[Winter Contest Entry 2018] I couldn't decide so have four.

So first off, I'm sorry I didn't do a image for this year... I couldn't think of anything... My mistake... hopefully I can make one double as awesome next year! As for the below... please be gentle... I know how ham and cheese they are... Also I'm sorry they don't have names... I'm amazed I was able to come up with a name for one of them.

Untitled Story 1
You know, people say I’m strange. But am I the strange one?
Even if you were to say, “Oh they’re so strange!”, what do you mean? I mean, there is certainly some form of kind of knowing what they mean… but really what do they mean? What is “strange”? Anyway… I’m “strange”... whatever that means.

You see… I can’t sleep without my phone first being able to sleep. Okay, please stop. I can feel your eyes and I can maybe get what you may be thinking… No I’m not someone super attached to their phone, but at the same time I am… but in a different way. I could wake up, browse the web a little, check my email then leave it on a shelf and forget about it for hours(the whole day?). I certainly don’t have any sort of social life. I used to at least be constantly talking to people, but that was the only real reason to constantly have my phone near. Even meeting all of them I feel was chance?

Anway, that really doesn’t matter… I’m not some phone nut or whatever. I know me trying to reinforce that just makes me seem like one, but whatever. I just go to work, come home, normally not get anything productive done, sleep, repeat. It’s pretty uneventful.

So let us get to the meat of things, I’m sure you’re wondering… “What do they mean about sleeping with their phone?” Well I’m glad you asked! You didn't? Well jokes on you, it was rhetorical. So what do I mean? Well I don’t mean what you might think “sleep” means for a phone… are you thinking of the standby phase in which the screen is off but it’s still on. Ready at the touch of a button or when something happens(like getting a message)? Well that’s certainly not sleep. You see, even in this state, the phone maybe be using less power, and processing less… but it’s still doing a lot of work. It’s polling and checking various things, oh did someone send a call? Better process that(are they on the local block list?) and display it to the user. Oh a new tweet from someone you set to watch for? This isn’t sleep. What sleep means is to not have to worry about anything. To let you rest. Why not the same for your phone?

So just like that. Every night I catch up on the web or just browse around until it happens. Hopefully i’m not eagerly reading something… and if I am, I can always continue tomorrow I guess. It’s time to sleep. For both of us. So the phone does it’s thing. If any audio is playing it’ll continue as the screen goes dark the audio still plays for a few seconds as it’s shutting down various things. Then it goes quiet. So people may think of this as the phone “dying”, but I think of this as sleeping. It’s a point in time in which you go into a state only to wake up once again. Do they dream?

And that’s it. That isn’t so strange is it? My phone has been through a lot in the almost 10 years we’ve been together(yes, that’s another thing I want to talk about, long term with the same phone instead of constantly switching). It deserves to rest just as much as I do, maybe even more. It’s always ready to help me in any way it can. I on the other hand don’t think the same can be said about me..

I don’t understand why people need the newest thing. My phone still works. It’ll continue to work as the 3G is the fall back for 4G, just like 2G was the fall back for 3G. We’ll be able to make it… will we make it to you being able to drive on your own? I’ve had so many memories with you… we’ve been through a lot.

I just wanted to say thank you.


You know I had other plans for this, but as you can see another open ending… What kind of story do you think happened after this?

Anyway, this actually wasn’t how I originally planned the story to go. Maybe between losing the spark of the idea to just how I write… it became like this. You see, I just have a “spark” as I call it and then try to just write it out. No matter if it makes no sense, just get it all down. I’ll let it sit and then I’ll come back and read it. Thinking about it, what kind of meaning might it have? Then I start to edit it. Make logical sentences. Make it actually kind of readable. But I try not to stray from the point I was possibly trying to make.

What I originally planned for and I guess could possibly be what happened next. Is that while sleeping, their phone disappears. Upon waking they do their normal morning routine. Say good morning and plug them in so they’re ready to take on the day together. But something is a miss. They can’t find them anywhere. Bumbling around looking all over their small apartment. They turn up empty handed. They think maybe they slept walked. So they leave their room towards the kitchen when it happens. There is someone there. Their phone has become a Tsukumogami. After years of care, and what seems to be 1 human year being 10 phone years… it’s been 100 years as of today. They’ve been able to come forth to a new stage to be together with them. And so they’re in their kitchen clumsily trying to make some breakfast. You see before this… they were very lonely. But together. Together. They were happy. Together.

Maybe another reason is because I couldn’t think of names or what I wanted to do(though this is kind of out there from the above, but even then… maybe I wasn’t sure of going this way)… but thinking back on it. Heh, maybe that’d do? How about Nae and Asago.

