User Posts

guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Ryssen wrote...
guammastermind671 wrote...
can someone help me either way? what should I do? I have windows vista and use google chrome. Don't want to uninstall Google Chrome because of all my files I have on it. D:

One very simple but yet stupid question, why do you need a masterlist for the different clubs?

It would help people when they search for personal interests and hobbies they have on fakku and unite with people with similiar interests! :)
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Sabruui wrote...
guammastermind671 wrote...
Sabruui wrote...
guammastermind671 wrote...
Sabruui wrote...
guammastermind671 wrote...
I know a mix of muay thai, krav maga, and kick-boxing so don't fuck wit me ^_^

I also fucked your dad.

oh now this is gettin perzonel 0_-

Know what? Know what?? Know what??? Screw you. that is all! ^_^

He loved my fruity fruit dick.

mmmmm~!!! :)

He begged me to go in dry.

No more man you win! H_H
I accept defeat...(Crying)
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Sabruui wrote...
guammastermind671 wrote...
Sabruui wrote...
guammastermind671 wrote...
I know a mix of muay thai, krav maga, and kick-boxing so don't fuck wit me ^_^

I also fucked your dad.

oh now this is gettin perzonel 0_-

Know what? Know what?? Know what??? Screw you. that is all! ^_^

He loved my fruity fruit dick.

mmmmm~!!! :)
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Sabruui wrote...
guammastermind671 wrote...
I know a mix of muay thai, krav maga, and kick-boxing so don't fuck wit me ^_^

I also fucked your dad.

oh now this is gettin perzonel 0_-

Know what? Know what?? Know what??? Screw you. that is all! ^_^
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
can someone help me either way? what should I do? I have windows vista and use google chrome. Don't want to uninstall Google Chrome because of all my files I have on it. D:
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
yurixhentai wrote...
So whether or not anyone gives a shit, from tomorrow (Monday) I won't be posting regularly again until around June. Felt like announcing it.

Got exams coming up that will determine whether or not I will be going to uni to study Jap, so I got a couple of months of hardcore studying to do.

I won't be logging in that much, and when I do it will only be to do a quick check of the front page updates, post in the specific anime series section and read any notifications, which I won't be replying to, so I won't be keeping up with IB, Random, Anime General etc.

Have fucking fun and update me when I get back.

TL;DR read title

This song is for you guys:


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awww dude yuri dude man...well wtf anyways man D: either way man good luck with your exams and shit and will see ya in June soon man! :)
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
I know a mix of muay thai, krav maga, and kick-boxing so don't fuck wit me ^_^
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Was looking up Masterlist for clubs and couldnt find anything about it so I posted for making a club Masterlist. Found out few minutes later from artcellrox that it exists and went to re look on forums. tried search bar and it still didnt pop posted link to it and when I clicked on it, I had this pop up:

Error 105 (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED): The server could not be found.

its still not letting me in...anyone can help me out with this?
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Was trying to find the masterlist for clubs and couldnt find it without art pointing me to it :( Need to find out why my searches wont open up for me and come out as Errors...
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Naw I say nay for this man...
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
naw I disagree although its a good idea! would proably cost too much and people wont like it if you go around in public looking at hentai :(
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
artcellrox wrote...
You obviously did something wrong.

I see it right there.

I keep getting Error 105 (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED): The server could not be found. When I try to access it :(
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
artcellrox wrote...
Too late, wiseguy. Learn to search more.

thanks for the heads up art! Funny thing was that I searched for club masterlist and it didn't pop out on the search.
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Dr Shaneman wrote...
What's with everyone using that girl in their avi lately?

Thats how people are and thats what happens :P
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Kirari_chan wrote...
there never a resin to take some ones life.

That's where your wrong kirari. There are reasons to take someones life. If someone was going to kill someone you love what would you do if you can't rely on anyone but yourself? and what if you stopped the person and he keeps at it again and again? There are reasons to take someones life when its called for!
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Name says it all really I've decided to start compiling the names of clubs around the FAKKU net and hope people who read this can help chip in to posting hyperlinks of clubs onto this thread, so I can add clubs and make everyone's life on FAKKU more easier on finding clubs on the site. :)

-Just to be mindful of the rules when you poke into some clubs and post. Noticed some haven't been visited in awhile! :P

-Discontinuing this thread, Please don't post in this. ^_^

Clubs in Fakku

FAKKU clubs listed
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Name says it all really I've decided to start compiling the names of clubs around the FAKKU net and hope people who read this can help chip in to posting hyperlinks onto this thread, so I can make everyone's life on FAKKU more easier. :)

-Only have one for the moment but its a start!

Clubs in Fakku
FAKKU cat club

Hyperlinks to the clubs on FAKKU!
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
yurixhentai wrote...
My room is nowhere near as good as yours OP, but here:

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Holy shit yuri!!! Dude I want to see this IRL!!! That is fucking awesome!!! ^_^
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
yurixhentai wrote...
Please make this thread go away.

probably won't for awhile :(
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
artcellrox wrote...
guammastermind671 wrote...
Tegumi wrote...
If you dislike the attention whore, you should stop giving them attention. Don't post in their threads. In fact, don't even read them. You know, common sense.

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Just saying.

But then that would destroy the whole concept of being an asshole on the IB forums and would make a moderator's life too easy...know what I'm saying? But overall tegumi its true, I agree with you but then I dont agree with what you there :)

... just... why?

I'm saying tegumi is right and then wrong. What she does really does help :) but then it takes the fun of being an asshole behind the monitor on IB. I'm just sayin art I know there must have been a time where you wanted to be a douche to somebody and get away with it...we all have. :]