gone under such a violent expulsion of blood, how long would it be until he, or even Cerice, died? The thoughts wormed their way deep into Cerice’s mind she gripped her dress by her knees and took scared breaths “Olsen…what is happening to us?” Cerice thought to herself.

Soon after entering the Black Hills, they spotted a small town at the base of a mountain with a road at the back of the town that led up to a large cavern partway up the mountain. The village had a waist-high wall of grey bricks and attached above it was a metal fence with pointed, sharp edges at their peak. A single metal gate made out of the metal poles with gaps in between just like the fence was. The fence surrounded the entire town but the front entrance was the only way into the town, it almost gave off an unwelcome sign to the group but they passed through the gates regardless. The town itself was like most Despra towns, most houses were wooden with streets passing through and in between houses to form streets creating square areas for housing in a four by four grid with a varying number of buildings in each area. The town was eerily quiet with only a few farmers out working the black fields, they looked malnourished and weak, with the young outnumbering the elderly by a huge ratio.

“That does not suggest a lot of people survive for long here” Davies said upon immediate analysis of the area.

“Of course not, the Black Hills have the highest death rate for any province in Despra, but the people choose to stay here anyway” Olsen explained as Caballo whinnied in fear at the village’s sight “Calm down boy, we just need to pass through, nothing more” Olsen brushed the side of his steads face to calm him “Despra is the eastern-most nation on this continent, and the Land of Light is in the centre. The Black Hills are the quickest route there” Olsen commented “However, it’s also the most dangerous; bandits, a lack of food and wild animals that kill anything that comes near” Olsen explained with a troubled look and tone.

“But the difference between traveling through the Black Hills and the next quickest route is an entire month! And I must give this scroll to my mother as soon as possible” Cerice agonized over forcing everyone into this route “I am most sorry for this…” Cerice had that guilty look on her face again, the idea of forcing others into danger gave her a heavy heart and made her feel ashamed.

Olsen patted Cerice on the head and smiled “Don’t worry Cerice, you’ve got me so there’s no way we’re going to fail!” Olsen gave her a thumbs up and Cerice blushed with a smile, embarrassed over how he could speak in such a way but also happy at how Olsen touched her.

“Hmph! I know we will succeed! I do not need your opinion on that subject!” Olsen chuckled at her indifferent and cold persona “And another thing: I am not a fanatic of your cockiness either Olsen!” Cerice leaned out and yelled into his face before receding inwards and bringing her feet onto her seat and rested her chin on her knees “Who am I kidding? I love everything about that man, even the way he annoys me. No other man has the resolve to act such a way to me” Cerice smiled as she blushed more.

“Ahh…It’s nice to know you care so much about Olsen!” Aria said as Cerice noticed her sat across on the other side of the carriage. Cerice blushed and changed her expression back to that of cold indifference.

“Please! Who could not care for that man?! He is kind, generous and thoughtful!” Cerice realised the words she had spoken and looked away again, enraged with herself over her idiotic admission of her feelings “It is all the fault of Olsen, before I had met him I could never say such uncomfortable and humiliating things!” Cerice pouted and crossed her legs after returning them to their naturally lower position.

Aria laughed at the typical cold attitude that Cerice had while she expressed her feelings, it amused her to see someone like this who is honest about their feelings and yet so distant to them “That’s good! It shows Olsen is rubbing off on you, this world could do with being a little more like Olsen!” Aria had an honest and philosophical look as she laughed, however, her appearance quickly altered to one of rivalry as well as her voice “But don’t think you’ve won yet Cerice, Olsen will be my husband before our little competition is over!” Aria had a devious and mischievous smile about her and Cerice countered with her own smirk.

“I am glad you can be so delusional Aria, what is it your people preach about? Ignorance is bliss?” Cerice and Aria managed to share a laugh at that, despite their rivalry in love they had quickly managed to get on positive terms with one-another; a sign of positive things to come when they both led their respective nations.

They opened the gate and started travelling down the road with the sickly grey and black fields on either side of the road. Olsen stopped and hopped down from Caballo to talk to a villager farming his land with a hoe. He had a white shirt with brown suspenders and a grey straw hat. Like others in the village he was thin and underfed, however unlike the others; he was old and shook with his bones unsteadiness.

“Oooh! Travellers! We don’t get many of your kind around here! EHEHEHEH!” He had a mad laughter and a brittle voice that sounded as week as he looked, his eyes were nearly pure white implying his sight was very poor.

“Um…yeah…I was wondering is it okay to pass through your town?” Olsen asked trying to be careful with the man, his insane cackling didn’t fill Olsen with hope that he could offer Olsen much help. The man leaned in, uncomfortably close to Olsen and inspected his golden eyes to coo in awe at the sight of his eyes.

“Ah, the eyes of Lux himself! So you are his descendent yes? Hmm? She has told us much about you, oh yes, much about you!” The man rambled incessantly about the woman and the strange terms that had no bearing to Olsen, he poked his head around
Olsen to spot the timid looking Cerice, frightened by the look of the land “And a follower of Lux by your side? Just as the old tales spoke of: †˜When Lux and his follower walk through the lands of Espera again, light shall be restored to the Black Hills’ oh yes, she told as about that too! EHEHEHEH!” More of his insane gibberish, thought Olsen to himself, nothing the man spoke of made any sense to him.

“Soooo…can we pass through?” Olsen tried to keep calm and stay straightforward with the man despite his thinning patience.

The man shook his head wildly “Oh no, oh no, oh no! She wouldn’t allow it, you see. She has been waiting four millennia to see you she says” He pointed to the mountain and the entrance in its face “Go! See her! Free her! And fulfil the prophecy she put in place!” He demanded whilst looking sternly at Olsen.

“If I go and see this person; will you let us pass through your village?” Olsen asked and the man nodded in response.

“But only Lux and Cecilia may go! She does not wish to see anyone else! Oh yes, she tells all of us how patient she has been!” The old man started his insane laughter all over again, as he went back to farming his land, his babbling continued after Olsen had started walking away. Olsen was more than glad to end that conversation, the entire time he had no idea that the man was talking about.

Olsen explained the predicament to everyone, nobody from the Expeditionary force wanted Cerice to leave their protection, no more than Davies.

“Silence, all of you!” Cerice yelled to her men “The only way we will get through this town is if we follow their rules, let us not stir up any more trouble than we need. I am sure that all is up there is most likely some old hermit casting a spell to turn the populace into some deranged form” Cerice comforted her men “And besides, I will have Olsen to protect me” Cerice smiled, her faith in Olsen’s abilities after their first night together could never be shaken.

They walked down the road into the village and passed by the houses, there was an eerie feeling given off by the lack of people outside and the silence caused by it. Cerice occasionally glanced at the inside the house, she could not be sure but it seemed like the people inside would dart away from her gaze, staring hatefully back at her. The thought occurred to her that she was most likely a foreign concept to these people, her bright clothing contrasted theirs, she slowly found herself growing closer to Olsen and linked her own arm around his.

“I fear that I may not be the most popular individual here my love” fear crept all around Cerice as she looked inside a house to see a fully grown human being hiss at her.

“I know what you mean, this place isn’t the most hospitable on the planet” Olsen tightened his own grip around Cerice out of fear of losing her and she appreciated the concern.

“I could not hope for a braver Knight by my side” Cerice happily rested her head on Olsen’s arm and he smiled back at her.

A thought occurred to Olsen, the word or name of the person the farmer had used to describe someone; Lux? What did it mean? And why did the man refer to Olsen by it? He decided to try and take the matter up with Cerice “Hey Cerice…who’s Lux?” He asked as he scanned the buildings ahead of them in case of an ambush.

“Oh? You wish to learn about The Lord of Light and accept him into your heart?” Cerice’s heart did a leap of happiness, now she and Olsen would no longer argue with her or mock her religion.

“What? No, I just asked about this Lux guy!” Olsen shook his head at the idea that Cerice would use anything to convert Olsen.

“You truly are a thick-headed imbecile Olsen Craftsen!” Cerice thumped Olsen around the head “Although it is considered blaspheme to say it so casually, I will explain it to you as simply as I can” Cerice subsided her anger of Olsen’s blunt response “Lux was the name of The Lord of Light when he took on a human form to guide humanity and rule over us. To be more specific, his name was Lux Roman” Cerice quickly encircled her finger around her pendant and gave a quick prayer to ask for forgiveness.

“Why is it so terrible to use his name?” Olsen asked with confusion over why using someone’s name could be considered so terrible.

“Because our Lord died thanks to the heathens of this world, and with the loss of his life we lost the right to use it. Now why do you ask?” Cerice had begun to lose interest in the subject due to Olsen’s reluctance to join her faith, she grew more interested in the softness of his arm.

“Because that farmer back there kept referring to me as Lux and you as Cecilia? Maybe?” Olsen couldn’t remember all too well, the conversation was so confusing it hurt his head to just try and think of it.

“Interesting…” Cerice thought back to the ancient stories of the love affair between the Lord of Light and the head Priestess of his religion: Pope Cecilia the first, her ancestor “He must have been referring to my ancestor, the first Pope of my religion. He must have known the tales and in his insane blabbering, thought that I was her, my name is derived from her name after all” Cerice explained, believing it to be equally as odd as Olsen but decided that it had no real importance about them. With that, they kept moving through the tow and towards the incline of the road up the mountain. The mountain: Where they would meet the Magika frozen in time.

Chapter 9: Lamina of The Ten Blades

Olsen and Cerice moved up to the inclining path that led into the entrance at the face of the mountain, a cold and desolate breeze blew across them and carried some of the ash with it. Cerice reached out to touch the ash; it felt surprisingly warm with a sweat and aromatic scent. “Curios, surely something like ash should not smell so nice, whenever my fireplace is lit it always had a foul stench if I ever moved too close” Cerice had fond memories of her home, almost forgetting her point.

“I see what you mean, this is odd, then again the Black Hills have always been an odd place” Olsen agreed with Cerice casually although he discarded his worry fairly easily as they continued to walk up the path together.

Eventually they reached the entrance which only increased Olsen’s curiosity, it by no means looked like a natural formation. It was built to look like a perfect semi-circle with smooth edges and no blunt outcropping of rocks in the slightest. What raised Olsen’s inhibitions more is that there was a stronger breeze exiting the cavern and the sounds of whispers echoed from within “Something isn’t right here…We can still turn back Cerice…” Olsen began to change his mind about going in from fear for Cerice’s safety, but she raised her finger to his lips to silence him and looked within before giving him her typical condescending look.

“Olsen, do not treat me like I am a child” Cerice kept her usual stance or refusing to back down, another trait that Olsen loved and hated about her, he nodded and held out his right hand to form a small floating ball of aura in it that illuminated the cavern for about five metres ahead of them “What is that my love? Some kind of light source?” Cerice asked, always interested in learning anything about Olsen, such use of magic by him always gainer her interest.

“It’s nothing but a condensed ball of my aura, it’s more of an offensive type of magic, but luckily for us it’s also pretty bright” Olsen was relieved at the luck that such a simple trick could be useful in such a situation.

They moved into the cavern with the bright blue glow illuminating the ceiling and floor above them exactly where they stood and dimmed in light as the distance grew. Olsen noticed that along the smooth walls was the occasional metal torch bolted the walls and he moved to investigate it more closely “Cerice look at this!” Olsen said with childlike amusement at the torch ahead of him at the realisation of what it was, Cerice shook her head at the idea of how easy it was to excite him but she decided to indulge him anyway.

“What is it? You do realise it is just a torch?” Another condescending but loving glare came from Cerice.

“I’m not stupid, of course it’s a torch! But do you know what type of torch it is?” Olsen asked and Cerice grew tired with Olsen’s questions.

“Olsen, I realise you are trying to tell me something but my patience is quickly thinning…” her careful but edgy tone gave Olsen the enthusiasm to explain it to her.

“Okay, okay! This is an †˜Aura Torch’, which if you place your aura inside it then it will amplify the illuminating capabilities of your aura” Olsen explained and Cerice had a gut feeling that perhaps trusting such an old and obviously rusted device probably was not the best decision.

“Olsen, I believe it would be best for us to move on instead of placing trust in this torch” Cerice begged as she tugged on Olsen’s clothing for them to move on.

“Come on Cerice! What’s the worst that could happen?” Olsen’s words only made Cerice flinch in terror at the idea that something could go wrong. Olsen placed his aura in the torch which lit the entire cavern up with blue flames to the point they had walked to, it then continued lighting more and more torches until the entire cavern was made visible. When all seemed fine from the light, more small lights of aura dropped from the ceiling and implanted into the ground. From these sparks of aura sprouted humanoid figures of black aura that gave off thick black smoke from their shoulders, they stood in a hunched group of about 60 and completely blocked off the only exit “Oh…so that’s the worst that could happen!” Olsen felt stupid over his decision to light the torches now that the figures stood in front of them menacingly.

“Olsen! What is going on?!” Cerice yelled in fear as she clung to Olsen, her knees chattering the entire time and sweat began running down her face.

“It would appear that the torches were hard-wired to be a trap against any intruders” Olsen derived from what was going on “And it had to be wisps didn’t it? I hate these things” Olsen growled in frustration as he formed his broadsword in his right arm as he clutched onto Cerice with the other.

“What are these things?” Cerice whispered, now with a more controlled and serious look after putting her initial fear behind her.

“They’re wisps, when a human dies one of two things happen: Either they pass on or they linger in this world and are consumed by their dark emotions and become wisps, beings of no desire or mercy. If they find you they’ll either rip you to shreds or put you under an illusion spell that will make you wish you were being torn to pieces” Olsen explained as he took a step back and put Cerice behind himself in order to protect her, the idea of protecting Cerice was still his highest priority.

“Why do they kill people?” Cerice asked as her shaking started up again.

“Now really isn’t time for any more expositions Cerice, we need to think of a way out of here” Olsen looked around, the cavern continued for some ways, so far that he could not tell what was at the end of the cavern itself. Olsen turned his attention back to the wisps, which slowly dragged their heels in a rhythmic fashion towards the two of them, Olsen knew that he would not be able to fight his way through them without risking Cerice’s life and he could not ask her to run since he did not know what was at the back of the cavern or if there were any more traps. “I’ve got a plan…” Olsen said, knowing it was the only way to buy them time for him to think of a way to escape.

“I am willing to do anything…” Cerice shut her eyes tightly out of fear as Olsen grabbed her wrist and began running deeper into the cavern.

“THEN RUN!” Olsen yelled as they sprinted off together, hand in hand as Cerice took a few steps in order to match Olsen’s stride whilst tripping over herself all the time.

They ran down the long corridor like cavern until they reached the end of the cavern, which changed into a circular room right at the back. The torches were failing to keep up with them, lighting up one at a time until the entire cavern had become visible. Olsen kept his eyes firmly planted on the object in front of him, a bubble of purple aura encapsulated a girl of similar height to Olsen. She looked young, no older than Olsen himself, she floated in the bubble with her arms wrapped around her knees as she seemingly slept. She wore a dark purple cloak with a cowl that her chestnut hair tumbled out of, she also had the centre of the cloak down her torso was divided in half that showed off her beautiful fair skin and exposed the sides of her chest. It connected again at the bottom of her stomach with a metal belt around her waist, the cloak continued into a long dress that met her ankles with the side of it around her right leg was divided in half, which once again, exposed her flesh. She also wore dark purple sandals, but what truly sent Olsen’s mind racing was not her beautiful countenance but the ten different floating swords around her in a semi-circle, they all had a golden hilt with no guard and a jagged blade that zigzagged from side-to side until it reached the tip; where it changed back to a sharp blade for the last few inches.

