How many times have you gone to an anime convention?

How many times have you gone to an anime convention?

Total Votes : 5,244
went to my 3rd one yesterday actually. Love the atmosphere in any conventions but i always spend too much money T^T
Nikon wrote...
I see that some people don't want to go to an anime convention. Why's that? Too expensive/too many geeks/sounds boring/all of the above?

I think it would be nice to go to one. Yet, I have never been to one before. I am a real fan, I have seen a whole bunch of anime, and read some manga (hentai manga xD), but I have never planned on going to an anime convention.
Maybe that is because I have never been there that I don't know what they offer, or because I don't know anyone that go there.

How are they?

I'm on 10 right now but with a bunch of cons coming up I'll probably hit 16 by the end of the year xD
They really are fun to go to so if you've never been to one at least try to go for one day. Saturdays are usually the best days to go.
Hopefully 2 in the near future. Anyone coming to A kon Dallas this year?
Haven't been to many but I regularly attend anime acentral or Acen every year. (helps living 5mins away by car)
I'm planning on going to one some time this year.
AX '01-'07. The lanyards still taunt me with the fact I haven't been since. ;n;
In went to acghk in hong kong 2 times (2010 and 2011) and this year i will be going to COMIKET this summer in japan! I guess that will be it for a long time D:<.
Its pretty expensive to visite these things when i live in the netherlands TT.TT
Nikon wrote...
travel is expensive!

Nuff said
Even though i love fakku and certain types of anime/manga, i've never been to nor am i planning to go to anime conventions. It's just makes me sick to see so much weaboos, whose fault is the general prejudiced image of anybody interested in eastern cultures (at least in my country). Every time i tell someone that i study japanese language and culture as an academic minor they immediately assume i am one of those narutards with two-word-kawaii-desu-vocabulary. This isn't cool.

I'm not trying to sound elitist or offensive, just bitter.
I have work to go to.

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Sadly I have been to one :c although ohayocon was super fun. I will be going to more in the future :3
recently. precisely yesterday = D
Only been to one myself. Got my hat and DSi Signed by Vic M. the voice actor for a few of my fav anime characters. Unfortunatey silver sharpie wears off of wool hats. and cash issues made me sell the DSi. Ohh well, it was fun though I didn't do much whie I was there other than play Yu-Gi-Oh and wander around. The panels weren't the best either... I want to go to a much bigger convention next time.
Going back to Momocon this year
Goin to Otakon in the summer! im debating if i should cosplay for my first time this year, and if i do who to be??? few more months to think about.
actually i've gone to anime conventions more than 15 times.. well it happens here in the Philippines 3 or 4 times a year..
I only gone to ONCE but i can tell ya tht it was F**ken awesome cuz i went to Hatsune's Concert in LA. I cant wait for this year AX!
id really love to go...... cross my heart... but its just impossible for me...