Why anime characters don't look Japanese?

Something I made about a year or so ago. Short and filled with blood lust for Revenge and Lust as well.

The full moon was high in the night sky as the swordsman stood on the edge of the cliff, his Katana slept in its sheath. Another full moon has came. “The whore will pay tonight,” He muttered. “This I promise you brother.” He withdrew the katana from the sheath the blade reflected pale in the moonlight. “With your sword, I shall avenge you.”

A wind swept up the dead leaves swirled around him and over the cliff. His cloak bellowed out in front of him ad he sheathed the sword and began to climb down the cliff. He had tracked the whore to this little village that he was watching from a distance. The sword seemed to give off an aura of anticipation  it seemed that his brother was still attached to this world by this sword and he knew that this woman was here. “Now now brother,” The Samurai said as he climbed down the cliff. “The time is near. The whore will meet her end.” Finally bottom of the cliff was 5 feet below as he jumped and landed softly on his feet. “The Whore pay, you can count on that brother.”

The Samurai charged towards the town. They knew he was coming before he was a kilometer off. “Hmm Shinobi,” He muttered to himself, as he pressed forward. The light of the town grew brighter as the trees along the road bean to thin out. The Shinobi that the Samurai had sensed had pulled back apparently they were not of this town.

“HALT!” A gaurd yelled as the Samurai came into view. “WHO COMES HERE?!”

“Just a Simple Ruroni,” The Samurai said as he slowed to a walk, closer to the guards but out of reach of there weapons and them out of reach of his sword. “I Am here to avenge my brother's death and murder the whore who killed him. This is a Swordsman's Vow stand aside, I will not  harm anyone unless they get in my way.”

The guards looked at each other and laughed. “This is a Outpost town, this place if full of whores,” the guard laughed. “What do you plan on doing killing them all till you find the one your after?”

“The one this Ruroni is after is not a whore,” The Samurai responded. “She in fact is an assassin, I have tracked the foul whore here. She is actually an assassin. She disguised her self as a whore when she assassinated my brother. I will not kill anyone but her, as long no one gets in my way.”

“We can not let you pass,” The other guard said.

“Let me pass,” The Samurai said, letting his hand slip from the other arms sleeve, and drifting towards the sword. “Or I will take it you are thy enemy and dispatch of you both.” The guards Drew there weapons and readied for a battle. “Very Well. HEAVENS LOTUS REVERSE CUT!” The swordsman reversed his grip as he drew the blade using the reverse side of his sword. To hinder the guards, unconscious. As he sheathed the sword he checked to make sure they were still breathing. They will wake up in 15 minutes with a sore neck and no recollection of what just happens. He walked into the town, The Katana at his side, seemed to lead him to where he needed to go. “The Nagasaki Inn? Are you sure?”

The sword seemed to know that she was here. It gave a strong pull towards the inn.

“If you say so,” The Samurai said as he walked into the inn.

The Inn was crowded with patrons and what else whores. “Where is she?” The samurai muttered under his breath, the katana's aura pulsed stronger. She was definitely here. Then there she was, sitting in a corner. It was definitely her, no one else seemed to be as alert to there surroundings and she seemed to know I was here, and it was her I was looking for. I walked over, to where she was sitting and took a table next hers. “Your Komon is nice,” The Samurai said as he sat down. Letting hid Katana rest in his lap. The Womens Eyes went wide when she saw the Sheath. “So this one is right, you are the one thy is looking for.”

“If you are here for revenge,” The woman said. “At least here me out first.”

“Very Well,” The Samurai said. “May I ask you one question?”

“Ask away,” The woman said.

“What is the name of my brothers killer?” The Samurai asked. “Thy Katana wishes to know.”

“The Katana wants to know my name?” the woman asked almost amused. “My name is Yuzuki, and you?”

“My Name is Noboyuki,” The Samurai said.

“Truth and Happiness,” Yuzuki mused. “Not something very befitting a man bent on revenge.”

“That may not be so,” Noboyuki retorted. “I seek the truth.”

“Well then Noboyuki-San,” Yuzuki sighed. “Hear what I have to say and then if you still wish to kill me. I have no objections.”

“I'm listening,” Noboyuki breathed.

“I did not want to kill your brother,” Yuzuki started, I almost fell out of my chair when I heard that.

