League of Legends (LoL)

Spoiler, gonna rant here a little...

Sometimes the community can just be so god damn toxic, three lost games in a row, where one tweeb rages and trolls every mistake you make even though they are in regards of teamwork far far worse players than you and don't even get the idea of a 5v5 moba game. And when ignoring them isn't enough, depending what they are playing sometimes, they either just straight out feed the other team, run into their turrets and base or afk or just follows the team, but doesn't do anything, tries to steal creeps from carries and jungle creeps from the jungler.

A game which is awesome and great, no doubts about it, but where the tweeker 14 year old 'know-it-alls' sometimes ruin the whole fun of it, specially in ranked, don't know if these type of things happen in normals or in ARAMS.
Coconutt wrote...
Spoiler, gonna rant here a little...

Sometimes the community can just be so god damn toxic, three lost games in a row, where one tweeb rages and trolls every mistake you make even though they are in regards of teamwork far far worse players than you and don't even get the idea of a 5v5 moba game. And when ignoring them isn't enough, depending what they are playing sometimes, they either just straight out feed the other team, run into their turrets and base or afk or just follows the team, but doesn't do anything, tries to steal creeps from carries and jungle creeps from the jungler.

A game which is awesome and great, no doubts about it, but where the tweeker 14 year old 'know-it-alls' sometimes ruin the whole fun of it, specially in ranked, don't know if these type of things happen in normals or in ARAMS.

Well depending on the time when you play, you can avoid 90% of the kids population that do a grieve feeding.

Though assholes will be found no matter what hours you're playing, but the numbers won't be that much (pick super late night, or early morning)
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/Gf6OzWD.jpg

From a bit ago. I've been only playing Jungle Udyr since then (that was my second game ever Udyr.)

I do good when my team can listen.

ᶘ ಠᴥಠᶅ
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
nothing like playing a 3v5 and still having the highest gold value with a champion im playing for like the first time
i hate you Rev
I just got my first penta, in ranked no less.
Then I died to winions. lol
Wished I played League of Legends more, but all the people I know stopped playing, and whenever they do play, I never know when they're on and miss getting to play with them. Sadly always going to be Bronze because I never play well in Ranked.
steminterest wrote...
Sadly always going to be Bronze because I never play well in Ranked.

I might see you in bronze soon if I keep having games like this:

Forum Image: http://oi60.tinypic.com/2ez46lt.jpg
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Cpl. Nyu wrote...
steminterest wrote...
Sadly always going to be Bronze because I never play well in Ranked.

I might see you in bronze soon if I keep having games like this:

Forum Image: http://oi60.tinypic.com/2ez46lt.jpg

Classic Gragas Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/JxTHbMq.jpg

Classic Graves Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/eVIRm3d.jpg
That Graves looks pretty same to what he looked like in the animations!

GJ Riot!
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
New gamemode out, need to win 3 games to get the icon. Anyone want to party up on NA?
Tsujoi wrote...
New gamemode out, need to win 3 games to get the icon. Anyone want to party up on NA?

Sure. I need to get the hell away from ranked anyways. Keeps making me mad.
Add me.
Lt Streko

Prepare for lots of Ahri.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Cpl. Nyu wrote...
Tsujoi wrote...
New gamemode out, need to win 3 games to get the icon. Anyone want to party up on NA?

Sure. I need to get the hell away from ranked anyways. Keeps making me mad.
Add me.
Lt Streko

Prepare for lots of Ahri.

Added you, gonna go grab something to eat. Let's play a bit later or tomorrow if you're free then.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]What the fuck is this level 1 xD
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I hope Bjerg/Zion/Aphro/Jintae/Nhat stream more ranked 5's. It was pretty funny when they trolled Regi/Santorin/Leena into queuing against them in their promos.
>come back to this game after years
>ezreal is bad now
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I hope Krepo finds a team or is picked up for a caster/analyst position.

Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]New SR is going to be in open Bate soon, woot!
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
got a new ranked team, WaffleTeamHungerForce, we won our first game, and i got a Peantakill with Rumble. Second game, i dont want to talk about.