As long as this series has been going on I keep expecting to see a pregnant tag. Especially considering in the 13 months sense chapter one they could have delivered and already gotten knocked-up again.
5 years ago
Love the other girls reactions at the end. PRICELESS!!!

Last Modified Thu May 3, 2018, 8:19 pm

Page 19 there's no y in tease, can't tell if its intentional or a tipo.
I agree, but it appears vanilla & incest are mutually exclusive and can never be together
Now I want his book "My Little Lady" even more.
Fu-ta first posted teasers from this chapter last October glad to finally see the finished product
6 years ago
Same. Love the chapter feel almost vanilla.
Vanilla horror femdom it works
ba dup ba i'm lovin it
6 years ago
Missing the loli tag
Beautiful but sad its not often a chapter brings me to tears.
Hears to hoping we can get some background on these characters.
Ha! the meme lives and she got us all,
You rang! We could all use some more succubus cat-lolis in our lives.
6 years ago
Its been a while seance a chapter checked all my boxes
Praise Mda
6 years ago
Vanilla cheating it's like NTR just without the soul crushing depression
6 years ago
Just keep sleeping, just keep sleeping, just keep sleeping, sleeping, sleeping. Ah!

Was that a moan?
I'll be her pet-nyaa
I see twins in our future
I volunteer as tribute
6 years ago
Girl from the first one is on page 20 in front of new girl, I'm expecting a 3rd chapter with the girl sitting behind her. Teach is fucking the whole class
The dating site profile and discussion between the guys is super cringey red flags everywhere. Metamorphosis 2 incoming