League of Legends (LoL)

The tanky top meta won't be going anywhere any time soon until some heavy item or balance changes are introduced...

I'm looking forward to this whole 'ranked leap' thing they're talking about for the next patch. Hope it actually works as intended... though I can already see the countless Twitch streamers sticking 17 smurfs into Challengerino (I'M LOOKING AT YOU WILDTURTLE). I mean, shit, even gosu has 2 accounts in Challenger, and Rohammers made it by using 100% Tryndamere...

My next 'I wanna play' champ is Pantheon. His stun leap got changed to where you can jump on minions and monsters now so his mobility increased nicely. He still falls off faster than most bruisers, but when I saw that full penetration build in LCS, I saw the light.
In honor of Ezreal's new splash art (love the new look)

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/30chQ7k.jpg
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
AliceSinWonderland wrote...
In honor of Ezreal's new splash art (love the new look)

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/30chQ7k.jpg

You nailed it perfectly.
Heartseeker Ashe splash art. Tryndamere can't compete with the power of love.

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/V1nBY2k.jpg
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
I have not been playing LoL lately due to RL stuff, but I hope I can catch up later, because I have not even done my placement games. :<

Regarding Ghostcrawler, he has so much bad fame due to him being too exposed to the WoW Community and being the bringer of news (does not mater if they were good or bad). So knowing how people are overall, they will bitch about every change, even if they are buffs (or nerfs).

In addition, you have to take into account that WoW has PvE and PvP and since the whole WoW Team admitted that they did not want to have separated Skills for PvE and PvP, balancing PvP on WoW is kind of impossible since, one way or another you are going to break/fix things... even if you manage to fix everything, there will still be people who will complain no matter what.

On the other hand, I am not going to say he is a superb game designer or professional, because he (as all of us) has his own flaws as a person and as a professional. However, I have to admit his labor of being communicative with the Community (at least WoW) was pretty good. I hope he keeps doing the same for LoL and gives Community a lot of info through Twitter, we will see.

In regards on the new Ashe's Skin Splashart, I am not sure if I like it or not. Sure is pretty and shiny, but I cannot see Ashe in that "attitude", or maybe it is just me, but for me, she seems like a whore in that outfit in the splash. Comparing it with the one from Vayne, I prefer much more that one than this one, despite Vayne's art is a bit old. Just my opinion of course. Aslo, Tryndamere will get NTR'ed.
Zeriam wrote...
Heartseeker Ashe splash art. Tryndamere can't compete with the power of love.

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/V1nBY2k.jpg

Love it! I'm gonna throw my money at riot for this one. Insta-buy <3
Of course it's also a bonus that me being a huge Alice In Wonderland fan.. This skin being the Queen of Hearts <3 And that recall <3 Yeah that's plenty of reasons for me to get this skin
AliceSinWonderland wrote...
Zeriam wrote...
Heartseeker Ashe splash art. Tryndamere can't compete with the power of love.

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/V1nBY2k.jpg

Love it! I'm gonna throw my money at riot for this one. Insta-buy <3
Of course it's also a bonus that me being a huge Alice In Wonderland fan.. This skin being the Queen of Hearts <3 And that recall <3 Yeah that's plenty of reasons for me to get this skin

I came.
I try to have variety in who I use so I very rarely use the same champion more than once in a row. Despite this, I do have favorite champions such as Orianna, Blitzcrank, Riven, Ezreal(I know it's cliche), and Fiora. Also does anyone else think Jinx is OP?
Just Another Guy wrote...
I try to have variety in who I use so I very rarely use the same champion more than once in a row. Despite this, I do have favorite champions such as Orianna, Blitzcrank, Riven, Ezreal(I know it's cliche), and Fiora. Also does anyone else think Jinx is OP?

In my opinion, Jinx is pick-or-ban status right now. She combo's magnificently with your support's CC by being able to add on a snare on top of it, she waveclears insanely fast due to rockets (which also have a ridiculous harass range), and melts towers and people down with that increased attack speed... that's not even counting how slippery she gets after getting a kill, a tower or even an assist. She's my go-to ADC right now, and if I'm banning, she's out.
Finally reached Gold V~ I've been playing Yasuo a lot in ranked. ^.^;; He's the first male champion that I really love playing and I'm kinda good at. I also decided to not call support at the moment except when I have no choice. I think I'm gonna go back to calling support when I reach Gold I. That said, I've been playing unconventional supports in normal games, though. Ashe and Syndra are my favourite. <3 Full tank Ashe is so fun to play~ Syndra r + e combo is like Sona's ult but with the damage of her r that can kill or do tons of damage on a single enemy champ. I haven't played Nami for awhile, which makes me so sad. :c Tanky supports make it hard for me to give kills to my adc. Been playing Thresh, Taric, Leona, or Blitz in ranked because of this.

