User Posts

I am always awaiting loli content.
Dman07 wrote...
I'd really like you guys to go through the Ultimate subscription support and "Please Join" landing pages to update what's currently offered with the subscription. I just subbed from my phone, and I saw references to an exclusive Fakku App, a streaming Hentai service too. I'm not terribly upset that those aren't currently offered, just kinda disappointed. Plus, that's technically False Advertising...
DarkOcean8455 wrote...
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it, but there is still no way to remove items from your favorites list. As well, it seems like when you go to read a chapter, the button to maximize the view is completely invisible. There is another button next to it that is invisible as well, but I can't recall what it should be.

There is also modify and delete buttons at the bottom of every thread I visit on the Forums. I imagine this is supposed to be an admin control that was accidentally made visible for everyone? I haven't tried clicking on either of them to see if they work for regular users or not.

You can indeed remove items from your favorites. For example, if I click on a title in my favorites, It will show a check mark saying it's in my favorites. I click it again, it will now show "add to favorites" and was removed from my favorites list.
ForestWolfy wrote...
DarkOcean8455 wrote...
I asked about more anime some months ago, and was told they would moving their focus away from that. There isn't even a tag for it anymore. I was under the impression they owned far more anime than they ever put up. I for one would be willing to pay extra for a membership that included their entire anime library. Maybe not many people were watching or something, but personally, I could see there being a good market for being the Netflix of hentai.

Hey dude. I guess the full digital distribution deal with Media Blasters was a complete failure. They don't seem to really care about streaming at all. At the default anime page, there were 25 videos visible but when logged in with a subscription, and all content enabled, only one more video was included. They never have more number of anime titles in the subscription version. Worse of all, previous titles that were included like Itadaki Seieki and Fuzzy Lips were removed. This is a waste of money. I have the screenshots to show you what they really have right now eve with a subscription. Hump Bang was the most recent title added in Fakku and it was from June 2020. My guess is that maybe they will add one more video in their streaming page or that they stopped doing it altogether. Forum Image:

Here is the page,

Could you tell me how you found this page? I do not see a way to access it, aside from manually typing link you included.
It appears the site is now alot more accessible. Thankyou for including a captcha screen, rather than simply a maintenance page!
I do understand, but the purpose of the thread for me has moved to a more broad request of wanting more loli content in general, even if it isn't from comic LO at this point, though that would be the ultimate goal if at some point, some year it becomes a possibility.
I still cross my fingers everyday that we get more loli content. Currently I think we average 2 loli post on a good month. Maybe one day it might increase to like, 3!
I pray to the loli goddesses everyday, for more loli doujin releases !
Is there a chance the pettanko tag will ever come back? The petite tag and Pettanko tag, don't seem one in the same to me :o
I can only hope that at one point in time, we get an influx of loli doujins within a month, it would be amazing. Or even a book to buy that caters to the loli genre, I don't care if it's even digital only!
When was the last Loli upload again :(? My notifications don’t show one for a month
I am not experiencing this issue on my iOS 13.(1).

Are you using Safari? Are there any content blockers you have installed that might affect web pages ?
Thankyou ! also seems you can't suggest the loli tag at all either :c
Is there any news on up-coming loli content at all :0
Lets keep dreaming big! :3
The sadness of seeing my notification at a loss of loli tagged content for over a month :c
Well here is to hoping for at least some loli content soon than (*´꒳`*)
Another month goes by of no loli content :c
Although it is impossible for the specific publication to come to us now, I do want to keep the thread/poll as a representation for more loli content, if that is okay :3
More loli more life :3