“Who is she?” Cerice asked with wonderment at the abnormal appearance of the girl in front of her, she started to stretch out her arm to touch the bubble, purely out of the desire to see what would happen, when Olsen pulled her away.

“Don’t!” he warned her “A Magika’s shield will burn your entire body away if you touch it” Olsen sounded different as he spoke, more analytical and dark in his tone of speech, he let go of Cerice and placed his opened hands together in a prayer-like way “Break!” Olsen commanded and the bubble of aura shattered like glass and disappeared into smoke, leaving the girl led on the floor in front of him with her swords still floating around her. Olsen crouched down and went to touch her when the swords started to poke at the space around his hand as if warning him to stay away from the girl in front of them.

The girl slowly came back to consciousness as she sat up and yawned while stretching, she opened the eyes on her freckly face that were a stormy grey. She began to stand up shakily and Olsen watched on, weary of what she was or could do, while Cerice peaked over his shoulder as she hid behind him leaving him to the negotiating. Although it seemed like she was ignoring them, she stared at Olsen with her lips slightly parted and took in his features before she noticed his golden eyes and something clicked in her. Emotion was not lacking on her face prior to this, but happiness and relief seemed to spark from out of nowhere “Lux! My lord you have finally returned, I was worried that maybe you had forgotten about me” She laughed while crossing her arms and Olsen could not comprehend what was going on.

“Who are you? And why were you inside that shield?” Olsen asked with a serious look, for some reason the girl took offense to Olsen’s question with her expression turning slightly sour as her swords darted forward, vibrating with the same anger.

“So you have forgotten about me? You really are a useless King if you can’t remember your own subjects!” She yelled and fired a sword that shot passed Olsen and into a wisp that was directly behind Cerice, reducing it to smoke, and faded away. The sword retracted slowly back into place as the woman petted it affectionately. “I am Lamina? You know, the person who created all the types of Magika powers using your power that you gifted me?” Olsen looked lost and thought she had lost her mind “None of this is ringing a bell?” she asked and Olsen shook his head honestly.

Cerice noticed something that Lamina had said and walked around Olsen to confront her herself “Did you call Olsen, Lux a moment ago?” Cerice asked while contemplating the meaning behind the girl’s words.

“Olsen? Who in the name of Lux is Olsen?” she looked over to Olsen and scoffed in derision at Cerice’s question. Cerice sighed and tried to maintain her composure at the girl’s frustrating lack of knowledge as the girl took a more detailed inspection of Cerice and froze once she looked at Cerice’s face “L-L-L-L-Lady Cecilia…” She stammered in fear and dropped onto her knees as she rested her head on the ground in a respectful way “I am sorry My Lady! But I did not realise it was you! Please show me mercy!” the girl grovelled by Cerice’s feet, which made Cerice feel a little better by using her position to assert power over the girl, although she realised what Lamina had said only a few moments ago.

“Listen! My name is Cerice Likendia and this is my brave Knight Olsen Craftsen. He is no God, but I am second in line for my ancestor’s position as Pope” Cerice explained and Lamina lifted up her head and sag on her knees as she processed the information.

“Now I remember!” an epiphany was granted into Lamina and she finally understood “Oh I see! I must have been under my protection spell for so long that a considerable amount of time must have passed since you told me to place myself under a spell that would stop my ageing until you needed me again Lord Lux!” Although it made perfect sense to Lamina, Cerice and Olsen were still lost “You must be the descendent of Lady Cecilia” she pointed to Cerice “-and you must be the reincarnation of Lord Lux himself, now it makes sense” Lamina looked pleased with her understanding “Well I am Lamina of the Ten Blades, creator of all Magika abilities and the court Mage of you; Lord Lux” she said as she showed of her blades that made a movement that could only be related to them bowing.

Cerice’s mouth drooped a little at the explanation given to her so casually by Lamina “Y-Y-You think that Olsen is The Lord of Light?!” Cerice’s eyebrow was twitching with rage and puzzlement.

“Well yes…how else could you interpret that?” Lamina again realised she was talking to casually to Cerice and bowed “Sorry for my lack of respect my lady” She apologised and walked behind them to face the horde of slowly moving wisps that had moved to a very close proximity to the three of them “I’ll deal with this and then I promise to explain more to you afterwards…” Lamina turned back to the wisps and her swords all pointed inwards as their points began to glow green, they shot out beams of green laser-like energy into a single point just ahead of Lamina and she moved her hands to either side of it “Obliterate and turn to dust” She commanded and the small green ball of energy shot out a huge blast of energy that completely destroyed all the wisps in a strike that was as wide and high as the cavern. The blast faded and Lamina turned back to face them “Shall we be off my Lord?”

Ofre walked down a long stretch of desert with his burnt arm still causing him obvious discomfort after his battle with Olsen, he had his cowl thrown over his head to conceal his appearance. There was not any signs of civilisation in any direction at all, yet Ofre stopped in the middle of a flat plain of sand in between four mounds, one in each direction of North, East, South and West. “So this is the place?” Ofre smirked and he clasped his hands together with his fingers intertwined “Illusion: Break!” Ofre commanded and the flat plain’s image faded to reveal a golden stone corridor leading into the ground with steps. Ofre began walking down the corridor that winded down into a giant golden chamber with four pillars holding up the ceiling with what looked like a golden coffin that had etchings of great and bloody battles depicted all over it in the centre of the room with five other people dressed in the same clothing as Ofre stood around the coffin. There was one extra figure that appeared over the coffin in a rainbow like image that hid all their features, except for their golden eyes.

“Ofre? You return without the †˜Heart of God?’ I hope I did not overestimate your abilities…” the voice came from the rainbow image with a sinister and yet calm tone of voice, Ofre continued to walk in silence until he reached the other five people in black. On closer inspection, 3 of them were women and the other two were men, simply by the superficial glances Ofre took at them.

“I’m afraid my younger brother proved to have a greater control over the power of Lux than we assumed, but it is now confirmed that Olsen is the heart of Lux at least” Ofre offered as an alternative, Ofre only spoke respectfully to the image ahead of him and brandished his wound “He gave me this just by touching my arm” Ofre added with anger over receiving the injury.

“That isn’t good enough!” one of the two men stood by Ofre, who had a gigantic physique of muscle and stood around seven feet tall, took out a long red staff and smashed it into the ground by Ofre “We expected positive results Ofre!” he bellowed in rage.

“Try and not defile the resting place of our Lord, Derro…” Ofre glared at the man now named as Derro through his cowl, with his eyes glowing through the shadows cast by it.

“I suppose it is better to have conformation than to bring a false prophet of sorts…” The image sighed and nodded to Ofre “In either case, it’s not like we could have expected you to fight on an even ground with †˜The Heart of God’ after all, next time you should take some backup” The image flickered, slightly angrily at Ofre’s lack of forethought but calmed himself “Regardless, Olsen Craftsen is now a high-priority to have brought back here. And since we know he will be headed to The Land of Light, I think we should send someone who had extensive knowledge of the area…” the image turned his attention to one of the women, who had an athletic physique with a small chest and rose coloured hair that fell down her robe to her waistline. She had a cocky expression and stood with a hand on her hip the entire time. She carried a bow on her back which was made out of red steel coloured to the shade of rubies. “Persephone, you used to be a scribe for the Holy family of Likendia didn’t you? I see this as a perfect opportunity for some revenge for being exiled as well as an ample opportunity for you and Ofre to capture Olsen, don’t you?” He asked with his image smirking and Persephone did the same.

“Sure, sounds like a blast” she answered back with an anxious enthusiasm to get started and a wide smile, Ofre did not look particularly happy to be paired with such a character but he had little say in the matter.

“I could do it on my own, but I suppose Persephone can be a useful body-shield if I need one” Ofre chuckled to himself and Persephone shot him a distasteful look and Ofre looked away knowing he had struck a weak spot.

“Then I suppose that decides it then. Once we have all four reincarnations of our Lord Lux, then we can start with the revival of Lux himself” The image declared finally and flickered away into darkness.

Persephone scoffed as the image disappeared “Nice to know he still doesn’t trust us enough to show us his face” she had an irritated look and tone as she turned on the spot “You coming Ofre?” She called back while walking off, waving her hand behind her head.

Ofre sighed in frustration again at the idea of working with Persephone and her inhospitable personality and quickly followed after her.

Chapter 10: History unwound

Lamina sat at the entrance to the cavern as she placed down logs of firewood around a circle of stones and began to scrape her swords together in order to create sparks. The wood soon lit and she patted the ground next to herself whilst beckoning Olsen and Cerice over “Come my Lord, much needs to be explained to you” she smiled almost as warm as the fire, Olsen tentatively sat down next to her with Cerice by his side. “I suppose I should start from the beginning, when the Gods decided to make the Earth, there was a fundamental issue with the world. You see, creating the Earth took much of their combined power and it would leak out of the world in great amounts due to its unstable nature, creating far too many Magika’s from the first humans to set foot on the Earth. In order to combat this they decided to make magical items in order to absorb the leaking Magika while also releasing it in a lower concentration so it didn’t build to a dangerous state. The humans named them †˜The Pillars of Power’ and later †˜The Pillars of Light’ after the God of Light took in the Pillars power, rather selfishly. No offense my Lord” Lamina spoke in a reminiscent and regretful way, regretful that she could have not spent more time there “You came down to Earth in a human body; mortal flesh but an immortal soul. You increased your abilities from that of an Immortal God to that omnipotent creator and you decided to use this power in order to gift humans the abilities of Magika’s without debate. But power wasn’t the reason you came to Earth, no, it was love…the love for a particularly beautiful Priestess who had been a loyal follower of you for her short life, it stole your heart to see such a beautiful girl show such devotion towards you” Olsen’s eyes strayed to Cerice, whose lips were parted with amazement at the actions that Olsen was being accused of “Then you asked me to create unique Magika powers: The offensive magical abilities. Other mage’s of your court also created other Magika abilities but that is hardly important right now. One day several issues came to light over the Empire you had been ruling; political, economic and social problems, but you chose to ignore them thinking that your all-mighty power would overcome these problems by themselves” A harsher tone was taken on by Lamina, she even snarled a little “And then…The Beast of Chaos emerged, all of humanities wars and disagreements combined to take on a physical form. It opposed everything you stood for, in actuality, The Beast of Chaos is an entity that brings about order by wiping out all chaos and the sources of that Chaos. It had been not only formed from humanities chaos but also the pent up magical energy underneath the Pillars of Power, but you were defeated because of a simple rule that all Gods power abides by: Your authority is dictated by how many people believe and follow you by their own volition and as you know, the Empire split in four and drastically reduced you power. As you were dying of your wounds, you asked me to freeze myself in time with my power and only awake once you had returned to Earth, but from what I have gathered from the events following that, the Gods punished you for letting such travesty occur and denied you access to the afterlife. Luckily, you had a plan, you divided yourself into memories, intelligence, emotions and soul as well as hiding each one in a mortal being so you could keep living through those descendants for all eternity and one day, unite into your true form” Lamina poked the flames as with a stick as her swords looked saddened by the tragic tale, reflecting her own stance “Take what you will from the story, but you were a kind and gentle man my Lord; with the only intention of aiding and preserving mankind” Lamina said with respect, truly this man was something special to her.

Olsen was not sure what to think given the information he had just been given “Madness, its complete madness! I’m part of a God? No way, it couldn’t be!” Olsen tried to convince himself that everything Lamina said was some kind of fairy-tale made just to tease Olsen, but somewhere, deep down, Olsen knew it to be true “Would that explain why I have these nosebleeds? I keep having flashbacks and seeing a man in white armour. Plus I keep saying things, that I end up forgetting anyway, but I feel like their buried deep down in my memories somewhere” Olsen’s mind was a flurry of confusion whilst Lamina managed a chuckle and patted him on the shoulder.

“Yes my Lord, but I doubt you have the memories of yourself, it is more likely that you maintain the emotions and heart of yourself. You are most likely remembering the emotions tied to the events I have just explained such as; regret, anger, disappointment and love…” Lamina looked over to Cerice and bowed her head again in respect before she went back to poking the flames of the fire in front of them “And now onto you Lady Cecilia, our Lord Lux here tied his soul to yours. Meaning that despite the fact you didn’t split your being, you have still been reincarnated with our Lord. By setting eyes on you, his feelings of love came roaring back” again, the look of reminiscence was revived in the eyes of Lamina as she finished “Any questions?”

“YES!” thought Cerice to herself as she gripped Olsen’s hand tightly and he gripped back, she felt his palm; it was sweaty and his fingers shook in fear from what he had just been told. “If Olsen is only one of four aspects of The Lord of Light, then should you not be calling other people you Lord?” Cerice decided to start as simple as possible.

“No. My Lord told me he would be the one to awake me, as I see it Olsen is the true reincarnation of our Lord and saviour” Lamina explained and Cerice could not argue with her logic, even if it was a bit overly-specific.

“So…the reason I fell in love with Olsen was only because I was previously in love with him?” Cerice asked, trying the debate with herself if she truly loved Olsen or not, whether or not she was an individual and if every thought was actually her own.

“I suppose that is one way to look at it, yes. But My Lady, does that change how you feel? Don’t you still feel an overwhelming passion for him? Doesn’t your anger flair up whenever another women even looks at him?” Lamina looked serious and sounded convincing, it was true that Cerice could not convince herself that she did not love Olsen.

“You are right…” She looked up to Olsen, her eyes of that shinning crimson that desired everything about Olsen and his golden eyes shone back to her “I do love you Olsen, I love Olsen, no-one else” Cerice drew Olsen into a kiss and he did not struggle in the slightest and kissed her back.

“As for what happens next…” Lamina’s serious expression dissolved “I have no idea!” she looked rather ditsy and stupid as she admitted that, killing the mood.

“What?! I do hope you plan on elaborating!” Cerice was fuming at Lamina’s sudden admission.

“Well, My Lord can live a normal life so long as there isn’t a large amount of chaos” Lamina said simply and stood, brushing off her dress and looking out over the Black Hills, looking surprised at such a scene.

“What do you mean?” Olsen asked, confused over her comment about chaos and its implications.

“Oh? Well The Beast of Chaos will most likely return if the Earth falls into too much Chaos again, otherwise it wouldn’t be fulfilling its duties” Lamina explained again “And if that were to happen, then My Lord would have to unite with the other three aspects of himself to fight it to stop more humans from dying”

Olsen felt like his chest was tightening and restricting his breath from the fear that coursed all over his body “And…what would happen to me if I were to unite with the other aspects?” Olsen asked with a shaky voice.

“Since it has never happened, I would have no idea” Lamina bowed “I apologise My Lord, but I promise to follow you like I always have and answer any questions you have about yourself and the old world” Lamina crouched on her knee and kept her head bowed to Olsen “If you would have me…” she sounded a little more nervous and out of character, it made her seem a little more human to Olsen.

Olsen turned his head to look at Cerice, who now had her arms wrapped around Olsen’s arm and pressed herself against him, she nodded “As long as she does not plan on trying to take you from me than I shall allow it” Cerice went back to her stuck-up and greedy self, which lightened the mood.

“Anything that will make you happy My Lady!” Lamina yelled in happiness as she jumped up “I am the ever loyal servant of My Lord and Lady” Lamina calmed herself and Olsen and Cerice led her out of the cavern as the flame flickered and died into darkness.