Untitled Story 2
I stood there in the alley way. Time had started to slow. In my arms was Nae.

"Asago... Where'd you go...? You were just in front of me. Everything is so... Dark."

Yes... In my arms was Nae. My childhood tomboy... My... My... My-...!

I promised to protect her... I SWORE BY IT!

...But this happen.

We were having a night out in the town. And we'd been having dinner. When it all happen.

Out of nowhere it happen... "Are you a soldier of god?"

The waitress had come up to our table and without a second to respond they went into action.

"Well, it's more of a rhetorical question you know? I just feel weird if I just start doing something random. Like I don't want people to think it's a random action... I already know you are... I've been following you after all." After putting their knuckle to there head and sticking out their tongue going "tehee"... They moved their free hand forward.

Within their hand was a sharp object... A green ooze oozed off the object. Poison?

I pushed her away and grabbed Nae's hand. We ran for it with this person in toe...

"Hah... Hah... I think... We've... Made some ground."

Out of breath I say back to Nae.


She didn't look to good. Looking at the wound on her arm. The skin around it had started to turn dark purple spreading up her arm. Using my handkerchief to try to cut off circulation to her arm.

"What was that back there?!"

"I-I don't know..."

She was shivering.

"Can we sit down for just a moment... I'm really tired..."

"We can't do that, what if she catches up?!"

"Please Asago..."

She flashes me a soft smile.

"Do it for me."

Even at a time like this. She's still going to pull this?

"Fine fine... But you'll have to do something for me as well. I'm going to princess carry you! Win-Win!"

"Ack... No. I can still g-go." She tries to stand-up straight, currently leaning against a wall. Letting go of the wall she's become very shaky... breathing heavily.

"You can hate me later but we need to get you help!"

"Hahaha. Yeah.. *cough* after this I'm going to never let you live this done."

I go to pick her up losing my balance and we both fall... Yeah that was a total failure.

"The fuck man... That hurt."

"Yeah... I guess it's not as easy as I thought..."

"You think?"

Now properly carrying, we're back on the move.


"Asago... Where'd you go...? You were just in front of me? Everything is so... Dark."

"C-can't you see silly? I'm right in front of you... This isn't the time for one of your jokes."

Though I tried to block it off... The purple had spread to much of her body going up to her neck.

"As-o... This isn't th- -ime to jok..."
(Asago... This isn't the time to joke...)

"Remo-e you- -and... I -an't ee..."
(Remove your hand... I can't see)

Even speaking seems to have become a struggle. Please stop...

"D-Don't be silly! How could I be doing that when I'm using both hands to hold you?! Don't be so silly!"

"Y-You aid tht twic."
(You said that twice)

They're still closing in. Almost as if to mock us they just casually walk yet are always within view when I look back.

We've run by a few clinics but they were all closed or not answering the door... To be expected it's late into the night. Our current target is the hospital ten miles from the restaurant... How far have we gone? How much time did we waste going off path to clincs? I should of gone straight there...

"Asa...go. I'm sleepy. I know... running. But you... Got... This."
(Asago. I'm sleepy. I know we're running. But you... Got... This.)

"No you need to stay awake! Just a little longer! Why don't you make fun of me like you normally do? Make fun of my hobbies! Tell me..."

Tears start flowing from eyes.

"Tell me how lucky I am! I have you!! We're all each other needs! Remember! "

"The 2 to my 10!! Remember! You said you wanted me to teach you binary..."

"Asago... I figured it out."

I stop in my track.

"This is all ...just a dream..."

"Dream... Turned Nightmare... *caugh*"

They cough up saliva with purple spots...

"Heh... You're right... I'm not sure what I was thinking. Our should I say... What were you thinking? We thinking? I mean we normally have such lucid dreams. Why aren't we in control?"

She wheezes...

"I know as well as I... That was just a lie we told Asago... He always thought it was cool *cough*"

"This dream makes no sense... Let's just quit and I can wake up! Be with Asago."

Yeah... This is for the best. Choking back my tears... I lay her down and sit down putting her head on my lap.

"Yeah... It's just a dream. Maybe we shouldn't read so many fantasy stories."

"May...be... Well it's... Been fun... See you around me..."

"Yeah. See you around."

She closes her eyes... The purple has now fully covered her body(or what I can visibly see).

Almost as if we were in sync we say it at the same time but for different meanings... You can hear a little happiness from her tone. I try to match once I hear her.

""Yeah... Just a dream."""

As if that was all she needed, her body went limp.

