What is your refund policy?

We can refund physical products up to 30 days from the purchase date. Digital titles can be refunded up to 3 days from their purchase dates if they haven't been downloaded.

We do reserve the right to refuse any refunds for games as once they have been downloaded, we cannot revoke access to them. Since refunds for games are handled on a case-by-case basis, please be mindful of your purchases. If you have questions about a game such as whether it will run on your system, the content of the game, or anything else, reach out to our support team before making a purchase.

Pre-Ordered purchases that have not yet been shipped can be refunded 75 days past their purchase dates. Past this time, these items can no longer be refunded.

Please be considerate when requesting multiple refunds for your purchases. Too many requests can cause your account to be flagged for review. If we encounter issues during this process, we may refuse your refund requests in the future.