At what age were you introduced to anime?

At what age were you introduced to anime?

Total Votes : 7,012
Cage The great and powerful
well to tell you the truth i really didn't get into anime until i was a Jr. in high school when my best friend recommended to me Eureka 7 cuz it had giant fighting robots after watching it i found out what really got me into anime was the romance and action genre part of it but mostly the romance aspect, since then i've been watching mostly romance genere anime
I started watching anime when I was just a nutstain in my dad's boxers
DBZ was my first anime at like... when I was a newborn.
i was around 5 or so, used to watch a spewl older anime, thanks to my brother always showing me
When I was younger I watched pokemon/yugiho/digimon etc, but for me it was all cartoons. I started getting really into it at 17, first one I watched was Rosario+Vampire, then Toradora
well for me i saw anime when i was in kindergarden in puerto rico very early in the morning like zenki and saint saiya
I keep hearing all this stuff about DBZ, and Sailormoon. I would like to say my first introduction to anime would be three great movies, Ninja Scroll, Akira, and Kiki's delivery service. You guys and girls know that these are epic movies.
Ain't sure bout the rest but Digimon got me interested.
Read Dragon Ball on the advice of my elder sister when I was ~6 and then watched the series on CNX when I was 9.

Also, Pokémon. Everywhere.
The first Anime I saw was back in 1996. My uncle introduced me to Dragonball Z, Ghost in The Shell, and Fist of The North Star. Afterwards it was Toonami that guided me until I began to branch off and explore other genres in 2003.[size=12][/h]
I don't remember how old I was but it was on direct tv. I want to say on starz or one of those channels. My first anime to break the cherry was Blue Seed. It was different in general. More serious then anything I'd ever watched til then that was a "cartoon" to me. There was so much drama,a little bit of perversion here or there and a story to it.
Thunder Cats, Sailor Moon and DBZ
i realized i was watching anime around the age of 13 when i first got access to a computer with decent internet connection, but i had been watching anime since long before, cant even remember when i started,all my favorite shows on tv when i was a kid were anime, i pretty much grew up with anime without realizing it. haha realizing it was anime the first i watched was probably love hina, but long before i had watched inuyasha, card captors sakura, evangeloin, pokemon, digimon, shaman king, megaman nt warriors, DBZ, sailor moon, even the movie kiki's delivery service and im sure others i cant remember off the top of my head.
i'm pretty sure i had to have seen castle in the sky or kikis delivery service when i was 5 or less. somewher in lieu of 94
Originally I was Introduced to anime at the Age of 6-10 because I watch Mahou Sensei Negima When I was like 8 or 9 and i love watching Dragon Ball and One piece when i was 6 or 7. Good Shit...good shit indeed.
mochan23 Professional Pervert
I was 10 and it was detective conan. My world was changed>
DBZ then PKMN then YuGiOh then Yu Yu Hakusho then G-Gundam it was a very good year 8 years old i believe
0 times.
starblazers was the first anime i watched
For some reason same age i was intro. To hentai