The "hunter" had been standing back 20 feet for who knows how long. They say one sentence and then walk away as if nothing had happened up to now.

"Target eliminated."


Still choking back the tears I scream at them. They don't respond.

I lay Nae down and run at them.

As I reach out to touch them, they vanish.

I look up at the sky and scream.


Now fully broken down I return to Nae.

Stroking her hair I repeat our last shared moment.

"Yeah... Just a dream."

I close my eyes smiling brightly like she used to as she'd tease me back in middle school.

Untitled Story 3
Okay... I'm aware I'm not a very normal person. I've accepted that... I try to be normal in my interactions with others... I don't want to cause them trouble you know?

But... There is one thing I can't stand... Maybe not can't stand... Certainly maybe it's something I'm charmed by? But I don't want to hurt anyone? Am I sadistic or masochistic... I'm not sure... I feel I'm both... But I've gotten a little off topic.

About a month ago... One of my school bullies. She never did anything directly to me, but it was all her fault... Her and the medicine... I was normal before that.... Yeah.

So it was a normal day. But there was one thing different. I had just been given a swirly and they'd all left but her. I was gasping for breath and she was laughing... Laughing and downing me even further.

"It's people like you that make me sick. Truly a waste of air for the rest of us. At least you could help us be better off. You're pond scum!"

"Wait... Not even! Haha! You can compost pond scum! Why don't you go neck yourself and we can use you for compost!"

Laughing... You see she was an honor student. Not top but not low. She was about in the middle. No one suspected her. But I wasn't that lucky. Home, School, out and about.... She was everywhere. Even coming to my house to taunt me... She had somehow convinced my family(I say family, but it's just my mom and me). Oh we were best of friends yeah... Please don't show up in my room so often... What if something happen? I don't want any trouble... But she always had it. That smug look on her face.... That smug look on her face.

I'm not sure what changed this time but I loved it. Her face, her body expression, Her words... They tickled my ears. I loved it all. I wanted it for me. Only me.

I was still on the ground gasping for air after barfing up swallowed brown water. Maybe it wouldn't of gone past an obsession if she hadn't done it.


"ARRG-" I held it in... She had just stomped down on my hand. I held it in... I didn't want to alert anyone... I just wanted this to end.

"Very good doggy!" As she said this she twisted her foot back and forth.
"Keep quiet and it'll be over soon I promise~" Like the devils words, laced with ecstasy.

It was then It happen.

I grabbed her slender leg with my free hand, wrapped in a thin fabric, yes panty hose. A gift from the gods.

With a single yank I was able to get her off balance. She toppled to the floor.

"Eee?!l" she let out a cute skweee of surprise.

"Owwy... What the fuck did you do you fucking pig?! How dare you touch me, much less pull me down!"

I tilt my head to the side slightly looking down traut. "I thought I was a dog...?"

I was massaging my hurt hand now... And I looked at her with dead panned eyes. And it happened. You deserved this. You deserved this. YOU DESERVED THIS!

It was at this point. The point you have all been waiting for. As she was stumbling to get up. Holding onto the wall with her outstretched hand as she got up I did it.

"Just you wait! Once I tell them what you did you're screwed! I hope you enjoyed your li---"


I had just dug my fist into her stomach.

"Eck--!" Face turned to sheer shock she dropped to the floor.

Again. I hit her. I hit her. I hi-

Tracing a finger on her abdomen... Her body is so delicate. Quivering and conversing with every movement of my finger. At the first one I could of sworn I heard her gagging. She's so precious. I want to protect her. What if the roles were reversed?

"Nu mour... Pleaz... I bed of yuu. I'M SOWRY!!!"

I sat there on my knees above her... I stared directly at her. She looked away. I gently grabbed her flushed cheeks with my hands. She'd flinched so cutely. My hands coming in contact with a wet substance.

I then turned her face towards me so we would stare straight at each other.

"WHY?! WHY WAS IT ME?! WHAT IS YOUR REASON?! WHY NOW?!" I asked what I always wanted... What I couldn't have...

"Erp-- I--- It---.... Wa... I ju---"

Not giving her any time to stammer out an answer.

"Ssshhh. It's okay Rose. Such a pretty name. No other name but that describes your beauty... But also your thorns... But it's okay~ I'll take your thorns fully! They can't hurt me."

"You didn't do anything wrong my love. It was all me!" Winding back as if for another punch she flinches trying to ready her self. Saliva sprawled out on her lips down her face. Ozing down her chin. Her skin paled, most likely bruised on her torso. Eyes in tears. Your so cute... MY Rose.

I bring my arms down and hug her deeply into my chest.