Chapter 11: The Sands of Time

A horse-drawn cart made its way down a sandy road in the middle of a desert with a family of three: A mother, father and their son. A long stretch of nothing beckoned them for miles, they appeared tired and in need of some rest.

“How much longer until we reach the Royal city father?” the boy asked with excitement.

“Not much longer, just a day more of travelling my lad” his father responded as he wiped the sweat of his head from a long day of travelling in the intense heat of
The Land of Light “Soon we will be in the blessed land”

Out in front of them along the road, some ways down, was two figures dressed completely in black cloaks and cowls that concealed their appearances. They walked onwards and halted the cart in its place. One of them had the distinct figure of an athletic female with red hair that fell out of her cowl. The other had a much stronger figure with black burns on his right hand that had a very odd shape of a humans fingers.

“Excuse me, do you know the direction of †˜The Royal City of The Land of Light’?” the man asked with a steely voice. His partner looked upwards with a smile, it was a deadly smile that could draw anyone in. A smile not to be trusted.

“Well yes of course! As long as you keep heading north from this point on you can’t miss the Royal City!” the man answered in earnest.

The man smiled and turned to his partner “Looks like you don’t know your own land as well as you thought?” a chuckle escaped his mouth.

“Whatever. Didn’t you want to leave a message?” The woman asked as the shadow cast behind her began to bend and tear apart slowly until it rose up behind her into the shape of thick arrows.

“Sore loser. Sorry about this, but this is the road my little brother will almost certainly use. I know him like that. I’m afraid I must use you as a warning to him: That I’m always a step ahead of him” the man explained as he summoned a scythe made out of black aura in his hand.

“Wait! What are you doing?!” The man began to question as one of the black arrows, as wide as his chest, shot straight through him as they extended quickly from behind the woman in black. His torso was torn in half by it passing straight through him, blood shot from his corpse. The rest of the arrows (Around 6 in total) slithered underneath the cart and impaled the child and his mother as they shot upwards, leaving them suspended in the air with blood dripping in large amounts to the floor below.

“Are you happy now? Do you think this will be enough to scare Olsen?” The woman asked as her arrows solidified into stone leaving the bodies trapped in the position above the ground they were stuck in.

“Scare him? Of course not. But it will make him enraged to the point where he will seek revenge over me. When that happens, he’ll lose all control and I’ll be able to beat him” the man said as he stuck his finger into the body of the man and started painting something with his blood on the ground below.

“Honestly, making me use my precious Vectors so casually! It’s a disgrace Ofre” Persephone said as more Vectors slithered up to her and she began to pet them.

“You didn’t have to come. Nor do I want you here, but circumstances aren’t kind…” Ofre said as he finished painting, spelling out the words †˜You’ll never be able to protect anyone, Olsen’. “Now that we know where to go and I’ve left my message: Let’s head for the Royal City”

Olsen and the group had finally made their way to the †˜Desert of Lost Souls’ a desert known for its incredible heat that has killed more than its fair share of travellers. It is located in the Land of Light, close to its capital and is used as the first line of defence against invaders.

“My Lord Lux, may I offer you some more water?” Lamina asked as she leaned over Olsen’s shoulder and offered him her satchel of water. They road on the same horse as there was no other option other than walking. Lamina had also insisted on sticking close to her Master and, uncharacteristically, Cerice had allowed it without any much thought.

“Thank you Lamina, but maybe you should drink some for yourself?” Olsen chuckled nervously at the floating swords that stayed too close to Olsen to allow him to feel comfortable.

“I would prefer to die slowly of dehydration than allow you to feel any discomfort my Lord! Please drink!” Lamina looked stern and Olsen caved in under her intense stair and took the smallest of swigs before handing it back.

“Thank you Lamina” Olsen said as he handed the satchel back to her.

Cerice sat in her carriage as she fanned herself with a piece of paper that she had crafter (rather poorly) into a make-shift fan whilst lying down. “You seem oddly fine with Lamina staying so close to Olsen, what’s wrong Cerice?” Aria asked.

“She is not a threat. She’s too preoccupied with being a servant to be a potential partner with Olsen. Plus, I am not sure she views Olsen with that kind of love, if we look back on what she said about how The Lord of Light treated her then I think she sees Olsen as more of a father-figure than a lover” Cerice explained. Cerice’s thoughts turned back to that conversation about Olsen being a God, it seemed impossible to her still. However, she decided to ignore those thoughts for now.

“Simple enough. But don’t get too comfortable Cerice” Aria smiled deviously and Cerice matched that smile.

“I could say the same” the carriage came to an abrupt stop, so much that Cerice rolled off her seat and onto the floor below, she sat up with an enraged expression “Who is the idiot that stopped…I think an execution should be in order for them…” Cerice voice trembled in rage.

Davies dismounted his horse and ran over to Cerice’s carriage before opening the door “My Lady, I apologise, but you must come see this for yourself!” Davies said in a rushed manner. Cerice’s expression changed to one of curiosity but with a wary feeling in her gut.

“Excuse me my Lord, I shall investigate this on your behalf” Lamina jumped down from Caballo, one of her swords dropped from its position and fell into her hand.

“Wait! Lamina…!” Olsen was confused over why she had so readily left him to see what the issue was.

Lamina pushed her way through the crowd of men to see the overturned cart with the bodies suspended in the air above it by the stone Vectors. And then her attention turned to the blood message written out in front of it all. “I knew as much. I could sense my Vectors being used from miles away. How dare they use my creation in such a way!” Lamina snarled at the usage of her creation as her swords seemed to grow sharper, mimicking her anger. She fired a blast of green energy to eliminate the bloody message whilst sending a large plume of sand in the air. “If my Lord were to see this…” Lamina knew that Olsen’s anger would get the best of him, so she took the conscious decision to eliminate it.

“Lamina! What was that?!” Davies yelled as he grabbed her by the shoulders, she kept a happy expression on her face despite the aggressive styling of the question.

“It is nothing to concern yourself with” Lamina said as she shook free and started walking back to Olsen. “My Lord, I hope that you are not too angered by my actions. I was simply angry that whomever did this used my own creations to commit the act” Lamina explained being only partly truthful.

“I guess that’s fine…but try to keep yourself in check in the future. Anyway, let me see…” Olsen dismounted his horse and walked past Lamina, who looked guilty over her actions, and Olsen saw the horror in that had halted them. Blood running from a child’s body down a stone pillar with the rhythmic dripping of blood to the ground below. Olsen clenched his fist tightly, it shook with rage as he bit down on his lip “Whoever did this…is disgusting…” Olsen calmed himself and took a deep breath “We should inform your Mother about this Cerice” Olsen turned to Cerice as he spoke.

“Of course my brave knight. I will not let murderers escape without justice being done first” Cerice said and headed back inside her carriage as Olsen mounted Caballo with Lamina.

Time wore on as they travelled onwards, night had soon began to set over the desert and with it the cold embrace of the night followed it. On the edge of the horizon was a large spire that dominated the skyline.

“What’s that?” Olsen asked.

“It’s a Pillar of Light Olsen. We built the Royal City around it. Just outside of it is the Holy Church of Light as well. Meaning we are very close to my home…” Cerice spoke quietly, a mix of trepidation over seeing her mother and happiness over returning to her home resounded within her.

“Not much has changed then. I see the Lineage of Light is as devoted to My Lord as always” Lamina brought her lips to Olsen’s ear “My Lord, a glimpse of your eyes will give away who you are to these people, they have a very vast knowledge of the physical aspects your descendants would be given from the knowledge you gave them. Since they are almost all religious in The Land of Light, I would advise you to stay out of public sight” Lamina warned and pulled herself back. Although Lamina said this, her real reasons for wanting to keep Olsen out of sight was based on the writing she had seen by the murder scene. Lamina knew keeping Olsen out of public sight would be safer than showing him off for any potential dangers.

“Come on Lamina, I don’t think they’ll take such stories as facts anymore. I’ll be fine” Olsen reassured her.

“If you believe so My Lord, but I will still stick to you like glue” Lamina looked statuesque in terms of her movement on the matter.

“Fine. I won’t argue with that, but you should give yourself a break every now and then” Olsen smiled and Lamina managed her own smile.

“Kind as always. Nothing has changed in 4000 years has it?”

The group decided to rest up by the side of the road before they made the final track to the Holy City, Cerice managed to sneak over to Olsen and slept by his side as Lamina slept closely to him as well, although more out of wanting to protect him than anything. But for Lamina, sleep only brought back her memories of those dark times thousands of years ago…

Lamina found herself in a memory from 4000 years ago, she was in a golden room that had a circular shape to it. The only way into the room was a long golden corridor with pillars lining the sides of the corridor. In the centre of the room that Lamina found herself in was a table with the shape of the continent that would one day host the four rival nations. It had small figurines that seemed to represent soldiers and battalions for battle strategies. Lamina found she could see through her own eyes but had no control over her own actions or words as it was simply a memory. Off to the corner of a room a pair of doors appeared from a green glow of magic, they appeared perfectly and fitted into the wall equally so. A man in white armour with golden details and symbols all over it entered into the room. He looked physically fit and strong without his body looking overly muscular or imposing, but his stance and stride managed to give off an imposing and powerful air regardless.

“Lamina! I need your presence in the court immediately” His voice was kind but it seemed stressed and impatient, his eyes looked tired but restless as if sleep was not on his priority list at all.

“Oh? Yes my Lord of course, but surely you wish me to advise our troops fighting the Rebels?” Lamina reminded her master of what she was doing with the table, which with the use of magic could communicate long distance to others through telepathy.

“I trust my troops have the ability beat the heretics who oppose us” Lux said quickly and without real consideration “I would prefer to have you with me when we pass judgement over our prisoners” Lux said and turned from Lamina as he began to walk back to the portal that he had opened.

Lux had spoken of a trial, a trial that Lamina remembered all too well: A trial that ended in an unjust bloodshed.

“Of course my Lord” Lamina bowed before making one quick troop movement and relayed some final tactical information to her troops, she then followed Lux through the portal and reappeared in the centre of a court room in a white marble room with rows of regular citizens sat behind the prosecutor and defendant with a jury of to the side. Lux took his place at the judge’s seat ahead of all the rest at a slightly higher elevation to the rest of them with Lamina stood with her swords overhead by his side.

“Please rise for-” Lamina began before someone stood up from the crowd and interrupted her.

“Shut up bitch! You’re nothing but a tool that’s been shaped by that coward to murder!” he yelled in rage and other people stood up to yell too.

“He’s right! You’re the one who should be on trial! Murderer! You destroyed a whole village without a shred of evidence!” another citizen yelled.



“Murderer!” large members of the crowd began yelling and hurling abuse to Lamina and Lux, letting their frustrations out over the poor excuse of leadership they were displaying. At this point in Lux’s reign as the King of the Old Empire, his overconfidence had led to the fall of the economy, religious heresy in large quantities, protests and even a full-scale rebellion by the nation that would later claim itself as Xion. Lux and Lamina had been labelled as inhuman monsters for killing innocent people in droves because Lux believed they had been taking an active part in a rebellion.

Lamina’s fingers trembled in rage as she bit down on her lip, eventually her emotions spilled over and her ten blades started firing off thin blasts of aura that struck several citizens in non-lethal areas “Have them taken to the prison cells! They will stand trial themselves in due course!” Lamina yelled in rage as she ordered some armoured guards to take the injured citizens away. Fearing more hostile acts from Lamina’s deadly ten blades, they took their seats silently and sat down.

“Well handled Lamina…” Lux praised and then turned to the defendants, two of them, who were chained to the wooden tabled in front of them “You two stand accused of treason to the throne of Espera and Heresy to the Church of Light, how do you plead?” Lux looked overly tired as he spoke and barely kept his eyes on the defendants ahead of him.

“My Lord! I swear we are innocent! We would never act against the crown or our God!” one of them pleaded.

“Yes my Lord, we haven’t committed any of the crimes you are accusing us of!” the other defended.

Lux turned to Lamina and leaned closer “What evidence do we have against them?” Lux asked.

“We found them trying to steal weapons from the guards’ station in the Royal city. They are most likely pleading innocent because of how harshly you have been treating prisoners. I would advise you be lenient, your harsh attitude is one of the reasons people have been rebelling” Lamina explained.

“Very well. I shall be more lenient in the future to those who have broken our laws…” Lux pulled himself back up to his chair and prepared to address the court “I have decided to ignore our regular policy of proving our defendants either innocent or guilty and I shall be kinder to those of you who have broken our laws in future circumstances…” the court began to cheer in joy at these new revelations “However! I need to make a statement to the Rebels who dare to oppose us! So, these rebels will be the last to be executed!” the crowd changed from joy to complete indignation at the events “Lamina! Execute them now!” Lux demanded. Lamina’s hands trembled in fear, sweat dripped down her forehead as she looked to the trembling figures of the men who desperately yanked on their chains as they tried to escape. Without realising, Lamina had already started to move forward with a sword in either hand. She raised them overhead as she stood right in front of the men.

She looked ahead to see a line of soldiers that were blocking the spectators from coming to help the men about to be executed. Lamina felt her own teals roll down her face as true despair over killing these men sunk into her soul “I’m so sorry…” and her swords fell down, as her visions turned black at the sounds of the screaming agony of the men in front of her.

Lamina sat bolt up-right at the conclusion of the dream, she sweated just like she had done in her dreams and her hands shook equally as they had done. “No…why? Why did that have to happen…?” Lamina sobbed into her blanket at the recollection of her memories. She looked over to the sleeping Olsen, as he wrapped Cerice in his arms and he in hers. Lamina smiled at his innocence “Just like you were as a child My Lord. You were so kind then…what happened that made you so merciless?” Lamina asked as she ran her fingers through Olsen’s hair “This time I won’t let you become like that, I promise” Lamina said and wrapped her blanket around her shoulders and stood to look at the sun “My Lord, do you remember why you created the moon? You said day was meant to be celebrated since there was so much light, so you created the moon to create some more light at night. To tell us you were always watching…you were such a kind child…” Lamina wiped a tear away, remembering something fond to her. “I promise to always protect you and your love. I won’t let you stray from the right path, on this moonlight sky I promise this” Lamina tightened her fist in a determined fashion as she stared up to the full-moon.

But Olsen would fall into darkness, as history was determined to repeat itself in too many ways for The Lord of Light.

Chapter 12: The Holy City of Likendia

There it was. The giant gates of the Holy City of The Land of Light, otherwise known as The Holy City of Likendia (The ancient word for †˜Love of Light’ in a long dead language that has no bearing anymore). The city that stretched to the horizon and further. Made entirely out of golden cement, bricks and the sturdiest stone imaginable. Walls that surrounded the city that had not been penetrated in over 4000 and the final bastion of The Lord of Light’s legacy. It was a prosperous and bustling city, houses were fully attached to one-another and formed corners for the streets by ending in right angles and continuing down the next street only to form another right angle to change the direction of the street. The city was divided up much like the Royal city of Despra in terms of its layout with entire streets devoted to stalls that were filled to the brim with everything imaginable from weaponry to exotic and unheard of foods. But the most interesting aspect of the city was its centre, for there was the Pillar of light, towering above the street at its typical 20 metre height and in front of it was the white and gold Church of Light. Every corner had a small spire coming off from it to form a watch tower. It was pure gold and shot the beams of light that the sun gave off in all directions. The Church itself covered several blocks worth of streets in size and always had a large fanatical crowd gathered around it with only the armoured troops of the Holy imperial army of The Land of Light to stop them from entering by forming a barricade. The Church had stain-glass windows with a variety of colours and images depicting important moments of The Lord of Light’s life.

