[Locked] FAKKU State of the Union 2016

J-list has no problem using paypal.
I've been lurking Fakku since the near beginning of the site.

I've been an active subscriber since beta, and plan to be one for a long time to come.

While I am upset at the removal of illegitimate content, it's not news. Ever since hearing the original podcast some time back, I knew what was coming. I fully support the move Fakku has made in support of the artist community, as this is work. As a budding artist who just took on my first commissions, I now see just how important business models like these are.

Hentai in particular is a grey area. We get anime releases overseas, but hentai is quite limited. Artists or companies simply don't find a niche audience to target, and going about defining one is quite difficult. I believe what Fakku has done is the same road I would have traversed if I'd been in a similar situation with my own website. Here I can get what I need, and if not I can look elsewhere.

Fakku may have lost most a great deal of content, but lots more is on its way. I can only hope that Fakku will become a cornerstone for the hentai industry outside of Japan, and as with any new business, starting out is never easy. Fakku has catered to a desire of mine for quite some time, and in turn has earned something that every business needs: customer loyalty. I'm a proud customer of Fakku.
OtakuSenpai wrote...
J-list has no problem using paypal.
for digital content?
Forum Image: https://i.gyazo.com/fa105ccad87185164647a9de508c636c.png

I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter what it is. I mean technically you can do anything you want with Paypal. It's not a loop hole, so long as it isn't adult material being purchased. Online currency that can be used to buy shirts, toy, etc, or anything in between, that's why they can get away with it and Fakku can't. Fakku has more than just adult content being purchased, too, they just are too heavily focused.

Forum Image: https://i.gyazo.com/52c8ed024651e93ccce16abddb43a2e9.png
Hanayome Ultimate Laziness
OtakuSenpai wrote...
J-list has no problem using paypal.

Paypal doesn't deal with digital adult goods.
They don't mind physical.
The first thing I'm going to say is that I agree with the idea of supporting the artists, and I don't terribly mind the decision that was made. What I don't agree with as much, is the fact that you have this dual system of subscription and separate books. There's a reason I like Netflix, I pay a monthly fee and I get access to EVERYTHING that is up. I never have to be told to pay MORE money to watch a certain movie or show. Combine that with the fact that the current monthly fee here seems pretty high, I feel like all the content on the site should be accessible.
If you are going to have separate books from the subscription, I really feel like the subscription fee should be much more reasonable. If everything was available, I would probably subscribe at the current price, but considering that many of the things that look the most interesting to me are still stuck within their own books at a separate cost, I just don't feel like the cost of subscribing is worth it.
I'll be watching, and I do hope Fakku is successful, but unless there's a change to the pricing, I don't think I'll be able to enjoy the content myself.
Sounds like an excuse to me not to do work. Paypal works on myfreecams (buying mfc currency) using Paypal through Epoch and has worked for years.

Mind you, it makes no difference since I have a Visa.
But isnt that the issue already? Paypal already knows fakku is an adult oriented business. Paypal was removed in digital purchase of books.

Its jacob's call but i believe it was answered pages ago.
ptbrown121 Lord Dog Almighty
Having skimmed through about half of the 20 pages of this thread I just want to throw my two cents in and say that I support this move, and to the people who think that this will be the death of the site I want to say that I disagree. I think that this is part of a larger trend in internet media that has been coming for a while with things like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon making television shows and movies available online with a subscription I think that it makes sense for there to be "adult entertainment" sites that do approximately the same thing.

Am I sad to see all the years of free content gone, the short answer is yes. However, that answer misses the bigger picture which for me is the fact that in the global economy if you don't have to pirate the content to get it I don't think you should.
I won't subscribe because I don't want a purchase from this site associated with my credit card information/real identity. With no anonymous way to purchase, you've driven me (and many others, I'm sure) away.

I wish this could have been done without deleting all my favorites though. The list wasn't infringing, even if the content was.

See you later forever, Fakku.
Lol is the subscription payment monthly or 1 time only?
And if I subscription an i lokk all hentais here ?
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
affensprung wrote...
Lol is the subscription payment monthly or 1 time only?
And if I subscription an i lokk all hentais here ?

A monthly fee, you can view all the magazine releases.
If I wasn't so busy reinventing the wheel for another project, I might have played around with paypal development. WebRTC is more fascinating right now for me. That and fapping.
The subscription not worth it, sorry.
Haters are going to hate. I think it's great you are trying to support the artists. If they have a donation site I would, but you are the next best thing.

