
This life in greg. Sans Boris the snake and the Toyota terrorist truck. There two extras so wait until the e…
Freaky happy. Then freaky sad. [Egao ga Ichiban (Tsukusun)] Kumorinochi Kankan [English] [SMDC] [Digital] T_T mahdickhurtssogoooooood.son Edit: someone lost my tackle box and two of my poles. Well..... back …
Im shamed i read this. [Shiruka Bakaudon] Uso mo Tsukanai Junsui na Sonzai An Unlying, Genuine Existence (COMIC Mate legend Vol. 3 2015-06) [English] SO MANY LEVEL OF FUCK. …
Fuck. now I'm bummed as fuck. RIP you crazy fucker.
Since I don't want to drive back then come back I'm watching two movies. Had a foot doctor app then at 4 I have an appt for a job so ant man then Ted 2. There was a fucking line for minions and free kids show so fuck you niggers I just walk in and …
I think this is a hot scenario for hot sweaty sex. Like, a big sweaty fireman carries you out of a burning building, lays you on the sidewalk, and you think, "Yeah, okay, he's gonna give me mouth to mouth." But instead, he just starts choking the shit…
Prostitution. The new definition. The old def for it was: Paying someone for sex. BUT are you paying the person or persons for sex or to leave after you bust your nut? Because you can get sex by just conversing with a person and not b…
sandstorm then lightning The dust made everything pretty but you can't see it in the viewfinder so here some thunder. Damn mothafucka
Enjoy your last five days on earth. When the clock rings 12am/00:00 there will be no independence anymore. He will rise. In the great war for the Heavenly Throne, we were v…
Enjoy your last five days on earth. When the clock rings 12am/00:00 there will be no independence anymore. He will rise. In the great war for the Heavenly Throne, we were v…
Yay. The US finally join the civilized world. Gay people can be as miserable as straight people.…
Helping you get desensitized quicker by freaky. Warning butthurt and insensitive humor afoot. Graphic sex inside. …
FUCK YOU SUN. IT'S TOOOOO FUCKING HOT. My pool is drained. A/c pumping. Im still 3 hours from getting home.
Your name is where you were conceived. IF this was true my name would of been: 'Back of a trans-am at my moms middle school graduation'.
IB Relationship advice. From a porno. Lesson 1. The Friend Zone. Of cour…