“What?” Noboyuki stammered butting in.

“When I first met him,” Yuzuki continued. “I felt something, what I could not say, but then I really did not want to kill him. I was forced into it. It seems your brother had made some powerful enemy's and they had kidnapped my sister and forced me to do it.” Yuzuki paused there for a second, and looked around to make sure no one was listening. “It was the Sato Family that forced me to do it.”

I had heard of the Sato Family before, a bunch of thugs. Criminals the lot of them, Extortion, Blackmail, Gambling, Drugs, murder, you name it they were into it. “So the Sato Family had my brother murdered?”

“Yes Noboyuki-San,” Yuzuki said bowing her head. “I felt dearly for your brother, I had no wish to see him dead, but they made me.”

“It's alright Yuzuki-San,” Noboyuki said standing leaning forward. “I no longer wish to kill you, nor does the Katana wish for your blood to be shed by it. I know what must be done. I shall kill the head of the Sato Family.”

“What?” Yuzuki gasped. “You won't make it past the front gate. You'll be killed before you even make it through the gate.”

“Thats why I need your help,” Noboyuki calmly said. “Sato has an affinity for whores. Make me a woman and I will finish him off with this.” Noboyuki pulled out two little paper pouches from his sleeve. “This will knock him out he said holding one up, and this will kill him in 6 hours. All I need is to get in there and I'll be able to kill him in a manner befitting someone low as him.”

“Make you a woman Noboyuki-San?” Yuzuki repeated. “So you can poison him? You truly wish to avenge your brother if you are willing to go to such lengths.”

“Whatever it takes to avenge my brother Yuzuki-San,” Noboyuki said his voice filled with rage.

“Meet me in my room in two hours,” Yuzuki Whispered as she stood up.

Noboyuki sat and watched Yuzuki walk out of sight and up the stairs as he drank the Sake the Waitress had brought him. After that he rented a room for the night, as to not draw any suspicion, to himself and walked to the bath. “God this feels good,” Noboyuki said as he slowly relaxed into the Hot Spring. The aches in his mussels seemed to fade away as the steam drifted around him and the hot water soaked into his skin. After a soak he got out of the water and wrapped up in a robe. He walked past the Tavern and up to the second level listening for any sound of Yuzuki.

“Noboyuki-San,” A voice said through a slightly open door. “In here.” Noboyuki's grip tightened on the katana sheath as he walked into the room. Yuzuki was sitting on the cushion by the table. “Have a seat.”

Noboyuki sat down opposite her as she poured two cups of tea. “So what is your plan Yuzuki-San?”

“Simple, Sato is here in town,” Yuzuki said as she took a sip of tea. “I would love to see the bastard die, thats why I'm helping you. Go ahead and drink it' it's not poisoned.” Noboyuki took the cup of Green Tea and took a drink. He sat quietly waiting for Yuzuki to finish. “There's a Tailor here in town who owes me a favor. Give him this and then tomorrow evening the bastard will die.” Yuzuki handed Noboyuki a letter, and finished off her tea before standing up and walking over to the door. Noboyuki followed suit.

“If anything happens Yuzuki-San,” Noboyuki began. “My Room is 2 doors down.” Noboyuki stood there just gazing into Yuzuki's face for a few seconds before walking out. He walked down and to his own room. The futon laid in the middle of the room that would have to be moved. And thus it was dragged over into a corner the oil lamp on the table dimly lit the room as Noboyuki walked over and grabbed a candle and lit it before turn the lamp out. “Such a beautiful woman.” Noboyuki sighed as he crawled into the futon. “Brother, I think I may be falling in love with your killer.” He blew out the candle the pale light that came from the moon gleamed through the window as he drifted off to sleep.

“Noboyuki-San?” A voice whispered rousing him from his sleep.

Noboyuki graped the hilt of the Katana as he opened his eyes, to see Yuzuki bent down over him. “Yuzuki-San What is it?”

“Sato's men are wandering through the inn looking for me,” Yuzuki said on the verge of tears. “I'm scared. Can I stay in here with you?” the moonlight filtered through her face was contorted in a manner that said she was speaking the truth as Noboyuki sat up.