"It's okay now... No one will hurt you. I'll protect you~"

Silence... Silence... Silence...

"Who did this to you Rose?"

No answer.

"Your pretty hair is all over... Such a shame... It was so cutely styled. Who would ruin that?"

I had taken a handkerchief from pocket and had started to wipe off her face and neck.

"Can you stand? Do you need me to take you to the nurse? I'm not sure what happen... But I'm here to help."

I smile lightly at her. I get her up leaning against a wall and straightened up her clothing. Brushing her hair to the sides with my hand like a makeshift comb.

"There we go! But your make-up got smeared... Your eyeliner is running."

I run the handkerchief under the sink water and ring it out and start to dab away the run off.

"Could I see your bag? I my not look it, but I always helped my sister before she moved out. She never was good with makeup."

With her tears dried up and smudged makeup cleaned up a little. A little base. A little blush her. Don't forget to set it. Lastly a little liner. Not to much, I think it's better this way.

"There! I know you didn't want anyone to see you like that. I'm sure it was important to your image. Now let us get you to the nurse."

Later on in the lunch room I heard she'd stayed in the nurse’s office to sleep. She didn't feel well. I hope she's okay. What could I make her to feel better? Maybe I should walk her home... It's the correct thing to do!

The school bell rings signaling the end of the day. Unlike normal, I've happily awaited this time.

I rush to the school gate and wait. Wait... Wait...? Maybe I got here to soon? Only a few students have left so far. Wait some more...

Ah! There she is with her friends!

"Rose! I've waited for you! Are you okay?!"

Her expression a lot more seldom than usual but with a slight smile disappeared replaced by one of fear then quickly to one of confusion.

"Who is that loser?! Heh. Do you know them Rose?"

"N-.. Yeah, he's an old friend... Y-you know how I moved recently? We live close by and decided we might walk home together as we go the same way..."

"Ohoho? That's nice of you to go with that loser... I guess I'll see you later."

"Yeah! I'll message you later!"

We start walking 2 feet apart. We do actually live closer together now.

"Oh come now Rose... You're going to hurt my feelings... We're closer than this. Come closer."

She inches closer slightly. I close the gap putting my hand on her back. I'd felt it earlier but this confirms it.

"Is everything okay at home? Your back feels a little off... Is there violence at foot? You can stay at my house. Do you need help? Should I talk to the teachers? You might need some time off..." I was worried about her. The thought of someone harming her. It scared me... It angered me...

"N-No... Please leave me be...It's fine how it is. Can we act like we d-don't know each other...?"

"Ehhh? But we've spent so much time together this year... It's was also the first time since 5 years ago... You changed. Remember Bruce? The three of us would play together. Ahaha" I started smiling remembering the old days.

"Please... Don't bring up my family... To the end of the month... Then the year will be over and my birthday will follow. I'll be able to move out with money from my savings and from my part time job."

"Of course~ "

"Though... If you misbehave you'll need to be punished. After all you were bad, you know?"

She shivered...

"Yeah... It is getting cold out now... Come closer I'll keep you warm."

I wrap my arm around her and she sheepishly leans against me.

"Nn..." She nods slightly making a cute little noise.

"Hmmm... Because of your hellish goons I was going to try to move at the end school quarter... I've already put a deposit down... So till then... Let's go back to how it was... Though it'll be just the two of us this time." I chuckle showing a friendly smile.

We had gotten to her apartment building it seemed. I knew it was around here but not exactly where.

"Before you go to celebrate our friendship why not swap numbers" I held up my phone as if nothing was wrong. Well I say that... But *nothing* was wrong.

I went home after waving goodbye seeing as she made it inside safely.

We continued like this with our friendship for the remaining time. Just two great friends. After the first two days I didn't even have to text her first! She'd text me happily asking when we'd meet or what we'd do on the upcoming weekend. It was bliss. As I promised I protected her. And in turn she protected me. No one got hit anymore, drown in a toilet, pushed down stairs, had their money stolen, asked to get lunch for others, do their homework, etc... Everyone was happy. Yes, Everyone was happy.

The time came, the end of the year, I wish it never came… but so it has. As I boarded the train no one was there to see me off… I’m kind of sad… Not eve-- What do you know? Upfront and waving goodbye, crying tears with a saddened expression. I guess she’ll really miss me too, after we rekindled our relationship. It’s really heart warming. Really, she’s sad to see me go. I’ll have to come visit sometime soon.

And so we parted. We still texted for after that.

"And that brings us up to now." I said with a smile at the man behind the glass. "As you can tell, I've done nothing wrong. I'm not at fault. We were happy together. You must have the wrong guy."

