Do you play League of Legends?

Do you play League of Legends?

Total Votes : 4,941
iMuse Kuroneko is mine
I wish I didnt.
I thought it looked boring at first, then a friend told me to try it, and I've loved it ever since. Played since Talons release and without a computer I more our less read and watch it. I'll probably get to play more again in the coming month. My number one and favorite champion is Riven, and a few other favorites are Vi, Nidalee, Lee sin, and Caitlyn.
Played a lot of Dota back in the day, now playing LoL instead
currently Diamond 2, add me if you want @ Alamiator
No, never heard of it.
When I have DotA (And, subsequently DotA 2, cuz it's free), why should I settle for inferior clone?
That's right, I don't have to.
Oh god, yeah I do! I love the game sooo much. Need to hit Gold before the season ends as well. qq
league of legends? WTF is that?
Yes I Do. Still having bad luck with ranked games though. :(
Occasionally, I play it pretty casually. It's a little less stressful than Dota, which is what I play mainly.
I haven't played LoL in a while. I keep having to re-download it and I eventually just gave up (at least for now). I'm not very good at it anyways but I still enjoyed it.
I only play with my friends or when I'm alone I do some ARAM.

Tryndamere ftw
I don't play LoL but I do play Dota 2
I've tried to several times. Don't know if its boring or what not but I just stop playing after a days or two. And probably since I play SC2 and trying to get into at least platinum I don't have the skill to learn to play two RTS nor the time to play both.
Way too much. distracts me from midterms. Also a fan of rule 34 lol hentai :)

Just got to silver 5 for ward skin. I like doing fun stuff like ap corki mid and ap trist. Ranked seems too uptight.
id love to start playing but my computers so bad i can install or play
After playing dota 2, League of Lesbians is a strict no - no.
Ajamaharis Gensokyo, BRB
no and never. LoL is easier version of DotA. easier and worse copy (you need to buy heroes, and some of them are OP). there is only one thing that lol is better than dota: action.
I do and I too am rushing to get to Gold.Sadly having bad luck lately with feeders and might fall of Silver 3 :/
Only on unranked for now, but yeah, I play it.
Gold III

I may have left bronze, but the bronze will never leave me. That's the truth.