Japanese Trading Card Games - Do You Collect and/or Play?

Which Japanese Trading Card Game Do You Play and/or Collect?

Total Votes : 2,844
Yu-Gi-Oh all the way for me. Been playing it for years; since it first came out (back when I was in middle school if I do recall correctly).
Woot, in that 4% that plays WS

Though i've played YGO and CFV in the past
IMxINxHEAT The Black Lotus
I play the Resident Evil TCG. Already bought 2 expansions for it. Highly recommend it. Can be played alone or with friends. It's really fun BUT games can last a LONG time. (45 min - multiple of hours)
Forum Image: http://images.wikia.com/residentevil/images/1/1b/Resident_Evil_Deck_Building_Game.jpeg
^ Starting Box
Forum Image: http://madal.com/re%20alliance.png
^ Game Expansion 1
Forum Image: http://www.gameslore.com/acatalog/BAN23803SM.jpg
^ Game Expansion 2
Yu-Gi-Oh! and Vanguard for me.
I used to play pokemon until elementary school and yugioh until middle school. Afterward, I found yugioh to be broken. There are too many singleton card that allow anyone to turn the table around.

I only got into magic: the gathering after entering college, but it is fun playing a goblin legacy deck. In 3 or 4 turns, I can literally throw all the spells from my hand to the field. Even if you don't play magic, collecting cards just for the art is worth it. I probably spent about $300 just for magic.
Yu-gi-oh for me! I still have all my cards! I still have the Black luster soldier that I got in a tin way back when!
I was a big Yu-Gi-Oh TCG back in the day. I stopped when they started to come out with Yu-Gi-Oh GT and stuff. I use to collected and played Yu-Gi-Oh. I was pretty good if I do say so myself! ;)
HEBS721 wrote...
Yu-Gi-Oh! and Vanguard for me.

We need more Vanguard players.
I play Vanguard, Weiss Schwarz, Chaos, Lycee, Crusade and Precious Memories.
ADisasterpiece wrote...
Damienthedevil wrote...
ADisasterpiece wrote...
Damienthedevil wrote...
I played Weiß Schwarz a little but it's not common so... yeah....

What the hell is White Black?

...and why do the Japanese insist on putting seemingly random German words into their animes/mangas/popular culure~?

It's like how Margarite in Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai always says "Jagd," as if it actually means anything specific. She just randomly says "Hunt," and that doesn't make sense to me...


I have a bunch of old Pokémon cards and a few Yu-gi-oh decks somewhere.
Nobody actually knew how to play them; we just threw down the most powerful cards randomly, then ran off and played guns or something.

The game had a "White series" and a "Black series" for the cards that's why it's called White Black.

What was the distinction between the two? Was it just the color?

I'd make a joke about the white deck being better but that might be taken the wrong way...

Also, was it notoriously difficult to play, like all the other card games (difficult for American children who grew up with Super Mario 64, that is)?

I'm not very sure about the difference actually. I think the White series are those with the "Original/Good Side" of the characters and the Black series are those with the "Alternate Version/Bad Side"

And it's not the white deck being better. It depends on the cards themselves.

No, it's not notoriously difficult. The game was pretty simple and the rules are straightforward.
Played everything except Lycee in my life.Maaaaaaan awesome games are awesome
Kaimax Best Master-San
We have a Yugioh Club here, go join it.
Although I don't play it anymore, since I'm an old veteran.
Yugioh. I just made a Six Samurai deck that wrecks face, it's very lulzy. xD
Used to collect Yu-Gi-Oh, still play. Played Vanguard. Used to collect pokemon but stopped way before I got into YU-gioh and dislike playing it. Currently I'm collecting and playing Chaos TCG and Weiß Schwarz, Nanoha and touhou deck FTW! :D
The cost and shipping of the cards hurts my wallet badly tho XD
I play Cardfight, Yu-Gi-Oh, MTG, I want to play Weiss, but my shop needs to get the cards in. It's fairly nice to have a owner who is willing to order in stock of a card game in order to spread the game.
currently (and still playing)
Cardfight vanguard

WS has been a real bitch to me (cards are pretty rare to find where i live) plus the packs are pricey

ive stopped playing meta games for ygo (damn konami >.> what have the BF/BW ever done to you)

just started playing vanguard since i was interested with some similarities with WS but faster, cheaper, easy to obtain.

also started playing MTG as well but i just have a starter deck plus there arent as many players here as well >.> too many ygo and VG now adays
Back in the day when Charizard used to be $200... man, those were the good days. I don't collect Pokemon anymore, tho'. After that, I went into Yu-gi-oh (still play online once in a while, but don't collect them), Duel Masters (don't play anymore, don't collect), MTG (not Japanese), and stuck with Cardfight!! Vanguard.

From what I know, Vanguard is quite popular in the area, and Duel Masters was not popular. Pokemon had a resurgence for a small, brief period, but died out recently. Yu-Gi-Oh is still played, but Vanguard took over during the middle of the semester in college.
Yu-gi-Oh!.. still collects it now and sometimes still plays with it.. xD
I play mtg alot but really love weiss schwarz and cardfight vanguard. Playing them all helps me play every game better XD. I love teaching people weiss and vanguard as i want more people to play in the us.
Monster Girl
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