Here, There, Everywhere
So… “Here, There, Everywhere”, I came up with the title(though not very original) after thinking about one of my past stories. The story was called “Just another day”. There is another story I kind of drew from… but that story is untitled. Anyway… on with the story. Err… real quick, the original draft of this was broken up into chapters of sort. So I’ll be using headers for that.


Here, There, Everywhere / 0

It was an ordinary day like no other… Though really to say that and not have a concept of days to begin with… Well we have Neds. Though it’s kind of different. We don’t have a light and dark period. It’s more for measuring. As you can tell(I’m sure), this isn’t like one of the many worlds below.

Currently we are on the 250th Ned of the current cycle. Every 10 Neds we switch. Switch what? Well, wouldn’t you like to know… we all have work to do you know? Anyway, our duty is really all we have. Sure we have time off during the reverse 10 Neds(when not having to do our duty)... but there isn’t anything to do. I guess sleeping is something to do. You can also drink I guess. Find a buddy and bum at their place. It can be quite boring in the inbetweens… so you’re *totally* helping them out.

Oh right, I almost forgot! A cycle is 1200 Neds. It’s certainly not a year… no one really knows what it is. You see, from the first Ned of the cycle… no one knows what existed before. Or so we shouldn’t. But I feel I’m a little different. You see, what you’re reading right now is from a past version of yourself. By writing down everything that happens, how can you forget? No one knows what happens at the end of the Cycle… but it always comes. What were we doing before? How long will they take to find this? Will they continue the cycle of writing? It’s a journal you see.

As record, it seems some things are constant. Carter and Nox are always best friends, they even use the same “secret handshake”. Anyway. This is all common knowledge to you I know, it seems common knowledge is always instilled in one’s self.

The time has come, someone has arrived.

Here, There Everywhere / 1

Okay, so I might of left some things out… but it’s cool, you already know don’t you? Anyway, as always the abridged memories of their life will flow into our mind. Our thoughts, someone else's thoughts… They’re apparently all needed. And so henceforth when dealing *them*, it’s a special time in which we regain what we’ve lost. Not just us though, they are regian what they’ve lost. It’s a give and take really. Anyway, if I continue monologuing like this, a Ned will pass before we know it and that won’t be good! It’d be a waste, we’d fail!
I wonder why it’s limited to one Ned… I mean, a Ned is pretty long time… anyway… really we need to get on with this! What do we do… well we just talk right? It’s kind of a break for them, we just kind of listen to what they have to say. Allow them to relax for a bit. After all… once that’s over, it’s because into the pool. Reincarnation is a never ending cycle… Maybe that is what happens to us? But again… OFF TOPIC!

We try to help them come to terms with anything they may of regretted. We can’t actually do anything of course… but we can report to the higher ups and maybe they’ll do something if it’s deemed.

So to summarize it's a time where we review their life this time around and they can reflect on it as a whole(all their lifes so far). They can either continue on in their world or be moved to a different one. We are kind of like after life(heh) matchmakers. Anyway I'm sure I've bored you. Let us get on with it(for real this time).

The door on the floor below(I was still currently in my Loft or to sound less fancy I hadn't got out of bed yet...). I got out of bed and looked over the balcony below.

“Ahh… Welcome ba- Ehhh? It’s just you Nae? I was wondering why I didn’t have that feeling of memories bursting into my head.”

“Yeah Yeah, it’s just me. I see you’re still lazy as ever… Some of use are actually ready for work come the strike of Ned…. Unlike some people…” She trails off… I have no clue what she’s talking about of course. I’m always working, yep. Can’t say I ever have a dull moment…. Or could you say that in itself is dulling…?

“Oh shush, I was being productive! I just hadn’t left my bed…”

“I’ll be down a in a few, let me change.”

This was my partner Nae. While technically there was no such thing as “Partners”, but sometimes Nae stops by when I’m on the Ned. Hey man, I’m not going to complain, this’ll go by faster with Nae here! I don’t mean that in a creepy way… I normally just spend my time with An… Who despite being fun to talk to… isn’t cute at all… Well at least he isn’t cute to me.

Having changed into my “business attire”, I head down stairs.

“So have you looked at the schedule for today?”

“Sheesh… can’t even look over their own schedule… But no, nothing fancy. Slow day for death I guess, only 3 today. Might as well take our time.”

“Yeah, makes sense. Though those 7 Neds are going to be a pain… You can leave whenever you want, but I have to stay for the rest of it. This is also assuming we get a Ned out of each of them… Sometimes they want to jump write back in.”