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1884289-385R638.png
god, going through plat again is giving me nightmares. I anything, and I mean anything at all goes wrong from the moment you enter champ select, somebody on ur team is going to get pissed off and immediately go on tilt. Everygame is like staring at a monkey juggling torches surrounded by TNT. It's a disaster waiting to happen...
Sigh, I realize I just need to grind my way out of plat, but i swear, plat is the new bronze
PandarasBox wrote...
god, going through plat again is giving me nightmares. I anything, and I mean anything at all goes wrong from the moment you enter champ select, somebody on ur team is going to get pissed off and immediately go on tilt. Everygame is like staring at a monkey juggling torches surrounded by TNT. It's a disaster waiting to happen...
Sigh, I realize I just need to grind my way out of plat, but i swear, plat is the new bronze

We are all struggling...

Second time attempting my Bronze I promos to dip out into greener pastures...
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
I've been spectulating and I'm thinking of trying out AP Irelia.

It seems somewhat like a sound possibility. Use her Q to proc Lichbane onto people. Nashor's Tooth dealing magic damage on top of her true damage. And since her Q resets if you get kills it makes it possible to use it as a sort of pseudo reset.

And she can naturally build things like Spirit Visage or Guardian Angel so she can be slightly tankier too.

But honestly its hard to say just how effective she'll be.

But I really like her as a champion and feel her ability to outplay people could make her a very effective mid. But the ad version of her just doesn't last well into the later game and it's hard to carry on it. I wonder just how well the AP version of her would work in this regard.
Takerial wrote...
I've been spectulating and I'm thinking of trying out AP Irelia.

It seems somewhat like a sound possibility. Use her Q to proc Lichbane onto people. Nashor's Tooth dealing magic damage on top of her true damage. And since her Q resets if you get kills it makes it possible to use it as a sort of pseudo reset.

And she can naturally build things like Spirit Visage or Guardian Angel so she can be slightly tankier too.

But honestly its hard to say just how effective she'll be.

But I really like her as a champion and feel her ability to outplay people could make her a very effective mid. But the ad version of her just doesn't last well into the later game and it's hard to carry on it. I wonder just how well the AP version of her would work in this regard.

The main issue with AP Irelia is that, until you build Lich Bane and Nashor's, the only way you're taking advantage of your AP are E and R, so your early game will be troublesome. :( And the ratios are half of your max AP, so it's not possible to burst as well as you could with an AD build... Nashor's is a good idea regardless of building AD or not, because CDR helps Irelia tons, and she scales off attack speed thanks to all that true damage. I know one of my friends who consistently builds Nashor's as a third item (he goes Vamp -> BF Sword -> BT -> Sheen -> Stinger -> Trinity -> Nashor's -> rest tanky), so it's not completely useless. Try it out and see how it goes~
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Mello wrote...
Takerial wrote...
I've been spectulating and I'm thinking of trying out AP Irelia.

It seems somewhat like a sound possibility. Use her Q to proc Lichbane onto people. Nashor's Tooth dealing magic damage on top of her true damage. And since her Q resets if you get kills it makes it possible to use it as a sort of pseudo reset.

And she can naturally build things like Spirit Visage or Guardian Angel so she can be slightly tankier too.

But honestly its hard to say just how effective she'll be.

But I really like her as a champion and feel her ability to outplay people could make her a very effective mid. But the ad version of her just doesn't last well into the later game and it's hard to carry on it. I wonder just how well the AP version of her would work in this regard.

The main issue with AP Irelia is that, until you build Lich Bane and Nashor's, the only way you're taking advantage of your AP are E and R, so your early game will be troublesome. :( And the ratios are half of your max AP, so it's not possible to burst as well as you could with an AD build... Nashor's is a good idea regardless of building AD or not, because CDR helps Irelia tons, and she scales off attack speed thanks to all that true damage. I know one of my friends who consistently builds Nashor's as a third item (he goes Vamp -> BF Sword -> BT -> Sheen -> Stinger -> Trinity -> Nashor's -> rest tanky), so it's not completely useless. Try it out and see how it goes~

A quick stinger should help with her early game damage and sustain cause it will scale well with her W. The only issue would maybe be her early game farming which may mean you need to start doran's blade kind of like you do with Kennen.
Been a while since I've played this game, and decided to start rank since S4 just started, and the reset brackets would help me have a fresh new start.

After completing my 10 games, still got stuck in Bronze. I've won 7/10 of those matches, and all with decently high scores. The loses were bad scores, but not as much as the others on my team.

I was hoping to at least go into Silver, but I feel like during the S3 grind, it was just very unobtainable. I'm willing to try my patience again with Bronze and get out of it, but I feel tired already due to me getting stuck in Bronze again, even with the decent games I had.
It's been a while since I last played because my internet has been a bit spotty lately (also been playing Don't Starve).

Vel'koz looks pretty cool, though I don't remember if I have enough ip for him
Love this Valentine's Day card

Forum Image: http://i58.tinypic.com/n4fqc6.jpg

Ps. How many hearts can you find on this Ashe skin? (does include the ones that don't fully show. C'mon you know it's a heart xD)
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Ps. How many hearts can you find on this Ashe skin? (does include the ones that don't fully show. C'mon you know it's a heart xD)

About 21? o.o
Yay, Gold I. Skipped Divisions IV and II~ Now, I'll try if I can climb to Platinum with just supporting, haha. On another note, Heartseeker Ashe. <3

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1886074-8SYCQQN.png
Monster Girl
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