100% agree with you bro. We fap together on all the glasses uploads.
7 years ago
She's really cute, but all I could think about was how bad their knees would be hurting on that concrete rooftop.
7 years ago
@Feronen: I've had girlfriends cheat on me. I would say that everyone involved handled the situations rationally. Was there some shock, and a bit of screaming from both parties? Sure. But nothing that would fall in the criminal category.

Jealousy IS bad, and no, you don't have the right to "take out your anger" on anybody. The very definition of a manchild is someone without the ability to control himself and behave as expected of an adult. The fact that "it's never happened to him before" doesn't make one's abusive manchild-actions magically seem more mature. Does being an abusive manchild in a single moment mean a guy can't grow up eventually? No. But the MC here is acting like one in the chapter, and not everyone goes through such a phase.
7 years ago
This girl has the same voice in my head as my Oka Ruto head-voice.

11/10 Would watch Oka get off on weird monster shit again.
7 years ago
There is literally NO justification for partner rape, doubly so from an abusive manchild that thinks he can "let her" hold the job she wants and worked hard for.

Does it mean we can't fap? Hell no, great times. But saying there's a shred of "justification" is out of the question.
Couldn't fap to Chapter 3. The other chapters so far are pretty good, though.
I'll laugh last, 'cause you came to die?
"I've simply raised my dick-summoning techniques to a pointless level." - Quote of the Year
7 years ago
These sorts of relationships never end well--hell, I took my wife off the hands of a noncommittal sex partner like this joker. Would have been better if they were exes that kept having sex after the relationship ended.
7 years ago
When we speak of serpents, what should spring to mind but the fell Jormungandr? But in truth, I have my own glorious serpent I bring out at parties and on special occasions. In fact--

[-Prince Olivert of the Erebonian Empire, late 1204]

Last Modified Mon Oct 24, 2016, 10:32 am

7 years ago
These two are awesome. Definitely seem like the kinda couple you could have fun with on a double date--and I'm not even talking about swinging.
7 years ago
For such a ridiculous premise, the feeling of trying to keep it down in front of your girlfriend's folks, and then to quietly get each other off while a sibling sleeps, is surprisingly accurate.
7 years ago
I don't really get all the hesitation about him hitting her. Y'all DO know that rape is a hell of a lot worse than punching someone, RIGHT? What's the penny to the proverbial pound?

I mean, I see a vanilla fan saying, "Forced tag: nope-ing out of here." But if forced sex doesn't immediately send you to the door, punching seems like small potatoes in the fantasy world of hentai.
y u gotta ruin kuudere with your anal trickery, brah?
In all seriousness, favorited.
7 years ago
This chapter is titled "Hey, Senpai" when it's all about pole-vaulting into a chick.

Really? REALLY?

...so many missed puns.
Reminds me of my high school girlfriend. Older, boobs, on-and-off long-distance relationship, and of course she took it like a pro.

Seriously, this chick would have trouble standing for a few days after the week she had.
7 years ago
She got eyelashes for days, yo. Love that.
7 years ago
Fucking awesome. Guilt sex is best sex; that's why cheating is so addicting.

This chick gets guilt sex from both guys now ;P
I swear to God, I can spot an AZA comment from a mile away, even if the name tag were removed.
They're chopped up into short lines with hard-returns, like this.
Aren't there often rhetorical questions? And the punctuation and grammar is above-average for porn comments.
Still, many of the last lines begin with "Still, ..."
Aha, I knew this was by the same artist as Couple after looking through it. This guy draws hyper-realistic anatomy. Knee shading, elbow knots, hip muscles and all. Even the not-so-sexy bits are fleshed out with accurate anatomy. Sometimes it's a noble, but questionable call, and then there are things like the bottom left panel of page 15--even though all we see is her head tilted forward, an elbow, and a wrist, it's probably the hottest panel in the comic.