“Oh, I think it’ll be fine. After all, I have some new recipes for you to try out!” She smirks… I have a bad feeling about this. You see, Nae’s hobby is food from lower worlds. She slowly gathers the needed ingredients, and then uses me as a test subject! Not that I mind…

“Ohh! More of Nae’s home cooking! What an honor!”

“Heh, praising me like that won’t change anything… though I can’t say I don’t like it.”

“Anyway, as I was on my way here, I saw they had already started to appear. Our first one should be here soon.”

As if on que, the doorknob rattles and with a slight ping, memories come flooding back to me. Along with the old, come what could be considered a selection of what was apparently important in their newest life. I’m not sure whose job it is to pick what is important, but I try not to rely on it to much, I enjoy hearing it straight from the horse’s mouth. Nae I’m pretty sure doesn’t get anything… I mean, it makes sense, she’s not on the Ned.

“Welcome back Jonathan, or should I say… Marry?”

I say this with a smug look on my face as a Twenty-something male walks in seemingly cringing at the name “Marry”.

So you know, many different, lifes, many different forms. Here they are allowed to pick what they want. If they want to be who they were as Johnathan when they worked a desk job, go for it! We don’t kink shame judge here. This time around seems to have been a little more whimsical. You see, last time he was here, he jokingly went on about wanting to try out being a girl. Guess the higher ups went along with it.

Here, There, Everywhere / 3c (Yes we did skip 2 and there is a c on the end. To quickly explain it… I kind of somehow skipped 2 when writing… as for the “c”... my backup some how spawned their different versions of chapter at different points throughout. The one I marked “c” was the complete one, hence why I call it “3c”. Chapter 2 is unrelated to the story at hand, so it won’t be included here. Maybe another time. It’s about “Hero Hunters”, and how Heros are chosen. How worlds can ask for a hero. It’s kind of cheesy and also kind of based off certain things from DnD.)

"Urggh... Don't get me started man! I didn't know it was going to be that much effort. I mean, sure at the time I didn't have a inkling of who I was but still! Looking back it was to much of a pain! ...Though I did like the dresses. They were cute."

You see normally when someone reincarnates they don't remember their past. Of course I'm sure it's happen before that someone remembered something from a past life. Well that is to say... Outside the dream world. Within that space their true self normally pops up from time to time…. How else would you explain dreams? They’re just retellings of the past, nothing to magical.

"Well, I'm sure I can have something made up for you Marry~ You could wear a dress her all you like. I'll even call you Princess if you like."

I say chucklingly. You see within our the job we have freerain within reason. So I can bring something like clothing into existence easily. Though if where to be taken out of this room it'd disappear(I don't have that much power).Not to mention, the soul can’t really take anything with them.

"You know I might take you up on that, but for now... Nae would you mind making my usual?"

"Certainly, though if you two are done clowning around, maybe you two could get down to business?"

"Sheesh, we were getting to that... Don't be such a stick in the mud."

"So Jonathan how was it over all, have fun, meet anyone charming, start a family?"

Though I of course had some highlights, As I said, I liked to rely more on them then some memory. Not to mention I'd miss out on anything that might of fit in a bigger picture(something deemed not important for a highlight).

"Actually... I didn't really have much down time this time around. I was never really in one place for very long. Much less my actual home... Where I called *home* wouldn't last for more then a year or two tops."

Come now, I might know but the reader doesn't...! It's time to spill the beans, Jack!

"I'm not mad about it really, I was never lonely, I always made new friends but it sucked having to say goodbye to old ones."

Huh... Fine. I'll reveal it.

"So you somewhat enjoyed going to different worlds?"

Taking this moment to sip from the cup Nae had left on the table, they had gone back to the kitchen. Seemed they were making something... But not important I'm working(Though I'm kind of interested still)!

"Hmm... I wouldn't say that, they were a total pain in the ass!" He says with a shit eating grin. "But they could also be greatly relaxing." His grin turned into a soft smile.

"In one world, I was summoned to defeat the Demon King, but it was nothing like I expected. The 'Demon King' was a giant tree towering over the town. Over the years it had been sucking up more and more of the nutrients from the surrounding fields. Not to mention it was taking up farmland."

"Huh, that's interesting. So, what'd you do? Just spend your time chopping?"

"I wish it had been that easy! The tree regenerated! So no simple axe could take it down... Not to mention they'd break in no time. So I was sent on a quest to find a way to defeat it. Though... That world I wasn't in for long... You see, I got with the guys and we dug big tranches around it and then hired a traveling Mage to fill them with water. Then we set it on fire. Done."