“It's okay Yuzuki-San,” Noboyuki said trying to comfort her. “I will let no harm to come to you.” Noboyuki crawled out of the futon and sat upon the floor, leaning against the wall. His Katana Propped up against him. “You go ahead and Sleep. I can Sleep tomorrow it will be a long night tomorrow. I will need my strength then.”

Yuzuki crawled into the futon, and seemed restless for a bit before falling asleep. An hour or so latter the moon was about to finally set. When the door to the room opened slightly.

“If you want to die tonight, keep on coming in,” Noboyuki said raising his head, looking at the person who opened the door. “It is no problem of mine to shed blood but my companion here does not like the sight of it.”

The man stepped forward holding a paper lantern. “I'm Sorry sir,” The man said. “I'm looking for someone.”

“Neither of us have done anything to warrant a search for us,” Noboyuki calmly said. “You must be looking for someone else.”

The man gave a bow of pardon and backed slowly out of the room. Noboyuki was more alert for the rest of the night, as the sun rose the morning sky had a pale yellow glow to it. Yuzuki stirred from her slumber as the sun rose higher.

“Did anything happen?” She asked as she looked over to Noboyuki.

“You are right they were looking for you but I convinced them otherwise.” Noboyuki said, stroking the hair out of Yuzuki's face. He didn't care, he wanted her to know how he feels about her. “Yuzuki-San.”

“Yes Noboyuki-San?” Yuzuki asked when Noboyuki stopped suddenly.

“Yuzuki-San,” Noboyuki choked out. “For 3 years I have tracked you for the want of revenge of the murder of my brother. But now. But now I think I may be falling in love with you.” Noboyuki put his hand on top of hers and looked deeply into her eyes. “We are bound together by my brother, and as fate would have it, he is smiling down upon us.”

“Noboyuki-San,” Yuzuki began, a lone tear fell down her cheek as she crawled over to where Noboyuki was sitting and flung her arms around him. “No one has ever told me anything like that.”

Noboyuki wrapped his arms around her comforting her. “I promise I will take care of you,” He whispered into her ear. “After tonight we can be together forever.”

Yuzuki sat there crying into Noboyuki's shoulder for a few more minutes and Noboyuki held her, comforting her. Never would he have thought that he would fall in love with the woman that he has chased after for so long with an intent to kill her.

“Thank you,” Yuzuki said as Noboyuki walked her back to her room. “For everything.”

“Do not mention it,” Noboyuki said as he turned and headed back to his room Changing back into his Budō Gi. Walking back waiting outside Yuzuki's room. A few minutes later she stepped out, wearing a Pink Tsukesage with a purple floral design towards the bottom. “You look lovely Yuzuki-Chan.”

“Chan?” Yuzuki asked. “What brought about that change, Noboyuki-Kun?”

“Now your just Toying about with me,” Noboyuki, said as he walked over and wrapped his arm's around her. “Stay in my room, they won't come back you'll be safe there. I've paid the staff to bring lunch and dinner up to there for you. I will be back late tonight and then we will leave under the cover of darkness and live our life together.”

Noboyuki let go of Yuzuki and then walked out into the sun bathed street. Vendors were setting up there shops, he found the one he was looking for.

“May I help you?” A man asked.

“Yes,” Noboyuki answered handing over the letter. “A mutual friend is calling in a favor.”

The man took the letter and read it. “I see, so you wish to see the pig die. You and half of this town.”

“So the Sato Family is widely hated here?” Noboyuki asked the man.

“Lets say this the day that, That old bastard croaks everyone is going to be celebrating,” The man sighed. “I'll do what I can to help. Come in, Come in.”

Noboyuki walked into the shop as the Shop keeper walked in behind closing the door. And latched a simple latch on the door as to keep people from walking in. “I have just the thing.” The shop keeper walked into another room and brought back a Blue Tsukesage with a pink flower design on the bottom. “Here try it on so I can fix it for you to wear.”

Noboyuki to off the Budō Gi he was wearing, and then changed the Tsukesage. “This feels a bit strange,” Noboyuki muttered while standing on a stool as the Tailor made the alterations needed.

“Not to worry,” The tailor laughed. “I do this for the Kabuki every so often. Tell then I sent you and they will help you with the rest.”

Make up and a wig? Just great but I'll do what ever it takes. Noboyuki thinks to him self. “Never have I ever thought that I'd end up doing something like this,” Noboyuki laughed.

