How can I cancel my FAKKU Unlimited subscription?

We hate to see you go, but if you need to cancel your FAKKU Unlimited service and end your membership, all you need to do is the following:

Select the Cancel Subscription option from your Subscription Settings page.
Note: This is the only method to cancel your FAKKU Unlimited service and end your membership. Signing out of your account, or discontinuing access to the site does not cancel your service.

What happens if I cancel my FAKKU Unlimited service early?
If you cancel early, you can continue to access FAKKU Unlimited content until your account automatically loses access to Unlimited titles at the end of your current billing period. You will not be charged again unless you restart your subscription membership.

If I cancel my FAKKU Unlimited service, will I be charged?
You will not see any more membership charges unless you restart your FAKKU Unlimited service. If you cancel with time left in your billing period, we'll let you access FAKKU Unlimited content until Unlimited access ends automatically.

Can I rejoin if I cancel my FAKKU Unlimited subscription?
Definitely! We'd love to have you back.

If you run into any issues while canceling, or after, please contact us right away.