Upon nearing the gates some of the city’s guards immediately bowed to Cerice’s carriage and opened the mammoth-sized gates so she may enter uncontested. Although the haste at which she was being directed to the Church worried Cerice, mostly about having to speak to her mother. A woman who Cerice had much love and affection for, but also a substantial amount of fear for as well. Cerice’s mother was known for her lack of mercy to her own family if they should disappoint her--and a punishment was something Cerice looked to avoid. The thoughts about how her mother would also react to Olsen and the accusations of him being the reincarnation of the Lord of Light also gave cause for concern: If her mother said no, would that lead Cerice to be accused of heresy, a crime punishable by death, or if her mother also believed in Olsen would that mean her mother would try and steal Olsen away from her? It would make sense since the High Priestess of Light was the one who stole The Lord of Light’s heart, something that Cerice’s mother was, and Cerice was not.

Moreover, Cerice’s mother had complete control over the city’s governance. Her mother, the pope of the religion, was the spiritual and physical leader of the city and made all decisions from religious to financial that effected the country. Below her was the parliament, a cabinet of political leaders that represented districts of the city. The bigger the district, the bigger the pull the politician had when it came to the voting and decision making process, however, all final decisions come down to the Pope so the cabinet is mere puppets for the Pope to control. Beneath the cabinet (in a sense) was the High Priestess, or Cerice’s older sister and first in line for becoming the next Pope. The High Priestess is more of a religious figure rather than a political one, they deal with the Church’s sermons and any religious problems that aren’t deemed as important enough for the Pope to deal with. Despite this usually the Priestess’ are sent out to deal with such issues since they are in greater number and have a lesser role than both positions above them. Cerice is a regular Priestess and has no real credentials that separate her other than her Holy blood, which is enough for the other priestess’ and citizens of the city to treat her like a princess.

“Here we are, home sweet home…” Cerice spoke in a melancholic fashion at seeing the parting crowds as they neared the large arc-shaped doors of the Holy Church. Her hands trembled on the scroll that Olsen had given her on their first day together, considering all the thoughts that had been previously worrying her.

“What’s wrong Cerice?” Aria asked, unsure of why Cerice’s fingers trembled over the scroll.

“I hate this place…I feel like a bird trapped in a cage…I hate travelling vast distances…but I hate this place far more…” Cerice’s expression turned from one of fear, to utter resentment “I am treated as nothing but a tool by my Mother, as if the only thing I am useful for is the fact that we share the same blood” Cerice grinded her teeth at the thought of finally returning “I was happy I could bring Olsen to see my home…now I remember why I left without argument”

“What do you hate about this place? It seems like a wonderful place to be brought up in” Aria said.

Cerice stifled a laugh “Never have I been given an option surrounding my life. My Mother always chose for me without the slightest consultation. Whereas my Sister, bless her, always tried to give me a choice…but more often than not she had little choice herself. Olsen always took my feelings into consideration, whether or not that is the curse of some spiteful Gods or his own choice, it made me love him more than I could ever imagine” Cerice hung her head “And now my Mother will almost certainly plot to use him for her own wishes once she learns he has part of our Lord stuck within him” Cerice smashed the side of her carriage with her fist before recoiling in pain “OW! I should perhaps take my own durability into consideration next time” Cerice bemoaned herself for such a stupid decision.

“I’m not sure what to say but…I will not lose Olsen to you or your Mother” Cerice looked surprised by Aria’s lack of sympathy “But…I don’t wish to beat someone who’s so resigned to defeat! Pull yourself together! If Olsen has chosen you then be proud of that! Do not think that boy can be so easily swayed by power!” Aria scolded Cerice. Cerice immediately understood Aria’s meaning, that it is stupid to think for a second that Olsen could be tossed from person to person like a stuffed toy.

“I apologise Aria. You will truly make a good Queen. I look forward to dealing with you when we both take our positions one day” Cerice found her own way of complimenting Aria.

“And I will have a strong King” Aria smirked.

“Really? Well you should invite Olsen and me after our own wedding” Cerice quipped back.

“Let us hope your quick wit will make up for Olsen’s obliviousness” Aria and Cerice shared a laugh over the final comment. Friendship can be forged in the most odd of situations.

Olsen dismounted Caballo and Lamina followed suit with Davies walking up to them as they did “So this is The Holy City? Impressive” Olsen observed the tall housing and pure golden streets, a sight he had never before seen and one that could only be imagined in dreams.

“It is not overly impressive My Lord. Your palace was twice the size of this Church if I remember correctly. Plus we did not let the citizens gather so closely” Lamina said as she looked to either side of the road that they had been travelling up and that was leading to the Holy Church where two rows of soldiers in similar armour to Davies had created a blockade so civilians couldn’t get passed.

“Sounds like I was well off” Olsen said without much care.

“Indeed you were. I am afraid that upbringing you had may have been the reason for…” Lamina looked at the interest written across Olsen’s face and decided to stop, she didn’t want to give him ideas of the travesties he committed “…Never mind. Stories for another day” Lamina settled for avoiding her own point “Shall we continue?” Olsen noticed Lamina’s nervousness and decided to also avoid her point.

“Hey Davies, I’ve noticed something…” Olsen pointed towards the crowd.

“Hmm? What do you mean?” Davies was intrigued by Olsen’s comment.
“Well, it appears there’s a large number of women but a rather small number of men. Why is that?” Olsen asked.

“Oh that…since the Likendia family has been entirely female for the last 4000 years since they claimed the title of the †˜Lineage of Light’ women have been given a higher standing from birth than men. Although there is a higher proportion of men, 75% of all men born are drafted into the Holy Army” Davies explained.

“Seriously? All women?” Olsen didn’t couldn’t comprehend it, as a man of science over religion, he couldn’t believe that all of the family’s descendants could have been female. It just seemed impossible. Then again he considered his position as being the direct descendant of a God sounded equally as impossible so who was he to judge?

Davies nodded “The Land of Light sees women as sacred. It was a mortal women who managed to capture the heart of the strongest of all the Gods, everything is based off of religion here Olsen, I would mind my tongue concerning your snide comments over religion” Davies finished with a stern expression and began walking off.

“Oh I wouldn’t dream of it!” Olsen muttered sarcastically under his own breath, much to Lamina’s amusement.

They continued on foot with Cerice and Davies leading until they reached the doors of the Church, where two priestesses bowed to Cerice and opened a door each for her to enter through. Once inside the doors closed on them, revealing the tall ceiling overhead with paintwork done surrounding depictions of The Lord of Light and other important aspects of the religion. There were pillars lining the main hallway where a large sermon would be hosted. Benches were placed one after the other for people to use when at the sermon. They were made out of pure gold. And finally, at the back of the Church, straight ahead of them was a small alter with ruby carpeting that had some small steps leading up to it with a pedestal at the front. Behind the pedestal stood a women in very similar clothing to Cerice, in a dress exposed at the sides of her torso and a long skirt that made its way down to her ankles with soft, thin fabric lined with some golden fabric too. The arms had similar material that was joined to the fabric around her shoulders but was left exposed just above her elbows. The final aspect that was similar was the hood, again made of the soft material as the rest that she draped over her head. Her golden hair tumbled out over the sides of her chest and stopped just below, her features were similar to Cerice’s but more refined and mature, plus she was quite tall compared to Cerice who was several inches shorter than Olsen and regularly had to stand on her toes just to meet eye to eye with him.

“Greetings to The Church of Light, I am the High Priestess Lilliana Likendia; at your service” The woman bowed to Olsen and took his hand in hers “I have heard much about you and your family Master Craftsen, a pleasure to meet the acquaintance of such a powerful Magika” she shot a cheeky smile, before returning to a naturally pleasant expression.

“Uh…yeah sure, but how do you know about me?” Olsen blushed over receiving such attention from a beautiful women such as Lilliana, despite Cerice’s increasing scowling.

“It was Sir Davies of course! He is always such a loyal soldier, so I had him send me daily letters by Eagle” Lilliana turned to Davies “Another job well done Sir Davies”

“Of course ma’am-” Davies was about to speak when a loud groan emanated from Cerice’s mouth.

“You used my personal guard to spy on me?!” Cerice shouted in frustration.

“Only to keep you safe my young sister, I did not mean to cause offence…” Lilliana seemed disappointed with herself over angering Cerice.

“And could you please stop holding my Knight’s hand?! I am not amused by how welcoming you have been to him!” Cerice growled.

“I apologise again Cerice. But surely you wish me to welcome your lover with kindness to our home?” Lilliana said playfully but managed to ignore Cerice’s face, which was frozen in a space between confusion, fear and anger.

“Wha…bu…how…” Cerice slowly turned her head, now set on anger, to Davies “You did not…” Cerice’s face trembled in anger at the idea that Davies had potentially sent letters expressing Olsen as her lover behind her own back. “Davies…I did not appreciate that…” Cerice said a dark, almost murderous expression written across her face.

Davies immediately fell down onto one knee and rested a single fist on the ground too “I apologise for not telling you earlier My Lady, but your sister was afraid of sending you so far away! If anyone is to blame, please, let it be me!” Davies pleaded.

Cerice let out a little sigh partway between weariness and “I suppose it hardly matters now anyway: does it? Nothing too bad can come from this…” Cerice clapped her hands “You may rise Sir Davies, there shall be no punishment” Cerice gave a little smile of encouragement “Although if you ever do this without consulting me…” Cerice brought her thumb along her neck, symbolising death for Davies in a worrying way.

“I’m more worried about the fact he managed to get a bird passed us without us realising…several times…” Olsen complained but shrugged it off as easily.

“So, Master Olsen, was has brought you to these Holy Lands of ours?” Lilliana asked as she attempted to bring the conversation back on track.

“I was tasked with guiding Cerice back home safely and to take a little time off from guarding my Village” Olsen explained briefly.

“Oh I see…so you wish to spend a romantic trip with my younger sister?” Lilliana giggled as she teased Cerice, who blushed at the words and couldn’t find her own to respond with “In any case, welcome to the first Church of The religion of Light! Home of the Lineage of Light: The Likendia Family. In regards to my sister, I bless your relationship and hope it blossoms into something beautiful!” Lilliana said and Olsen took a single step forward.

“Actually, there was something I needed to talk to you about…” Olsen had a sharp glare in his eyes that could cut through steel.

“Olsen…?” Cerice looked surprised by his assertiveness, he would only act in such a way if the situation required him to, so why was he acting so serious.

“You know everything about me from what Davies has learned…everything?” Olsen said and Lilliana bowed her head in understanding.

“Ah…you speak of the memories of Lux, do you not?” Olsen nodded “There is an ancient prophecy regarding someone like you…do you wish to hear about it?” Again, another wordless nod from Olsen. Lilliana turned on the spot and walked over to the wall behind the pedestal where she had been stood. There was a large red curtain in front of the wall with golden ropes used to pull it from either side, as Lilliana pulled the curtain apart on either side a large stone block appeared around the gold and white walls. There was writing on the block, as if it had been carved into it in order to leave a message “We have no idea where this message came from, but we know it was written using a high-intensity form of magic that only our Lord Lux’s closest advisers could have used. Even after 4 millennia it still gives off enough magical resonance to turn regular people into Magikas” Lamina’s eyes flared up at the sight of it and she took a step forward, without anyone noticing “It is written in an ancient scripture that we have only been able to decipher partway with ancient scriptures left over time that have been translated. It seems to have been written in the most ancient language ever used on our continent” Just as Lilliana had described it was written in weird symbols and scribbles that Olsen couldn’t make out, some even looked like a child had come up with no real pattern or meaning behind them.

“It warns of a dark time ahead…I had hoped you were being pessimistic back then My Lord…” Lamina’s head drooped in sadness “How foolish of me…”

“Lamina? What’s wrong?” Aria asked as she placed her hands on Lamina’s shoulders to comfort her.

“That scripture…the hand writing…it could only belong to you My Lord. And it talks of the very last thing he told me before he sent me to seal myself away…” Lamina whispered melancholically.

“What did I say?” Olsen asked.

“Forgive me My Lord but I promised to keep you happy. I must disobey…you do not want to learn about such a horrible thing” Lamina stood still, looking torn between following an order and having to disobey to follow her own promise.

“Is it really that bad?” Olsen asked, lightening up from his darker expression that had persisted and sounded worried. Lamina replied with a solemn nod.
Lilliana walked over and placed her hands around the arms of Lamina “You must be the one frozen in time that Davies spoke to me of, the one who walked side by side with our Lord!” Lilliana looked affectionate and her kind expression evoked a nod out of Lamina.

“I am. I was the nurse of Lord Lux’s mother. His mortal mother who had been blessed with his conception despite not ever sharing a bed with a man in her entire life. I raised Lux until he was a young man and then he set out looking for the young girl who had captured his heart: Cecilia Likendia, the first of your kind. Since I am a †˜Saeculum’ a type of being that cannot age passed young adulthood, Master Lux asked me to stay by his side as his ever loyal servant” Lamina explained more about the God who Olsen was supposed to be a part of.

“A Saeculum? I have never heard of such a thing” Liliana said in confusion.

“I am not surprised. You would know us better by the name humans gave us †˜Vampires’, although contrary to popular belief we do not survive off of any kind of blood and we can bare direct sunlight” As Lamina finished she opened her mouth and bore her fang-like teeth at the front of her mouth and then hid them again “My kind were hunted to near extinction because humans feared our appearance. Stories also spread about us sucking the blood of humans after a small group of our kind, an eccentric group I might add, decided to suck the blood of humans. I and my family hid right under the noses of the humans, since I was the only child of my family, it is reasonable to assume I am the last of my kind. In any case, in my darkest hour, Lux’s mother took me under her wing as a nurse and asked me to raise her child on her deathbed. Lux then promised to avenge my people…I condoned the murder of a whole village for my own selfish reasons…” Lamina finished explaining and turned to Olsen “I am sorry I poured so much blood on your hands My Lord. That tablet talks about me and my past, but also about how when the fragments of The Lord of Light meat at the resting place of Lux himself, the world shall either be destroyed or saved by their decision whether or not to sacrifice themselves to resurrect Lux…” Lamina finished and her swords pointed downwards sadly.

“Lamina…” Aria couldn’t believe what she had just heard, the idea that someone who had seemed so upbeat could have had such a tragic story was almost mindboggling.

“W…Why does it speak of your past?” Olsen asked, tentative to continue after what Lamina had just said.

“It warns of when the last of the Saeculum awakes, then the fragments of Lux shall be targeted by the †˜Shadows’ and a war shall break out over their protection and capture thanks to a misunderstanding. And then a decision will have to be made…” Lamina explained. She walked over to Olsen and buried her head in his chest “I am sorry my Lord! Truly I am! I did not want you to have to suffer ever again! I wanted you to be happy! To live in peace as I protected you from sadness!” Lamina cried desperately into his chest as she pulled on the fabric of Olsen’s Kevlar vest.

“Stop.” Olsen said seriously and Lamina looked up with confusion to see his smiling face “Don’t think just because some dead guy wrote all of this would happen doesn’t mean I’m going to lose so easily. Have some faith in the Olsen who is standing here, right now, and not the one who failed all that time ago. I’m not going to listen to a piece of rock!” Olsen promised with a fierce determination.

