[Winter Contest Entry 2015] Like Holding White Elephants

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d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...
I just thought I'd jump in and say that I did not get that the protagonist is eavesdropping on the conversation at the beginning.

That's understandable. I wanted to make it clearer but couldn't find a way that felt natural to me. It's not really something you need to get though. Just something interesting for when you notice it.

leonard267 wrote...

Plenty of digression like wondering whether Heather has a child, a rather dry and bitter remark about their father and Heather poking fun at Rowan wanting a little sister. I would expect that in a dialogue but it still throws me off. Had there be more of it I would have thought that this exchange is about something else, not about Lily being their sister.

This is where breaks of a descriptive line or two would make reading easier for me. The same applies to the earlier part of the exchange where Heather was nagging at Rowan. Could have been more concerned if the dialogue is cut and one or two lines of explanation were given before continuing.

A lot of the lines said there are more for establishing character and giving expositional hints. Like him questioning whether his sister had a kid. This was meant to show how uninvolved he is in the lives of his family while also showing how crass he can be. I definitely understand what you mean though. Looking back on it, I could have done this scene a lot better.
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
Sound of Destiny wrote...

A lot of the lines said there are more for establishing character and giving expositional hints. Like him questioning whether his sister had a kid. This was meant to show how uninvolved he is in the lives of his family while also showing how crass he can be. I definitely understand what you mean though. Looking back on it, I could have done this scene a lot better.

Of course, while I dislike dialogue I also understand that they bring a character to life.

My dislike of dialogue is also due to my reading habits that tend to favour non-fiction over fiction. I also foresee myself reading tomes of work related documents in the future and that requires me to read very quickly. I don't really think that dialogue can be skimmed through quickly.
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