“I've seen some strange things,” The tailor said. “This is nothing new.” The tailor fiddled around for a few more minutes before standing up. “There all done.”

Noboyuki took the Tsukesage off and put his Budō Gi back on, and walked out with the wrapped up package. The sun was high in the sky it will be a few hours before nightfall and the Kabuki was just down the road.

“Welcome,” A young man said as Noboyuki entered the Kabuki. “May I help you?”

“Yes you can,” Noboyuki said, walking over. “I need Makeup and a Wig. My Employer is a good friend of Sato-Sama.” Noboyuki fought a strong urge to cringe for calling that bastard Sato Sato-Sama. “And wishes to play a joke on him and his affinity for women by sending him a man dressed as a woman. I was the one sent. But without Makeup and a Wig The joke is rendered useless. Do you think you can help?”

“Why sure,” The young man said with a laugh. “A prank like that would be the talk of the town. You have our help. And may I know your name?”

“My name?” Noboyuki asked. “My name is Shinichi.”

“Well Shinichi-San I wish you luck,” The young man said with a smile as he lead Noboyuki into the back room.

The makeup was applied and the wig put in its place a hand full of people turned Noboyuki into the woman, well what appeared to be a woman that they thought was a joke to be placed upon him. Noboyuki was lead out the back the sun had set, Sato was in his home,a simple walk out of the city and then he was at the gate.

“Halt,” A guard commanded as Noboyuki approached. “Who are you?”

“My name is Usagi,” Noboyuki lied in a feminine voice. “I'm a gift for the evening to Sato-Sama from my master as thanks for his protection.”

The guard looked over at the other and said, “What the hell, Sato-Sama could use the entertainment considering how he's been lately.”

“It's your head if he gets pissed,” The other said.

“Come along Usagi-Chan,” The one Guard said leading Noboyuki into the Compound. “Sato-Sama, There's a Gift for you, and in my own honest opinion she's very cute.”

“Send her in,” A mans voice said.

The guard opened the door and then let Noboyuki in without following him. The room itself was richly decorated with silk and other finery's. “Sato-Sama,” Noboyuki said in the faked Feminine voice and giving a bow. “I am a present to you for the evening. I hope you will enjoy my company.”

Sato who was slightly slouched sat bolt upright when he saw Noboyuki, and poured two bowels of Sake. “Come have a drink with me, The night is young let me get to know you...”

“Usagi,” Noboyuki lied.

“Usagi,” Sato repeated. “A name befitting tonight and the full moon.”

Noboyuki downed the sake along with Sato and poured the poison into Sato's Dish and he drank it unaware. Soon the poison would take affect and all he would have to do is make it seem as if Sato died in his sleep. Noboyuki laughed along with Sato drinking more and more. The poison finally took hold of Sato and he fell over dead, of a heart attack.

Noboyuki dragged Sato's body over to the Futon and removed his clothes. And walked back out smearing his makeup with Sato's hands to make it look as if something had happened. He walked out of the room, and closed the door behind him. Walking back to the gate. “Sato-Sama should be feeling pretty good latter,” Noboyuki said with a smile. “Too bad he couldn't outlast me. He's fast asleep. Maybe back in the day he would have been able to keep up.” If he ask what happened to me, tell him I left, as to my masters orders.”

“Will do Usagi-Chan,” The guard said. He turned to his companion and said. “Who would have thought there a whore who could outlast him.”

“Who knew?” The other agreed. As Noboyuki walked off.

Noboyuki walked back to the Kabuki, and washed away the makeup and returned the wig, changing back into his  Budō Gi, and walked back to the inn. Yuzuki was passing back and forth in the room when Noboyuki walked in. She flung her arms around him and looked into his eyes.

“Sato is dead,” Noboyuki said. “They will think he died in his sleep. And me using fake names with everyone I met, they will never know. Finally, my brother is avenged, and we may be together.” Noboyuki leaned in and kissed Yuzuki on her forehead. His bag packed and sword ready by the door and Yuzuki's travel pack sat beside it. Into the night, they would travel, From here they would head south to Edo.

4 years latter.

“Good morning Sensei,” A Young man said as he entered the Dojo. “How is your son today?”

“Good morning Akira-Kun,” Noboyuki returned the greeting. “He's getting into everything. But what do you expect from a small child not even the age of 4”

“By the way Sensei there are some men wandering about at the gate,” Akira said.