Lamina was dumbstruck by Olsen’s words, unable to change her expression for a moment but managed to pull herself together “Yes of course…how stupid of me to think you would give in so easily as I would…you are truly greater than anyone could ever hope to be” Lamina praised and wiped her eyes clean of any tears.

“I wouldn’t know about being that great but…” As Olsen was about to finish a large knock came from the doors to the Church, before the doors were broken down by two bodies of two armoured guards being hurled through them by two figures dressed entirely in black robes.

“Was it necessary to make such a loud entrance?” The male figure of the two asked as he formed a scimitar and a small scythe in either hand out of black aura.

“What? Would you rather just wait for them in the street and strike up a conversation?” The female figure asked as she held a red spear over the top of her shoulders and behind her neck.

“I prefer to be subtle…” The male figure said back.

“Please, you cut your parents into tiny pieces, neither of us have a sense of subtlety” The woman argued.

“Who in the name of Lux do you think you are?!” Davies asked as he drew his brand new sword he had acquired before they left the Royal City of Despra.

The man threw back his hood and looked to Olsen “Did you not see my message, little brother?” Ofre asked.

“Another sign that subtlety isn’t your strongest asset, leaving a sign you’re coming, REAL SUBTLE!” the woman insulted sarcastically before pulling her own hood off, revealing herself as Persephone. Although Ofre ignored her insulted.

“Ofre…!” Olsen formed an aura-sword in either hand “This time I’m ready to kill you!” He said enraged. But Lilliana stood in his way, confusing Olsen.

“Please. I am the High Priestess here, let me defend my guests” She smiled at Olsen “It would be rude of me not to” she winked and threw a hand into the air. White aura began encircling her hand and lower arm, forming a gauntlet of aura.

“Y-You’re a Magika?!” Aria said in shock.

“Well, my family was raised by the object that bestows Magika powers, are you so shocked?” Lilliana teased before turning to the intruders dressed in black “I’d advise you leave, before you regret staying”

Chapter 13: Holy Battle

“I never thought I would have to see your face here again Persephone, considering it was my one request to you for letting you live” Lilliana said as the air around her began to kick up violently as it reflected her mood.

“Wasn’t it so sweet of you? To make me an outcast! I would have preferred death!” Persephone yelled back as she twirled her spear and prepared to fight.

“Calm down Persephone. She’s trying to get the better of you” Ofre warned before narrowing his eyes to Olsen “Keep in mind we’re here for him. We don’t have the leeway to settle personal grudges given how much attention we’ve gathered. We have to end this quickly”

“Yeah, yeah I get it! But I can settle this †˜grudge’ if I kill her quickly right?” Persephone asked.

“In theory, yes. But keep in mind this is the High Priestess we’re dealing with, she’s not your everyday Magika, she won’t be easy to kill” Ofre immediately threw his scythe and formed a chain to the end of it with his aura. Lilliana punched the scythe away with her gauntlets, Ofre pulled his scythe by the chain back into his hands and a large body of air travelled in the direction Lillian punched; destroying a pillar before travelling onwards. “See? She possess quite the formidable power” Ofre finished his demonstration with a calm look.

“Come on Ofre, your scythe is hardly a true test of her powers. Why not this…?” Persephone said as her shadow broke apart into her six Vectors that slithered up from behind her.

“My Vectors! So you killed that family!” Lamina yelled as her swords almost hissed in rage. But she soon realised what that meant as Olsen’s expression began to quickly break down to one of pure rage as his eyes widened and twitched.

“It…was…you Ofre? You killed them…?” Olsen trembled.

“Didn’t you get my message?” Ofre asked and Olsen’s expression turned to one of confusion as his body shot upwards “It doesn’t matter. Not like it would have made much difference, the points been made” Ofre stated.

“How?” Olsen mumbled to himself and Ofre tilted his head back in suspicion “HOW COULD YOU KILL THOSE PEOPLE AND NOT FEEL REMORSE?! GUILT?! WHAT ARE YOU?!” Olsen yelled, his entire body started to glow gold and his eyes started burning with aura of the same colour.

“How foolish. Olsen, a warrior is judged by his perception of abject things such as †˜good’ or †˜evil’, his chivalrous attitude or even by his loyalty to his flag. No a warrior is based on his ability to kill when ordered and to complete those orders efficiently without question. Even if that pertains to his family” Ofre explained coldly.

“Are you saying…someone ordered you to kill our family? Was it Xion?” Olsen pressed for an answer and clenched his fists.

“Xion? No, hardly, why don’t you ask King Einkard who ordered me to kill our family? Or better yet, why don’t you ask the young Princess over there” Ofre pointed his scimitar to Aria, who froze on the spot.

“What? What are you saying?! How could Aria know-” Olsen began to ask before he felt a soft touch grasp him on his shoulder.

“It’s because we ordered Ofre to kill your parents…” Aria said, looking away with guilty eyes. Olsen could barely react, his own country had ordered his own brother to murder their family? In a time of war? It seemed implausible.

“It’s true Olsen. King Einkard himself asked me to do it” Olsen’s eyes widened further in disbelief “I’ll give you the short version: We needed a man on the inside of Xion in order to see what they were planning, someone who could relay important information back to Despra so we could know ahead of time what they were going to do. It was decided that the information was more important than our top Magika, so in order to †˜prove’ to Xion that I truly wished to betray Despra King Einkard ordered me to kill my own parents as a cover for proving myself to Xion. And it worked perfectly” Ofre explained without a change in his tone or his stance. As calm and collected as always, which infuriated Olsen beyond belief.

“HOW CAN YOU STAND THERE LIKE THAT?! DIDN’T IT TEAR YOU UP INSIDE?! DON’T YOU FEEL SOMETHING AKIN TO GRIEF?! I REMEMBER THE OLDER BROTHER WHO WAS KIND AND GENEROUS, HOW COULD YOU HAVE BECOME THIS EMPTY THING?!” Olsen insulted and yelled at Ofre like a child to the point where he ran out of breath to keep going with tears running down his face “What happened to the big brother I loved?”

The last question seemed to get through the armour of Ofre’s psyche as he winced in some kind of emotional pain “You really are an idiot….aren’t you? Remember what I said it is to be great warrior? I believe in that philosophy, I killed every emotion related to love so I could stomach killing everyone I loved…except for you Olsen, I couldn’t bring myself to kill my baby brother…I loved you too much to kill you…Which is why I made you hate me, so that one day you could kill me and punish me for what I’ve done” Ofre’s eyes moistened “But that doesn’t matter anymore, too much is on the line now to let my emotions get the better of me!” Ofre immediately charged towards Olsen but Lilliana intervened and blocked his attacked before firing a shot of air at Ofre, Ofre managed to block the intense punch that delivered the blow of air but was sent flying back by the velocity of the air. He slowed himself down by grinding his feet on the ground and stopped next to Persephone.

“Stop making us look bad!” Persephone yelled and her Vectors shot off at blinding speeds, only to be shot and disintegrated by a green bolt of aura fired from Lamina.

“My Lord, allow me to kill this imposter in your name!” Lamina proclaimed as she held one sword in each hand as the other eight pointed at Persephone with deadly intent.

“Go for it.” Olsen agreed as he rose back onto his feet and Lamina shot off like a freight train. Lamina brought her sword down on Persephone but she blocked it easily with the staff of her spear. Lamina flipped her other sword around and sliced across Persephone’s shin causing her to drop to a knee as Lamina rested the tip of her sword against Persephone’s neck.

“It’s over. Next time don’t use the tricks I invented!” Lamina yelled as Persephone snickered to herself.

“Next time make sure to keep aware of what’s going on around your surroundings!” Persephone said as a Vector shot up from between them and shattered Lamina’s sword pointed at Persephone’s neck. Lamina’s lips parted with pain as she dropped her broken sword to the ground next to her and broke out in a cold sweat all over her body. She fell on her side and began shivering as she curled up in a ball.

This pain…this is the pain of having my manna drain out of me…isn’t it? Since my sword is linked to me and fuelled by my manna…my manna doesn’t know it’s broken and is leaking out of me…” Lamina thought to herself as her body slowly grew colder.

“You must have been pretty attached to that sword of yours huh? Well easy come, easy go” Persephone raised her spear overhead “Goodbye!” Persephone began to strike downwards as Olsen shot forward like a bolt and blocked her strike with a broadsword of aura.

“M-Master…?” Lamina said meekly.

“Don’t worry Lamina! I’ll deal with her!” Olsen said and locked eyes with Persephone “Better watch your surroundings” Olsen smirked and Persephone saw his hand fill up with a ball of aura.

“Tricky bastard…” Persephone cursed as Olsen fired a bolt of aura through Persephone’s good leg, spilling blood all around her. Persephone screamed in pain as she fell on her behind “Aw damn it!”

“Persephone! Are you all-right?!” Ofre called out.

“I’m fine! I can still use my Vectors!” true to her word, Vectors shot out from behind Persephone causing Olsen to dodge and weave away as he picked up Lamina and put some distance between himself and Persephone.

Olsen gently placed Lamina above the steps near the stone block and patted her head “Rest here for now Lamina. Everything will be fine” Olsen promised.

Why? Why must it be My Lord to be the one who always comes and saves me? I should be saving him…” Lamina gently thought to herself as she became more and more dizzy.

Olsen formed broadswords in one of his hands as well as creating a round shield in his other hand thinking that it should offer him some kind of protection from Persephone’s Vectors. Meanwhile Lilliana was busy firing shot after shot of air from her punches as Ofre dodged and weaved away by the skin of his teeth each time. Olsen shot straight ahead as two Vectors shot up either side of him, he blocked the one on the left with his shield, that held out surprisingly well against the large Vector, and sliced the arrow-head of the other Vector with his sword. Olsen kept running ahead as he ducked under each Vector until he was an arm’s length away from Persephone, he flipped his sword downwards and prepared to bring it down on her “No luck this time!”

“Shadow art: Reverse reality!” Ofre yelled as he touched the tips of his middle and index fingers which created a black portal of shadows after Lilliana fired a blast of air at him. The air immediately reversed in direction and shot into Olsen before he could kill Persephone, blasting him into a wall at such a speed that his sword-arm broke just upon contact with the wall on the other side of the room. “I hate using such an under-handed technique” Ofre said as he side-stepped the on-rushing Lilliana and drove the point of his knee into her gut, causing her to fall to the ground in agony from being winded.

Persephone propped herself against the wall and made her way over to Olsen whose head was running with blood and his arm twisted in a most grotesque way “Poor Olsen…let me help you…” a crooked smile ran across Persephone’s face as a smaller Vector, about the width of Olsen’s arm, appeared from beside him and pointed at him “Don’t worry, this won’t kill you…well it shouldn’t anyway…” Persephone brought the Vector down over Olsen’s arm just above the elbow severing his arm at that point. Blood spewed from Olsen’s, or lack of, arm in every direction as his voice grew horse. His entire body twitched in pain and his jaw hung low in shock.

“OLSEN!” Cerice began running as Ofre jumped in front of her and slapped her off to the side.

“Don’t interfere girl. Or we’ll take his other arm” Ofre warned and began walking over to Olsen “Feel free to try and help, but your three Magika’s are all incapacitated so you don’t stand a chance” Ofre crouched by Persephone “Can you walk? He didn’t shoot a very strong burst of aura through your leg so you should be fine”

“Yeah I can walk” Persephone managed to steady herself on both legs as Ofre shouldered Olsen’s body “It’s going to hurt like a bitch though” Persephone spat to the ground below.

“Get used to it. We still have three more aspects of Lux to capture” Ofre informed Persephone as they disappeared into shadows with Olsen along with them.
“Olsen…” Cerice sat there on her side feeling completely helpless as she stared at the remains of Olsen’s arm that sat in a puddle of blood, she couldn’t even prove a suitable distraction to help Olsen in the end. Her heart sunk deep into her chest as she began sobbing.

Ofre and Lamina appeared in the middle of the road some way outside of the Holy City as dozens of guards were rushing inside the gates to act as reinforcements

“Looks as if the Soldiers of the Holy Army aren’t as useful as expected…!” Persephone grimaced as she fell onto her side and grasped the leg Olsen had injured.

“You can’t walk then?” Ofre asked.

“Seems like it…” Persephone looked angered. Ofre saw a cart with horses off to the side with no-one near it.

“It’s not the quickest getaway vehicle in history but it should allow you to rest up for a few days while we travel back” Ofre decided as he dropped Olsen in the back and lifted Lamina and himself into the driver’s position.

“And what about sleeping beauty back there? He might not have a few days” Persephone pointed to Olsen’s wound, which continued to leak blood.
“Once we’re at a safe distance then we’ll tend to his injuries. Until then he’ll have to tough it out” Ofre said coldly as he whipped the horses into moving.

Persephone and Ofre sat in silence for some time until she decided to bring something up “Is it true what you said to Olsen back there? That the Royal family of Despra asked you to kill your family? And that you only let Olsen live so you could feel some kind of justice be done to you for what you did?” Persephone asked and Ofre sat there without a change in expression “I always knew you were a cold bastard, but I could have never imagined you doing that…”

This comes after we killed an entire family? And what’s so unbelievable about what I did? I was simply following orders” Ofre replied.

“Not the orders. Letting Olsen live. That was terrible” Ofre looked confused by what Persephone had said and she caught his expression “I would have killed him it would have been more merciful that way rather than have him live a life filled by vengeance and hatred” She explained.

“I’m sure you’re right, but try and kill your youngest brother and we’ll see how closely you follow that philosophy” Ofre finished the conversation as Persephone laid back as they travelled onwards.

Chapter 14: Darkened Saviours

Ofre stopped the cart in the middle of the desert after they had been travelling for several hours. He jumped out of his seat and walked around to see Olsen cringing in pain; blood had dried over his wound and his white cape was drenched in blood as well. Olsen heaved out deep breaths as he grasped tightly onto his wounded arm. “How does it feel?” Ofre looked momentarily concerned.

“Like a field of daisies, thanks for asking…” Olsen still had the strength to act in his typical way but he lacked the strength to put any real conviction into the words.

“Neither me or Persephone have any healing Magika techniques so all I can do for you is clean the wound and bandage it” Ofre sat on the end of the cart and took out a wet rag as he went to reach for Olsen, who inched away from Ofre “Do you want to die of blood loss or infection?” Ofre asked sternly.

“If I was going to die of blood loss I’d be dead already…” Olsen quipped back.

“Touché, but the latter point still remains” Ofre tugged Olsen other and he set up shakily as Ofre took Olsen’s stump in hand and gently caressed the skin above the wound “I’m sorry” Ofre, gently as he could, began to clean the wound with the rag while Olsen grimaced and bit into his robe to stop himself from screaming. Ofre dipped the rag in a metal bucket of fresh water that had been in the back of the cart and then went back to washing Olsen’s wound. “Tell me if begins to hurt too much” Ofre said.

“Oh yeah because you wouldn’t want to cause me any pain…!” Olsen yelped in pain as Ofre began cleaning at the more sensitive part of Olsen’s wound. As Ofre moved on to bandaging the wound with some bandages he had with him Olsen’s mind turned to reminiscence with his brother. When they were young, Ofre would do the exact same thing to Olsen when he would bump or scrape his knee.

“Big brother!” A young Olsen wailed as he crashed through the front door to his house, crying and screaming in pain.

