At first I thought it was going to be a Xena hentai, but this is still great.
6 years ago
Dammit, seeing nurse Sachiko at the end makes me REALLY hope there's a next chapter with her in it...
6 years ago
Best. Christmas present. Ever.
It's not bad being a substitute 'teach her.'
Let the hentai gods smile upon this.
6 years ago
That last panel was so precious it made me laugh.
I love the title, it's exactly what happened when I saw it on the store page.
First sis' friends, next the sis.
6 years ago
What's the opposite of grow apart? Cum together.
A nice, apt title- and love the pun, too.
Best on site training ever.
6 years ago
This is wincest both figuratively and literally.
I must've had alliteration on my mind thinking there should've been another word that starts with 'f' at the end of the title.
What a nice and sweet story... and it deserves a slice of life tag.
6 years ago
Best catch in the first panel already.
6 years ago
Son: How was mom like?
Dad: Here's a nanny who's just like her to find out for yourself.
There no such thing as overly promiscuous... just perfect.
It's nice to have a class 'reunion.'
What channel!?
So... many... puns.