What Men find attractive in a woman

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Personality: I tend to like nice girls or the rebellious kind. I like them to know what they want and are not afraid to say what they want or think. She has to be caring and a little tough. I like girls to be direct and blunt

I always pay attention to the way the girl acts before I talk to her. Her Eyes are the first thing I notice, then my eyes might drift to her breasts.

I like breasts but not to big like ECup anywhere from B to DD is fine with me.

I like rounded asses, I am more of an assman than a breasts kind of guy. if the girl walks away its what I look at it.

I do prefer skinny girls and girls who stay in shape it affects me more. But not too skinny I dated a girl that was too skinny and I couldnt really find myself attracted to her.
Preferences for looks:

I like me some glasses and short hair, though, not necessary. Quite often I'll find myself looking at a woman with longer hair and be like, "Dang, I'd totally do her." (I am just very horny) But, if a woman's hair is just straight and long, meh. That's boring. Do a pony-tail or even a braid. Then I'd be into it. Nice, supple breasts are great. A shapely butt is preferable too, but I think just as long as there's something there I'd be happy.

Preferences for personality:

One thing I would love is for them to not take themselves that seriously. Like, being able to make fun of yourself or take a ribbing from other people when they are clearly joking is a great quality to have. Plus, I love to tease and be a douche sometimes, so it'd be cool if they could handle that. Common interest is definitely something I'd like so we have something to talk about. I'm also pretty damn direct and blunt about shit, so it'd be great if she could be relatively direct as well. Maybe even sassy.

I'd hope she wouldn't be too clingy (had bad experiences with that in the past). I think lastly I would like for her to be playful. To goof around with me and do stupid shit without feeling embarrassed.

Sounds kind of picky, but I guess pretty much a laid-back girl (who likes sex).
i prefer personality over everything. my gf is attractive but what i like most about her is her personality. physically i like girls with nice smiles and beautiful eyes.
Both personality and physical appearance play a role in being attractive

i've seen beautiful women who have a rotten personality, so much so I wouldn't want my D inside her.

but a man can't put his D inside a womans personality.

so I think it's a balance of those traits (very general I know) but another approach to this question that might help define one's ideal woman would be:

what do you not find attractive in a woman?
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Tattoos, piercings, and nerdyness are pretty big turn-ons for me.
I'm into legs a hell lot. Legs are the most important to me, then breasts. Ideally a C-cup.
Physically I find the face to be the most attractive. A nice smile sinks it. Love the smile, dimples are sexy. The booty and tits are always a plus but the face is what I will be looking at most. Good sense of humor because I laugh a lot.
I like buttocks more than boobs.
It's a fair question but some comments are a tad redudant. There's not much sense in saying that you find a particular body part attractive if it's nice. That's like saying "What are your food preferences? I prefer tasty food" Just felt like getting that out of the way.

As far as my kryptonites go, I love it when girls wear glasses or "head clothes" (a bit of a language barrier here) like caps or berets. Absolutely irresistable.
Not to be racist or anything, but i find Asian girls the prettiest. Having a great personality and likes to cuddle would have to be pretty high on my list of things, being pretty doesn't hurt either
I find an intelligent woman both attractive and scary.
gigikun wrote...
Not to be racist or anything, but i find Asian girls the prettiest. Having a great personality and likes to cuddle would have to be pretty high on my list of things, being pretty doesn't hurt either

Although that statement in general is kinda borderline discriminatory. It is fair to have a preference based on shared history/culture assuming you are also Asian American. I get that, but saying one > the other is a completely subjective point of view like most things when it comes to "attraction". After all attraction is heavily influenced by media and a person's peers, what is attractive in one country is not attractive in the next and vice versa.

I am also Asian but I don't think it is quite fair to generalize like that. Just saying.
Stubborn, sarcastic, and a conversationalist. Someone that'd punch me in the mouth (instead of inwardly sulking) if I did something that made her mad.

Philosophical is awesome, when you can have a discussion about if society would be better if we were a society of love like the bonobos, and not feel ridiculous about it, it's pretty awesome.

Into anime/manga/games. It's a big part of what I do so that means that I'd be able to take her to comic-fest and all that fun stuff, or watch an anime together. Or talk about a manga.

The only thing that I can't handle is women taller than me, though I wouldn't jump at everything that comes my way anyway. Just something about looking up to a woman that upsets my biological male dominance complex.

..Oh, and short hair is sexy.
For me the face is an absolute prerequisite before I can fantasize about anything else.

I like medium sized boobs, but I am fine with small ones. Don't really have an ass fetish, but tighter is better. Also, not to sound shallow or anything, but they have to be at least relatively skinny, preferably actually fit.

Of course, all of this comes after personality.

Also, I prefer the "cute" to "hot". More approachable, moe, etc
My preferences...

- Face.
- Curves. Slender can still have curves; sticks need not apply.
- Proportional. She can outweigh me if it's distributed properly.

- Self-confident.
- Socially aware of people around her.
- Able to hold a conversation without necessarily dominating it.
boobs, hair, ass, thighs,personality wise depends on whats in common.
nughtyboy wrote...
boobs, hair, ass, thighs,

I'm pretty sure most women have boobs, hair, asses, and thighs.
I would say personality..Looks and Figure only goes so far, unless of course its only a one night stand then Looks and Figures ftw..
1 shorter then me
2 Asian
3 boob I mean perfect boobs
4 tough attitude
5 have a glare when mad
Just like my step cousin FUCK I'm still like her its getting annoyingits less but fuck
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