“Olsen? What’s wrong Little Bro?” Ofre crouched down in the typical Despra military uniform.

“I fell…over…on the steps! And then…I banged my knee!” Olsen hiccupped as he pointed to his bloody knee.

“Geez Olsen! What did Mum and Dad tell you about running up the steps?” Ofre tapped Olsen on the head and he sniffled in response.

“It was Aria’s idea! She said all the great soldiers can run up steps really quick!” Olsen defended himself.

“Why am I not surprised? Come on, sit down and I’ll make it all better” Ofre would then set about washing Olsen’s wound as gently as possible before bandaging it tight but not to the point where it would be painful for Olsen. Olsen would then shoot up and go off to playing with Aria again. But that wasn’t a possibility with this wound.

“Why are you doing this?” Olsen asked and Ofre misjudged the question.

“Because I can’t have you dying on me. Otherwise we’ll both be dead” Ofre explained.

“No. Why are you and Persephone doing this? Who are you working for?” Olsen asked again.

“What difference does it make? It won’t change much. Just know that if you do what we say then the world will be saved from a horrible fate” Ofre sounded cryptic
“Also, if you try and escape, I’ll take an arm and a leg from you” Ofre warned and jumped down before giving Olsen a cold glare and returning to his position next to Persephone. Olsen fell over from the blood loss and began to gently snooze.

“Must be hard for you. Being so cold to the one thing that you care about and evokes something out of you that isn’t cold, murderous indifference” Persephone tried to sound as sympathetic as possible but Ofre shot her a look of contempt “See? That’s exactly what I’m talking about!” Ofre looked away and scoffed “And I thought we were becoming friends” Persephone snickered.

After hours of travelling eventually the three of them returned to the spot in between the three sandy mounds where Ofre had returned after his first fight with Olsen. Ofre broke the illusion seal over the entrance to the stairwell that led into the area with the coffin. Ofre led Olsen in ahead of him as Persephone slowly whilst propping herself up against the well until they made their way into the main area where the other members waited for them in their typical black attire. Olsen laid eyes on the golden coffin, it gave off a mysterious, comforting and yet eerie feel to it. He felt drops of blood run down his nostrils just by looking at it, but he thought them back by sniffling them back up before they dripped out as he ignored the panging headaches to the best of his ability.

“You cut off his arm?! I never expected you to be so bold Ofre!” Derro bellowed as he laughed.

“It was necessary given how we were outnumbered. In any case he won’t die from the wound” Ofre said as he shoved Olsen onto his knees and presented him “Ladies and Gentlemen of the †˜Darkened Saviours’ I present you the vessel of The Lord of Light’s heart and memories: Olsen Craftsen” Ofre finished and bowed to the rainbow image that floated over the coffin.

“Very good Ofre. I am glad that you have stuck true to your word and brought us such an important piece” the rainbow image nodded before turning his golden eyes onto Olsen directly “You probably have many questions, don’t you?” he asked.

“Like Hell I do! Who the Hell are you people?! What do you want with me…?” Olsen lost much of his strength by yelling and stopped himself from falling with his arm.

“It seems the heart of God is reasonably injured. And you don’t look too much better off either” The rainbow man said upon looking at the injuries of Persephone “Not that it matters. We are the group known as the †˜Darkened Saviours’ a group dedicated to protecting this world through any means necessary. Even if that means we have to kill half the humans in this world or more” He began “We are an ancient organisation created by the Lord of Light himself after he died in battle against the Beast of Chaos. Where you stand right now, is the shrine to our Lord and his resting place. We have stopped numerous wars and travesties being committed in order to save this world from a most gruesome end” He explained.

“What do you mean? What end? And why do you need me?” Olsen yelled with what strength he had, the answers they were giving only seemed to infuriate him.

“Have you heard about the origins of The Beast of Chaos? How the world’s chaos mixed with the leaking magic from the Pillars of Light and created a monster more terrifying than anything ever imagined? We have been tasked with preventing the return of that beast with our very lives. As such, you will be the reason why that monster returns to this world!” The rainbow image flickered with rage as did his beady gold eyes. Olsen flinched in disbelief at such a statement and took slow breaths “I am not sure how, but you will do something that will cause a great misunderstanding between the four great nations and start a war! So, if we keep you here, that can never happen” The image explained.

“Wouldn’t it be easier to kill me instead?” Olsen asked, humouring the image in front of him.

“No! Since you are a part of The Lord of Light you will simply be reincarnated again! If that happens, we will certainly fail to stop fate” he said sternly. “You will stay here for eternity and will we serve your every whim as we should My Lord. But you can never leave, lest we allow this world of ours to crumble and break beneath our feat, and should the time come, we will resurrect our Lord in his true form” he declared definitively and stopped briefly to allow Olsen to process what he had been told.

“Who are you?” Olsen asked.

“Me?” asked the image and Olsen nodded “You have a working knowledge of the Gods beside The Lord of Light, correct? Then you should also understand about The Lord of Death: The Demon of the Underworld! People think the Demon is some kind of being that opposes the Gods, but that is pure human ignorance! The Gods asked the Demon to reside over the Underworld and educate evil souls towards redemption. The Demon accepted the Gods offer and obeyed them without question. I am that very Demon” Olsen flinched at the declaration.

“Y…You’re what…?” He asked with shaking hands.

“I am The Demon Lord of The Underworld. Cursed with bearing the Soul of The Lord of Light within a now mortal body. But none of this concerns you right now. Everybody will now be transported in teams of 2 to each nation to search for the other aspects of Lux, except for Ofre and Persephone; who will guard Olsen with their lives whilst we are gone. Good luck” He explained and flickered into darkness as the other men and women in black faded away into the shadows.
Olsen was left with Ofre and Persephone and made him feel both revered and trapped.

Lamina found herself awake in a grey canvas with no signs of anything for as far as she could see with a purely flat floor with no hills or anything in any direction. Her body felt weak as if her life force itself was being drained out of her. “Is this…death? I must be being punished by My Lord for letting him be taken…” Lamina dryly chuckled at the sentiment “I truly am useless…” suddenly, as if to spite her, the world exploded back into life back to the Holy Church. Lilliana had her hands open over Lamina with a green glow emanating from her hands. Lamina noticed her blades hugged tightly to her and shook in fear over her safety.

“This is all I can do for her until we repair her sword!” Lilliana stated as she attempted to shoulder Lamina, but Lamina pushed herself off of Lilliana and gingerly balanced herself on her own two feet “Lamina, you can’t walk by yourself!” Lilliana warned as Lamina wobbly walked over to Cerice, who was sat on the insides of her thighs with a distant look on her face. Lamina fell over in front of her before she managed to bring herself into the same kind of posture as Cerice.

“M…My Lady…what’s wrong?” Lamina asked as she took hold of Cerice’s face.

“I could not do anything to help Olsen…what use am I? Why am I even here? I always thought that I had no real purpose other than to serve the Lord of Light…and then after I met Olsen I thought I could my purpose could be to make him happy and now I have failed to even do that” Cerice said in a dark and sullen voice.
Lamina managed a little laugh as she went about fixing her frizzy and messed up hair before she wiped the sweat from her head “My Lady…you have not failed in making My Lord happy…even back before the Beast of Chaos came, I have never seen him as happy as he has been with you” Lamina patted Cerice on the head and smiled.

“But…I could not even help him in the slightest…I had to sit there and watch them take him away like a useless child” Cerice said looking to the floor.

“If that is truly how you feel My Lady…then let us save him” Lamina stood up and continued to walk in a wobbly way over to Olsen’s severed arm. She dipped her finger in Olsen’s blood and wiped it on her two fangs. Lamina’s eyes dilated at the touch of blood on her fangs and shivered all over “The difference between a stereotypical Vampire and a Saeculum is that we don’t need blood to survive at all. But we can use it to track somebody, the Saeculum who sucked the blood from humans thought if we did it in a great enough quantity then our senses would be infinitely multiplied” Lamina’s vision showed the trail along the ground that Olsen had been taken by Ofre and Persephone. “Not too bad if I may say so…”

Cerice shot up onto her feet and hugged Lamina “So you know where he went?!” Lamina nodded “That is marvellous! We can track Olsen down!” Cerice giggled happily.

“There’s only one issue…those two managed to defeat us when we outnumbered them…and I bet there are more members to their group than just them. We don’t stand a chance at defeating them” Lamina unfortunately admitted with perfect reasoning and assumptions.

Cerice let go of Lamina and sat back in disappointment “Oh yes…you are quite right. How foolish of me to react in such a way…” Cerice’s face turned back into a sullen expression as she sat on her side.

“Child! What have I told you about acting so casually in the home of our Lord?! Stand up straight!” A powerful voice boomed across the room from Cerice who immediately recognised its owner before even laying eyes on them.
She wore a white robe that covered her entire body with the pattern of the necklaces that the Priestess’ wore stitched into the chest and back of the robe. She also wore a round cap on her head with the symbol of the religion: A white sun with golden rays, like the necklace they wore. She looked middle-aged bordering on elderly with pure golden hair and a tall height. She looked very attractive despite her age.

“M…Mother…” Cerice’s throat suddenly tightened at the sight of her Mother and stood straight up, looking more nervous than she had ever been in her life.

Ignoring everyone else, Cerice’s mother walked over to her youngest child and extended her hand “The scroll? You do have it do you not?” she demanded and Cerice fished it out of her pocket and handed it over before Cerice’s mother read through it quickly “Good. Now we have no obligation to help those useless Desprans under any circumstance” Cerice’s mother turned towards Lilliana and walked over to her “Lilliana my dear, what has happened here? The guards would not let me out of my chambers for fear of my safety” she spoke in a kinder way to Lilliana than Cerice.

“A man and Persephone attacked the Church and took a Despran knight hostage that had been travelling with Cerice. Apparently it has something to do with the prophecy spoken about on the stone tablet” Lilliana explained the entire situation to her Mother as accurately as she could.

“So our Lord has finally been reincarnated?! This is fantastic news!” the Pope seemed excited and giddy after receiving the news.

“And what about Cerice? She is meant to be the reincarnation of Cecilia herself” Lilliana added.

“As if that girl could be anything more than a simple Priestess. She doesn’t possess any simple healing Magika, let alone the ability of Lady Cecilia to heal any injury” Cerice overheard the conversation and sunk down as she hugged her legs tightly to herself. A group of men entered from one of the side rooms with a long wooden box, they presented it to Lamina and crouched down to her.

“As per the orders of The High Priestess Lilliana, we have collected the shards of your sword and produced our own variant with the same type of Magical integration system but with an increased capacity for magical absorption” the men said as they presented and exact replica of Lamina’s sword. It shook and rose before taking up the missing spot in Lamina’s swords overhead. Her swords began to dance happily as Lamina straightened up and her world returned to its normal, stable structure.

“Oh thank Lux…I am most grateful” she bowed to Lilliana and the men who gave her the sword.

“What do we do about the situation? Lady Lamina, where have they taken Lord Lux?” The Pope asked hurriedly.

“They’ve taken him…Oh Lux they can’t be…” Lamina immediately realised the meaning behind why they had taken Olsen of all people “They’re the Archangels themselves…the ones hidden in the dark…” Lamina started hyperventilating.

“Lamina! Are you okay?!” Aria ran over to Lamina and started stroking her hair as
Lamina grabbed each arm and tried to control her breathing.

“With their battle strength…there’s only one way to beat them…for me to resurrect The Lord of Light…” Lamina said with glazed eyes of pure fear. Nobody understood the ramblings of Lamina, they all looked on in distress, but they were sure that something about these people were truly terrifying.

Chapter 15: The Battle For Lux

Olsen found himself on a wooden chair that Ofre had found for him while he took slow and conservative bites into some bread. Olsen’s arm had become numb from the pain but the bleeding had stopped thanks to the pressure Ofre’s bandages had placed over the wound. Olsen tried to use magic in his right arm but failed to form anything, only the warm humming that was affiliated with the Magika powers.
“That won’t work” Persephone said as Ofre went about bandaging her wounds, although they were nowhere near as severe as Olsen’s. “The flow of manna is similar to the flow of blood in the circulatory system. But when the vessels that carry manna around the body our severed in the case of a lost limb, it takes time for them to properly right themselves and form the pours that release magic. Considering how I cut your arm, you won’t be pulling off any magic for several weeks with what’s left-OW!” Persephone yelped as Ofre tightened the bandaged around the small hole that Olsen had created with his aura blast.

“Stop angering him. He is God” Ofre stood up and Persephone stuck her tongue out at him.

“Fun-killer…” Persephone whispered.

“So what’s your plan then? Keep all the aspects of Lux trapped down here for all eternity?” Olsen asked as he shot Ofre a look of contempt.

“You seem tense” Ofre smiled. He noticed Olsen’s eyes and sighed “Nobody ever wants war Olsen. Mother and Father wanted it less than anybody else. If I could enter Xion’s army at a high ranking position then I could limit the loss of Despran life with the knowledge I would gain” Ofre tried to explain.

“You killed my parents, all of our Magika. None of your reasons will change how I think” Olsen said definitively and turned away.

“I have suffered a great deal, imagining the pain you must have felt Olsen. Don’t think for a second that I don’t regret the actions I’ve taken” Ofre said as Olsen’s vision began to blur, with the sound of the world around him growing distant. A single drop of blood ran down his nose after his eyes met with the coffin of Lux, his head panged with an intense pain. “Olsen? Olsen!” Ofre caught Olsen as he slipped out of the chair “He must be having one of Lux’s emotions over his death” Ofre discerned from the situation.

“So what do we do?” Persephone asked, although she didn’t look overly concerned with Olsen’s wellbeing.

“Nothing. He’ll be fine as long as he rests” Ofre laid Olsen against one of pillars that held up the roof of the chamber and covered him in a blanket. A shudder rocked the room and dust poured down from overhead.

“What in the Hell?!” Persephone asked as she stood up before the shaking caused her to lose her footing momentarily.

“They must have found the entrance. It must have been the Saeculum” Ofre looked angrily to Persephone “You should have killed her when you had the chance”

Lamina stood by the entrance to the chamber of Lux’s resting place after shattering the seal over it “A simple illusionary seal that I created in haste 4000 years ago. They remind very little of what the Archangels of The Darkness used to be like” Lamina said with half-closed eyes looking unimpressed.

“Who are these Archangels you are talking about?” Lilliana asked with a group of 50 soldiers behind with Aria and Cerice there to.

“They were the elite force that My Lord commanded during times of war. They were also tasked with looking after the world in his stead should ha die. However, after the Beast of Chaos rained down destruction on this world very few people who were loyal to My Lord survived with any position of power so they must have gone into hiding” Lamina explained as she took the first step down and turned to Cerice “My Lady Cecilia is the only one who may step foot in this sacred place other than I or Lord Lux himself. Please My Lady” Lamina extended her hand and Cerice took it with a tentative shaking. “It will be fine, we shall save Our Lord and return to our normal lives” Lamina smiled and Cerice nodded her head. Lamina turned to the others “Please wait for us to return with Lord Lux” Lamina ordered and descended down the steps with Cerice.

They walked down the spiral staircase until they reached the open doorway into the chamber where they stacked up against the wall on either side of the entrance. Lamina looked inwards and saw the three of them sat beside the coffin, she sighed in relief and turned to Cerice “There is only the two of them. This is good” Lamina said “Are you ready?”

“Of course I am. Nothing will stop me from protecting Olsen” Cerice took out her dagger and offered a small prayer for good luck.