"...You expected a few water trenches to hold up to a 'Demon Lord' tree?"

"Yeah, it was kind of a miscalculation on my part. Really just a stop gap for Stage 2." He starts laughing... This isn't a laughing matter. "You see once it started to burn we had planned to try pushing it over, away from the remaining fields... But well... The tree didn't last as long as I expected and ended crumbling forward towards us."

"Hah... So you set the fields on fire?"

"I would have if the Mage didn't stick around. Thankfully we hadn't done so exactly after filling the trenches. We waited a few days for low winds. You see, in this worlds mages can only use their magic X amount of times per day, they didn't seem to know what 'Mana' was either. They strictly worked of a '3 a day' system for example. Anyway, the Mage as if having seen this coming released a spelled they had apparently spent the day preparing. 'Rain Cloud'."

Man... I'm enjoying your hand gestures but they can't see you.

"Anyway, with the tree falled and burnt up it revealed the innerads of the tree! A highly valuable softwood. I'm not sure of its usages but the village chef thanked me many times. It was at this point I was sent back to my own world."

"Uhuh... Truly thrilling. Why hadn't anyone think to tried that to begin with?"

"Oh they had! But no one was crazy to go through with it. If they failed the whole village might of burned. Not to mention the Mage alone cost the Village's savings. But as I was the *Hero*, they apparently put faith in my words. I think the softwood helped them though, they should be able to recover if it’s as great as they said it was."

"So how many worlds did you travel to?"


"Wow, that's a lot... How'd you even survive in your actual world?"

"Yeah... That was a bit of an issue... Though this didn't start till I was 24. And after the first time, I key'd my parents in on the key details and moved back in with them. They'd take care of my assets and the sort(I barely had use for them) and when someone asked where I was, they'd say I was traveling."

"I see, so two questions, what'd you do after their unsightly death, and how did the summoning happen?"

"Well that's the thing, there was a total time difference. 10 years in other worlds was 1 year on earth. So it'd only be almost 6 years. So not much time had passed."

"Ah, that makes sense... But what about your body? Didn't it age in other worlds?"

"About that, it seemed in other worlds I was normally summoned into a body or medium. With my body staying on Earth. From what I was told, it looked like I was just sleeping."

"Ahh, so how'd the summoning work? Was there a summoning circle or what?"

"We'll you see, I'd always have this feeling like something was going to happen and not till my final few times did I notice that there was someone who seemed to be doing this."

"Oh really? Huh, I guess there are hero scouts in the vast worlds."

“Anyway, as you were almost 30… how’d you die so young? Was it in another world? Does dying their result in actual death?”

“No, it wasn’t anything as cool as that, I had a meeting with Truck-kun… though like the Meme, it didn’t send me to another world… but would you consider this place another world? I guess I would of come here any way I died…”

“Not true, not every soul comes here. There are certain conditions in life one most meet. You just happen to keep getting lucky.” I say with a chuckle. It’s true, it’s even possible their soul could be snuffed out, not to return to the pool of reincarnation. But you have to do some pretty fucked up shit for that to happen… but really, who decides what is what?

“So is that all? You’re not going to tell me the full story?”

“Fine… I mean, you already know don’t you? You’ve told me about the †˜Sparknotes’ of my current life that you hold.”

“True True… but I like to hear it from you.” I tilted my head with a smile.

“Okay, so as I had said, on my last few times, I had noticed a pattern. And on my last time, I had figured it out. There was always this girl near by when it happen. So this time around, I tried to run as sun as I felt it leaving the store. I of course… rushed past a stop light and got hit by oncoming traffic…. But In that moment as I flew through the air as my bully was torn apart… she mouthed something and I was somehow able to tell… well assuming I didn’t imagine it. She said †˜See you soon.’ Is this going to be a normal part of my lives now?”

“Heh… yeah, that expression on your face of sheer terror as a little girl smiled at you. Who knew you were that afraid of a one haha….”

“Heh… that’s a weird moment for them to pick, don’t you think? I’m sure there were more important times.”

“Who knows man, I don’t even what they do… So anything else on your mind? Want to go on th hunt for this little girl?”

“Well I say that, but even if you wanted to… you won’t remember any of this in your next life… when you get reincarnated. Assuming it’s in the same world…. What if it’s in one of your fantasy worlds…. You have ties to them now… what if you’re summoned to something like Earth Alpha and you’re the offices last hope to finish up the report before the deadline…!”

“Wouldn’t that be quite the summon?”

