Collars/chokers/neckwear is hot...
I feel like a system where we vote for tags might give us more accurate tagging.
I was worried it might turn into blackmail, but the ending was pretty sweet.
Maybe the teacher's real name is Keitaro...
I went on one a few weekends ago, after a round of tennis. Sadly, I nearly crippled myself when I fell off backwards and it came dangerously close to the groin.
6 years ago
Since they don't want to use forced tags, maybe we could get a coerced tag? Or does she have to say no/don't 5 times for it to count?
I really like the alternating of shaded and unshaded. Nice touch.
Good to see actual good sex practices (lubing/loosening up), instead of the old dip and rip...
6 years ago
I read this digitally when I pre-ordered, finally got around to re-reading the physical copy. Holy mother of fuck, this is a great book. More Homunculus!
6 years ago
Soooo freaking good!!!
6 years ago
So much bukake! Man, I want this author's book so bad!
Ya, a male tsundere is unusual.
6 years ago
Hey,everyone needs a hobby...
6 years ago
For me it was showing how for some people who coast through school kind of flounder once they get past that phase. Some people think of high school as their golden years while I was just like "thank fuck that is over with".
6 years ago
That last bit felt 'forced', literally...

Last Modified Sun Jun 4, 2017, 1:55 am

I think he does it because he knows that is what the woman wants, so even if he wants to keep her to himself, he is making her happy... sexually that is :)
Sooo goood!
So, does the train incident not justify the 'forced' tag?
6 years ago
I can follow now, maybe fixed? Noticed on a few other artists too.
6 years ago
Glad to see him keep his promise!

Last Modified Sat May 27, 2017, 12:55 pm