Lamina nodded with a smile and lowered two of her swords into either of her hands and entered into the chamber, where both Persephone and Ofre took notice of her immediately. “The Saeculum and the Priestess” Ofre said and Olsen’s eyes immediately darted to both of them.

“Cerice!” Olsen jumped out of his chair with a smile but Ofre pulled him back and held his scythe along Olsen’s neck.

“Try it. I can always find the other body that will host the emotions of Lux, but there will never be another Olsen for you to love” Ofre warned and Cerice couldn’t move her body an inch. Fear rooted itself deep in every corner of her body at the sight of Olsen being a simple stroke away from death “Good girl”

Lamina snickered “I won’t need to move an inch to save Olsen” Ofre’s eyebrow raised in suspicion “Did you know two types of magic can be combined? Of course you did, it’s what you did to form that scythe. But…construction and healing magic can be combined for a unique purpose…” Lamina chuckled and clapped her open hands together as her swords shot towards Persephone, who managed to jump out of there way.

“Missed me dumbass!” Persephone snickered.

“Whoever said I was aiming for you?” Persephone turned around and saw all ten blades stabbed into the coffin of Lux “Those swords are linked straight to me, so I can cast spells through them. Now…Resurrection Art: Partial rebirth!” Lamina summoned a bubble aura around herself that shot itself around the coffin and entered into it.

“What the Hell are you doing?!” Persephone asked with widened eyes as the air spiralled around the coffin, combined with the aura that had been shot around it.

“What am I doing?! When Lord Lux divided his being, he divided his power to each of his descendants, except some of it stayed in his body. With that, and my own life force, I can reanimate the body of Lux Roman! Our Lord and saviour!” Lamina laughed to the heavens with an insane ring to it. Cerice held her hand to her chest in fear of what Lamina had become as the wind caused her hair to fly around with the wind.

A hand shot out of the coffin and grabbed at the empty air above it before another hand shot out and did the same. For a few seconds they flailed about aimlessly until they started feeling around the coffin until they found the latches out the side and threw of the lid. Out stood the most terrifying of figures: Dark grey skin that was as dry as the desert sand, wrinkled and cracked. Sickly golden eyes, dry and frizzy hair. His armour was battered and dented all over from various battles and his cape was torn at the seams. He let out hot and heavy breaths as he looked to Lamina and tilted his head that clicked doing so.

“Kill the ones in black and save My Lord” Lamina ordered and the corpse roared like a bear, grabbing Persephone by her neck and began squeezing without mercy, robbing her of air. His grip was unbearably strong, crushing her windpipe with ease. His fingers gave off an intense heat that also burnt her skin.

“O…Ofre…help…” Persephone begged as she felt her larynx being crushed and her life fading away, Ofre looked guilty and sighed.

“I’m sorry Persephone, but if I let go of Olsen then he’ll get away…please don’t forgive me, I don’t deserve it…” Ofre said and Persephone looked the portrait of fear as she took her final breath, and then her neck snapped. The body of Lux cast her dead body aside and looked to Ofre. “You’ll pay for killing my comrade” Ofre said as he pointed his open palm at the corpse “Dark intransience!” Ofre fired several chains that roped around each limb of the corpse and embedded themselves into the ground, holding him in place. “That should keep him occupied…!” Ofre felt a sharp explosion of pain in his right shoulder. He turned to see Cerice pulling on her knife, trying to pull it out. Ofre dropped Olsen to the ground because of the pain and turned to Cerice “Damn you!” Ofre yelled as he began to swipe at the helpless Cerice. Instead, he found his scythe stab straight through the middle of Lamina’s back, who had intercepted the strike, and splattered blood over Cerice. Cerice whimpered in fear as Lamina looked up to her.

“Sorry My Lady…I didn’t want you to die…” Lamina smiled as she slipped off the scythe and fell to the ground. Dead.

“YOU BASTARD!” Olsen yelled as he formed a broadsword in his left hand and slashed at Ofre, who dodged away and rolled onto his knees.

“Lamina…she sacrificed herself for me…” Cerice clasped her hands over her eyes and cried into them “What a hopeless fool…she was a warrior…what am I?” Cerice asked.
Olsen’s rage overflowed to the point where his eyes started to glow golden and aura fired out of him in every direction, burning the ground all around him.

“Ofre…I’LL KILL YOU!” His voice held a deeper tone to it that reverberated inside his regular voice. Olsen’s right arm was covered in aura and formed a new arm in his stump’s place.

“The Glow of Light…again…” Ofre said as Olsen shot past him with incredible speed, slashing diagonally downwards across from his shoulder. “Gah…ah…How…?” Ofre wondered as the pain exploded down his body in such a way that he fell to a knee.

“In this state I become one fifth of Lux. You’re nothing but an ant beneath my boot” Olsen raised his sword over his head. But before he could strike the killing blow, Ofre turned into shadows and melted away. “DAMN HIM!” Olsen yelled as his eyes returned back to having only the sclera gold. As his aura melted away, a new human arm replaced his stump. “No way” Olsen said in disbelief.

Olsen walked over to Cerice, who had rolled Lamina onto her back and sobbed over her body “Why? Why Lamina? Why do I have to be the weak one? Why am I always the one to be saved?” Cerice sobbed as Olsen held her and she turned to hug him back.

“Cerice…” Olsen held her by the cheeks and saw a longing look in her eyes “I love you so much…” Olsen kissed her and she did the same back as a warm glow emanated from her body. The glow passed over Lamina’s body and her blood retracted back inwards. Life returned to her milky eyes as they returned back to their original colour. She sat upwards and looked at her hands.

“I’m alive…I’m alive…” Lamina looked to Cerice and Olsen who looked equally shocked by her resurrection “But I’m a Magika…so only other Magikas should…” Lamina looked to Cerice “Of course! Lady Cecilia was said to be so kind that her love could heal! My Lady, you contain that ability: You are a Magika of healing!” Lamina explained.

“I am a Magika?” Cerice looked confused “A Magika?” The thought persisted for some time “If it means I can help others…yes…I am very pleased!” Cerice smiled and hugged Olsen “I am so glad we all came out of this unscathed!” Cerice celebrated.
Lamina held her hand out to the corpse of Lux, who struggled against the chains

“Rest now, you have done enough” Lamina said and the body dissolved to dust before being blown away by the wind.

“I have just one more item to discuss…” Cerice said looking to the floor with Olsen and Lamina tilting their heads “If either of you…ever…and I mean ever…think about scaring me that you may die again; I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF!” Cerice yelled at Olsen and Lamina, who laughed at her rage.

“But what does this mean? The people who held me here were trying to gather the aspects of Lux to stop something…” Olsen brought up after they had finished laughing.

“It is very simple My Lord. I have faith that this world won’t ever see chaos again, so there is no reason to hunt the aspects down like rabid dogs. So we need to hunt the Archangels down and stop them from trying to imprisoning your other aspects my Lord” Lamina explained the objective and both Olsen and Cerice, their hands intertwined, nodded now knowing their newest objective.

They exited the shrine and Lamina turned back to it “Now to make sure no one may ever disturb such a Holy place ever again. Sealing Art: Infinite digit lock!” A circle of aura appeared over the entrance with strange scripture written over it. A line started bouncing around inside the circle until it was no longer hollow and the entrance was replaced with an illusion of sand “Now only I can ever unlock this place” Lamina said finally as Aria dove on top of Olsen and straddled his waist. She rubbed her cheek against Olsen’s affectionately as he grimaced.

“I was so worried about you Olsen! Don’t ever do that again!” Aria moaned and Olsen’s face twitched in rage.

“If you don’t get off of me…aww to Hell with it…this once I will allow-” Olsen was cut off by Aria’s lips being firmly placed on top of his own.

“I couldn’t let Cerice be ahead of me forever now could I?” Aria winked at Cerice, whose jaw dropped in shock.

“I think a celebration is in order over the safe return of our Lord!” Lilliana said as she offered a hand to help Olsen up after he pushed Aria off.
“Agreed” Lamina said as Cerice stood there in shock, but looked down in a flushed smile.

“Something tells me I better get used to such vulgar acts…but I would be lying if I said I did not enjoy the way things have worked out” Cerice admitted to herself quietly.

“Come on Cerice!” Olsen called and Cerice looked up lovingly.

“Do not rush me Olsen! Carry me!” Cerice demanded and jumped into Olsen’s arms as they laughed. But dark times would always be ahead. However, for now, only happiness surrounded them.

I read the prologue and some of chapter 1, and I have mixed feelings about what I read. The prologue drew me in, but the info dump that starts off the first chapter turned me off. I'll read more later when I get a chance, but that's my initial reaction.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Chapter 2 is up, enjoy! Chapter 3 won't be up till Thursday next week though.
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...
I read the prologue and some of chapter 1, and I have mixed feelings about what I read. The prologue drew me in, but the info dump that starts off the first chapter turned me off. I'll read more later when I get a chance, but that's my initial reaction.

My reaction was mixed as well but it is the entire opposite of yours.

The prologue made no sense to me because I did not know what are the Pillars of Light, what is the Beast of Chaos or what does the High Priestess do. It was upon reading the exposition on the first chapter where I started to become interested in the story because of the "infodumping" and the prologue begun to make a little more sense.

(I am still a bit confused as to how the Pillars of Light were related to the Empire and why the Beast of Chaos attacked when the God of Light decided to turn his back on the other gods and get married to a mortal and why go into detail of the story of the death of the God of Light instead of explaining it in third person as in Chapter 1.)

d, Yuri, both of you might be familiar with what I think prologues are. I don't think that they are simply stories that happened before the main storyline. They are supposed to be introduce the universe the story is set in so that what follows after make sense. It is ironic that the first chapter of Yuri's story did just that but not in the prologue!

I see the same problem in Mibuchiha's Kierre story and your Age of Anarchy. They appear to the stories that are set before the timeline of the story proper instead of a proper prologue (which can be a huge infodump). As far as prologues are concerned, I take the Lord of the Rings prologue as the standard. It is just pages and pages of information about hobbits with no actual contribution to the story proper.

Instead of calling it a prologue, Chapter 0 would be much more appropriate.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
leonard267 wrote...
d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...
I read the prologue and some of chapter 1, and I have mixed feelings about what I read. The prologue drew me in, but the info dump that starts off the first chapter turned me off. I'll read more later when I get a chance, but that's my initial reaction.

My reaction was mixed as well but it is the entire opposite of yours.

The prologue made no sense to me because I did not know what are the Pillars of Light, what is the Beast of Chaos or what does the High Priestess do. It was upon reading the exposition on the first chapter where I started to become interested in the story because of the "infodumping" and the prologue begun to make a little more sense.

(I am still a bit confused as to how the Pillars of Light were related to the Empire and why the Beast of Chaos attacked when the God of Light decided to turn his back on the other gods and get married to a mortal and why go into detail of the story of the death of the God of Light instead of explaining it in third person as in Chapter 1.)

d, Yuri, both of you might be familiar with what I think prologues are. I don't think that they are simply stories that happened before the main storyline. They are supposed to be introduce the universe the story is set in so that what follows after make sense. It is ironic that the first chapter of Yuri's story did just that but not in the prologue!

I see the same problem in Mibuchiha's Kierre story and your Age of Anarchy. They appear to the stories that are set before the timeline of the story proper instead of a proper prologue (which can be a huge infodump). When prologues come into mind, I take the Lord of the Rings prologue as the standard, just pages and pages of information about hobbits with no actual contribution to the story proper.

Instead of calling it a prologue, Chapter 0 would be much more appropriate.

Thank you for the feedback, as for the aspects of the story you're not so sure about, they should all be answered in future Chapters, It's just if I gave you all the answers from the off about the lore of the world then you would have an edge over the characters. An important part of the story is that each nation has their own set of beliefs over what happened and why it happened and I felt that would be diminished if I gave you all the information.

I agree with the Chapter 0 idea actually, I'll consider doing it!
leonard267 wrote...
d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...
I read the prologue and some of chapter 1, and I have mixed feelings about what I read. The prologue drew me in, but the info dump that starts off the first chapter turned me off. I'll read more later when I get a chance, but that's my initial reaction.

As far as prologues are concerned, I take the Lord of the Rings prologue as the standard. It is just pages and pages of information about hobbits with no actual contribution to the story proper.

I hate those kinds of prologues.

DatYuriThough wrote...
Than you for the feedback, as for the aspects of the story you're not so sure about, they should all be answered in future Chapters, It's just if I gave you all the answers from the off about the lore of the world then you would have an edge of the characters. An important part of the story is that each nation has their own set of beliefs over what happened and why it happened and I felt that would be diminished if I gave you all the information.

I very much agree with this approach. When stories throw terms at me like "Pillars of Light" and "Beast of Chaos" without explaining what they are, I accept that those explanations are going to come later, and I read on.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...
leonard267 wrote...
d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...
I read the prologue and some of chapter 1, and I have mixed feelings about what I read. The prologue drew me in, but the info dump that starts off the first chapter turned me off. I'll read more later when I get a chance, but that's my initial reaction.

As far as prologues are concerned, I take the Lord of the Rings prologue as the standard. It is just pages and pages of information about hobbits with no actual contribution to the story proper.

I hate those kinds of prologues.

DatYuriThough wrote...
Than you for the feedback, as for the aspects of the story you're not so sure about, they should all be answered in future Chapters, It's just if I gave you all the answers from the off about the lore of the world then you would have an edge of the characters. An important part of the story is that each nation has their own set of beliefs over what happened and why it happened and I felt that would be diminished if I gave you all the information.

I very much agree with this approach. When stories throw terms at me like "Pillars of Light" and "Beast of Chaos" without explaining what they are, I accept that those explanations are going to come later, and I read on.

The only problem is you may not get a proper explanation until Chapter 10 (Currently in the process of writing it and making sure it all adds up what I have in mind for the main plot) so you may have to bear with not knowing for a little bit.
I read the rest of the Chapter 1. Definitely not grammar error free. Most of them involve commas.

A priestess who likes to get drunk? Not what I was expecting when I first read her description, and I don't mean that in a bad way. Olsen on the other hand feels a little generic. Hopefully that'll change in later chapters.

In the middle of a clearing between two forests was a lake that curved from side to side following the gap between the forests. On one side of the lake on the grass bank was a carriage with white horses with golden saddles. Inside . . .

Is this the beginning of a new scene? It feels like it to me. If so, you should do something more than a single line break to signal this.

Thank you” Davies thanked the soldiers and handed the bottle to Cerice.

A bit redundant.

Cerice spoke in an angry manner to the lands she sat upon.

I would delete this line. It's Clear what Cerice is feeling just from the dialogue that comes before it.

Davies yelled, unimpressed by the lack of respect Olsen was showing them considering they were in the audience of the Pope’s daughter.

Davies sounds less unimpressed and more infuriated if you ask me.

It had the etchings of Greek-temple shaped pillars on it.

If Greece doesn't exist in this world, then it would be inappropriate to use it to describe something.

“Unhand me at once!” Cerice demanded “I have no desire to follow a brute such as yourself!” she insulted.

More often than not, "said" is adequate for dialogue tags. Or "screamed" or "yelled" in the case of someone yelling/screaming.

The only problem is you may not get a proper explanation until Chapter 10 (Currently in the process of writing it and making sure it all adds up what I have in mind for the main plot) so you may have to bear with not knowing for a little bit.

