A Letter to Your Younger Self

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If you could write a letter to your younger self, what would you say?

If I could write a letter to my younger self it would go something like this...

Dear self,

Study hard. Don't be lazy. Don't use the computer for more than 3 hours. Stop playing games.

Oh, and don't always do what mother says. She will not understand no matter how many years you try explaining. Father will never understand either. There's no use having a conversation longer than 5 minutes with him. Just be mentally prepared for some serious problems later on.

Don't forget to always visit your childhood sanctuary. Granny will always be there whenever you need someone to talk to.

Now, go and be a good girl. HAR HAR.
I wouldn't say much pretty much just tell my 10 year old self not to try and kill my cousin with the knife.
Loner the People's Senpai
Dear Self

Don't be afraid to kick that one kids ass, who cares if you get in a little trouble. Try and keep your cool around that one girl and keep playing football, you'll miss the game. Just relax and work hard and things will work out alright.

I would send myself a letter containing winning lottery numbers as well as stock market info. Screw "study harder". Get money.
Dear self,

Avoid the women as much as possible and be sure to focus on your studies more. Also, go outside more breath fresh air and work a little more too or you'll get fat. When you make it to college don't goof off either, or you'll be stuck in the worse ruth possible. Other thank that, be wary of yourself and others and things should be ok.

Your fed-up self.
Dear self,

Please try to find the craziest girl and stick to her until she loves you.

Me your future self
"Dear Self,

Ryan's right. I promise."
Dear Me,

I know that you know you're smart enough to not study, but study anyway- it'll get you into whatever college you want and not have to settle for your third choice. Stop all your lying and tell the truth, it's lighter on your conscience and people will trust you a lot more. Stop trying to be the annoying kid. Get some counselling for your anger problems. You won't know what I'm talking about just yet, but tell her how you feel, you'll know who I mean. Don't let chances pass you by just because you're feeling lazy. Listen to your father, he knows what he's talking about 90% of the time and one day he'll be paying your college bills. Take your music seriously. Take the time at home to practice and improve rather than just stay where you're at. Get a job, save money, and buy things for yourself instead of always relying on your parents' money. Get off the couch and do things outdoors.

Trust me on all this,
[color=red]Dear self, don't pick that junior high school. You can do better things at another school. Also don't hide your feeling and chase her. She's nice to you, don't be afraid on making the first move. You two like drawing, manga, and basketball. If she rejects you, just keep going with your life and befriend with her.

Also my last words, don't go to this univ. You'll get more pressure for keeping your father's good name. Pick another one. And don't try to smoke, you'll regret it.
Maybe start wearing a bra earlier, sweetie: we need it. People are teasing you for a reason.

But always be yourself, everything else will end up just fine.
Dear Self, Working 80 hr weeks on top of a full time school schedule is no the way to spend your highschool and college years. Get one job, with decent pay, and decent hours. Stay away from anything named Everclear, Jungle Juice, Goomba Punch, and all things above 40 proof. Even though it grows from the ground, does not mean you can smoke it. Stop worrying about money and enjoy your life, don't worry about everyone else. Worry about yourself. Water doesn't dilute or purify certain substances. Listen to your family and life will be easy.
Dear self,

Okay... Fuck you!

Dear Past Self

You are not gay. Repeat. You are not gay. Vagina > Penis. Don't bother with surgery or internal medicine, they are both boring as fuck. Pick something like pathology or radiology.

Your truly

Your Future Self/Mother
Dear Self, There will be "some situations" in life where you feel nervous and restrained by peer pressure. Don't be, your status in the family is more important than the feelings of those who are not a part of your family tree, don't have any intention of being a part of your family tree and if they became a part of the tree, the apples will rot and fall and you'll experience some tough times ahead.

Also, that woman that you love with all of your heart? Acknowledge those feelings as the truth, forget all the technical, intellectual bullcrap. You love her, and that's all that matters to her and to yourself. In the not-so-distant future, you might feel the urge to let her go so that she could pursue her own happiness. But that's the wrong decision to make, she means more to you than anything and if you let her go you'll be devastated, trying to fit in second-rate pieces that don't even come close to fitting. Also, there won't be a guarantee that you'll know she found happiness.
Dear Self,
Stop Eating So Damn Much!!!

Your Future Self
Home life sucks I know, but you'll survive it move and never have to see them again for as long as you live, so hang in there. I only got 3 things to impart to you: 1. Study martial arts, you won't need it but it will disiplen your mind and body. 2. Find some damn motivation, you can do so much when you get off your ass but you hardly ever do, I know your not lazy just unmotivated because you don't see the point, find a reason to strive for excelence and keep moving forward. 3. Study, you're naturally smart enough that get A's and B's in high school and B's with the odd C in college without ever studying even for a minute, but passing high school and a 3rd rate college won't get you your dream job. Study get straight A's and get into a college that will actually get you some were.
I've always had this hidden strength that I could tap into to push through anything. However, around the time I started high school, my mental bullshit started to really fuck me up. So, if I could write a letter to my younger self, I'd tell myself to power through the bullshit and that when my friend comes over with cigarettes I should destroy them, because that's when everything started falling apart.
Dear self
Don't fap too much.trust me,you'll regret about it
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Dear Self

Just enjoy your fucking life, don't worry about assignment too much because no matter what you do the amount will stay as it is.
Get a girlfriend, I know you just can't be fucked having one because you don't really care, but it will spice your life.
Don't be too lazy too, you always forgot to eat when you're on laptop or playstation, just like geeks.

Sincerely, Your Future Self

PS: Fap less, Fuck more :P
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