3 years ago
Hmm, a housewife and cheating tag together, huh. How...Swell.
Maybe rather than cheat, perhaps you could...Talk to your husband about it and ask for more attention?
But I guess if that was the case we would be getting a different kind of release.
"Sex without love is nothing more than masturbation"? I feel like I see that phrase a lot in cheating stories...Like, okay I guess, feel free to convince yourself of that but what happened is still cheating, and a betrayal towards your partner.
Hm. And of course, the husband only notices and compliments his wife after she cheated on him. Typical.
3 years ago
What a cute dog.
Hah, a teary eyed beauty crying on the beach in the morning, and then by the time they meet again and she started ranting and complaining to him, his image of her completely shatters. Interesting. So that's actually her real personality.
That look of partial disgust/depression she had on page 9 before he got disillusioned was rather interesting indeed. I liked it.
So in the end, he got lucky just because he coincidentally ran into her in the morning while she was crying alone on the beach. Not bad at all.
Great ending though. Ah yes, and of course his two friends were listening in. I half expected them to be getting it on as well, but hey, this works. And the boonies are scary indeed, rumours spread like wildfire.
3 years ago
Damn it, I saw the monster girl tag and got a little excited...Then I noticed the title and realised this is a sequel to that first one.
I...Kind of feel we didn't need to see what happened next, I'd say the first one already did its job on the 'despair' front, but well, here we are, I guess. This is what happens afterwards.
Endless indeed, an endless despair that comes back just when you thought you were done with it.
Ah yes, and here we are at chapter 8!
Almost erased the lust of the girl you love, huh...Well, that would have been quite the blunder, eh? Still, how nice that her will and pure lust/love was enough to resist even the app's power!
That ending though. Who is that man? Shouldn't really matter in the end, because with that app you're unstoppable.
3 years ago
An interesting title indeed! Goes quite well with that Vanilla tag.
That ending...Well, in a way, they're like kindred spirits. Fellow outcasts in their class (at least he is, and she didn't deny what he said about her not having friends if she keeps mouthing off) who bond after spending time together. "Idiots"? I wouldn't say so, but even if you are, at least you have another idiot right there beside you. They really go quite well together as a couple.
"I prefer to admire the horny apes from the sidelines"? An interesting choice of words to be sure.
I mean we're basically in the same position as the readers.
An interesting title to be sure.
Also, Vanilla Yuri! Certainly a treat, haven't seen one of these in awhile.
A bad maid? Surely all that means is that she needs a bit of...disciplining?
Heh, either way, I'm glad to see a sequel to the previous release.
Still, he actually tried to visit as a customer and she just chased him out, huh. That's kinda cruel, I have to say, but then again he didn't exactly delete that photo he took of her smoking either, so...Heh. In the end he managed to invite her and even confess his feelings to her.
I like how, at the end, she mentions him liking her to work as leverage of some sort that she could use to her advantage...But if anything, I think she's just as infatuated with him and he is with her, and her reactions are just so adorable.
Yup, saw that twist coming.
They tried to act so much like it would be the girl that would wear the collar, and they made the guy act like he was obviously the dominant one...Naturally, they were just setting up a twist.
3 years ago
Ooh, a Bosshi Vanilla release? Nice.
What a kid, running away when she declared she would be his wife. What you do in that situation is nod and say yes, and then in the future, work towards making it a reality! But well, it took a damn long time, but at least he finally told her what actually happened was that he ran away because he was happy.
Hmm...She's a bit of a slut though, I guess. It's established on page 1 that she's someone who likes to fool around, and she even tells him she has a lot of 'boyfriends' (probably her way of saying sex friends) but not a proper lover boyfriend.
But hey, he still loves her despite that and is willing to accept her, and he was super happy that she wants to marry him even after all this time that he...ran away again. Well, it was a nice ending though.
That is a great, straightforward title. The best kind of punishment, I'm sure.
Still, how could he go hitting on girls when there's such a great one right beside him? Unless...He wanted to be punished?
And he's right back at it again at the end. Well, he can't exactly blame anyone but himself for getting handcuffed and dragged back to the room to be...defiled. At this point he may as well be doing it on purpose.
An interesting title.
Still, research into mind control, eh? Yeah...For science.
I find his report rather intriguing. Like, the statistics are interesting too, but it almost feels like he wrote the report just to have an excuse to fulfill his fetishes. And the way he just so nonchalantly whipped his dick out before transitioning things into sex, and then confessing...Smooth, my man.
Great ending though. Ah yes, so now they can explore the realm of infinite fetish possibilities together! I recommend avoiding a certain few, but otherwise, great idea.
A...femboy? And also his wife is a muscly woman...Interesting.
"I've been night crawled"? Indeed you have. A rare experience not many get to experience, so savour it.
That is one great, straightforward title.
Ah well, when you want to have sex when a baby is around, you gotta keep it down...Either that or have sex with her while she's breastfeeding the baby?
A little unconventional, but hey, never stopped other Hentai Protagonists, I guess.
A lot of problems, huh? Well, lack of sweet Vanilla loving certainly ain't one of them!
Well I can respect that he drew a line while he was dating her sister, but now that you've broken up...Well, what's the problem with letting her get 'too' close to you? None.
Also something about her being naked while wearing the necklace he gave her sister was pretty...sexy. I like it.
3 years ago
"I just couldn't reach anybody else", huh. And just like that, you know he's a bit of a douchey playboy type.
But then it would seem that afterwards, the other girls began to bore him, and he becomes strangely obsessed with her. And in the end, he decides to let her go by telling her that she doesn't have to come to him anymore if she doesn't want to.
Perhaps that was his way of trying to be nice to her or something, but he's clearly attached/obsessed with her, and that ending, where he had evidently re-read her note and messaged her to come over...She actually listened. She clearly still loves him even after he uses her like this, and I think slowly but surely he's beginning to notice her, and maybe reciprocate a little bit, even if he tries to deny it.
An interesting title indeed! Make one, huh...I wonder what exactly that 'one' could be referring to? Well they straight up tell you in the release itself anyway, 'making babies'.
The best kind of thing to do in a sweet Vanilla release indeed. And when I see a title that promises some sweet Vanilla baby-making, I'm a happy man indeed.
3 years ago
Ah, Vanilla and Osananajimi goodness.
MeguMilk? Well, those breasts certainly seem like they'd contain some of that lovely megumilk indeed...Not yet, though if he keeps this up then maybe eventually it will.
Also it looks like the classmates weren't wrong, they actually are kind of together. And hey, it would appear that by that ending, he's finally realised that he does like her.
A double page, fully coloured illustration by Pyon-Kti?
It definitely looks amazing.
3 years ago
Cute people indeed, and these two cuties make a cute couple indeed.
That ending though. Hmm, a present? Well...I'd say you've already given him an amazing present already, but hey, free bookmark.