No worries.
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...
leonard267 wrote...
d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...
I read the prologue and some of chapter 1, and I have mixed feelings about what I read. The prologue drew me in, but the info dump that starts off the first chapter turned me off. I'll read more later when I get a chance, but that's my initial reaction.

As far as prologues are concerned, I take the Lord of the Rings prologue as the standard. It is just pages and pages of information about hobbits with no actual contribution to the story proper.

I hate those kinds of prologues.

I love them.

This is what a prologue should do at least, provide information about an alien universe to the reader. I really don't know how you manage but if a story begins without providing information about its universe, I am turned off. Chances are I will put down that book not because it is not well written but because I could not understand it.

I will state again that prologues are not merely stories and they needn't be stories at all. Romeo and Juliet started by with a prologue stating the setting of the story, Tales from Canterbury started by stating that people are coming together for a story telling competition and described what the people were. Lord of the Rings of course is my favourite format for a prologue, just information.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...
I read the rest of the Chapter 1. Definitely not grammar error free. Most of them involve commas.

A priestess who likes to get drunk? Not what I was expecting when I first read her description, and I don't mean that in a bad way. Olsen on the other hand feels a little generic. Hopefully that'll change in later chapters.

I've edited the first Chapter according to what you advised and I pretty much completely agreed with it, it's just nice to have someone to give a second opinion. You'll learn later why Cerice likes to get so drunk ;D. Hopefully with the flashback to Olsen's past will also help give him more depth and make him a little more interesting (He also gets a little darker later on).
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
I hope you would not mind this post. Like d, I did a bit of proofreading for your story. Unlike d who goes for grammatical errors, I am more concerned about content. The introduction of Chapter 1, though d would not agree with me, is my favourite part of your story. I thought that it is the most important so I would be focusing on that.

There was once said to be a land, a land ruled by a single empire. This land was guarded by the God of Light who fell in love with a priestess. This God was said to have found the power of the four Pillars of power that allowed him to pass on power to mortals and physically involve himself in the affairs of mortals.

However, he grew overconfident in his powers and cracks began to form in the once-great Empire to the point where it split into four independent nations.

Why did his overconfidence with his powers lead to the destruction of the Empire? I think another clause can be added in it. For example, "However he grew overconfident with his powers and neglected the affairs of the Empire leading it to splinter into four nations." Of course, I don't think you intended the God of Light to be negligent do you?

With the split of these nations, the God’s power was split with them and his authority was greatly diminished as a result. By the chance of poor timing, or perhaps by the other Gods deciding that they had grown tired of The God of Light’s power, the beast of Chaos attacked the world and killed millions in the newly divided Empire.

I thought the Beast of Chaos attacked because the Gods turned their backs from the God of Light. If there could be a clause describing what the other Gods are and what do they have to do in deterring the Beast from attacking, I could understand the God of Light's and the Beast's circumstances much better.

I also thought that I was missing something and asked myself what did poor timing have to do with the Beast attacking? Was the God of Light vulnerable when the Beast attacked? Did the movement of the stars and planets greatly favoured the Beast?

This was how I interpreted that paragraph:
"The God of Light's prestige fell with the Empire. The Lesser Gods, independent beings who wield great power over the forces of nature and who once suborned themselves to the God of Light out of deference to his once greater power, became estranged with the God of Light.

The Beast of Chaos, a malevolent creature with powers rivaling that of the Gods and whose ambition was to possess the lands the Empire covered and make thralls of her inhabitants seized the opportunity to claim the lands it so coveted. With the Empire divided and the Gods disunited, the Beast managed to conquer large swathes of the Empire. It took the lives of millions of men and that of the God of Light to repel the advances of the Beast and drive him back to the void whence it came.

The Beast of chaos is a being who opposes the Gods, but none more than the God of Light himself so he attacked at the best possible opportunity. The God of Light was defeated in battle and with him, any hope for the crumbling Empire. Much of what happened once the Beast of Chaos defeated The God of Light has been lost in the years since but what is known is the kingdoms largely survived or managed to recover for the most part.

But with every age of darkness, hope will always arise. The head priestess of the Religion that worshiped the God of Light survived the events and gave birth to a new lineage of her own: The lineage of Light. These men and women had unbelievable magical power and united the world around them, decades after the destruction the Beast had caused. But even with hope, the lands still desired their own independence and the lineage of light was killed off in wars known as the †˜Unification Wars’ and assassinations until they lost all power and authority; just like the God of Light himself.

The God of Light had left one last gift before he had left, he had left the four pillars to give humans the magical powers he had once possessed. Spells and magic had been created and named in order to protect the nations from each-other and help balance the power of the world.

I presumed that that happened after the God of Light perished? I would place the paragraph above right after describing the death of the God of Light or after describing how the Lineage of Light begun. I nearly thought that the God of Light left the gift after the Lineage of Light was nearly destroyed.

I believe that there is a connection between the Lineage of the Light and the powers the God of Light bequeathed upon the remnants of the Empire isn't there?

Four millennia after the defeat at the hands of the Beast of Chaos: A peace treaty had been brokered between the four independent nations that had once made up the Empire: The land of Altera who are the most northern of the nations and live in the snowy lands. The land of Despra who are the weakest of the nations and are the most influenced by the Empire of old. The land of Light who base everything about their society on the old Religious texts of the empire. And finally, the land of Xion; a military nation who desire the absolute unification of the nations under their own banner.

You can indicate that it was four millennia after the death of the God of Light when the events of the story proper take place. You can drop a hint of how the story would develop. I don't think most people would do that though. My approach to stories is treat it like a non-fictional report due to my reading habits. I was thinking around the lines:

"It was four millennia after the fall of the God of Light when the events leading to his resurrection take place. By then an uneasy peace was brokered between the four kingdoms that made the former Empire, England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland..."
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
leonard267 wrote...
I hope you would not mind this post. Like d, I did a bit of proofreading of your story. Unlike d who goes for grammatical errors, I am more concerned about content. The introduction of Chapter 1, though d would not agree with me, is my favourite part of your story. I thought that it is the most important so I would be focusing on that.

No that's quite fine, I like it when someone can tell me if they can understand/follow the content in my stories. I've added a bit more detail in places but I had to refrain from going into large detail about The Beast of Chaos because of potential spoilers...and it would completely undermine the work I've put into the explanation in Chapter 10. Regardless, I'm much happier with how it looks/sounds now and hopefully you'll agree.
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
DatYuriThough wrote...
leonard267 wrote...
I hope you would not mind this post. Like d, I did a bit of proofreading of your story. Unlike d who goes for grammatical errors, I am more concerned about content. The introduction of Chapter 1, though d would not agree with me, is my favourite part of your story. I thought that it is the most important so I would be focusing on that.

No that's quite fine, I like it when someone can tell me if they can understand/follow the content in my stories. I've added a bit more detail in places but I had to refrain from going into large detail about The Beast of Chaos because of potential spoilers...and it would completely undermine the work I've put into the explanation in Chapter 10. Regardless, I'm much happier with how it looks/sounds now and hopefully you'll agree.

I hope you did not mind the reference to the UK in my previous post.

For me, I like reading stories where characters and settings are made clear. For example, the intentions of the Beast of Chaos or what it looked like can be explained in detail in the story proper but I would like it made clear what it did. Even if its motives are not known I would like it made clear that it is not known.

Not to say that a good story has to follow that method. These are just my preferences.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
leonard267 wrote...
I hope you did not mind the reference to the UK in my previous post.

For me, I like reading stories where characters and settings are made clear. For example, the intentions of the Beast of Chaos or what it looked like can be explained in detail in the story proper but I would like it made clear what it did. Even if its motives are not known I would like it made clear that it is not known.

Not to say that a good story has to follow that method. These are just my preferences.

Fair enough, I suppose I don't mind if the characters are made clear from the start as long as the story does explain it eventually. Obviously people will have contrasting opinions on that but if I do write a book I like to cater for multiple audiences.

No offence taken over the use of the UK, it's not like there was anything derogatory there so you shouldn't worry about me or any other British person taken offence.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Chapter 3 has been up for a couple of days, forgot to post about it; what am I like? ;D
I finally got around to reading chapter 2. I'm glad you got Olsen and Cerice falling in love out of the way quick. It was super obvious it was gonna happen with the foreshadowing in the first chapter, and to drag it on would have been putting a nail in this story's coffin. However, that's not to say I don't want to see their relationship deepen over the rest of the story.

One bad thing I notice in your writing is that you tend to repeat some of the same words over again like below. When this happens, it means there is almost always a better way to write it.

he shoved a dagger straight into the stomach of Olsen who immediately coughed blood as a result of having the object rammed in his stomach.

passed millimetres by Cerice’s head before it passed straight through the head of the bandit.

“It is embarrassing to fall in love with someone from such a low class . . ."

Maybe it's just me, but I was expecting Olsen to come up with some kind of quip or protest against this line.

Olsen opened the door and felt a sharp pain explode from his head, he believed it was Cerice originally but her screams of fear proved him wrong, he groggily turned around to see a man with a club in animal pelts for clothing as he wound up to smack Olsen again.

This passage is confusing. If Olsen is attacked from behind while opening the door, doesn't that mean the bandit is inside the hut with them? If that's the case, how big is the hut? I imagine it as one tiny room.

Those were the issues that stood out to me. Other than that, it looks like the beginnings of a decent fantasy story. The pacing is a bit quick so far, but I don't have a problem with it.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...
I finally got around to reading chapter 2. I'm glad you got Olsen and Cerice falling in love out of the way quick. It was super obvious it was gonna happen with the foreshadowing in the first chapter, and to drag it on would have been putting a nail in this story's coffin. However, that's not to say I don't want to see their relationship deepen over the rest of the story.

One bad thing I notice in your writing is that you tend to repeat some of the same words over again like below. When this happens, it means there is almost always a better way to write it.

Olsen opened the door and felt a sharp pain explode from his head, he believed it was Cerice originally but her screams of fear proved him wrong, he groggily turned around to see a man with a club in animal pelts for clothing as he wound up to smack Olsen again.

This passage is confusing. If Olsen is attacked from behind while opening the door, doesn't that mean the bandit is inside the hut with them? If that's the case, how big is the hut? I imagine it as one tiny room.

Those were the issues that stood out to me. Other than that, it looks like the beginnings of a decent fantasy story. The pacing is a bit quick so far, but I don't have a problem with it.

Thank you for the feedback again. I've edited it to try and make the wording a little more diverse in the areas you've flagged up too.

As for the passage that confused you (And this is entirely my fault for not noticing it) the bandit was waiting by the door outside the hut but I failed to really mention that in great detail.
I decided to give it a chance. What the heck, when you're drinking and bored and this novel was sitting around and I'm too lazy to write my own...

Oh, I have not read the comments so expect repeats. And this comment is typed live as I read so you know it might not be too accurate as some question might have been explained to you in later parts etc.


I am uncomfortable with some phrases and the inconsistency I saw. Oh, punctuations.

Now, the plot. A bit lacking to me. It does set up some premises which could be interesting, but having the prologue cover just one scene is a little... hurr. But at least it's nice that you managed some pulling power with so less. I'll read on.

Part 1:

Uh, info is ok, but sentences run way off. Maaaaan...

Huh, they recovered. So I guess this beast ain't so destructive then.

Holy fuck this Cerice, so irritating.

Also, I am disliking your emphasis on baser things like physique and so on, but I suppose it helps to illuminate the scene some. But it must be said that I think your scenes are a little too light. Perhaps it's just your characters but I'll see when I read on.

If I ever. For now that will be all, I'll be reading the comments of my chief reader on your work.

leonard267 wrote...
I see the same problem in Mibuchiha's Kierre story and your Age of Anarchy.

Problem is, it was indeed a prologue! It'll make more sense later (heh, as if you even read the current ones)!

Part 2:

A bit of kisses and 'I love you'. ...ok. Foreshadowed in previous part or no, this is way promiscuous for my liking.

Also, coming from me this might seem queer, but the characters and dialogues are too LN-like. Particularly Cerice.

And again, it felt a little too thin for me.

Part 3:

“I am very sorry Olsen, but I thought seeing me happy would make you happy. Is that not a fundamental part of being in love?” Cerice asked as she offered him a more sincere smile and he smiled a little at her expression.

Awful timing epitomized.

Ugh this relationship. Can't bear more of this.

And I think your spacing needs work. Forgot to mention it before. Other than that I liked it thus far, the writing is sufficiently vivid for me.
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
mibuchiha wrote...

leonard267 wrote...
I see the same problem in Mibuchiha's Kierre story and your Age of Anarchy.

Problem is, it was indeed a prologue! It'll make more sense later (heh, as if you even read the current ones)!

As I said, a prologue is not really a prequel or necessarily a narrative. It introduces the setting and the mechanics of the universe and it may not be a story and may be like an encyclopedia entry.

I have read the prologue at least, don't worry. It was essentially what had happened to our hero's father before he kicked the bucket. I expect the prologue to explain in detail (and that will definitely get in the way of a narrative) what a Psychverse is, what the organisations and clans are (especially the clan of Kierre) without needing to read what happens later. The prologue that is written reads more like a Chapter 0 or a prequel.

Yuri, thank you for the third chapter. Personally, I find descriptions of the village much more interesting than the descriptions of how Cerice stabbed two bandits to death. If there were a description of what was in the village and its geography or layout, what was the motivation of the bandits (one can guess but I think no harm is done by spelling it out) it would no doubt help me to appreciate what was going on and what was at stake.

When I read your story, I thought of bandits cutting off escape routes and blockading the village. I also thought of makeshift gaols where they would house their prisoners. All of these would require a description of where the bandits were and what the bandits were. (I have the feeling that the bandits are of little consequence where the main story is concerned but rather a device for our heroes to demonstrate their physical prowess) Nonetheless, describing them adds meat to the universe this story is set in.

Long story short, my usual gripes in pretty much everything I read. The setting and motivations must be made clear even though this is not the prologue.

Also, feel free to point out that whatever I write does not do that.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
leonard267 wrote...

Yuri, thank you for the third chapter. Personally, I find descriptions of the village much more interesting than the descriptions of how Cerice stabbed two bandits to death. If there were a description of what was in the village and its geography or layout, what were the motivations of the bandits (one can guess but I think no harm is done by spelling it out) it would no doubt help me to appreciate what was going on and what was at stake.

When I read your story, I thought of bandits cutting off escape routes and blockading the village. I also thought of makeshift gaols where they would house their prisoners. All of these would require a description of where the bandits were and what the bandits were. (I have the feeling that the bandits are of little consequence where the main story is concerned but rather a device for our heroes to demonstrate their physical prowess) Nonetheless, describing them adds meat to the universe this story is set in.

Long story short, my usual gripes in pretty much everything I read. The setting and motivations must be made clear even though this is not the prologue.

Also, feel free to point out that whatever I write does not do that.

As always, thank you Leonard, I enjoy when you and d give me something to think about after I've uploaded a Chapter. I completely understand what you mean by the 'motivations' of the bandits, I did leave it kind of bare without any real explanation. Yes they were meant to be just a plot device to show off Olsen's physical prowess but it does tie in to the main antagonists (Only slightly) so I'll go back and at least explain what they are and why they are doing what they are doing in at least some detail. I'll also work on the descriptions, I personally left them undone because I was feeling particularly uninspired about 'The Village' hence why it has no name or descriptive detail.

EDIT: Okay! I've added a paragraph on the layout of the village and a few sentences on what the bandits usually end up doing.
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