
Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …


What happened to dubbed hentai? I haven't seen any newly dubbed shows since I was like, thirteen. Why did they stop? I wanna see more shitty-ass Americanized hentai titles like, "Duchess of Busty Mounds" and horribad dubbing.…
Interesting facts Today I learned that your testicles have taste buds.
merry Christmas pagans. Encase I'm too hammered. Merry 12th of December.
Anyone have LINE? I got LINE a few days ago, cause I message Melonpan on it,(weird flex ik) and I'v…
While i lay here trying not to puke up my oatmeal. I reanalyzed the states of weebdom. Twas only weebs, desuweebs and fucktard weebs but but with society changes with more iterations of the central finite curve. There's more The 4 types o…
Joker Watched the new joker movie and I thought to myself Spoiler:…
pokeymans function tweet_1196517736530223108(data){document.write(data.html);}…
I miss Was comfy to hang out on and block 13 year olds for 2 hours until you got to people worth talking to.
Why is everybody still here? I've fallen off the weeb map, although I still smack Harry and the Hendersons around to some H-anime once in a while. I no longer watch anime regularly anymore, so I've sort of reverted back to where …
Yikes yikes
obligatory 10 year thread it's been 10 years my dudes and dudettes
Heh. Japan. Do you have swap meets? Because i could probably find these and many others there and even cons.
So a million Kyles are gonna raid Area 51 in two months. IF you make it in, bring back some drugs that can cure cancer and a fine ass alien sex slave for me.
sraey thgiE Obligatory annual thread about how old my account is. Give me praise for making an account 8 years ago or whatever. Or tell me that your account is older, and are superior to me in …
I hate this Merging IB and CTFG together? That just means the role playing sex pest will dominate all activity in the section.
Grumpy old man bitches about movies while drinking coffee. 7 out 10 movies i seen in the last month sucks 2 dollar hooker pussy slime. What the fuck? Not even entertaining. My expectations aren't that high i need to equate all movies to the classics or great …
Vanilla waves Time for the next Vanilla wave. I'm glad we got an Aiue Oka book but damn this time of the month is always depressing.