Might not even be (just) medical bills, food is necessary as well and it doesn't seem there's anyone else there for the sisters.
That chair sounds good, could probably use one in the office.
7 years ago
Probably not yet, considering the timing, but I don't doubt for a moment it's in her plans.
7 years ago
Well, I guess there is the part where he explains about seeing his former beloved getting fucked by another man.
"We need to really coat it in despair." - Yes, definitely sounds like Aiue Oka. :D
"Last time." Right... They'll never stop and they know it.
Second time a story had made me say this, actually. :D But yeah, Hamao is that good, especially with this story.
No nakadashi, no favorite.
So damn adorable, I almost considered breaking my favorites rule for this....
If only we all could have parents like these...
7 years ago
Best little sister one could possibly imagine.
7 years ago
That could go in either direction, really. Both have been seen before. I guess it depends a lot on her reaction to this, as well as whether he stays with her right now or runs.

But yeah, if he had actually told her the things he only thought in his head early in the chapter, things could have ended up much different there.

Last Modified Sun Nov 6, 2016, 6:18 pm

7 years ago
Now that was an unexpected ending... :D
I was quite sure she was waiting for him from the start, although I do admit I started to doubt myself when she started talking about confessing and he still didn't recognize her. More or less a happy ending, though.
And they never left the room again (except maybe to pick up food deliveries). *nods*
7 years ago
- I love your smell!
- I love your smell too!
Just the smell.
Ah, perfect ending. Suspected as much from some of the conversation, but wasn't quite sure until actually seeing it confirmed. These two definitely need another date (and more).
7 years ago
All families should strive to be like this one. *nods*
Can't possibly be so, there was no mention of the lion.


Last Modified Mon Oct 24, 2016, 5:02 pm

Excuses, excuses...
Monster Girl
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