One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I'm so broke. It hasn't been this bad in a long time. One of the reasons why I hate the holiday season.
Can't get enough sleep for some reason, kinda annoying.
A Skype thread which includes ignorant users with their overpowered OCs. Lost a battle because they threw an OP Giga-energy monster.
I lost a stupid effing bet and have to wear braided pigtails the whole day... even at work ಠ_ಠ
I overslept instead of studying! T_T
The anti-psychotics they prescribed me give me STUPID constipation. Well, at least they work.

^ Does that apply, btw? 'Cus it's been a while since i got the prescription.
Randomly started snowing and I nearly froze my tits off. 10 degrees. eugh.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
My MOBO can read 64 gb ram, but since I got Windows 7 home edition, I can only access 16 gb. Now I have no choice but to wait for windows 10 to come out. Fuck my life.
As much as I enjoy cold weather, the windchill was much colder than I thought.
And I was paranoid that my nipples were somehow poking through both my t shirt and thick hoodie. I don't know why I didn't wear a bra but I regret it.
Another day wasted doing nothing
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Christmas delivery consisting of 4 pallettes. I had the arduous job of looking up the shit and pricing them up, then putting them out on the shop floor, or if there's no room putting them somewhere in the stock room.

Bare in mind the stock room is tiny and not suited for even 3 pallettes, and there's no room on the shop floor.

I feel dead. Got a long day tomorrow, got another 3 pallettes coming in, and we have someone from the higher-ups coming in. Apparently he's all about figures and well... I'm not very good with remembering numbers.
It is freezing outside, my spoiled California body is not ready.
Missed midnight release of Dragon Age, oh well, then wake up this morning to somehow my phone screen cracking overnight....Thanks life....
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
My new pc can't access gmail for some reason. I can get in with my laptop just fine. Its not a big problem, but its annoying. I tried using a program that fixes connectivity issues, but it doesn't work like it did yesterday.
I slipped today and spilled my medium soda at Taco Bell. I did try and help clean it up with some of the napkins but I was told not to do that once the janitor came by

They gave me a large soda on the way out though, i guess either to compensate my slipping or as thanks for trying to clean up my own mess or something...
Health is worsening, yay~
Damoz ~Not A User~
Damn housemate doesn't have the decency to keep his voice down at 4am.... i wanna bury that **********~
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Woke up sick. This is not gonna be a good day.
that stupid comment of yours
its raining. i ride my bike everywhere. its raining. i got wet.
Monster Girl
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