User Posts

Badguy wrote...
I would have to say ass up top down. Basically when a woman is on all fours with her ass pointed up. It gives a great view of everything and screams submissive, if you're into that sort of thing.

Forum Image:

That... That is perfect
yurixhentai wrote...
When I was a kid.
didnt enjoy a movie as much as I hoped.
Help a friend out with some issues :)
chicken and coconut Curry rice
KanadeTenshi-XIII wrote...
Also, i'd like to know if there are any members here that are female because some of the topic ideas may not be very female friendly (unless you're Bi/Lesbian/Straight but won't mind anyway)

Im a lady! But I do enjoy beauty!!! :)
Dont even worry about offending me XD, Ive got a subsciption to Brazzers and more Buttman publications and playboy than I have room for :P
Thev wrote...
UsagiHime wrote...
im sure there are some somewhere
Im reading a lot of fedom stuff right now but its mostly weaker guys.

id like some if u dont mind?

Theres a handfull here and a few Ive found just from googling.
I can link some to you soon when Ive got a computer again, Ive been stuck just using a phone for the past few weeks and Its really chanlenging to do almost anything usefull. Im sure my computer will be fixed and returned soon!
Tsujoi wrote...
[quote="UsagiHime"]I own Three small vibes all from digital Play grounds pirates collection and a larger purple vibe again from the pirates collection.
I want all their toys >_
From their porn parody of the movies?


I dont like to think of those movies as parodies but just another story in the same universe.
I own them both on Blu-ray ❤

Oh it's Jesse Janes purple vibe! I thought I had Riley Steels for some reason.
MYWIFE wrote...
UsagiHime wrote...
I HAVE A BETTER IDEA (because I am a little unsure if those there would sell)
What about scarfs or gloves with nerdy things on them like a triforce or pokeball? ^-^ Id buy a pokeball scarf!

Okay. I was thinking about doing that with the sburb (homestuck) symbol. I'd just need to buy a lot of yarn in a few different colors.
Thank you by the way for your suggestions! :D

No ptoblem!
Tbough I had a friend who got in trouble for makeing homestuck inspired hats and such on etsy. I unno why but there have been some problems with that with a number of people ao Ive heard.
Hope that dosent happen to you though :O and please link me to your etsy store when your done ^-^
V/H/S 6/10
I adored the concept and the first segment but nothing flowed and some of the acting was pretty bad. The gore was great and "Lillys" Character will forever be amazing buy not much more to the film was exciting.
I HAVE A BETTER IDEA (because I am a little unsure if those there would sell)
What about scarfs or gloves with nerdy things on them like a triforce or pokeball? ^-^ Id buy a pokeball scarf!
however details they do not need!
Cyndas wrote...
UsagiHime wrote...
Cyndas wrote...

League of Legends annoys the shit out of me right now. Just like every other day.

why is it a pain today? :O

Was playing Xin Zhao in the jungle, top, AND ganking mid lane. I was 5/0, 120 CS at 16 minutes.

I was level 13, and their Kha was level 7, Nidalee(Top) was level 9, and our mid was still losing somehow, despite having a two kill lead(Our Kayle VS their TF).

Top instalocked Kassadin and goes afk because we said we were going to report him for troll-banning, and instalocking first pick mid. So I decided to be the mature one, and gave up my top(which would've been a duo) lane to jungle as Xin.

Easily won game, but the problem was they had 4 man ganks bot the entire game because of TF + Kha. So the enemy Trist and Leona get fed as HELL. There was no way to carry that 4v5. I never got the chance to gank bot for them.

I was borderline Gold last season(1489), I'm down at Bronze I right now, because my MMR tanked playing ranked during preseason before S3 hit.

These are the reasons I have yet to play Ranked. Im a pretty frustrated lady when it comes to immature people on LoL anyway, I think shinanigans like that would make me explode.
I love all the faces you make too, they are probably the best facial expressions I have seen from Con photos. :)
If you haven't noticed yet Im a huge fan of you know ^-^
Cyndas wrote...

League of Legends annoys the shit out of me right now. Just like every other day.

why is it a pain today? :O

Im on a phone and can't check if it works but its in there with a DL link along with some others like it.
I hope it works!
Started watching south park on netflix... enough said.
Genex_Ally_Hunter wrote...
Right now I'm in a losing streak in some fighting games like SFIV,SSIV,SF X TK & my worst losing streak of all is the MVC game series which I'm pretty bad at. Also,the Tekken Series with the game controls that I'm playing is utterly annoying & frustrating & I'm keep on losing to local & online players(Including ranked matches.)

*sigh* You know what, I think I should quit playing Tekken one of these days & stick to Street Fighter & keep practicing on the fighting moves of my favorite characters. -_-

I have the opposite problem in the sense that 3D fighters Im pretty great at. 2D/anime fighters (I adore) but can't seem to figure out and have thought about dropping it.
Tekken's a little strange. I always have a hard time with it. I had a bit of time to use an arcade strick to play and It seemed to be a bit easier.

MVC games are rediculous. It baffles me that people can play that game >_<.

Most annoying thing for me in games right now is just finding people to play SCV with. haha.
Fakku shirt and panties.
devsonfire wrote...
1. Charisma is something you're born with, everyone has their own, not saying not everyone has it.
2. Leadership is a character. How do you build on a character? Does it come naturally? Or do you train to have that specific character? To be a good leader is like to be a good manager, you have to have some other characteristics that comes hand-in-hand with being a leader.
3. Good leaders are naturally charismatic.

My answers are assumption based on what I know and what I have learnt, by all means if you have something against it, tell me so we can have a good discussion :)

I also agree with this.
only thing I could add would be that I feel good leaders must have the ability to listen and accept comprimise as well as be in control.

Also offten times arogance and charisma go hand in hand and people who seem like great leaders are missleading and egotistical. I think you need natural charisma but to know for sure if you are ready to lead something of any significant value you would have to do a lot of soul searching and determine your own weaknesses and strengths