The only thing I wish is that every subscription title you offer have the option of a digital buy of the actual work.

Keep up the good work.
OtakuSenpai wrote...
If I wasn't so busy reinventing the wheel for another project, I might have played around with paypal development. WebRTC is more fascinating right now for me. That and fapping.

it so fascinating that, a lot of times, people forget the right thing.
For the more seldom or very picky Fakku site visitor, I can see why the current subscription fee seems a bit high. This may have already been suggested but as an alternative to the subscription for these users, could there be a payment option that allows one to buy access to X number of manga (or even Y number of pages)? For example, a $20 single purchase to buy access to 20 manga of your choice. This would also be beneficial for users who would like to access subscription-only content but want to keep their purchasing history more discreet by using prepaid cards.
I want to add something:
I really want to have a subscription.
yet, in europe, especially germany, not everyone has a credit card.
Not even my Parents or Grandparents have one. I asked.
Paypal or "SOFORT AG" would be immensly valuable for us (or at least me).

I am willing to pay monthly for my subscription, even with a fee for the payment methods, yet as of right now, that is not an option for me.

Edit: By the way, can someone help me figure out a way to throw my money at FAKKU? Please? I >really< want a subscription, but a credit card is not an option, since those come with extra costs. (Plus I would have another card just for FAKKU)

Isn't there SOME way to get around this problem?
Jacob wrote...
Yesterday we removed all scanlations from FAKKU. This is something we announced over six months ago, but obviously it still came as a surprise to a lot of our users. Once we removed aㄴㄷㄴㄷㄴㄷㄱㅌㅅ는ᆞㅋㅈㅂㅈll unlicensed content the only material remaining was that which had been officially licensed, an overwhelming amount of which is for subscribers. The response has been divisive, with people coming out in support and people fueled with hatred of the decision.

As the person who created FAKKU nearly 10 years ago, I am here now to answer your questions and explain why I think this is the right thing to do.

Why did you remove scanlations and unlicensed content?

A lot of people think hentai is free just because it's always been free. Given our history at FAKKU we've contributed to that misconception, and now it's time to fix it. Everything you've been reading on the Internet has been a scan of an actual book from Japan, something Japanese authorities are increasingly clamping down on. Piracy is not a sustainable business model, but more importantly, piracy has never been my goal with FAKKU.

Over the past year we have officially published over 200 individual artists. After going to Japan and meeting with artists whom we've published and have had their scanlations appear on FAKKU, I have made the decision to support them as much as I possibly can. It's heartbreaking to talk with an artist and have them explain that when they Google their name they don't see their website, or their Twitter, or any way to actually support them. All they see are pirated scans of their work that were uploaded somewhere without their permission.

This isn't a problem unique to hentai, it's an issue with the anime and manga industry at large and the reason why so many Japanese companies, publishers, and artists, blindly turn their back on their overseas fans thinking we're all pirates. Because for so many years that's all we've been to them, pirates. My goal with FAKKU is to change their perception of us and removing scanlations (and giving our users a way to support their favorite artists) is the next step.

As a result of this change you'll see more content coming to FAKKU from new artists and new publishers. We will be publishing all different kinds of genres, including things you don't normally see on FAKKU. I want to bring back all of the content that has been removed, but now legally and in collaboration with the artists that created it instead of via pirated scans. Right now we simulpublish two of the largest hentai magazines in Japan, Comic Kairakuten and Comic X-Eros, which together account for almost 1,000 pages of new content each month. The fact that we have been successfully doing this for six months is incredible, it's the equivalent of publishing two entire issues of Shonen Jump every single month.

We plan to add free content for users that cannot afford a subscription, but it's going to take some time. We are still legally figuring out how exactly to do this and how to do it in a way that's smart alongside our subscriptions. If you have ideas post them in this thread, I'll be reading every single reply.

Final Thoughts

At this point whether we succeed or fail is entirely up to you, and we need your support now more than ever. If you can't afford a subscription, help spread our message and explain to people why we made this decision and why the artists deserve support. Get out there and tell people. Think of all the faps these artists have given us over the years, now we finally have the opportunity to give back to them in a meaningful way.

I hope you choose to stick around with FAKKU. If not, it's been an incredible 10 years and I want to thank all of you for being a part of it.

그래그래 잘해떠
As one of the people who at the startㅋㄷㄴㄱㅈㄱㅈㄷㄴㄱㅅㄱㅅnd probably ignored the warning in the frontpage I'm sorry, but after that I'm aware and I read everything possible that was about it in the forum and now that

Monster Girl
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