Do you prefer to read digital manga or physical copies?

Do you prefer to read digital manga or physical copies?

Total Votes : 3,908
I prefer physical copies, but it seems most of the series I like never get an actual English release, so I'm kind of stuck with digital... Not that I'm complaining; it's definitely convenient having access to them on my phone and such, but I would love physical copies all the same. I mean, I buy CDs I've bought that I already own digital copies of just so that I also have a physical copy. Hell, I buy vinyls that I already own on CDs and in digital form.
I've done far more reading of digital manga, but as with books themselves; a physical copy in hand is always my preferred method of reading.
If there was a answer for both, then i would have chose that.
Digital is convenient but physical has a charm that makes reading the book more enjoyable.
I actually like both equally but I want physical copies more than digital, but digital is easier to get a hold of.
Nothing like the feeling of holding a brand new paperback in one's hands ^^
I prefer physical copies of my manga so that I may have and share for as long as I want with no corruption issues... but so many great stories are only scanlated and never officially brought over in a solid form.
Nothing beats holding the book and keeping it as part of your collection. I only use scanalated copies to look for a series worth reading and then purchase physical copies.
In this day and age, it seems digital is the quickest and easiest way to read your manga. However I do like having volume of chapters in my hands from time to time.
I prefer physical copies, but i mainly read digital.
I've done both, but I have physical copies as apposed to digital
I like physical copies more but digital never hurts.
Prefer physical copies. But to find a physical copy of any manga that isn't mainstream would require me to import, and that would be far too expensive.
I prefer physical copy!!
So many pirates here...
If I have the choice I prefer to read the physical copies, feels better to be able to actually hold it and collect it.
Prefer reading physical copies because it just feels better to have the actual manga in my hands. Plus I won't miss out on the some of the author comments and whatnots that are sometimes missing from scans.
There isn't a "both" option... darn.
I love digital, quick and easy, I don't have to worry about damaging, fading, sweat stains. But I've gone through too many hard drives, CD's, and reboots that anything on my pc, at this point, feels only temporary.

I love manga for the feel of having the manga in my hand and the comfort of knowing they'll always be there when I wake up. Being able to read them thinking "I'm not focusing my eyes on a source of light slowly destroying my eyes", and the satisfaction of being able to scrap up the money to support the artist. But physical copys are hard to take care of, so far twice in the last 5-6 years of my collection's history, my little brother has spilled drinks on them twice, my (younger) cousin borrowed some losing 2 and tore up a third (missing pages...) that can not be repaired/replaced as easily as a digital copy can be. As well, I wouldn't be able to hide physical copies of hentai doujinshis in this room, only on this pc.

Both have there huge up's and down's for me that I can't pick either.
I prefer physical becasue I don't have to squint to make out some dialogue. For me there is something about holding a book, the touch of papper and scent of ink. I also believe we shoud support the creators. However I do agree that digiatl is a great way to explore new series and read those mangas not availble in my country.
im used to reading digitally long ago...