Here's hoping for a threesome with Tomboysekai.

Last Modified Fri May 19, 2023, 2:41 pm

I'm in!
Huge boobs, tall girl, and slutty in a cute way.
I sure made the right choice following BeNantoka.

Last Modified Wed Jan 18, 2023, 1:12 pm

Love it!
Now I'll go and "beat the devil out of it"

Last Modified Thu Aug 25, 2022, 10:25 am

2 years ago
Yahiro Pochi is too good.
I'm following them so I won't miss out on any new release.
I actually find this manga funny. All this sexual violence is going on and everyone is just chill about it.
I think this was intended to be dark comedy, maybe too dark for some, but for those of us with a twisted sense of humor this is a real treat.
Twilight Part 5: Edward's Enteroscopy

*no mental image available
3 years ago
Wish I could just bury my face in those and just lick and suck until I pass out.
God I love boobies, so much.
3 years ago
Oh, I feel dirty reading this.

Then again ... that's probably the point.
"Quit messing with my pussy like it's some kind of video game."

Fantastic work!
I'm really looking forward to the rest of this series.
Page 2:
"Omae wa mou shindeiru."
You're awesome!
They float, they all float!
This was one of my favourites when this website still had scanlations.
I'm so happy to see it back.
5 years ago
I wonder what Dibi's love life is like?
Yes! It’s been too long!
I actually hadn't read this series before, Aiue Oka's early work wasn't really my cup of tea.
Consider me won over because this series is awesome.
5 years ago
Well, I guess that's what happens if you're too desperate. Sex can be a dangerous game.
6 years ago
I guess we're all a bit fucked up ;)