User Posts

AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
SAVAN? Plus the promise of some of the sweet Vanilla works from him too?

This cannot come out soon enough, definitely can't wait.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
I'm always happy to see more great books get released, and not to mention it's work form Key this time!

Wish I had more money because I'd love to have it. Well maybe one day when I've saved up enough.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Words simply cannot describe how happy I am to see this announcement.

I have loved Visual Novels since a long time ago and seeing them get some love on this site that I also love, as well as translated to english so more people can enjoy them as well is just...Awesome.

I definitely hope to see more titles get onto here and translated.

That being said, this seems like it'd be painful for my wallet. A good kind of pain? Perhaps.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
I'm certainly always happy to hear about new book releases.

gy does some great work and it's great to see gy get recognised for it. An actual book release sounds simply amazing.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
11 years, huh...I've pretty much lost track of how long I've been on this site since I've used it for years before even signing up.

FAKKU has certainly become a part of my life at this point and I doubt it ever truly will disappear, not that I see myself leaving anytime soon. Certainly a site with an awesome community that I'm happy to be a part of.

Thanks for making such an awesome site, Jacob and all the FAKKU staff, and thanks to everyone on this site for making it an awesome place to be.

I certainly hope to be around to see it go another 11 years and more.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Awesome. Some of these I've already seen before, but it's certainly a very...very good excuse to rewatch it.

Also always nice to see FAKKU do more things, makes me happy to be on this site. I'd love to see more and I'm sure many of us, me included, can't wait for the first few releases we can expect from this.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Well hey, I'm always happy to see more physical releases.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
My wallet certainly can't keep up with this stream of great book releases...And yet I'm always happy to see more!

Maybe some day, when I have more money...
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Hinasaki Yo?
Amazing, I want it already.

Great choice, definitely. I'm sure it'll be great and I (as well as I'm sure many others) can't wait!
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Well, the first answer to come to mind is clearly ALL OF THEM...

No but seriously, keeping the usual stream of manga is plentiful enough (of course, more won't be unwelcome), but more doujinshi would be nice.

Games and Videos are great too. So...yeah, essentially all of them.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
As I always have and will continue to say...We need more monster girls.

There just can never be enough monster girl releases!
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Hahah, I wouldn't even mind using this just to have a chat with someone.

But hey, it's April 1st, I'd expect nothing less.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Man, seeing this brings a huge wave of nostalgia...I remember seeing this on pretty much the first few days I ever visited this site.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Simply Amazing, really. Started using this site a few years back and I never imagined it'd come to this.

Congratulations are in order, I suppose? And also, Definitely looking forward to this continuing into the far future.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Been way too busy lately to even watch any anime that I think I have at least a year worth of backlog to catch up on...
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
So when I try to comment on a release (I've tested this on the latest two releases, Love Exorcist and Two-face), but whenever I try to type the word 'Purify', it ends up coming out as : 'a[href|class],i,em,b,strong,u,s,strike,sub,sup,br,hr'

Not entirely sure what's happening, or if the word is one that you aren't allowed to use on here? Considering I've used it in the past before, I doubt it, but I'm not sure.

(In case the word can't be displayed here either, the problem word is
without the dots in between)

EDIT: Yup, Looks like the word can't be displayed even on a topic, not just the comments.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Definitely some great covers, love them all. The Homunculus one especially, but they're all just really good.

Downloading them is fine and all, but I kinda wish I had actual physical copies of them...
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Been so busy lately I haven't caught up to almost a year worth of anime...
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
There's just so many I want, but I really don't have the money to not only afford to buy them, but also to ship them overseas.

A real pity since there are a lot there I'd probably love to buy. Eventually, perhaps.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Why yes, a great Haiku indeed...And also a great release.