“Please don’t joke about that… I just want to live a normal life…”

“But what *is* normal…? Also back on topic, I guess maybe if you were to have a dream, maybe your true self would project something of the past to you? But would you believe it? It is *just a dream*, ya know?” Smirking as I finish up that line… “Just a dream”, yeah right, it’s certainly more than just a dream….

“Anyway… all this talk about my next life is getting my excited. You think I can go now? I mean, I know we normally bull shit more… and sorry Nae, I won’t be able to try whatever you’re cooking.

“It’s fine, there is always next time.” She winks at him, heh, it’s true though, there is always next time they come here… I wonder what adventure life will have put them through…. I can’t wait to write about it.

“Well, I guess we’ll have to save the dress-up for next time then… A proper send off is the only way… yep yep. Totally the only way to not send you off in a pretty frilly dress.”

“Please no... “

“See you soon.” I wink at them.

“You’ll be back before you can even blink!”

“Please… I haven’t even started my new life… let me live it up a little…!”

“One last thing though… will you tell me your name?”

“Hmm… Nae? Does next time seem fair?”

“You said the same thing last time!”

“Then then time after that maybe?”

“You revealed your own intentions?!”

After “properly” sending them off, I look at the schedule. 3 Neds till the next one? Man, really spaced out today… Guess some side-work is in order.

“Nae, Wake me when you’re finished cooking if you would.”

“You’re going back to sleep?! But you’re on the Ned! That isn’t allowed!”

“Well, it’s currently down time… I don’t think it’d be to frowned upon... though there may be an emergency… I guess it’s why we work longer shifts when the maximum 3 Ned.”

“Not to mention… I won’t just be sleeping… I’ll be Dreaming. I have work to do after all.” I wonder what outfit I’ll wear today?
Story 1 is probably the one I ended up liking the most although they're all pretty rough. As a piece about someone explaining the quirky way he views his phone, it does what it sets out to do, and I can appreciate the sentiment of not wanting to ditch something and shell out for a new model every year.

Story 2 kind of just throws me into the action and leaves a lot unexplained. It works sometimes, but this story leaves too much out. Who is the attacker? What do they want, and who is Nae and why is she so important that someone would try to assassinate her? I don't have a clue by the end of the story and I think these are pretty important details. Towards the end, I also just started getting confused about what was happening and who was saying what.

Story 3 is better than story 2 in my opinion, but it still left me very confused. I don't think I understand the characters nearly well enough to follow what they're doing. The ending helps a little a bit, but I need more than that.

Here, There, Everywhere, too be honest, I couldn't get myself to finish. It has a really steep learning curve and I found myself lost through most of what I read. Things kept getting brought up that I could only guess at, and stuff kind of just happened with seemingly no purpose. I don't mean to be rude, but these stories could all use more work, some more than others.
Xenon FAKKU Writer
waterflame wrote...
Untitled Story 1

I really enjoyed reading this flow-of-thought piece. There's plenty to relate to, at least for me, personally. Sometimes I sleep with my phone, sometimes I browse it until it drops out of my hands off the side of the bed, poor thing. Or sometimes onto my face, even. Ouch. But it kind of reminds me the kinship that comes from relying on a tool so much, for so much entertainment. It might as well be an actual part of us, like a new limb. Maybe they do dream.

waterflame wrote...
Untitled Story 2

My, this was a sad story. Since you mentioned Nae and Asago in the first one, I wonder if one of them was a personified phone in this dream, or should I say nightmare. It was very helpless and desperate, even though there wasn't too much context for why it was happening.

waterflame wrote...
Untitled Story 3

This one is a little odd, because it seems to be confusing in some parts. Maybe the guy has some sort of multiple personality disorder in his switch from being masochistic to sadistic, taking harm, causing harm, then healing harm and trying to make things normal again. If the bully was bullying him a month back, why does he talk about them knowing each other since childhood with their other friend Bruce? I won't put too much credibility in his claims, since he might be a little unhinged, especially with the last sentence of speaking to a man behind glass. I wonder if he's in prison for some reason, talking through a glass like that. Interesting story, nonetheless.

waterflame wrote...
Here, There, Everywhere

This story is pretty chaotic. There's a lot being talked about and the conversation is all over the place. I did appreciate the amount of personality in the characters, though. For many parts, I felt as though reading it was like hearing the main character talk about it. There's some interesting fourth-wall breaks, and some references I don't think I get. It was pretty difficult to follow, as there's a lot of dialogue between the people. I still thought Nae might be a phone. And I also thought maybe a Ned is a reference to some measurement of digital time or something. It was certainly interesting, for sure.

Thanks for getting around to writing and submitting these, flame. It was great to have your participation this year, so thanks for joining us. I'm glad you did.