What did you learn today?

I can counter my gag reflex by smiling while brushing my teeth.
I learned that you can calculate the area by evaluating the line integral using Green's Theorem in reverse...What the fuck am I talking about?
That psn downloads sometimes don't allow you to play online or adhoc..... i saved 4 dollars.
I just found out that Ron Jeremy is on every porn site... and that minecraft is pretty addicting.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I learned there was a religion that matched my concept of God. Once I get baptized, my life as a christian will draw to a close and I'll call myself a pantheist.
I learned final boss was still alive.
tswarthog The Iconoclast
I learned that tipple integration of a 3D object with resemblance to a sphere or cone can become much simpler if you convert the function into spherical coordinates (ρ,θ,Φ)....fun stuff
That my life sucks.
I learned that Pretzels are fucking awesome when you have a craving for them and I also learned that the mix of LMFAO and Red Hot Chili Peppers makes great dancing music.
Kadushy wrote...
I learned that I am a douche.

I think i find that out every day too
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
I learned of my first actual Yandere on a anime. (have only heard of them and seen pics till now)
Learnt how to count to ten in German and Russian.
i learned no matter what the driving conditions are people still suck at driving.
I learned that you should not contact your ex after having a wet dream about them, especially if they hate you for reasons you're not sure of.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
many, many things about myself. but for the sake of the thread I will put, I learned how awesome Kara no Kyoukai is
I learned how women keep their men in their friend zone.
I learned again how stubborn womens can be.
I learned that Thomas Hutchinson was dragged out into the street, stripped naked, beat within an inch of his life, and had his belongings stolen, others thrown into the street (like clothing), and then had his house burned to the ground during the time of the Stamp Act - right before the American Revolution.
Republicans tend to follow the same three point plan on the Internet
1.An unintellectual preacher tried to convey an idea with a failed attempt of fire and brimstone, grammar, and tries to scapegoat it on someone
2.about five other republicans join in trying to give in a new idea, which truly is just a repeated and reworded version,albeit badly because of a lack of ability to pass 6th grade spelling, of the first
3.One person,generally a democrat or liberal, discourages any misconceptions because to the republican mind if they can't understand something it's immediately bad in their head, proves that this would help, weighs magnitude, or gives a counter example which is met with either vicious remarks on the person, instead of the idea, the group trying to shift attention away in vain, or the group goes quiet.
Today, I learned this

Forum Image: http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/638492_460s.jpg
Monster Girl
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