“Really?” Noboyuki said grabbing his Katana. “Akira-Kun if anyone is to show up today, over see there training, you are my top pupil I trust the rest in your hands till I get these guest on there way.”

“Yes Sensei,” Akira said with a bow, walking into the Dojo.

“May I help you?” Noboyuki said walking over to the gate.

“Are you a Noboyuki-Sensei,” One of the men said. “Of the Dragons Lotus School?”

“Yes and might I ask who is asking?” Noboyuki said, tightening his grip on his Katana.

“We are but humble servants of the Emperor,” The man said with a bow. “The emperor Wishes for you to teach his son, who is turning the age of 5 in a week. Do you accept?”

“If it is a request form the Emperor I would be honored to have his son as a disciple,” Noboyuki said loosing his grip on the katana. “Send this message to the Emperor. 'I will be honored to have Radion-Sama as a disciple.'”

“Very well,” The man said bowing once more. “We will relay your response post haste. The emperor will be very pleased.”

“May Buddha guide you safely back,” Noboyuki said bowing to the messengers as they left.”

The regular student's were all there, and the lessons went on till the sun had set and Noboyuki returned to his home on the Dojo's Grounds. Yuzuki was with Fudo by her side.

“Fudo,” Noboyuki said to his son as he knelt down, and picked him up. “One day you will become a great man, and will inherit the Dojo from me.” He sat his son back down and kissed Yuzuki. “I have some great news, Yuzuki. I was greeted by messengers form the Emperor this morning.”

“What?” Yuzuki said almost knocking over the pot of Miso Soup she sat on the table. “What was it about?”

“The Emperor wishes that I train His son Raidon-Sama in the Dragons Lotus School,” Noboyuki said. “This will bring great pride to the Dojo.”

“Oh Noboyuki,” Yuzuki said flinging her arms around him. “That news is wonderful, and I have a bit of news for you as well.” Yuzuki put her hands on her stomach and looked her husband in the eyes smiling. “I bear another child.”

“Yuzuki,” Noboyuki said, sweeping her up and spinning her around. “This day has been full of wonderful news. I'm going to go change before dinner, I'll be back in a few minutes.” Noboyuki headed into the other room. In the room sat a small altar that held his brothers katana. “Brother,” He said kneeling before the altar. “I am full of sorrow that you could not be here for this, but I believe that you are here in spirit. The Dragons Lotus school has been graced with a great Honor, and In life I have been given another great gift. A second Child. Fudo will have a little brother or sister. I hope your spirit will watch over and protect my family in the years to come.”

Noboyuki changed out of the Gi he was wearing and walked back into the other room Yuzuki had the meal laid out on the table as he sat down.

“Thanks for the Food,” Fudo, Noboyuki, and Yuzuki all chanted in unison as they began to eat.

From a Want of revenge for his brothers death, to having a lovely family and a honored Dojo. Fate has dealt Noboyuki a strange hand in life but the path he has followed has brought him happiness.
this one-shot was a great read.
but i found it funny in the beginning he seemed to say "whore" a lot when talking to his brother. xD
also, why do most of your stories the women/girls seem to instantly fall in love with the main character instead of showing a bit of refusal?
i am just curious. ^^
DxTRiNiTYLiMiTxD wrote...
why do most of your stories the women/girls seem to instantly fall in love with the main character instead of showing a bit of refusal?
i am just curious. ^^

Seconded. Same goes for Noboyuki
ooooh sound interesting...ill read it in the morning
To answer your questions I have no idea. I try to write some restraint into my stories but it never happens.
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
To answer your questions I have no idea. I try to write some restraint into my stories but it never happens.

oh alright then.
do you feel that you show more obstacles that they must face then drama between them?

omg. im just blabbering nonsense now. xD
You have some grammar mistakes; like using there instead of their -I did that shit ALL the time- and a few spelling errors; also. you have some weird first person to third transitions from -I- to -The Samurai-.

Also, your falling in love really quick thing is honestly fine, but the presentation of it needs some work; love at first sight would likely be more of a easy to get along with 'wow she's really pretty' sort of thing.

At least, that's how it worked with me.

Anyway, it's a cool story. Has an interesting plot to it.